Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

The only way we heal is if Trump proves systemic election fraud on behalf of Biden.

The AOC wing will turn on the Pelosi wing of the party hard and throw them under the bus, the corporate factions causing societal disharmony will be broken and Trump will be leading a unified government with a mandate and massive political capital.

The next best way to heal is an audit of the voting process that shows Biden won honestly and is convincing to the seventy million people who voted for Trump.

Alas, the Biden route has largely been precluded by Biden's unwillingness to tell the media to shut up and demand a recount on his own. His best play politically would have been to embrace Trump's charge and demand a full audit to prove to everyone that he won and Trump was just being a sore loser. At least unless he was guilty.

I look forward to coming here around January 21sth
You can come troll all you would like.

You can uncross at least 4 of those for now.
The thing is that I am not an American, so this problem is spread even further. It seems like reality around the world have been fractured, and we are looking through a broken glass, and doing so darkly. Plenty of people up here are completely put into sleep mode ala "They Live", while other people have awoken and see things for how they are, you even got radical MAGA types in Canada.

This is just pure insanity, like we are living in a time of madness were men go mad and then attack the sane claiming they are the ones that are crazy. You know the way they describe it, reminds me 100% of Pyro from Team Fortress 2. I mean talking about unity, while creating political blacklists/hitlists...

Thing is people became a lot less religious, but the thing is people seem to need to belive in some thing so for a lot of people politics filled the void.

This is a very very bad thing, you never want to make politics your religion it leads to you making very bad decisions.
@random_boy232 I look forward to your conspicuous absence on the 21st as well. And your weak meme wreaks of cope. You can say the amount is copious. I'll mark the date, and be sure to remind you of the anniversary if you forget either way.

I really hope your writing this all down because that is what the tenth promised 'I told you so" Youve given? Or is it the 20th I cant tell any more I think I lost count point is if your right your going to be a very busy man.
I really hope your writing this all down because that is what the tenth promised 'I told you so" Youve given? Or is it the 20th I cant tell any more I think I lost count point is if your right your going to be a very busy man.

I wrote it down, and if for some reason Joe Biden wins, I'll admit that he was right about Joe Biden winning, because I should be a good sport about it. Otherwise, I am going to hold him to his hybris.
@random_boy232 I look forward to your conspicuous absence on the 21st as well. And your weak meme wreaks of cope. You can say the amount is copious. I'll mark the date, and be sure to remind you of the anniversary if you forget either way.
I've already made about as much as I legally could out of your compatriots on PredictIt. Easiest money I've ever made.
I really hope your writing this all down because that is what the tenth promised 'I told you so" Youve given? Or is it the 20th I cant tell any more I think I lost count point is if your right your going to be a very busy man.
I'm paid a bonus from Soros for every told-you so I comment, it's a very effective Psycop tactic.
I've already made about as much as I legally could out of your compatriots on PredictIt. Easiest money I've ever made.

Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

I'm paid a bonus from Soros for every told-you so I comment, it's a very effective Psycop tactic.

Obvious troll is obvious. Why pay for something when you can get it for free. It is obvious you value your time very little if you waste it on low effort and frankly low energy trolling. You shouldn't waste you life, we only have so long allotted to us. Tick tock goes clock and so on. Do something that actually makes you feel good, rather than just wasting your time for little reward. You honestly depress me in this regard.
Do it Trump.

He said he was should he get reelected anyway, may as well do it before then because "Fuck you for trying to imprison Flynn"
I wonder what brought this on so suddenly. The Hunter laptop that the FBI sat on?

Or maybe he's trying to get them to look into the Biden fraud, and they aren't cooperating?
Most likely the fraud
Hunter Biden Fraud plus election tampering and orders from Barr to investigate and they likely balked. Hence getting fired.
Maybe, Trump was an anomaly that wasn't supposed to happen in the first place. The deep state is trying to stop it from happening again, but Trump is still in power and fighting it.

By this I mean, maybe these elections have been fraudulent for a while and the intelligence agencies know it.
I would disagree. Back in 2000, For 37 days Al Gore was thought to be the winner, but on a recount Bush won it. It went to the Supreme Court and Bush sealed it there. Irregularities both large and small are being detected and adjustment are being made. This has flipped several districts already not just in favor of Trump but the Republicans at large. I assure you, this is not over until the Supreme Court rules.
I am not old enough to have seriously followed the 2000 Election, but that is not what I remember in the slightest. I remember thinking that Bush won shortly after the election, and then the two sides yelled at each other about Florida for a while, and then Bush won. And I grew up in a liberal family.
I am not old enough to have seriously followed the 2000 Election, but that is not what I remember in the slightest. I remember thinking that Bush won shortly after the election, and then the two sides yelled at each other about Florida for a while, and then Bush won. And I grew up in a liberal family.

I dont remember much about it at all as back then I didnt pay attention. But I talked to my Dad and he remembered. Bush won, then somehow Gore flipped it. Media declared Gore the winner and Bush refused to concede. A recount was done and Bush had it. Another recount was done and the numbers didnt add up as now a few hundred more were in Gores favor but it was still a Bush victory. It went to the Supreme court and they weighed in Bush's favor.

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