Fitness General: Diet, Motivation, Body Positivity, and Memes

I'm trying to do this in such a way that I don't lose to much muscle, that's why I didn't fully commit to Keto. Might be pipe dream, but want to retain as much of my hard built gains, strength and muscle, while I lose fat. All in all, I've honestly been pleasantly surprised by the minor strength loss I've had so far.

Huh, tell me about it. I had to get a new job a couple months back, moved states, and it wreaked unholy hell with my schedule. Now, I'm finally used to getting up at 2:00am but it was awful at the start. Kinda drains the desire to do anything when you're half falling asleep while walking.

Everyone can do better man. The important thing is that you're committed to your health and on the journey at all, which is more than can be said for a lot of people. Just keep it up bro, you got this!
If you are working nights make sure you take vitamin D supplements.

I've worked nightshifts, and it is not like my lifestyle makes natural synthesis of the stuff easy.
I've been maintaining/slowly dropping in weight in phases since the last post.

I always get tripped up on a plateau at 250. I'll get down there and then gain a few more pounds back.

Some of this os definitely a slow recomp happening, but really I just need to be more disciplined.

It's tough as hell to lose anything else at this point. Need to have more discipline, though I am decently disciplined compared to my past self, I still let too many bad dietary decisions slide.

I still lift regularly. Never stopped doing that. Though it's way harder to put in strength these days. Especially when not eating much because I am trying to cut and get down to 15% body fat, but I'm around 25% right now.

Deadlift is at 405lb
Bench: stuck at 265
Squat: 380

My back is the limitation on squats and deadlifts, because legs are super strong, I can push 700lb for reps on a leg press.

Right now I'm doing a 4 day split with the first exercise following wendler's 531 format. So each of the 4 days is based off one: dead lift, overhead press, Squat, bench press

Then I just pair those up with other pushes/pulls/legs that matches up with the primary workouts, and shuffle some stuff around to keep things even. Throw in some ab work too.

Basically I took the "blood and chalk" wendler template from some forum post I found and started running that and have changed stuff up over the last year so it loosely resembles that.

Outside of lifting, I just walk. Jog sometimes too.
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What the hell is an lb?
It's a pound.

Another freedumb unit?
You mean freedom fractions. They got us a man on the moon, where have commumetrics gotten you? Not men on the moon!

I've been maintaining/slowly dropping in weight in phases since the last post.

I always get tripped up on a plateau at 250. I'll get down there and then gain a few more pounds back.
I feel you. That's very much been me. I'm no help on the exercise front (I lack discipline, but I'm working on it), but I have improved in weight through tricking myself, I've managed to cut out almost all junk food and most carbs.

So first get all of the junk food/deserts out of the house if you live alone/the people you do live with are willing to do so. Don't wait til they are done, waste the food and throw it out in whatever state its in now (if it's unopened, then donate to a food pantry, obviously, but that's not always the case). This teaches you that buying junk food is less worth it, as it's not enjoyable to throw it out.

Second, the grocery store is your enemy. The way its set up, you will see junkfood that you will want. Soluion? Don't go to the grocery store, use a delivery app like shipt. Now, this does have a definite expense to it, but you are benefiting thrice over, first from not being tempted by junk food, second from being able to carefully plan out a meal while not near food, and not have the opportunity to deviate from the plan, and third is simply that you have about an hour a week of extra free time, from not driving to the grocery store & shopping in person.

Third, doordash is your enemy. I got no solution her, but just to never every get any of the related apps.

Now, you'd think you'd be left with just bland meals which isn't sustainable, but that's when the next part improves things: if you want food, you can have it, you just gotta learn to cook it from scratch. Same with junk food (though I recommend actually giving away most of what you bake: friends/coworkers love it and you don't eat it). This teaches you another skill when you take a 'cheat day', so your cheating is still teaching you stuff.

See, I can run all these tricks through my head, but I can't just do a simple 'go to the gym' lol.
The only reason I can maintain fitness is the Army. Wife and I are slowly going back to the gym though
It's a pound.

You mean freedom fractions. They got us a man on the moon, where have commumetrics gotten you? Not men on the moon!

I feel you. That's very much been me. I'm no help on the exercise front (I lack discipline, but I'm working on it), but I have improved in weight through tricking myself, I've managed to cut out almost all junk food and most carbs.

So first get all of the junk food/deserts out of the house if you live alone/the people you do live with are willing to do so. Don't wait til they are done, waste the food and throw it out in whatever state its in now (if it's unopened, then donate to a food pantry, obviously, but that's not always the case). This teaches you that buying junk food is less worth it, as it's not enjoyable to throw it out.

Second, the grocery store is your enemy. The way its set up, you will see junkfood that you will want. Soluion? Don't go to the grocery store, use a delivery app like shipt. Now, this does have a definite expense to it, but you are benefiting thrice over, first from not being tempted by junk food, second from being able to carefully plan out a meal while not near food, and not have the opportunity to deviate from the plan, and third is simply that you have about an hour a week of extra free time, from not driving to the grocery store & shopping in person.

Third, doordash is your enemy. I got no solution her, but just to never every get any of the related apps.

Now, you'd think you'd be left with just bland meals which isn't sustainable, but that's when the next part improves things: if you want food, you can have it, you just gotta learn to cook it from scratch. Same with junk food (though I recommend actually giving away most of what you bake: friends/coworkers love it and you don't eat it). This teaches you another skill when you take a 'cheat day', so your cheating is still teaching you stuff.

See, I can run all these tricks through my head, but I can't just do a simple 'go to the gym' lol.
Good advice!
I'm actually very disciplined at the store, and buy exactly what I'm going to eat for the week and keep pantry staples stocked up. Also stock up on meats to freeze when it's a good price. But I don't buy snacks. At all. Period. Unless it's a fresh fruit.

I do meal preps for lunch every week, when I am eating breakfast I prep that too. I cook a fresh dinner every week, but often times I'll do a bunch of prep work there too so that cooking the dinner is easier.

I outright do not have snacks in my house except this 3 year old case of boy scout popcorn that I bought to support a friend's kid.

When close friends who are comfortable going through my fridge and cupboards visit and remark that there's nothing to eat, I just say. "There's tons, I just have to cook it first!"

I think where they really get me is snacks at work. And ordering pizza, which I do like once a month now instead of twice a week like I used to.

Also discipline falls apart a lot when visiting with my parents. My mom makes really good food and likes to cook up my favorites if she knows I'll be visiting. Hard to say no to that!

But I am 4 lbs away from being down 100lbs from my max weight. Just stuck here. For now.
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It's a pound.

You mean freedom fractions. They got us a man on the moon, where have commumetrics gotten you? Not men on the moon!
You mean french cheese eating surrender monkey units, I believe.

And NASA used metric to go to the moon.

As to the achievement of the metric-using part of humanity, well:

Timeline of space exploration - Wikipedia everything that is not Murikha here is metric.
And some of the stuff that is USA attributed only happened because of the tech and scientists you got from zhe germans.
So, I wasn't really sure where to put this thread, so I defaulted to the politics subforum.

I was just curious to know what the various Sietch members here did for their physical health. I've been on my own fitness journey for three years now, and I was kinda wanting some new ideas for what to work into my workout plan or diet that might help me out.

For context, I started dieting and exercising when I hit three-hundred and sixty pounds. My knees hurt all the damned time, I couldn't bend over properly, and my breathing became labored with even the simplest form of physical exertion. This was largely due to my work environment at the time, and my own galling lack of self control.

Working overnight at a gas station filled with sweets and energy drinks does not a healthy diet make.

I quit that job around the same time I decided to start changing my diet and exercising. I went to work for one of the big "health food" grocery stores and started in a simple cardio program combined with a bodybuilder style split training.

I have, in the three years since this started, dropped down to two-hundred and seventy pounds, though in recent months, due to several birthdays and a vacation where I was around friends, I have climbed back up to the three hundred pound range. I hope to be back down to two-hundred and ninety before the year is done, and hopefully two-hundred and fifty by the end of next year.

My workout program is also about to change soon. Where before I was largely doing bodybuilder split work, I've become much more concerned about overall strength and conditioning. I have also done enough research, and enough exercises, that I think I can take a crack at designing my own personalized program.

My diet is largely just a calorie restriction, though I have cut out a few foods entirely. Namely soda and any and all fast food. I need to find a way to add more vegetables to my diet, though I've never found many that I actually like.

Onto the body positivity movement.

Oh boy. I'm going to try to keep this...not nice but not completely negative. The body positivity movement started from good intentions. No one should be made to feel lesser than others because they are overweight or have other health issues that make them less attractive in the conventional sense. However, there is a very real difference between making someone feel bad for their weight, and enabling a very serious issue.

Obesity is a problem. It leads into so many other health issues its unbelievable. It increases the chances of cancer for one, is one of the hallmarks of diabetes, and the strain it puts on your heart and blood vessels can lead to very bad outcomes very quickly. No one should be encouraged to stay obese, if they are at all capable of making the change, and I find the social media people that encourage this....disquieting at the very least.

There is a difference between saying "Hey, fatass! Do some situps!" and "Hey, Rachel! You want to come to the gym with me?" One is bullying, the other is not, and the body positive movement needs to learn the difference instead of meeting even the mildest of criticism or concern for an obese person with overwhelming hatred.

Also, if anyone even cares about this thread, feel free to post any gym motivation videos you find, or anything positive in general that inspires you towards fitness.

That brings this rambling opener to an end. Thanks guys.
Following this discussion thread.

If I could only have one piece of equipment I'd choose a Bulgarian bag every time. It's like the best possible workout you can do for both functional strength and endurance.

If I could only have one piece of equipment I'd choose a Bulgarian bag every time. It's like the best possible workout you can do for both functional strength and endurance.

Never heard of it, but given the number of what we call barkas, well...
Found my old workout plan from 2017. It’ll take me a bit to get back up to par with it, but I’m gonna work at it.

mon/ wed/ fri
Warm up of your choice
10x5 reg pull upside
5x5 curl up
10x3 sec flexed arm hang
10x3 curled arm han
10x3 row variation
10x3 row variation
10x3 curled row variations
20x4 sit ups
20x4 flutter kicks
10x4 leg lifts
10x4 Chinese sit ups
Thinking position 1:00x3
Side planks 1:00 for both
10x3 reg push ups
10x3 wide grip
10x3 diamond
10x3 dips
20x4 deep squats
10x4 squat jumps
10x4 lunges (walking style)
1:00x3 walls sits

Tuesday and Thursday are supposed to be cardio with weekends as rest days.
Well, I've been doing variations of Wendler's 5/3/1 program geared toward hypertrophy after the days 531 sets for about 18 months, with pretty decent success. But I think it's time to shake things up. I was essentially writing my own programs after following many different templates over the years. Back to a pre written program for a bit.

This has similar foundations (4 day split starting with a major compound lift on each day) but is more aimed at hypertrophy than strength.

So going to feel this out. For the next 12 weeks I'm going full on body builder, this is all hypertrophy based. I will of course add some strength, but that's a secondary goal.

On two of the off days, I'll do LIGHT cardio, and I'll have one day of pure rest, where maybe I'll walk if it's nice out.


Details of program written out here:

I'll try to remember to update everyone in 12 weeks. I am.starting on legs today, because today is my standard leg day, so I'll just be jumping in there.
Ive always found the best way to stay in shape for me is keeping up on MMA training since I am less likely to get bored doing that. Just going to the Gym and lifting gets old fast IMO, I think for me at least its because it lacks the competitiveness.
Ive always found the best way to stay in shape for me is keeping up on MMA training since I am less likely to get bored doing that. Just going to the Gym and lifting gets old fast IMO, I think for me at least its because it lacks the competitiveness.
I haven't done the MMA/BJJ stuff since before I went on my alcoholic foodaholic 100lb weight gain mess that fucked up my whole entire life lol.

I've since lost about 90 of those pounds and haven't drank in 6 years.

I'll get back in to that some day, but as of now I'm thoroughly enjoying lifting, and have been for several years. I'm able to build new muscles that years of mma/bjj just didn't do. Same goes for strength gains. I'd probably do a lot better in my weight class if I got back into it now because I'm exponentially stronger.

But my cardio capacity from when I was doing that is so far superior to where I am now that it's laughable. You're not going to find much better cardio work than BJJ.
But my cardio capacity from when I was doing that is so far superior to where I am now that it's laughable. You're not going to find much better cardio work than BJJ.

I like the functional strength stuff from circut training plus during the summers I swim a lot which helps build a lot of additional strength. I have went on gymrat kicks but I always get bored and start slacking off after around 8-12 months. The mma stuff is the only thing I have been able to consistently keep going over the years.
I like the functional strength stuff from circut training plus during the summers I swim a lot which helps build a lot of additional strength. I have went on gymrat kicks but I always get bored and start slacking off after around 8-12 months. The mma stuff is the only thing I have been able to consistently keep going over the years.
I did a lot of circuit training through that, too. I never really put on much of any strength. I was almost always weaker than my peers, even much smaller ones. Little 130lb scrawny dudes were about as strong as me at 220-230. I wasn't fat either. Just tall and lanky.

I have a naturally lanky build when I'm not fat, and I don't think my genetics are set to make me naturally strong. Putting on any sort of strength takes a dedicated focused, strength building approach for me.

It helps that I just enjoy the time in the gym. It feels good. Releases lots of dopamine.

I've been thinking more and more about getting back into BJJ though. But idk if I want to yet. I'd have to lower my volume at the gym a lot, because my 37 year old body just isn't going to keep up with both.
I did a lot of circuit training through that, too. I never really put on much of any strength. I was almost always weaker than my peers, even much smaller ones. Little 130lb scrawny dudes were about as strong as me at 220-230. I wasn't fat either. Just tall and lanky.

I have a naturally lanky build when I'm not fat, and I don't think my genetics are set to make me naturally strong. Putting on any sort of strength takes a dedicated focused, strength building approach for me.

It helps that I just enjoy the time in the gym. It feels good. Releases lots of dopamine.

I've been thinking more and more about getting back into BJJ though. But idk if I want to yet. I'd have to lower my volume at the gym a lot, because my 37 year old body just isn't going to keep up with both.

I have noticed since I have gotten into my 30's that keeping the weight off is turning into a struggle compared to when I was younger. It's pretty annoying tbh I miss being able to half ass my diet, Nowadays I have to strictly monitor everything I eat like a damn food nazi otherwise ill get a gut.
I managed to rep out a 615 pound deadlift today 8 times. Although at the end I felt like I was about to black out and go unconscious. Still though this is a new personal record for myself and the strongest my deadlift has ever been in my entire life.

you can and will fuck up your blood pressure and heart training that way; that can lead to a whole bunch of problems

I managed a 495 pound bench press today 4 times which is also a new personal record for myself. I have always been relatively weak at benching so I am sort of proud about this new personal record.

EDIT: To clarify I got the first 3 without a spot but the last one was kind of sussy on how much help I got

bench pressing is absolutely useless beach muscle. this is how the toughest man alive trains:


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