Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

Given the absolutely dreadful filing, with everything from spelling and grammar errors, through repeating claims already rejected by other courts, to her attempts to "hide" her evidence and making claims unrelated to the filing and entirely unsubstantiated by even the evidence she claims to have?

I mean, she presents as evidence a duck duck go search, and articles from the associated press. I'm sure I don't need to tell anyone here just how unreliable the AP is as a source?
Spelling and grammar aren't enough to dismiss a case that would take months normally in weeks.
AND time for the fun part. Provide evidence to them being dismissed and rejected by other courts.
Given the absolutely dreadful filing, with everything from spelling and grammar errors, through repeating claims already rejected by other courts, to her attempts to "hide" her evidence and making claims unrelated to the filing and entirely unsubstantiated by even the evidence she claims to have?

I mean, she presents as evidence a duck duck go search, and articles from the associated press. I'm sure I don't need to tell anyone here just how unreliable the AP is as a source?

I'm less concerned with spelling and grammar errors than I am the meat of the subject. She essentially did in a matter of days what it usually takes weeks to months to do. That's impressive no matter who you are. But of course there would be errors.

It's her reputation that's on the line. I'm adopting a wait and see approach.

Bit it's clear there has been a lot of voter irregularities and mishandling of Votes in all the states mentioned. This is provable fact. Proving the kind of voter fraud you suggest you must also prove intent, which is much more difficult to do and you need a virtual smoking gun. But the hundreds of affidavits, voter irregularities, statistical anomalies, the army of the dead rising to vote Democrat, intimidation of electors and Republican legislators, Dominion voting and everything that represents...

Singularly you might be able to say accidents or incompetence. But when you put it all together then a very disturbing image begins to emerge. And more and more people are noticing it. So while you may dispute the intent behind individual actions, we are looking at the whole enchilada and we are seeing something rotten.

No, the linked document is a Memorandum Opinion by the trial court judge defending his decision to issue an emergency preliminary injunction in the case at hand, since said injunction has been appealed to the Pennsylvania Superior Court. This is not an actual ruling of the trial court, nor does it declare the election unconstitutional -- that would be the final ruling in this case, whereas this is only one of the opening maneuvers.

The court injunction prohibits the election results from being certified while the case challenging the election results is ongoing, which is an entirely normal exercise of the court's authority to prevent the case from being mooted before it can be properly heard. This isn't -- or shouldn't -- even be controversial, the courts always do this if there is an ongoing process.

Edit: Why is it being appealed if it's a routine and straightforward preliminary maneuver? Because in a high-stakes case, you always make every possible appeal.
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Whether the investigation was legitimate or not, if there was no evidence of wrongdoing to uncover, Trump should have welcomed the opportunity to prove it by having it investigated.


No, he shouldn't have. As I've explained, he considered the investigating bodies rigged, and not without merit. Can you finally stop being a broken NPC and actually react to what you're being told here?

If your argument is that various official agencies can't be trusted to conduct one of those investigations but other official agencies can be trusted to conduct the other investigation, I'd love to see what you're basing that on other than your precious feelings.

I'm basing this on the behavior of said official agencies (FBI, for one). Yes, not every official agency is the same, some are politically corrupted while others are harder to corrupt. I'm sure people with more time on my hands will love to provide you with evidence. Though why would anyone bother, seeing as you're guaranteed to ignore or dismiss it based on sources, is beyond me.

No, he shouldn't have. As I've explained, he considered the investigating bodies rigged, and not without merit. Can you finally stop being a broken NPC and actually react to what you're being told here?

I'm basing this on the behavior of said official agencies (FBI, for one). Yes, not every official agency is the same, some are politically corrupted while others are harder to corrupt. I'm sure people with more time on my hands will love to provide you with evidence. Though why would anyone bother, seeing as you're guaranteed to ignore or dismiss it based on sources, is beyond me.
hell I can vouch as the DoD agencies do not get involved in this mess, as they have more important things going on. The CIA and FBI have been the ones going to try and get trump out
I just want to add that this is not SB and this is not a "debating" forum (technically neither is SB, but it adopted some of the superficial trappings of real debating, so I'll treat SB's Whitehall as a "debating forum" for the purpose of expediency). Neither I nor anyone else here is obligated to play the debating game with you @Megadeath. I do not usually save or organize the information I come across on the internet and elsewhere. If I were to attempt a serious debate with you, it would take me hours of research that I neither have, nor wish to waste on a debate with you.

My stance is that there had been extensive election fraud, based on many things that I've seen over a long period of time (much of it is here in this thread) that I'm not willing to organize and present as evidence in a coherent argument for the aforementioned reasons. I'm not trying to convince you or anyone else, I'm merely stating my opinion here. If you want to try to convince me then go ahead, but so far you've been anything but convincing. I have no idea if that was due to lack of effort, like myself, or because you're just... not very convincing.

In any case, I will continue to believe what I believe, based on many instances of evidence I've seen, until somebody gives me compelling reasons to change said beliefs.

In short: There was election fraud, but Trump is probably going to lose the court case for various reasons, namely that it's difficult to prove.
People, just ignore the anti-Trump folks here, and treat them as always being acting in bad faith.

They are willing to allow/ignore the blatant voter/election fraud to go on, and our nation to be sold to China/destroyed in order to get rid of Trump.

Treat them as the enemies they are, even if they are Staff of this site.
I do not knew USA law,but itt seems,that:
1.Trump win ,and would win in Supreme Court,too.
2.Even if i am mistaken,Kamala could not turn USA into soviet republic with Supreme Court and Congress in republican hands.

So,your country is safe - best case is Kamala giving her allies in the world to Russia/China.Which is bad for me,but you still would be safe.

In other worlds,you have no reason to fear anything and react angrily.Price for USA mistakes would be paid by other countries,not yours.
I do not knew USA law,but itt seems,that:
1.Trump win ,and would win in Supreme Court,too.
2.Even if i am mistaken,Kamala could not turn USA into soviet republic with Supreme Court and Congress in republican hands.

So,your country is safe - best case is Kamala giving her allies in the world to Russia/China.Which is bad for me,but you still would be safe.

In other worlds,you have no reason to fear anything and react angrily.Price for USA mistakes would be paid by other countries,not yours.
If the Dems cheat Biden into the White House, they can cheat the GA Senate run-off race as well.

That would turn Harris into the tie-breaker in the Senate, which would enable a lot of bad shit such as packing SCOTUS.

If the Dems are able to steal this election, the Republic is dead, and the Dems will start doing everything they can to make us a one party nation ala the CCP.
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OK, so it's perfectly clear, according to you, that the Trump campaign could do it, regardless of the veracity of their claims, or how well and how correctly they articulated their case. Yet they did not. What is your explanation to this, and why should I believe that their failure to proofread means anything in regards to the contents of the case?
Found this interesting post.

Yeah, I have seen some Trump supporters talk about this and that Trump should cross the Rubicon and become unto Caesar.
Given our Republic is dead anyway if Biden cheats his way in, and then will enable the whole 'Great Reset' plan while trying to socially/economically destroy Trump supporters, Trump going Caeser is a much less bad option.

If our Republic is to die, then better what comes after is hostile to the Great Reset than an enabler of it.
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You claimed that it's trivially easy to fix these issues, yet they weren't fixed, right? I think that even if Powell wasn't serious, or was being sloppy with her suit, she would've ironed out the typos if it were that trivially easy, because she would have realized, with there being little substance to the suit, that she's going to need any little thing she can get in order to sway the judge, or at least merely play for time by delaying the ruling, maybe more likely if it has at least the veneer of respectability.

No. What is more likely is that she is extremely pressed for time. There's a hard deadline, the electoral college vote, and it's not long now at all. She needs every day she can get in order to finish the legal battle before the deadline hits. The prooftyping stage of any paper must occur at the very end, because any changes to the document will have to be proofread as well, and the proofreading of the altered sections would be wasted. It's likely that she knew the document could stand on its own merit, that she didn't need that veneer of a polished work because she was confident that it could stand on its own, knew the typos could not really affect the judge's ruling for the worse, and didn't want to waste 2 days she didn't really have in a legal battle where every hour counts.

Now, I'm saying all this without having read the document Powell submitted. Maybe she really is full of shit, like what you claim. But the typos don't tell me what you say they should, at all.

The Great Reset is a movement, not a scheme. It is simply a bunch of rich people with more money than sense trying to take advantage of a situation in which their window of opportunity is rapidly disappearing. There is too much dissent and chaos behind the scenes for this to be a grand conspiracy. Also, a lot of governments have been practically tripping over themselves to get the vaccine, which to me indicates a lack of desire to stay this way for much longer.

Essentially, you can divide our elites's reaction to this as follows.

Aforementioned billionaires with more money than sense:

Everyone else in a position of authority:

It is both a reassuring and depressing realisation that human stupidity caused this instead of some all powerful cabal behind the scenes pulling the strings. Read up on the fall of Rome (both Republic and Empire) to understand just how devastating an out of touch elite scrambling to regain control can be.

Overestimating the enemy can be every bit as damaging as underestimating them. Calm yourselves and don't get demoralised.
I will calm down when the lockdowns stop.

You shouldn't have too much longer to wait in that regard. Career politicians have been looking for a way out of this (crucially, whilst saving face and admitting no wrong doing) for some time. Now the conditions for deescalation have almost been met. The vaccine is upon us, which coupled with herd immunity will cause cases and deaths to tumble into the negligible range. This'll be followed by our glorious overlords claiming victory (vaccine vindicates their lockdown strategy) then go straight back to normal because they are quietly terrified of what's been done to the economy. The only exceptions to this rule are local governments who have gotten drunk with power and will be slapped down by higher authorities in the end.

We'll have to wait for the 2030s or 2040s for a chance at justice, alas. But for those who fear this becoming default strategy to deal with outbreaks, remember that we are not even twenty years out from the Iraq War and that is already considered an unmitigated disaster.

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