China ChiCom News Thread

There's always the possibility that people predicting collapse will be wrong; collapses in major nations very much tend to be slowly getting closer, until they abruptly all happen at once.

The thing with China (and other communist and authoritarian states) though, is that even if specific problems are dealt with, the root cause of those problems are dealt with. And as with every other communist nation, the root problems are as follows:

1. The rejection of Truth and reality in favor of communist dogma. You must believe when the party says there are five lights, instead of your lying eyes.
2. Mass, gross, insane corruption. This is sabotaging and degrading every single part of society.

On top of that, China has to deal with the problem of their population collapse, being geographically bottled up, and having made every single neighbor they have hostile. It's not a good place to be, and there is no sign that china is interested in changing course on any of these key factors pushing them towards collapse, instead of doubling down.

While anybody who predicts specific dates is likely to be proven wrong, unless China undergoes fundamental reforms, ideally getting rid of the CCP altogether, it will eventually implode.

Sure, they're still dangerous in the meanwhile, but they're also more fragile than people would like to think. Unlike the 1940's, where the Soviet Union could survive by continually retreating before the Wehrmacht until winter and over-extended supply lines stalemated the Germans, if China starts any war that the US decides to join in on, there's only one factor that determines whether or not it emerges intact as a nation.

Can they retain control over their domestic airspace?

That they can't win an offensive war just about goes without saying. They lack the navy to project anywhere past Taiwan, and all their ground invasion targets have enormous defensive advantages. Any offensive force that fights both the nation they're pitted against, and a US coalition, is guaranteed to be defeated barring only obscene gross incompetence on the part of coalition flag officers.

But if their air force is shot down, and their surface-to-air defenses are successfully taken out (something for which advanced long-range stealthy missiles have been designed)?

Then US and allied air power will be able to start destroying Chinese military and industrial infrastructure at will. Attempting a land invasion would be a stupid and nigh-suicidal waste of lives and money, but when you can just bomb out every military base, power plant, rail line, and road, you don't need to invade. You can just wait for them to be forced to surrender.

Now, it's possible that the Chinese actually have beefy enough AA defenses to keep control of their own airspace, but the longer things go on, and shipping embargo chokes them out, the more likely that is to get ground away to nothing.

And if the CCP starts and loses a war, odds are damned good that they'll not be able to stay in power even if they successfully sue for peace before their infrastructure is bombed out.

China is, practically speaking, probably at the height of the power it will ever have as a communist nation. The 'gray zone' tactics it's using are where it is strongest against the US and other western powers, and as long as it can keep conflict in that area, especially with a Democrat in the White House, the longer it will be able to keep its bully-boy position in Eastern Asia. But that could implode at any time simply due to the fundamentally unsound nature of so many of their economic sectors.
The CCP will break out thier nukes if we start trying to wreck thier mainland infrastructure.

They've already threatened to use nukes in the event they try to take Taiwan and other nations attempt to stop them.

No way they do not push to MAD if they think we are going to wreck everything of value in the CCPs control.

This is what I think liberty90 was saying about people here continuously underestimating the CCP; their nuclear arsenal never seems to enter the equation of what happens if they 'collapse', because it makes everything more risky and changes the risk assessment calculus for anyone involved in a potential fight with the CCP.
The CCP will break out thier nukes if we start trying to wreck thier mainland infrastructure.

They've already threatened to use nukes in the event they try to take Taiwan and other nations attempt to stop them.

No way they do not push to MAD if they think we are going to wreck everything of value in the CCPs control.

This is what I think liberty90 was saying about people here continuously underestimating the CCP; their nuclear arsenal never seems to enter the equation of what happens if they 'collapse', because it makes everything more risky and changes the risk assessment calculus for anyone involved in a potential fight with the CCP.

You fail to understand MAD.

If China escalates to nuclear, they will lose, and their leadership knows that. If they get their expeditionary force to Taiwan wrecked, they can sue for peace and survive that.

If they launch nuclear weapons against anyone, a significant fraction of their major cities will cease to exist immediately, and even if the party leadership survives in a deep bunker, they'll be on the kill-list of their own people and every nation they were at war with.

The CCP, all its dreams, all its ambitions, everything, will functionally cease to exist overnight.

'Mutually Assured Destruction' is not that one side can threaten to nuke everyone else with impunity, forcing them to do what they want, it's that 'If you launch, so do we.'

And once again, the USA has ABM technology, China does not. We don't know just how effective it would be, but they only have a few dozen missiles that are even capable of reaching the US, and no other viable delivery mechanisms, whereas we have hundreds that can be immediately launched on them, and thousands of warheads that can be deployed with more lead-up time.

The CCP could make the US bleed, but in return they'd be wiped out.

MAD is part of why the a US-led coalition is unlikely to try to invade mainland China (except maybe for Vietnam), but if they refuse to surrender after getting knocked back into their own borders, it would be extremely hard for them to justify going nuclear first if no invasion is forthcoming, and if they won't settle for peace terms, continued bombardment is justified.

Not that this means some of them won't be stupid enough to push the button, and they would certainly threaten to do so, but they would absolutely lose more than everyone else would.
You fail to understand MAD.

If China escalates to nuclear, they will lose, and their leadership knows that. If they get their expeditionary force to Taiwan wrecked, they can sue for peace and survive that.

If they launch nuclear weapons against anyone, a significant fraction of their major cities will cease to exist immediately, and even if the party leadership survives in a deep bunker, they'll be on the kill-list of their own people and every nation they were at war with.

The CCP, all its dreams, all its ambitions, everything, will functionally cease to exist overnight.

'Mutually Assured Destruction' is not that one side can threaten to nuke everyone else with impunity, forcing them to do what they want, it's that 'If you launch, so do we.'

And once again, the USA has ABM technology, China does not. We don't know just how effective it would be, but they only have a few dozen missiles that are even capable of reaching the US, and no other viable delivery mechanisms, whereas we have hundreds that can be immediately launched on them, and thousands of warheads that can be deployed with more lead-up time.

The CCP could make the US bleed, but in return they'd be wiped out.

MAD is part of why the a US-led coalition is unlikely to try to invade mainland China (except maybe for Vietnam), but if they refuse to surrender after getting knocked back into their own borders, it would be extremely hard for them to justify going nuclear first if no invasion is forthcoming, and if they won't settle for peace terms, continued bombardment is justified.

Not that this means some of them won't be stupid enough to push the button, and they would certainly threaten to do so, but they would absolutely lose more than everyone else would.
The CCP have already put the Japan Exception into their nuke policy; Japan makes any move to assist Taiwan, they lose 2-3 cities at least. They nuke Japan, no way the US and others do not get involved with at least tit-for-tat nuclear retaliation.

Their unground Great Wall of China does give the CCP a large network (last I heard was over 3k in tunnels) of hardened bunkers and launch points to give them survivability, and they do have plenty of nukes that can reach the local neighborhood, are increasing their missile stockpile (remember the new silos they built), and have defense pacts with Iran, Pakistan, NK, and are fairly friendly with Russia.

Also, the CCP is likely counting on Russia siding with them, and Russia does have the weapons/capability to go full MAD with the US, even with ABM systems (Status-6 torps and possibly 'mole missile' underground nukes pre-placed on the continental shelf). There is no way nuclear exchanges between peer opponents does not end in effective extinction level events from the rads, dust in the upper atmo, and destruction/contamination of food/water supplies for generations/centuries.

So no, I understand MAD just fine; I'm just not so blindly nationalistic that I assume our enemies cannot end us as much as we can end them, or foolish enough to believe that such a conflict would not effectively end human civilization/possibly wipe us out. Maybe the Bushmen of the Kalahari can survive and eventually rebuild humanity from a full MAD exchange, but most of the rest of us and human civilization are fucked.
China has pledged not to use nuclear weapons in anything resembling a first use policy including specifically in regards to their desires to reunify with Taiwan. It's entire, public facing, nuclear policy has been based on 'countervalue' target which is, if China absorbs a nuclear attack, it's main nuclear option is to target their adversaries population centers.

Some people seem to take the concept of statements of Chinese leadership stating "“We do not promise to renounce the use of force and reserve the option to use all necessary measures" as "CHINA WILL START A NUCLEAR WAR OVER TAIWAN" for some reason because some people apparently can only communicate with about a thousand addendums instead of just speaking with brevity.

But no, lets keep using internet propaganda videos as insinuation of actual Chinese policy.
China has pledged not to use nuclear weapons in anything resembling a first use policy including specifically in regards to their desires to reunify with Taiwan. It's entire, public facing, nuclear policy has been based on 'countervalue' target which is, if China absorbs a nuclear attack, it's main nuclear option is to target their adversaries population centers.

Some people seem to take the concept of statements of Chinese leadership stating "“We do not promise to renounce the use of force and reserve the option to use all necessary measures" as "CHINA WILL START A NUCLEAR WAR OVER TAIWAN" for some reason because some people apparently can only communicate with about a thousand addendums instead of just speaking with brevity.

But no, lets keep using internet propaganda videos as insinuation of actual Chinese policy.
You haven't kept up with the times; the CCP has changed their 'No First Use' policy to exclude Japan if it attempts to aid Taiwan in the event of an invasion.

The CCP have already put the Japan Exception into their nuke policy; Japan makes any move to assist Taiwan, they lose 2-3 cities at least. They nuke Japan, no way the US and others do not get involved with at least tit-for-tat nuclear retaliation.
This is almost certainly nothing but posturing, given Japan is explicitly under the US's nuclear protection umbrella. If China launches on Japan, the US launches and China ceases to exist.
Their unground Great Wall of China does give the CCP a large network (last I heard was over 3k in tunnels) of hardened bunkers and launch points to give them survivability, and they do have plenty of nukes that can reach the local neighborhood, are increasing their missile stockpile (remember the new silos they built), and have defense pacts with Iran, Pakistan, NK, and are fairly friendly with Russia.
This network of bunkers does not give them 'survivability' past the immediate short term. Their cities, population, industrial base, and military, would all still be pulverized, rendering them largely defunct as a nation.

On top of that, if China launches first, defense pacts are irrelevant. On top of that, from a perspective of 'real politik,' China and the US brutalizing each other is a win-win proposition for every one of those nations except for North Korea.

For example, why would Russia want to get involved in a nuclear exchange between China and the US, when just sitting it out actually gives them a shot at having the most powerful military in the world?
Also, the CCP is likely counting on Russia siding with them, and Russia does have the weapons/capability to go full MAD with the US, even with ABM systems (Status-6 torps and possibly 'mole missile' underground nukes pre-placed on the continental shelf). There is no way nuclear exchanges between peer opponents does not end in effective extinction level events from the rads, dust in the upper atmo, and destruction/contamination of food/water supplies for generations/centuries.
As already said, Russia has every reason to stay out of that exchange, and little to no reason to join in on it.

Further, you, like so many others, are grossly overestimating the lethality of mass-use of nuclear weapons. They aren't magic civilization-ending bombs, and we already know they aren't going to do something crazy like light the whole atmosphere on fire. They would cause a great deal of death and destruction, even more in the areas catching fallout downwind of the strike locations, but modern nuclear warheads don't present as much of a radiation threat as weapons 70 years ago did, much less what memes and Hollywood would have you believe.
So no, I understand MAD just fine; I'm just not so blindly nationalistic that I assume our enemies cannot end us as much as we can end them, or foolish enough to believe that such a conflict would not effectively end human civilization/possibly wipe us out. Maybe the Bushmen of the Kalahari can survive and eventually rebuild humanity from a full MAD exchange, but most of the rest of us and human civilization are fucked.

No, you don't understand MAD just fine. The USSR had a large enough nuclear arsenal, with a long enough reach, to functionally wipe out the US if they launched. If the Chinese manage to keep building up, they might be able to do the same in 10-20 years.

As things stand right now, the Chinese are estimated to have about 100 ICBMs , with a little over 200 warheads , though some estimates run into the 300's. Reviewing lists of missile availability again, it looks like my memory was either off, or the lists have updated, and they have 60-100 ICBMs that could reach North America in service, not the 30-60 I'd thought.

The US, by contrast, has over 4000 warheads in service, 400 Minuteman III ICBMS capable of hitting China, 9 Nuclear submarines with delivery capability in the Pacific, 20 B-2 stealth bombers, and 40 B-52 Stratofortresses, all capable of delivering currently in-service nuclear payloads. This is compared to tens of thousands of active warheads during the Cold War, with a similar arsenal in Russia pointed back at us.

The Chinese have no bomber delivery capability that can reach the US, no nuclear submarine capability at all, and no ABM shield to try to stop launched missiles.

The CCP could hurt us. They could hurt our allies. They could hurt us quite badly. But in exchange, they would cease to exist.

That is why they will not pull the trigger on nuclear exchange unless they've either gone completely insane (not impossible), or they're about to be destroyed anyways, which as stated is part of why the US will not be attempting a land invasion of mainland China.

MAD is why neither side launches, because if they do both sides lose. China would just lose harder, because they wouldn't exist as a coherent nation anymore.

Maybe in 10-20 years, if they maintain buildup, they'll have the arsenal to threaten us the same way Russia could. As things stand, they simply do not have the ability.
You haven't kept up with the times; the CCP has changed their 'No First Use' policy to exclude Japan if it attempts to aid Taiwan in the event of an invasion.

(Chinese State Meda)

No that's why I stated "Internet Propaganda Videos." Without looking at any of the articles I'm assuming they are talking about the same online video released by some random Chinese Communist Party subgroup last Summer. It's not an actual statement of policy.

Now they could just by lying about it like the Soviet Union was in the Cold War, but taking actual statements of policy from random ChiCom subparties propaganda videos is like taking policy directives from Reagan talking about alien invasions or when Khruschev is beating his shoe on a desk, only less reliable because its not coming from a head of state. :p

Plus if you just think about it adding a Japan Exception makes absolutely no sense. If this was an expressed policy, it didn't intimidate the Japanese government apparently as they are still pursuing closer ties with Taiwan and vice versa. Plus Japan isn't a nuclear power but has the potential of becoming one in a short time hypothetically speaking but still doesn't have any sort of long range cruise or ballistic missile deployments or even programs, or ya know... even sophisticated air to ground strike capability with their Air Force. The video is literally the ChiComs trying to make the Japanese feel bad about the Japanese Raping them Over Nanking again. You can tell from what the ChiComs say "Hurr Durr we're gonna make you surrender after nuking you just like last time lulz (excising the background fapping noises."

Like of all of the countries to have a "Exception" to for No First Use, Japan seems like the dumbest one to target. Japan has limited offensive capability, is deeply integrated into the global economy, has US military bases, made taking any sort of first use of military aggression basically unconstitutional and has chosen not to invest in ballistic/cruise missiles or nuclear weapons despite obviously having the capability of investing in both if they wanted to (or needed to).

And even if everything I just said was bullshit, China actually publicly stating they have a Japan Exception is dumb. The Soviet Union never revealed its deception plans and China doing it would be dumb as well. It's a trolling tactic, not actual public policy. If it was taken seriously, Japan would likely be reconsidering everything about their current defense and foreign policy instead of going "lol okay Chinabro!"

Japan is like one of the least offensive countries in the world stage, even the Iranians like them. The fact Japan isn't impressed that they would supposedly get nuked out of spite by China hasn't seemed to have the desired effect at all on their policy decisions.
I hope that people are aware how biased this thread can be. To be clear, it's not like information provided here is in any way untrue. It's just that almost everybody here focus only on bad news, while ignoring positive developments. Only electricity shortage is mentioned for example, and if the Chinese gov manage to solve the issue four months later, almost nobody mentions it again. In effect, you may be surprised if the Chinese regime survives far longer than you think.

Even if you have decent reason to consider China as your enemy, I think that many people here have a tendency to fall into a trap of underestimating your enemies. The fall of Chinese regime and economy was expected by many "any day now" since decades.
Thing is, the Chinese government never manage to solve any of their issues; they just keep finding ways to postpone the inevitable, thanks to the ungodly amounts of money western elites have been pumping into their country for said decades. If that ever stops, for any reason (like, say, if the long-standing abundance of investment capital were to dry up, thanks to a bunch of people suddenly entering retirement)? China won't be able to afford avoiding having to deal with the consequences of their actions anymore.
For the record the US could actually win a nuclear war against the PRC, They have far fewer nuclear weapons.
Unless the opponent is so small that nukes are pointless anyway, no one wins in a nuclear exchange.

A good question to ask yourself is how many foreign nationals are currently in country of said target. What disruption would mass arresting them cause. How many of your citizens are first generation immigrants from said country, what kind of damage can they cause.

The USA might be able to come out intact in a nuclear exchange with China, but the need to keep out any kind of Chinese revenge attack and dealing with all the internal unrest would require turning into something not-USA to do so.
Unless the opponent is so small that nukes are pointless anyway, no one wins in a nuclear exchange.

A good question to ask yourself is how many foreign nationals are currently in country of said target. What disruption would mass arresting them cause. How many of your citizens are first generation immigrants from said country, what kind of damage can they cause.

The USA might be able to come out intact in a nuclear exchange with China, but the need to keep out any kind of Chinese revenge attack and dealing with all the internal unrest would require turning into something not-USA to do so.

Well the US did It once. I wouldn't be surprised if a second time happens.
Well the US did It once. I wouldn't be surprised if a second time happens.
Against a nation that they already rounded up all the suspect nationals, that they were in a prolonged war with, that didn't have any nukes and had no real way of retaliation even if they did. That's a long way from the current situation with China.
Against a nation that they already rounded up all the suspect nationals, that they were in a prolonged war with, that didn't have any nukes and had no real way of retaliation even if they did. That's a long way from the current situation with China.

Don't know.

I wouldn't be surprised because how fucked our lives got in 2 years.

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