Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

We saw how bad this election has gone. Even if they win half the country regards it as being theft. To be worse for them, the system is being blamed rather than a foreign boogeyman (read: Russia) Unless they are able to gain complete control and hope to God they can cover the crap up, the US becomes Yugoslavia writ large.
Cover it in this digital age? Ha!

I saw lots of video footage of tomfoolery being played.

They'd have better luck when it was Nixon vs Kennedy when you can find out later.
Always suspected the two party system is a rigged game in some aspects to ensure there's only two parties to continue a status quo while receiving a paycheck.

I would say it's less "rigged" and more, "first past the post elections naturally gravitate towards two major parties". "Winner takes all" allocation of state electoral votes doubles down on that and gerrymandering by *both* sides triples down.
On what grounds, we know parts of the FBI hate him, as we saw with their leaked phone messages. Which they admitted were real and NYC has already said they will dig up dirt to prosecute. And it isnt hard finding a grand jury to approve a case, If a man tells me he will try to kill me, what reason do I have to assume he won't try

They will try and they will fail. Going after a previous President is just making them look like children, and they have better things to do. Trump will have so much money and so many lawyers that he won't be in any real danger of going to jail. And yes, they will try and dig up dirt, and from what we have seen, they won't have enough to get him on anything really. I mean, they already have his tax returns, which they got illegally, and they couldn't nail him on anything there. He will be fine.

And don't give me a "Grand Jury Will Approve" bull. Most judges would throw it out, and most people will be so ready for this whole thing to be over that they will just let him go.
Guys, please, Trump lost. Fair and Square. Hell, it looks like he is going to get Arizona, but he lost Georgia because White Suburban Women hate him. Perdue outran him, and do you think if the Democrats had the ability to change enough votes to get Biden the win, they would have stopped from switching that Senate seat.

Trump is acting like Stacey Abrams, a sore loser, who should just accept they lost and move on. Doing so is better for the country, for Republican Party, and for Trump himself. You can tell he only likes being President when he is doing his rallies, and he could still do those all the time if he accepts his loss, and just goes barnstorming.

Let him go. Let the whole thing be over, and let's move on to the future.

Trump is still winning Georgia at the moment. Whether it holds or not is another question but its still a live election.

Trump is also outperforming what he needs in AZ to flip that state.

And PA is absolutely going to end up at SCOTUS because it is engaging in blatant and repeated fraud without even attempting to hide it. And even that assumes that Biden wins, if you actually look at the detailed breakdown of where ballots in PA remain to be counted then it isn't actually clear that Biden gets the numbers.

NZ the state GOP has already forwarded ~3500 fraudulent votes to the DOJ.

Calling any of this now is really not a good idea. Wait, see what the landscape is once the counts are done, and then access.
They will try and they will fail. Going after a previous President is just making them look like children, and they have better things to do. Trump will have so much money and so many lawyers that he won't be in any real danger of going to jail. And yes, they will try and dig up dirt, and from what we have seen, they won't have enough to get him on anything really. I mean, they already have his tax returns, which they got illegally, and they couldn't nail him on anything there. He will be fine.

And don't give me a "Grand Jury Will Approve" bull. Most judges would throw it out, and most people will be so ready for this whole thing to be over that they will just let him go.
Points at the Fisa warrant, thrown out by a number of judges then they found one who approved it.
Guys, please, Trump lost. Fair and Square. Hell, it looks like he is going to get Arizona, but he lost Georgia because White Suburban Women hate him. Perdue outran him, and do you think if the Democrats had the ability to change enough votes to get Biden the win, they would have stopped from switching that Senate seat.

Trump is acting like Stacey Abrams, a sore loser, who should just accept they lost and move on. Doing so is better for the country, for Republican Party, and for Trump himself. You can tell he only likes being President when he is doing his rallies, and he could still do those all the time if he accepts his loss, and just goes barnstorming.

Let him go. Let the whole thing be over, and let's move on to the future.


Seriously, this is the attitude that frustrated me with the Republican Party for years. The Graceful loser who has a stiff upper lip who could have won if he had a damn backbone and will to fight. For DECADES the Right, on the national front, has done little in the actual ways of standing up the Left because they'd inevitably be bullied by the Media attack dogs. Oh sure we got a few wins in here and there, but by and Large the Left made a mockery of us. Always making us compromise while given little away in turn. I'm not speaking of true Bipartanship, which has been rare as hell. I'm talking about every other time we were forced to take a loss and then cede more ground.

But then along came Donald Trump, a Manhattan Business Democrat. Yes, you heard that right, a Manhattan business Democrat left the party to join us...or rather the party left him. He becomes a Republican and immediately starts doing something that no other Republican really has ever done since Reagan. He fights....and he wins. And his first real victories? The Neoconservative Establishment that so undermined him in his first two years. He purged them from the Party. Mostly. He then restructured the party and revitalized it. All while wracking up win after win after win. For Conservative principles. He's done more for our party and Conservativism than quite a few of our politicians have in decades. He's done more for our Country in 4 years than Joe Biden did in 40. And you want to just let that go without a fight?

Hell no!

Recently I've been on the Hive of Scum and Villainy known as Twitter. I can't navigate that site for shit. Seriously, my Twitter-Fu sucks! But even I stumbled onto stuff that was clearly shady. And then Twitter started purging the videos showing the shady shit going down. I didn't want to believe that the Democrats stole the election. But even after all I've seen, even after all the people I follow, all of whom are way smarter than me, are all saying the same thing. I start to think...I gotta stop being Naïve and accept the fact this could have happened. And the more I see...the more I'm convinced it did happen.

Now maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I and the people I follow completely got it wrong. If so I'm man enough to admit it. Hell, as we've pointed out, we Conservatives do know how to take a loss. But here is the question for you. What if they're right? What if the Democrats did just try to pull off the greatest election fraud in history? Are you just going to lie down and take it? Because if they they did do it once...what is to stop them from doing it again...and again...and again? It would certainly embolden them.

But hey, don't worry. We can lose with grace, just like you want...and again...and again...and again. Until we've lost everything. What happens then?

That is why I want Trump to Fight. If anything the Left should be egging Trump on to continue the lawsuits. Bring on the Transparency. Wanna know why? That way, if they didn't do anything wrong, they can go back and point to this and say, smugly, they were fully transparent and Trump was just a sore loser. But they're not doing that. In some cases they are actively ignoring court orders to cooperate. Why are they doing that? What do they have to hide?

So no. We are not going to take a loss if we don't have too. If Trump is right then the election was stolen from him and he damn well better fight and expose it. But if he lost? We'll be just fine and there is always 2022 and then 2024 to look forward too.
Cover it in this digital age? Ha!

I saw lots of video footage of tomfoolery being played.

They'd have better luck when it was Nixon vs Kennedy when you can find out later.
I didn't say it was smart, my guess everyone in the political class was legitimately expecting a blue wave, which would convince people that it was legitimate but that didn't materialize.
You know for all the importance we place on signatures we sure don't teach cursive in public schools anymore and haven't for quite some time. Seriously I for one have the least consistent signature pretty much imaginable

This is a huge reason I'm strongly against "signature verification" as a legitimate means of ballot verification. People don't really have consistent signatures these days, rendering such verification horribly subjective.
I didn't say it was smart, my guess everyone in the political class was legitimately expecting a blue wave, which would convince people that it was legitimate but that didn't materialize.
No it did not and as technology continues to advance we the public are more aware of what they don't want us to know.
Guys, please, Trump lost. Fair and Square. Hell, it looks like he is going to get Arizona, but he lost Georgia because White Suburban Women hate him. Perdue outran him, and do you think if the Democrats had the ability to change enough votes to get Biden the win, they would have stopped from switching that Senate seat.

Trump is acting like Stacey Abrams, a sore loser, who should just accept they lost and move on. Doing so is better for the country, for Republican Party, and for Trump himself. You can tell he only likes being President when he is doing his rallies, and he could still do those all the time if he accepts his loss, and just goes barnstorming.

Let him go. Let the whole thing be over, and let's move on to the future.

Pardon my French, but fuck that!

If the democrats cheated this election there’s absolutely nothing stopping them from cheating in the next. If they committed fraud, they need to be kicked in the nads and punched in the throat, metaphorically, right now so that they can’t pull this shit in the next one.

This graceful loser shit has to stop. I want Trump to fight tooth and nail all the way down to the ground if that’s what it takes.
If they stole the Presidential Election, why didn't they steal Senate Seats?

Why didn't they win the PA supreme court, which looks likely to flip to the GOP?

Why didn't the give Ossoff the win, which would have allowed for a true victory in a Biden administration?

Why does the Arizona Secretary of State say that all the irregularities were found to be false in Arizona?

Why is the GOP looking at a pile of redistricting victories in the next year and a half, one that will almost garuantee a flip of a house?

Oh and speaking of the House, why does it look like the GOP might come within five of taking control of the lower chamber, when literally no one would have batted an eye at the Dems growing their majority?


Because there was not massive fraud.

Donald Trump lost because he is a loud, obnoxious jackass who just wore people out. Good, stout Republicans in places like South Charlotte, Cobb County, Dallas Suburbs, and Bucks County all just got tired of him. They want to not have to wake up every morning wondering, "Oh, what the hell did that jackass say now?".

Is Biden any better?

No, not really. He is one of the reasons our culture has collapsed like it has. He lied about the man his first wife pulled in front of and haunted him to his grave. He was disgraceful to Bork, Thomas and Estrada. He worked with more segregationists than Trump ever has. He is wrong on nearly everything foreign policy related.

But he will be quiet. And he will have Cocaine Mitch looking over his shoulder with a scythe against his neck, an investigation into his corrupt son, and a party the desperately hopes he dies.

So I can see how they would choose to vote for Biden, and then support the Republicans down ballot.

So take your fight, a fight that will only hurt us long term, and toss it. I'd rather take what good Trump has given us, and build on it, rather than go down with that currently sinking ship.
If they stole the Presidential Election, why didn't they steal Senate Seats?

Why didn't they win the PA supreme court, which looks likely to flip to the GOP?

Why didn't the give Ossoff the win, which would have allowed for a true victory in a Biden administration?

Why does the Arizona Secretary of State say that all the irregularities were found to be false in Arizona?

Why is the GOP looking at a pile of redistricting victories in the next year and a half, one that will almost garuantee a flip of a house?

Oh and speaking of the House, why does it look like the GOP might come within five of taking control of the lower chamber, when literally no one would have batted an eye at the Dems growing their majority?


Because there was not massive fraud.

Donald Trump lost because he is a loud, obnoxious jackass who just wore people out. Good, stout Republicans in places like South Charlotte, Cobb County, Dallas Suburbs, and Bucks County all just got tired of him. They want to not have to wake up every morning wondering, "Oh, what the hell did that jackass say now?".

Is Biden any better?

No, not really. He is one of the reasons our culture has collapsed like it has. He lied about the man his first wife pulled in front of and haunted him to his grave. He was disgraceful to Bork, Thomas and Estrada. He worked with more segregationists than Trump ever has. He is wrong on nearly everything foreign policy related.

But he will be quiet. And he will have Cocaine Mitch looking over his shoulder with a scythe against his neck, an investigation into his corrupt son, and a party the desperately hopes he dies.

So I can see how they would choose to vote for Biden, and then support the Republicans down ballot.

So take your fight, a fight that will only hurt us long term, and toss it. I'd rather take what good Trump has given us, and build on it, rather than go down with that currently sinking ship.
Take your graceful loser BS, and shove it.

You are completely ignoring the massive evidence of voter fraud that is happening, the multiple instances of it being documented, because you are comfortable being a graceful loser who enables the Dems cheating

Trump has not lost, things are not over, and you are simply spreading disinformation to satisfy your own narrative.
Guys, please, Trump lost. Fair and Square. Hell, it looks like he is going to get Arizona, but he lost Georgia because White Suburban Women hate him. Perdue outran him, and do you think if the Democrats had the ability to change enough votes to get Biden the win, they would have stopped from switching that Senate seat.

Trump is acting like Stacey Abrams, a sore loser, who should just accept they lost and move on. Doing so is better for the country, for Republican Party, and for Trump himself. You can tell he only likes being President when he is doing his rallies, and he could still do those all the time if he accepts his loss, and just goes barnstorming.

Let him go. Let the whole thing be over, and let's move on to the future.

I think it's more fun if we challenge what appears to be obvious voter fraud and rip this bitch open far and wide.
If they stole the Presidential Election, why didn't they steal Senate Seats?

Why didn't they win the PA supreme court, which looks likely to flip to the GOP?

Why didn't the give Ossoff the win, which would have allowed for a true victory in a Biden administration?

Why does the Arizona Secretary of State say that all the irregularities were found to be false in Arizona?

Why is the GOP looking at a pile of redistricting victories in the next year and a half, one that will almost garuantee a flip of a house?

Oh and speaking of the House, why does it look like the GOP might come within five of taking control of the lower chamber, when literally no one would have batted an eye at the Dems growing their majority?


Because there was not massive fraud.

Donald Trump lost because he is a loud, obnoxious jackass who just wore people out. Good, stout Republicans in places like South Charlotte, Cobb County, Dallas Suburbs, and Bucks County all just got tired of him. They want to not have to wake up every morning wondering, "Oh, what the hell did that jackass say now?".

Is Biden any better?

No, not really. He is one of the reasons our culture has collapsed like it has. He lied about the man his first wife pulled in front of and haunted him to his grave. He was disgraceful to Bork, Thomas and Estrada. He worked with more segregationists than Trump ever has. He is wrong on nearly everything foreign policy related.

But he will be quiet. And he will have Cocaine Mitch looking over his shoulder with a scythe against his neck, an investigation into his corrupt son, and a party the desperately hopes he dies.

So I can see how they would choose to vote for Biden, and then support the Republicans down ballot.

So take your fight, a fight that will only hurt us long term, and toss it. I'd rather take what good Trump has given us, and build on it, rather than go down with that currently sinking ship.
Because The outsider is the threat, as shown the GOP could very well go back to what it was before, and besides it isnt hard for them to find a few republicans who will cross the line to be "bipartisan" if the bill is something the dems really want to pass, see McCain.

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