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What exactly is Haiti's issue that prevents a functioning society? I mean that in a serious way as my knowledge of the region isn't as good as I'd like it to be. All I am aware of is they got fleeced by the French and keep being hit by Earthquakes.
Have you seen the documentary The Cannibal Warlords of Liberia? Featuring such luminaries as General Butt Naked, who is quoted as saying "I feed them the heart of an innocent child" (re: the initiation ritual for his child soldiers)?
If you're not familiar, then maybe you know about the civil war in Sierra Leone, right next door, where the rebel forces (including the self-styled "West Side Niggaz") carried out the infamous and very aptly titled "Operation No Living Thing", in which they went block by block in order to loot, rape and kill indiscriminately.
Or have you perhaps seen footage of South African "necklacing"? Perchance you are somewhat familiar with the goings-in on Rwanda, c. 1994? Failing that, the exploits of Robert Mugabe in "liberated" Zimbabwe might ring a bell, since they involve such happy stuff as "punitive gang rape"? I've not yet mentioned Uganda under Idi Amin, which I'm sure you'll agree is a gross oversight...
Well. That exact issue is also the problem of Haiti. Pure and simple: a piece of Sub-Saharan Africa has been transplanted across the ocean, and the outcomes are the exact same. What we see here can be no surprise to anyone who simply understands that Haiti is at its core "Africa-across-the-Sea". Once you know that, and if you know anything at all about Africa, the things we see in Haiti become... depressingly predictable.