United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

All 21st Century Presidents pale in comparison to America's most authoritarian President to date (and the closest the country has actually gotten to a fascist regime), FDR, in number of EOs given.

It's true but Obama actually campaigned railing against the idea of ruling by executive fiat. Unfortunately, once he didn't have his sixty plus votes in the Senate, he decided merely having Congressional Majorities wasn't enough to fulfill his vision. Plus the comparison of Obama to previous Presidents is a bit odd... George W. Bush issued more measures in his first term and less in his second in relations to Obama's terms... but that's also when the War on Terror started. So it's quite the distortion considering all of the wartime EO's that Bush actually issued between 2001-2004. Plus again, Obama issued a great many "Presidential Memoranda" as stated earlier and which was dismissed as "pointless" and "drunk" by Megadeath.

Sure, if you want to single out Obama for using a different tool to implement executive action, go right ahead and good for you! It doesn't really speak to the issue that Obama hardly invented the idea of running by executive fiat rather than legislation though, nor that Trump in particular was just the same.

I was responding to Terthna's post which was about Obama, hence why I quoted it. There was no discussion of George W. Bush or Jimmy Carter because it had nothing to do with Obama (in relations to the incoming Biden Administration since the latter was somewhat tangentially related to the former).
All 21st Century Presidents pale in comparison to America's most authoritarian President to date (and the closest the country has actually gotten to a fascist regime), FDR, in number of EOs given.
To be fair, he did have to deal with the depression and WW2.

On the subject illegal immigrants, there is a specific reason why the Democrats want them.
They take those illegal immigrants, make them US citizens, give them the right to vote and who they going to vote for?
It's just a big scheme to get more Democrat voters for 2024.
And many of those illegal immigrants may be criminals from gangs like MS13.

Biden won't be Prez for very long.
The Democrat plan was for Biden to cheat and lie his way into office, then "remove" him and put Harris (the first person who's slept their way to the top) as Prez with Pelosi as VP.
"In 1994, Speaker of the California Assembly Willie Brown, who was then dating Harris, appointed her to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and later to the California Medical Assistance Commission."
We don't call them Executive Orders in the Obama White House. They're referred to as "Presidential Memoranda."

Presidential Memoranda were an established thing long before President Obama. They're a presidential directive of lower "rank" than an executive order, which is significant because in the case of any contradiction, EOs strictly override PMs as opposed to "newer order overrides older order".

There are a LOT of different forms of Presidential directives: administrative orders, executive orders, presidential proclamations, presidential memoranda, presidential findings. . . findings are actually required by law, everything else is mostly, "Whatever the current administration feels like using." For example, the Trump Administration decided to downgrade National Security Directives to National Security Presidential Memoranda, which did not change anything about them other than the "prestige level" of being a memorandum as opposed to a directive.

In any case, there's a lot of back and forth on this one.

The D.C. National Guard says that the Capitol Police ordered them to move their rest area (not sleeping area) due to Congress being back in session, and that they were "temporarily relocated" to the garage of the adjacent Judicial Center.

The Capitol Police claim they gave no such order except during the actual inauguration events, and that the facilities management of the Judicial Center had directly contacted the National Guard to "offer use of its facilities", and that they were explicitly notified that they could move back into the Congressional building by 2 pm Wednesday.

(Both of those were official statements by organizational accounts, so. . . )
Oppressing Texas like this isn't going to end well.

Trump, for all of the absurd accusations of fascism hurled against him, was about this best resistance to this fascist takeover our nation could muster and now that he’s been defeated, the new regime will likely make an example of him and his allies.
In what ways was trump a check against corporatocracy ?
Oppressing Texas like this isn't going to end well.

I do not think this lawsuit is going to go anywhere. There are overwhelmingly numerous precedents set throughout *both* the Obama and Trump Administrations that the executive branch has broad authority over immigration enforcement. Moreover, in his actual suit, Paxton claims that the Biden Administration is strictly bound by an "agreement to consult and cooperate" which the Trump Administration previously signed with Texas. This is not true; no administration is even tacitly bound to follow the same executive policies and agreements as any previous administration.

I mean, could you imagine if California signed a similar agreement with the Obama Administration, then sued the Trump Administration saying because of this deal, Trump cannot lawfully change federal policies without permission from California? That's not how executive authority works.
I do not think this lawsuit is going to go anywhere. There are overwhelmingly numerous precedents set throughout *both* the Obama and Trump Administrations that the executive branch has broad authority over immigration enforcement. Moreover, in his actual suit, Paxton claims that the Biden Administration is strictly bound by an "agreement to consult and cooperate" which the Trump Administration previously signed with Texas. This is not true; no administration is even tacitly bound to follow the same executive policies and agreements as any previous administration.

I mean, could you imagine if California signed a similar agreement with the Obama Administration, then sued the Trump Administration saying because of this deal, Trump cannot lawfully change federal policies without permission from California? That's not how executive authority works.
You might wanna read the complaint, a lot of the stuff named in it is the same sort of thing that gave Trump's executive orders so much trouble.
Presidential Memoranda were an established thing long before President Obama. They're a presidential directive of lower "rank" than an executive order, which is significant because in the case of any contradiction, EOs strictly override PMs as opposed to "newer order overrides older order".

There are a LOT of different forms of Presidential directives: administrative orders, executive orders, presidential proclamations, presidential memoranda, presidential findings. . . findings are actually required by law, everything else is mostly, "Whatever the current administration feels like using." For example, the Trump Administration decided to downgrade National Security Directives to National Security Presidential Memoranda, which did not change anything about them other than the "prestige level" of being a memorandum as opposed to a directive.

Fo shizzle.

But if you look on Wikipedia, you can see something rather dramatic that the USA Today article was referencing. For example, GWB had 290 Executive Actions, 7 Presidential Memorandums, and 28 Presidential Determinations.

Obomber had 276 Executive Actions and 644 Presidential Memorandums.

Then the once and future President Trump had 220 Executive Actions (in one year!), 52 Presidential Memorandums (including Seven National Security Memorandums), and at least 28 Presidential Determinations in half the time. It seems rather disproportionate... to an exceptional degree even if some fraction of Obama's memorandums were simply clerical errata.
Seriously; where did this idea come from that the establishment would back down from pushing the Corona Virus angle after they won? If anything, they're going to keep using it as an excuse to establish dictatorial power over every aspect of society and our lives. They don't care that it will ruin the economy, they just want more power.

I sorta thought that when I figured they were doing this to make Trump look bad. They might still do something like it later to make themselves look really good. However, they get too much benifit out of it right now, and the pain is not quite too great to keep going, that they definately are not going to do the initial "magic cure" in Febuary that I initially theorized. They're currently looking to keep that going for the first 100 days before going "look at my brilliant leadership solving the crisis in my first 100 days!" which lets them take credit for it and keep the scews up on their enemies.
Fo shizzle.

But if you look on Wikipedia, you can see something rather dramatic that the USA Today article was referencing. For example, GWB had 290 Executive Actions, 7 Presidential Memorandums, and 28 Presidential Determinations.

Obomber had 276 Executive Actions and 644 Presidential Memorandums.

Then the once and future President Trump had 220 Executive Actions (in one year!), 52 Presidential Memorandums (including Seven National Security Memorandums), and at least 28 Presidential Determinations in half the time. It seems rather disproportionate... to an exceptional degree even if some fraction of Obama's memorandums were simply clerical errata.

Per the official record of the Federal Register, President Obama issued 276 executive decisions and 605 "other presidential documents" (a catch-all category for everything other than executive decisions and holiday proclamations), whereas President Trump issued 217 executive decisions and 349 other presidential documents. Given that Obama served for two terms and Trump for one term, this means Trump was generating executive decisions at almost twice the rate, and other presidential documents at a slightly greater rate.

President Bush (W) issued 291 executive decisions and 572 other presidential documents, so more EDs and fewer OPDs than Obama but not a massive disparity in either, and President Clinton issued 254 executive decisions and only 336 other presidential documents, so substantially less than any other recent President.

(These numbers don't completely line up with others cited in thread, but I'd say that the Federal Register's numbers are the most reliable, as they are the official documenter of presidential directives, and would be virtually the *only* unclassified source that would be able to count and number the unpublished, classified ones.)

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