Election 2020 Election Fraud: Let's face it, this year will be a shitshow

@VictortheMonarch if you're too lazy to watch, myself and others did a live play-by-play type covering of this in this very thread when it happened, f you can find that you can find many of the more important points all typed out.

But long story short, the media has been hiding this or lying about this since it happened, but there's enough evidence there that those of us who have been saying it was rigged, can comfortably say we were right.

Anyone denying it at this point is an outright liar, or hasn't looked at the evidence.

The fraud was wide scale, And it really happened. This isn't a conspiracy theory. The mainstream news won't talk about it, so you probably haven't heard about it, but this is real. I know for many it's hard to accept, but it's real.

Personally if it's just that you haven't seen the evidence, or you're having trouble coming to terms with this shitty reality, I don't blame you, and I don't hold it against you. At least as long as you are willing to open your eyes and actually look at the evidence that's been laid out. The fact is that Biden "won" AZ by roughly 10,000 votes, and that there were 50,000 or so illegal ballots. Dead voters, duplicate ballots, voters who moved, etc. And in addition to that, the machines used extremely poor security, and were intentionally cleaned of evidence before being handed over to the auditors.

If you've just been watching mainstream news, I know, this is a lot to take in. It's a harsh reality to face, and it really sucks. Hell, not even just mainstream news...even YT channels that tend to go against mainstream media and be far more honest, didn't cover this accurately. In particular, I watch Breaking Points pretty much daily, they're the most honest news source I have found, and even they failed to cover this accurately.

BUT, I watched it live. No media skew there. I watched them reveal the facts, live...and I am telling you that you've been deceived. It's okay if this is hard to take in, but you need to come to terms with reality. When you do, we're here. We'll offer support. I KNOW, this is some world shattering shit, and that's why I'm willing to have patience with you. It's not easy to have your world view shattered and destroyed right in front of your own two eyes. This is real, though.

I will watch it once I get home, but until then it's on freezer burn. I watched the Election too, there were moments where I questioned it, but most were corrected within the hour.

Hope he has his ducks in a row so this doesn't get flipped around as part of their propaganda.

winscosin has seen enough fuck ups in a short enough amount of time that I think its going to turn red in a major way.

Its a place thats being mugged by reality.
Former WH physician Ronny Jackson explains why Dems to push ‘midterm election variant’ of Covid-19

November 28, 2021
The sudden emergence of the latest COVID variant along with the coming wave of mass hysteria that will inevitably be ginned up by the media could be a political windfall for Democrats who are faced with the prospect of being stripped of control of Congress in next year’s midterm elections and who may use it to push unsolicited mail-in-voting, according to former White House physician Ronny Jackson.

The new variant which has been labeled Omicron – curiously skipping the Greek letter Xi lest the leader of communist China be offended – comes at a time when the fear over the delta variant has largely subsided and Americans are returning to their normal activities in large numbers as was evident by the packed college football stadiums on rivalry Saturday.

Believing that Dems may be poised to use Omicron to extend one-party rule, Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, who prior to being elected to Congress served as the physician to three U.S. presidents including Barack Obama, sounded the alarm about the “Midterm Election Variant” and that the party may seize the opportunity to push through the same mail-in-ballots that critics argue allowed them to gain total control over the government in 2020.

On Saturday, Jackson tweeted, “Here comes the MEV – the Midterm Election Variant! They NEED a reason to push unsolicited nationwide mail-in ballots. Democrats will do anything to CHEAT during an election – but we’re not going to let them!”

The backlash to Jackson’s provocative message was swift and furious as a swarm of critics pounced. Other Twitter users were less skeptical about Jackson’s controversial suggestion.

Jackson’s explosive tweet comes the day after he took to Twitter to ask the important question as to why President Joe Biden who he insists is in “cognitive decline” and not “calling the shots” has not had a cognitive exam, suggesting that the often befuddled “leader” of the free world is not “100 % mentally fit,” although to his credit, the president did recently undergo a colonoscopy.

With politicians such as New York Governor Kathy Hochul rapidly moving to exploit Omicron to justify the renewal of crushing restrictions it may only be a matter of time until her fellow Democrats also reimpose such draconian measures using the Rahm Emanuel maxim of never letting a good crisis “go to waste,” in the hopes that they can once again benefit politically amid whipped up panic that will support universal mail-in-voting, a practice that is rife with the possibility for fraud and abuse.

At least that’s the theory Jackson is pushing.


Sunday Talks, Adam Schiff Outlines the Democrat 2022 Strategy Using the J6 Committee – Prediction Tripwires

The DC system is predictable in how they weaponize their branches against the electorate. As the primary races of the mid-term election looms, CTH also provides a few tripwires to watch. Keep in mind, when it comes to controlling the electorate, Democrat and Republican leadership, the UniParty writ large are united in that goal.

In this interview the insufferable House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff appears on CNN to discuss the House efforts to weaponize the J6 Committee for maximum political benefit. The key point to take away from this interview can only be found if you ignore the political manipulation, a shell game, around labeling the opposition as domestic extremists. The intent to use the J6 committee as a political narrative engineering effort is obvious; everyone will talk about that aspect.

Instead, listen to how many times Schiff notes the committee will provide the DOJ with information they gather. The DOJ role is where everyone should be paying attention; and by DOJ we mean DOJ and FBI.

Instead of focusing on the obvious, look around. It is not coincidental the people behind Biden and Lawfare are funneling information into the Lisa Monaco and Merrick Garland DOJ to use against their political opposition. The DOJ/FBI targeting school board protests; the DOJ/FBI targeting James O’Keefe; the DOJ/FBI rounding up J6 attendees etc are the visible tip of the iceberg.

The iceberg itself is built upon the aligned political system, the White House included, feeding the DOJ/FBI targeting information. In/around the spring of 2022, right about the time when the primary challenges to establish the field of contenders for the mid term election are happening, that is when we will see OUTCOMES from the DC system building that below surface iceberg right now.

♦ Tripwire One – The investigative referrals from the J6 committee to the DOJ/FBI in the spring of 2022 will be akin to the Clinton campaign referrals to the DOJ/FBI in the fall of 2016. The appearance of criminal activity will be fabricated to trigger those investigations for the media to cover at length over the course of several months. The media pattern of “according to people familiar with the investigation,” and “according to people with knowledge of the investigation,” will start again.

The corporate printing presses will all be building upon each other, timed to culminate just before the November 2022 election. Much of the political targeting will come from the J6 Committee; however, there’s another part that is being built right now that few are seeing.

♦ Tripwire Two – There will be a very dramatic RICO-esque investigation that will drop in/around the same time in 2022. The targets of the case(s) will be a collective group of people who were at the epicenter of the 2020 audit demand. The entry point for Lisa Monaco and Merrick Garland will be investigations of wire-fraud; and the people targeted will come from the groups who were/are fundraising around the issues of state audits in the aftermath of the 2020 election.

The investigative cases against the groups may be independent in some ways, but the commonality behind them will be their efforts to organize funding for the 2020 election audits (Georgia, Michigan and Arizona as well known examples).

Any entity who did not very carefully and transparently organize their fundraising activity and accounting will be targeted. A reference for the approach the DOJ will take is the 2020 indictment of Steve Bannon and the We Build The Wall organization [Reference Link].

If you take the language of the prior Bannon indictment and overlay the new target, the wording of the investigative narrative will look like this: “As alleged, the defendants defrauded hundreds of thousands of donors, capitalizing on their interest in [funding independent election audits] to raise millions of dollars, under the false pretense that all of that money would be spent on [audits],” the DOJ will say in their statement.

CTH will not go into the details of who exactly will be targeted, you can likely guess the most visible, but this approach is almost guaranteed to happen at roughly the same time as the J6 referrals. Unfortunately, it’s just the way this newly weaponized DOJ/FBI system deploys. I would not be surprised if there were not confidential informants operating in the background of these audit groups right now with an intent to assemble information for transmission to the FBI and DOJ.

The motives are obvious: (1) tamp down any election integrity measures; (2) demoralize the MAGA or spirited America-First base of opposition against Democrats; (3) put the Republican Party on the defensive; (4) take attention away from the economic mess caused by the current administration; and (5) provide political turmoil in the ranks of their opposition.

The DOJ/FBI will be used for maximum political damage, and as you know, the professional Republican Party stands to gain just as much by this effort as the Democrat Party. Similar to how the GOPe supported the targeting of the Tea Party by the DOJ using the IRS, so too will the GOPe support the targeting of the various support networks behind the audit the election groups; what John McCain called, “the whacko birds.”

Put the J6 investigation and Audit investigation together, and you can see the DNC approach for 2022.

Hopefully by reading this the groups can prepare.
Judge just threw out an election result from 2020 after finding Fraud. This was a judge that heard the case, allowed discovery, depositions, and investigations, and rendered a judgement.

Remember folks, Judges, DAs, et al down ballot are just as vital as up ballot votes.
Judge just threw out an election result from 2020 after finding Fraud. This was a judge that heard the case, allowed discovery, depositions, and investigations, and rendered a judgement.

Remember folks, Judges, DAs, et al down ballot are just as vital as up ballot votes.

Roughly 2 minutes of bloviating about stuff for sale you should buy before he says anything on-topic screams of "paid shill".

No, I do not want that pillow.

Please don't post stuff like that because it's just annoying. Please post the source instead.
Roughly 2 minutes of bloviating about stuff for sale you should buy before he says anything on-topic screams of "paid shill".

No, I do not want that pillow.

Please don't post stuff like that because it's just annoying. Please post the source instead.

Every one has to pay the bills, you just step ahead of the expected shilling and get to the meat of the argument.
Judge just threw out an election result from 2020 after finding Fraud. This was a judge that heard the case, allowed discovery, depositions, and investigations, and rendered a judgement.

Remember folks, Judges, DAs, et al down ballot are just as vital as up ballot votes.

Do you have an actual article instead of a random persons youtube video?
>literally talking about the court case
>"but I don't want to listen to words!"
I think ht is asking for the article in general, because we all know some YouTubers on both sides of the field cherry pick

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