Five minutes of hate news

See I would be more than fine with actual artificial wombs or iron wombs because its to me the final nail in the abortion debate if the woman doesn’t want the child the father or other relatives can pay for an iron womb. Using brain dead women as surrogates is something I expect to see in warhammer 40k not for real.
Most of them are already braindead
I had something like this happen. Not anaphylactic, but also it was my roommate doing a shit-test to see if my dietary intolerance was real or imaginary. So, worse in some ways. I got over it.

Hmm, as someone with both religious and medical dietary restrictions, someone pulling this sort of "surprise" on me will get them a broken nose along with the lawsuit for food tampering. However, the "you are the asshole" posters do have a point with the "How the heck do you mistake veggie bacon for the real thing?" question. I mean, even with turkey bacon you can tell the difference between it and regular bacon, let alone veggie bacon. Unless someone can enlighten me about there being some veggie bacon that looks exactly like regular bacon? The woman really must have been really oblivious not to notice otherwise.
Hmm, as someone with both religious and medical dietary restrictions, someone pulling this sort of "surprise" on me will get them a broken nose along with the lawsuit for food tampering. However, the "you are the asshole" posters do have a point with the "How the heck do you mistake veggie bacon for the real thing?" question. I mean, even with turkey bacon you can tell the difference between it and regular bacon, let alone veggie bacon. Unless someone can enlighten me about there being some veggie bacon that looks exactly like regular bacon? The woman really must have been really oblivious not to notice otherwise.
She didn't eat the whole thing without noticing. she noticed as soon as she took a bite. but by then it was too late.

That said. they are both retarded. one for lying about what is in the food.
and the other one for living with someone and eating food they cook without ever informing them that they have an allergy.
Hmm, as someone with both religious and medical dietary restrictions, someone pulling this sort of "surprise" on me will get them a broken nose along with the lawsuit for food tampering. However, the "you are the asshole" posters do have a point with the "How the heck do you mistake veggie bacon for the real thing?" question. I mean, even with turkey bacon you can tell the difference between it and regular bacon, let alone veggie bacon. Unless someone can enlighten me about there being some veggie bacon that looks exactly like regular bacon? The woman really must have been really oblivious not to notice otherwise.

I am curious what are you restricted to eat ?

She didn't eat the whole thing without noticing. she noticed as soon as she took a bite. but by then it was too late.

That said. they are both retarded. one for lying about what is in the food.
and the other one for living with someone and eating food they cook without ever informing them that they have an allergy.

I would react the same way as Pocky.
She didn't eat the whole thing without noticing. she noticed as soon as she took a bite. but by then it was too late.

Doesn't matter, visually veggie bacon is completely different looking from the meat equivalent, even with a short glance you can tell. Veggie bacon always winds up mostly flat and straight after cooking, while real bacon (pork or turkey) crinkles up nicely and has that nice glistening of fat. The difference in smells is very obvious too. I would definitely agree with you that she was an idiot, if only for missing those really obvious signs before taking a bite. Unless, of course, as I previously mentioned, there's someone out there who knows of a veggie bacon product that accurately mimics the look and smell of real bacon?

I am curious what are you restricted to eat ?

For religious, basically the same as Jewish, but without the kosher requirements. For medical, I can't have high fiber stuff and I can only eat low amounts of added sugars. A lot of the sugar substitutes are no go for me as well.
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Yeah, the article brings out she got felony charges for it though after pleading guilty they only gave her community service.

She's also lost her entire college fund in a lawsuit by the allergic roommate so this hit the Vegan roommate pretty hard.
person was allergic. so depending on if the roommate knows it would be attempted murder to attempted manslaughter depending on state.
When I was hospitalized for all of January and half of February one of the first things the hospital staff did was ask me about my known allerigies and dietary restrictions. I said that these are things I can't be given: caffeine, cinnamon, pineapple, grapes, olives, artificial sweteners, and acetaminophen.

The allergies meant decaf coffee only and no chocolate or soda. The acetaminophen alergy meant that I couldn't be given Tylenol - a go-to non-prescription painkiller - without experiencing side effects.

Playing bait-and-switch with what you're giving someone is dirty pool which should quite deservedly be punished very harshly.

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