Armchair General's DonbAss Derailed Discussion Thread (Topics Include History, Traps, and the Ongoing Slavic Civil War plus much much more)

Thank you for gifting me with a mental image of a Wehrabo Anonymous Twelve Steps prgramme meeting :)

If they don't pull out a convincing, solid win, they will look weak.

The government will internally look weak and incompetent.

Neither of these are things they can tolerate. The entirety of the continuation of this war, at this point, is the desperation to prove that they weren't wrong to go in in the first place, that they do have the strength to break Ukraine as a nation, and that everyone else should still be intimidated by their military might.

This is what happens when those who think they're so much wiser and more intelligent than us plebs run face-first into reality, and still try to deny that reality isn't what they claimed.

I think the same.But - we are taking about Moscov,which do not care about how many of its soldiers die.And are run by KGB which is supposed to be super smart.
So,it could be ome very smart feint to take over world,or at least Europe.Becouse KGB must be smart,right?
P.S Jokes aside - i think,tat either you are right,or Putin made deal with USA deep state for long war which let them win elections in 2022.
A child died with her mother.
Here is video 30 minutes before.

Plenty of Russians have celebrated her death.
Is Ukraine still in the wrong Vatniks?

Yeah 400 kilometers from the Frontline apparently.

What a difference thirty minutes makes.

Reportedly two of the five Kalibr missiles which took part in this attack on Vinnytsia we're intercepted by Ukrainian Air Defense. The rest of course hit their civilian targets.

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I wonder about analogies with 1916. [I'm probably the gazzilionth person to do so :)]
Russia started a war, was getting beaten up for its efforts yet the Gov't kept on throwing good money after bad ...

Mind you, up to the Gorlice-Tarnów (counter)offensive Russia gave as good as it got. Here the war performance has been unstellar since Day One.
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I wonder about analogies with 1916. [I'm probably the gazzilionth person to do so :)]
Russia started a war, was getting beaten up for its efforts yet the Gov't kept on throwing good money after bad ...

Mind you, up to the Gorlice-Tarnów (counter)offensive Russia gave as good as it got. Here the war performance has been unstellar since Day One.

As I previously told sillygoose:

BTW, off-topic, but does it strike you just how little Russia had to actually gain in World War I? Just how much did the average Russian peasant actually care about the Memelland or Galicia or Subcarpathian Ruthenia or Ottoman Armenia or Constantinople? Enough to risk a World War over these territories? I could understand why exactly a Serb or especially a Romanian would be eager to fight a World War, but Russia got an extremely bad deal out of this even if it would have been victorious.
Russians Reportedly Hit a Performance Hall in Vinnytsia, after claiming they struck a Ukrainian Military Unit Stationed several dozen kilometers away.

Reportedly at least twenty killed including children.

Some speculay as to why it was targeted, including allegations they just struck it based off the name.

A charity concert was supposed to take place there later on. Casualties could've been potentially worse

You know, such barbarity really plays into the Asiatic horde mentality of the Russians that the Nazis previously propagated during World War II. Are the Russians actually going for that?

Yeah, I've heard that while Gorbachev split Russians and Ukrainians, at least they continued to feel like brothers after his rule. In contrast, Putin turned Russians and Ukrainians into extremely bitter enemies for an extremely long time to come. Very sad to see, considering that the two of them are brotherly peoples.

The "Top of a bald head" belongs to Georgi Alekseyev, who was Grand Chamberlain of the court of the Russian Emperor, in charge of court finances. He was invited to pose for the role, but refused, as he felt it was undignified. Instead, Repin sketched the back of his head while Alekseyev was engaged in looking at an exhibit of prints. When he saw the painting, Alekseyev recognized his head, and was not pleased, but by then the painting was in the imperial collection.

lmao based

Er, confused, they're assuming she supports Putin because she typed in "Russianzz"?? She could have just as easily misspelled. They must be looking for another "witch" to burn, relatively speaking. Online mobs never stay sated for long.
Er, confused, they're assuming she supports Putin because she typed in "Russianzz"?? She could have just as easily misspelled. They must be looking for another "witch" to burn, relatively speaking. Online mobs never stay sated for long.

Yeah, given that she condemned the war back when it started, I'm inclined to believe that the Russianzz spelling was just her being silly lol!
He's talking about the S400 Manufacturer.

Oh; thanks.

Anyway, off-topic question but want to ask: Just how likely do you think that an eventual full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine would have been had someone other than Vladimir Putin become Boris Yeltsin's chosen successor back in 1999? Such as Yevgeny Primakov?
Alea iacta est. Putin has Ukraine in his grand legacy plans he doesn't want to change, and after the "surprise", there will be no half decent opportunity to try again in his lifetime, perhaps his successor's too. It's the only shot for the foreseeable future, so he wants to push it as far as physically possible.

Similar to Iran during the Iran-Iraq War, when it refused to give up for eight years?


No, re-approachment was never in the cards. The US is too much of their enemy for that to happen, especially with the Putin/ex-KGB leadership in charge. Hell, Putin had put out his own Mein Kampf a while back and it detailed that to get back to the glory days, the current geopolitical system of practically free trade has to die.
Oh, and I don't suppose you have an actual link to the actual book?

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