Alternate History 🇺🇸 November 2, 1976: President Nelson Rockefeller wins election to full 4-year term and the aftermath

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Upcoming Installments for Chapter 14 of The American Republic
  • AUTHOR'S NOTE: The following installments will be thoroughly worked on in Chapter 14 which will include Newspaper Headlines, Breaking News Alerts, Special Report Alerts, Personal PoV's.

    *National and International Headlines (Spring 1983)
    *Personal PoV's (Spring 1983)
    *Pop Culture Highlights
    *Sports Headlines (Spring 1983)
    *US State/Territory Governorships to watch in 1983: Mississippi, Kentucky and Louisiana
    *Highlights of the Reagan Presidency (Spring 1983)
    *Pop Culture Headlines: Music and Movies
    *Pop Culture Television (Spring 1983)
    Chapter 14: Personal PoV's (Spring 1983: II)
  • ......"there were some people pushing me to run for the Presidency in 1984. I was flattered by the "Draft Carter" movements which had been ongoing for the past two years. Some asked why did I leave the United States Senate after only six years, I explained that family had to come first and after 26 years holding political office, I had to do what was best for me and my family by spending time with them.

    Rosalynn is continuing to be with me during all of this. However, there was something brewing happening inside our beloved State that we both love deeply. Allegations of campaign finance violations, bribery, mail fraud, corruption scandals engulfing Georgia state government. Petitions were being signed in the months ahead and there was a growing possibility of a recall election taking place set for 1984.

    Backlash was exploding against Governor Harris, whose approval ratings were pathetic and not improving anytime soon. The old gang (Ham, Bert, etc.) from my governorship soon arrived in Plains and we discussed strategies of another political campaign. And it was not a campaign for the Presidency nor United States Senator.... It was a campaign to seek the Governorship again."
    -Georgia Governor James Earl "Jimmy" Carter
    ABC News Exclusive Interview: "The Peanut Farmer's Comeback in Georgia Politics"
    Spring 1985
    76th and 79th Governor of Georgia
    12 January 1971 to 14 January 1975
    17 June 1984 to 14 January 1991
    Chaos exploding in the Philippines 🇵🇭
    21 August 1983: The assassination of former Philippine Senator Benigno Simeon Aquino, Jr., and the ramifications for the Republic of the Philippines going forward

    Chapter 14: National and International Headlines (Spring 1983: III)
    *February 24, 1983: The Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians which was created by the US Congress, declared that the interment of Japanese Americans during World War II was unjustly wrong. Recommendations detailed the detainees should receive compensation of $20,000.00.

    *February 26, 1983: Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' album goes to #1 in the United States 200 Billboard album charts for 37 consecutive weeks, setting the world record for the amount of time an album stayed #1.

    *February 28, 1983: The most watched television series finale of the American war comedy drama television series, "M*A*S*H" that had ran for 11 Seasons from 17 September 1972 to 28 February 1983, showed that an estimated 105.9 million viewers watched the Series Finale.

    *March 1, 1983: The City of Los Angeles, California was struck by a tornado with speeds somewhere between 113mph and 137 mph. Buildings and property were destroyed, but there were no losses of life as 30 people had been injured as a result of the tornado. This was known as one of the most destructive and dangerous tornadoes in California's history.

    *March 2, 1983: Already available in Japan and Europe, Sony and Philips released their CD players in the United States. Though compact disc players cost $1,000 proving the CD players extremely popular.

    *March 11, 1983: The winners of the 9th Annual Peoples Choice Awards presented to the following: Katharine Hepburn, Jane Fonda and David Hasslehoff. "ET: The Extra-Terrestrial" won Favorite Motion Picture.

    *March 26, 1983: Liverpool defeated Manchester United, winning their third championship and Football League Cup.

    *March 31, 1983: The Popayan Earthquake in Colombia results in the deaths of 267 people. Local infrastructure and buildings were destroyed and devastated; This resulted in new laws which required zones at high rails of tremors to have dwellings made to be resistant to earthquakes.
    Chapter 14: National and International Headlines (Spring 1983: IV)
    *April 4, 1983: In one of the largest bank theft heists in the history of the United Kingdom, $6 million was taken at gunpoint from the Security Express van during a bank robbery.


    *April 7, 1983: Astronauts Donald H. Peterson and Story Musgrave performed the first spacewalk of the shuttle program during NASA's STS-6 mission. The spacewalk lasted over four hours.

    *April 8, 1983: David Copperfield astounds and shocks the studio audience as he made the Statue of Liberty disappear.

    *April 9, 1983: Corbiere wins the British Grand National, which was jockeyed by Ben de Haan and trained by Jenny Pitman. Corbiere is the first horse to be trained by a woman to winning the Grand National.

    *April 11, 1983: During the 55th Academy Awards, Richard Attenborough's "Gandhi" won 8 out of the 11 Oscars that the famed movie was nominated for.

    *April 18, 1983: Alice Walker made history becoming the first African American woman to be awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for her novel, The Color Purple which was published in 1982.

    *April 19, 1983: During an emotional and moving ceremony, the Nelson Rockefeller Presidential Library and Museum in Albany, New York State opens during a special dedication ceremony. Among those in attendance: President
    Ronald Reagan; former First Lady Happy Rockefeller (the wife of the late President Nelson Rockefeller); former President Linwood Holton; former Vice President Edward W. Brooke, III; United States Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY St); New York State Governor Mario Cuomo; West Virginia Governor Jay Rockefeller including countless of several foreign Heads of State such as Mexican President General Oscar Robles; Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau; former French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing.

    *April 25, 1983: Unmanned spacecraft Pioneer 10 crossed the orbit of Pluto, making it the first craft to going beyond the Solar System.

    *April 27, 1983: Pope Carlos I begins his months-long Pilgrimage Tour which will last six months. He began the first of his long international Pilgrimage Tour by visiting Canada on April 27th, by visiting the following cities: Toronto, Montreal, Quebec City, Ottawa, Vancouver. It's expected that he will be meeting with US President
    Ronald Reagan for face-to-face bilateral meeting at the White House in Washington, DC.
    Chapter 14: 98th United States Congress (Spring 1983: I)
  • Leadership of the 98th US Congress
    April 30, 1983

    US House of Representatives:
    Tip O'Neill (D-MA)
    Majority Leader: Jim Wright (D-TX)
    Majority Whip: Tom Foley (D-WA St)
    Chief Deputy Majority Whip: Bill Alexander (D-AR)
    Democratic Caucus Chairman: Gillis William Long (D-LA)
    Democratic Caucus Secretary: Geraldine Ferraro (D-NY St)
    Democratic Campaign Committee Chairman: Tony Coelho (D-CA)

    Minority Leader: Robert H. Michel (R-IL)
    Minority Whip: Trent Lott (R-MS)
    Chief Deputy Whip: Tom Loeffler (R-TX)
    Republican Conference Chairman: Jack Kemp (R-NY St)
    Republican Conference Vice Chairman: Jack Edwards (R-AL)
    Republican Conference Secretary: Clair Burgener (R-CA)
    Policy Committee Chairman: Dick Cheney (R-WY)
    Republican Campaign Committee Chairman: Guy Vander Jagt (R-MI)

    COMING UP IN CHAPTER 14 OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC: Leadership of the United States Senate
    Chapter 14: 98th United States Congress (Spring 1983: II)
  • Leadership of the 98th US Congress
    April 30, 1983

    United States Senate:
    Senate President:
    George HW Bush (R-TX)
    Senate President Pro Tempore: Strom Thurmond (R-SC)

    Majority Leadership: Republican
    Senate Majority Leader:
    Howard Baker (R-TN)
    Majority Whip: Ted Stevens (R-AK)
    Republican Conference Chairman: James A. McClure (R-ID)
    Repulican Conference Secretary:
    Jake Garn (R-UT)
    National Senatorial Committee Chairman:
    Richard Lugar (R-IN)
    Policy Committee Chairman:
    William L. Armstrong (R-CO)

    Minority Leadership: Democratic
    Senate Minority Leader/Democratic Conference Chairman:
    Robert Byrd (D-WV)
    Minority Whip: Alan Cranston (D-CA)
    Democratic Caucus Secretary: Daniel Inouye (D-HI)
    Democratic Campaign Commitee Chairman:
    Lloyd Bentsen (D-TX)

    COMING SOON IN CHAPTER 14 OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC: List of the United States Senate (Spring 1983).
    Chapter 14: United States Senate during the 98th US Congress (Spring 1983: III)
  • List of United States Senators
    April 30, 1983

    Class 2: Howell Heflin (D-AL)
    Class 3: Jeremiah Denton (R-AL)

    Class 2: Ted Stevens (R-AK)
    Class 3: Frank Murkowski (R-AK)

    Class 1: Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ)
    Class 3: Barry Goldwater (R-AZ)

    Class 2: David Pryor (D-AR)
    Class 3: Dale Bumpers (D-AR)

    Class 1: Pete Wilson (R-CA)
    Class 3: Alan Cranston (D-CA)

    Class 2: William L. Armstrong (R-CO)
    Class 3: Gary Hart (D-CO)

    Class 1: Lowell Weicker (R-CT)
    Class 3: Christopher J. Dodd (D-CT)

    Class 1: William Roth (R-DE)
    Class 2: Joe Biden (D-DE)

    Class 1: Lawton Chiles (D-FL)
    Class 3: Paula Hawkins (R-FL)

    Class 2: Sam Nunn (D-GA)
    Class 3: Mack Mattingly (R-GA)

    Class 1: Spark Matsunaga (D-HI)
    Class 3: Daniel Inouye (D-HI)

    Class 2: James A. McClure (R-ID)
    Class 3: Steve Symms (R-ID)

    Class 2: Charles Percy (R-IL)
    Class 3: Alan J. Dixon (D-IL)

    Class 1: Richard Lugar (R-IN)
    Class 3: James Danforth Quayle (R-IN)

    Class 2: Roger Jepsen (R-IA)
    Class 3: Chuck Grassley (R-IA)

    Class 2: Nancy Kassebaum (R-KS)
    Class 3: Robert Joseph "Bob" Dole (R-KS)

    Class 2: Walter "Dee" Huddleston (D-KY)
    Class 3: Wendell Ford (D-KY)

    Class 2: J. Bennett Johnston (D-LA)
    Class 3: Russell Billiu Long (D-LA)

    Class 1: George J. Mitchell (D-ME)
    Class 2: William Cohen (R-ME)

    Class 1: Paul Sarbarnes (D-MD)
    Class 3: Charles Mathias (R-MD)

    Class 1: Edward Moore "Ted" Kennedy (D-MA)
    Class 2: Paul Tsongas (D-MA)

    Class 1: Donald Riegle (D-MI)
    Class 2: Carl Levin (D-MI)

    Class 1: David Durenberger (R-MN)
    Class 2: Rudy Boschwitz (R-MN)

    Class 1: Raymond Mabus (D-MS)
    Class 2: Thad Cochran (R-MS)

    Class 1: John Danforth (R-MO)
    Class 3: Thomas Eagleton (D-MO)

    Class 1: John Mechler (D-MT)
    Class 2: Max Baucus (D-MT)

    Class 1: Edward Zorinsky (D-NE)
    Class 2: J. James Exon (D-NE)

    Class 1: Chic Hecht (R-NV)
    Class 3: Paul Laxalt (R-NV)

    *New Hampshire
    Class 2: Gordon J. Humphrey (R-NH)
    Class 3: Warren Rudman (R-NH)

    *New Jersey
    Class 1: Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ)
    Class 3: Bill Bradley (D-NJ)

    *New Mexico
    Class 1: Jeff Bingaman (D-NM)
    Class 2: Pete Domenici (R-NM)

    *New York State
    Class 1: Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY St)
    Class 3: Alphonse D'Amato (R-NY St)

    *North Carolina
    Class 2: Jesse Helms (R-NC)
    Class 3: John Porter East (R-NC)

    *North Dakota
    Class 1: Quentin Burdick (D/NPL-ND)
    Class 3: Mark Andrews (R-ND)

    Class 1: Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH)
    Class 3: John Glenn (D-OH)

    Class 2: David Boren (D-OK)
    Class 3: Don Nickles (R-OK)

    Class 2: Mark Hatfield (R-OR)
    Class 3: Bob Packwood (R-OR)

    Class 1: J. John Heinz, III (R-PA)
    Class 3: Arlen Specter (R-PA)

    *Puerto Rico
    Class 1: Juan H. Cinton Garcia (D-PR)
    Class 2: Luis A. Ferre (R-PR)

    *Rhode Island
    Class 1: John Chafee (R-RI)
    Class 2: Claiborne Pell (D-RI)

    *South Carolina
    Class 2: Strom Thurmond (R-SC)
    Class 3: Fritz Hollings (D-SC)

    *South Dakota
    Class 2: Larry Pressler (R-SD)
    Class 3: James Abdnor (R-SD)

    Class 1: Jim Sasser (D-TN)
    Class 2: Howard Baker (R-TN)

    Class 1: Lloyd Millard Bentsen (D-TX)
    Class 2: Dolph Briscoe, Jr., (D-TX)

    Class 1: Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
    Class 3: Jake Garn (R-UT)

    Class 1: Robert Stafford (R-VT)
    Class 3: Patrick Leahy (D-VT)

    Class 1: Paul Trible (R-VA)
    Class 2: John Warner (R-VA)

    Class 1: Daniel Jackson Evans (R-WA)
    Class 3: Slade Gorton (R-WA)

    *West Virginia
    Class 1: Robert Byrd (D-WV)
    Class 2: Jennings Randolph (D-WV)

    Class 1: William Proxmire (D-WI)
    Class 3: Bob Kasten (R-WI)

    Class 1: Malcolm Wallop (R-WY)
    Class 2: Alan Simpson (R-WY)

    COMING SOON IN CHAPTER 14 OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC: List of the US State/Territory Governorships.
    Last edited:
    Chapter 14: Governorships to Watch in 1983
    May 6, 1983

    Popular incumbent Mississippi Governor William Forrest Winter announced his campaign for reelection following the passage of a constitutional amendment back in 1981 which allowed Governors to succeed themselves. It was reported that former Mississippi Governor Evelyn Gandy was considering a primary challenge, but eventually backed off and will support Winter's reelection from behind the scenes.
    Over on the Republican side, Leon Bramlett appears to be the favorite to winning the Republican Party gubernatorial primary. Polling surveys suggest Winter will win reelection by double digits.
    Status: Solid Democratic

    Democratic: Mississippi Governor William Forrest Winter (incumbent seeking reelection)
    Republican: Leon Bramlett

    Unpopular flamboyant and controversial Kentucky Governor John Y. Brown, Jr., is prohibited from succeeding himself due to the one-term rule for Kentucky Governors inside the Bluegrass State. On the Democratic side: Kentucky Lieutenant Governor Martha Layne Collins and Louisville Mayor Harvey I. Sloane are the top contenders while over on the Republican side, it's all quiet because State Senate Minority Leader Jim Bunning is heavily favored to become the Republican Party gubernatorial nominee.
    Status: Likely Democratic

    Democrats: Kentucky Lieutenant Governor Martha Layne Collins
    Louisville Mayor Harvey I. Sloane
    Republican: State Senator Jim Bunning

    The Pelican State is bracing for an all-out showdown between incumbent Louisiana Governor David Conner Treen and former Louisiana Governor Edwin Washington Edwards. Polling surveys suggest Edwards is the strong favorite to reclaiming the Louisiana Governor's Mansion for a historic third term. Jungle Primary election is set for 22 October 1983.
    Status: Likely Democratic Gain

    Democratic: Former Louisiana Governor Edwin Washington Edwards Edwin
    Republican: Louisiana Governor David Conner Treen (incumbent seeking reelection)

    Chapter 14: Personal PoV's (Spring 1983) 😎😎😎😎😎😎
  • ......"and the first phase of the long Goodwill Tour of Pope Carlos I began when he arrived in Singapore on April 30th. It was an estimated 5,000+ were waving Vatican flags at the Singapore International Airport. He was like a rock star with some youth and vigor plus lots of stamina and super energy because of his military background in the Brazilian Marine Corps Reserve including some of his athletic skills.

    The first Brazilian Pontiff met with Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Kwan Yew during a face-to-face bilateral meeting at the Prime Minister's Residence. This was a historic development in cementing ties between the Republic of Singapore and the Holy See."
    -Excerpt from "Pope Carlos I: First Pontiff from the Amazon"
    Summer 2007.

    ......"Among the list of potential contenders for the Democratic Party presidential nomination in 1984, there was one obvious name which kept coming up: former US Ambassador to Canada Walter Mondale, who many political strategists believed appeared more likely to seek the Presidency in 1984. Then another decided to jump in: Senator Hart of Colorado, whom some felt was lacking substance and we had no idea that lack of substance was going to come up later on."
    -Excerpt from "Low Points in American Politics: Political Malpractice"
    Spring 2004.
    Chapter 14: Wiki-esque Infobox: Princess Grace of Monaco
  • Princess Grace of Monaco

    Princess Consort of Monaco

    18 April 1956-14 October 1982
    ********************Personal Details************************
    Grace Patricia Kelly
    12 November 1929
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US
    Died 14 October 1982 (aged 52)
    Monaco Hospital
    La Calle, Monaco
    Cause of death Injuries sustained in automobile accident; Stroke
    Resting place 20 October 1982
    Cathedral of Our Lady Immaculate
    Monaco-Ville, Monaco
    Spouse Rainier, III: Prince of Monaco
    (married 1956-1982: her death)
    Issue Caroline, Princess of Hanover
    Albert, II, Prince of Monaco
    Princess Stephanie
    House Grimaldi (by marriage)
    Father John B. Kelly, Sr.,
    Mother Margaret Majer
    Religion Roman Catholic

    Education American Academy of Dramatic Arts
    Occupation Actress
    Years active 1949-1956; 1977
    Works Full List
    Awards Academy Award for Best Actress
    1954 "The Country Girl"
    (see Awards and nominations)
    Chapter 14: Personal PoV's (Summer 1983: I)
  • ......"we're getting reports of an explosive situation inside Romania. There has been unconfirmed reports of both Romanian President Nicolae Ceausecu and his wife, Elena Ceausecu were both brutally executed via machine-gun fire by a group of soldiers on live television following a mock trial held by members of the Military Junta."
    -ABC News Special Report
    17 May 1983.

    ......"The violent public executions of Romanian President Nicolae Ceausecu and his wife, Romanian First Lady Elena Ceausecu on the afternoon of May 17th has sent shockwaves across Europe. It comes less than four days following the explosive revolution which overthrew the Ceausecu's and a military junta took over the Romanian government effective immediately. There will be huge international ramifications of the Romanian Revolution of 1983 as all of Europe is on extreme high alert and the entire world as a whole.

    It's unknown what caused Romanians to finally rise up and kick the Ceausecu's out but after 20+ years, the conclusion is the tenuous situation had been escalating for the last several years: Economic problems, massive unemployment, inflation, mismanagement of the economy, corruption inside the Romanian government and lack of freedoms."
    -Excerpt from Chaos of the 80s.
    Chapter 14: US State/Territory Governorships (Summer 1983: II)
  • US State/Territory Governorships (I)
    Tuesday, May 31, 1983


    George Corley Wallace, Jr.,
    *First elected: 1962; Reelected in 1970, 1974 and again in 1982
    *In office: 14 January 1963 to 16 January 1967; 18 January 1971 to 15 January 1979;
    Since 17 January 1983
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986


    William Jennings Sheffield, Jr.,
    *First elected: 1982
    *In office: 6 December 1982
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986.


    Peter Tali Coleman
    *First elected: 1977; Reelected in 1980
    *In office: 3 January 1978
    *Seat Up: 6 November 1986.


    Bruce Edward Babbitt
    *Ascended to the Governorship following the death of then-Arizona Governor Wesley Bolin on 4 March 1978.
    *First elected: 1978; Reelected in 1982
    *In office: 4 March 1978
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986


    William Jefferson Clinton
    *First elected: 1978; Reelected in 1982.
    *In office: 9 January 1979 to 19 January 1981; since 11 January 1983
    *Seat Up: 6 November 1984.


    Courken George Deukmejian
    *First elected: 1982
    *In office: 3 January 1983
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986.

    COMING UP IN THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC: Part II of the US State/Territory Governorships (Summer 1983)
    Chapter 14: US State/Territory Governorships (Summer 1983: III)
  • US State/Territory Governorships (II)
    Tuesday, May 31, 1983


    Richard Douglas Lamm
    *First elected: 1974; Reelected in 1978 and 1982
    *In office: 14 January 1975
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986


    William Atchison O'Neill
    *Ascended to the Governorship upon the death of then-Connecticut Governor Ellen Grasso on 27 June 1980
    *First elected: 1982
    *In office: 27 June 1980
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986


    Pierre Samuel du Pont, IV
    *First elected: 1976; Reelected in 1980
    *In office: 18 January 1977
    *OPEN SEAT: Prevented from succeeding himself due to term limits.
    *Seat Up: 6 November 1984


    Robert Douglas Graham
    *First elected: 1978; Reelected in 1982
    *In office: 2 January 1979
    *OPEN SEAT: Prevented from succeeding himself due to term limits.
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986


    Joe Frank Harris
    *First elected: 1982
    *In office: 11 January 1983
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986


    Ricardo Jerome "Ricky" Bordallo
    *Previously served: 6 January 1975 to 1 January 1979
    *In office: 3 January 1983
    *First elected: 1974; Reelected in 1982
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986

    COMING UP IN THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC: Part III of the US State/Territory Governorships
    Chapter 14: US State/Territory Governorships (Summer 1983: IV)
  • US State/Territory Governorships (IV)
    Tuesday, May 31, 1983


    George Ryoichi Ariyoshi
    *In office: 2 December 1974
    *First elected: 1974; Reelected in 1978 and 1982
    *OPEN SEAT: Prevented from succeeding himself due to term limits
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986


    John Victor Evans
    *Ascended to the Governorship upon the resignation of then-Idaho Governor Cecil Andrus on 23 January 1977.
    *In office: 23 January 1977
    *First elected: 1978; Reelected in 1982
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986


    James Robert "Big Jim" Thompson, Jr.,
    *In office: 10 January 1977
    *First elected: 1976; Reelected in 1978 and 1982
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986

    COMING UP IN THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC: Part V of the US State/Territory Governorships
    Chapter 14: US State/Territory Governorships (Summer 1983: V)
  • US State/Territory Governorships (V)
    Tuesday, May 31, 1983


    Robert Dunkerson Orr
    *In office: 12 January 1981
    *First elected: 1980
    *Seat Up: 6 November 1984


    Terry Edward Branstad
    *In office: 14 January 1983
    *First elected: 1982
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986


    John William Carlin
    *In office: 8 January 1979
    *First elected: 1978; Reelected in 1982
    *OPEN SEAT: Prevented from succeeding himself due to term limits.
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986


    John Young Brown, Jr.,
    *In office: 11 December 1979
    *First elected: 1979
    *OPEN SEAT: Prevented from succeeding himself due to term limits.
    *Seat Up: 8 November 1983


    David Conner Treen
    *In office: 10 March 1980
    *First elected: 1979
    *Seat Up: 22 October 1983

    COMING UP IN THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC: Part VI of the US State/Territory Governorships from the Summer of 1983
    Chapter 14: US State/Territory Governorships (Summer 1983: VI)
  • US State/Territory Governorships (VI)
    Tuesday, May 31, 1983


    Joseph Edward Brennan
    *In office: 3 January 1979
    *First elected: 1978; Reelected in 1982
    *OPEN SEAT: Prevented from succeeding himself due to term limits.
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986


    Harry Roe Hughes
    *In office: 17 January 1979
    *First elected: 1978; Reelected in 1982
    *OPEN SEAT: Prevented from succeeding himself due to term limits.
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986


    Michael Stanley Dukakis
    *Previously served: 2 January 1975 to 4 January 1979
    *In office: 6 January 1983
    *First elected: 1974; Reelected in 1982
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986


    William Grawn Milliken
    *Ascended to the Governorship upon the resignation of then-Michigan Governor George Romney on 22 January 1969.
    *In office: 22 January 1969
    *First elected: 1970; Reelected in 1974, 1978 and again in 1982
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986


    Rudolph George Perpich
    *Previously served: 29 December 1976 to 4 January 1979
    *In office: 3 January 1983
    *First elected: 1982
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986


    William Forrest Winter
    *In office: 22 January 1980
    *First elected: 1979
    *Seat Up: 8 November 1983

    Chapter 14: US State/Territory Governorships (Summer 1983: VII)
  • US State/Territory Governorships (VII)
    Tuesday, May 31, 1983


    Christopher Samuel "Kit" Bond
    *Previously served: 8 January 1973 to 10 January 1977
    *In office: 12 January 1981
    *First elected: 1972; Reelected in 1980
    *OPEN SEAT: Announced he wasn't seeking reelection to third non-consecutive term in 1984
    *Seat Up: 6 November 1984


    Thomas Lee Judge
    *In office: 1 January 1973
    *First elected: 1972; reelected in 1976 and again in 1980
    *Seat Up: 6 November 1984


    Joseph Robert Kerrey
    *In office: 6 January 1983
    *First elected: 1982
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986


    Richard Hudson Bryan
    *In office: 3 January 1983
    *First elected: 1982
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986


    John Henry Sununu
    *In office: 6 January 1983
    *First elected: 1982
    *Seat Up: 6 November 1984


    Thomas Howard Kean, Sr.,
    *In office: 19 January 1982
    *First elected: 1981
    *Seat Up: 5 November 1985


    Toney Anaya
    *In office: 1 January 1983
    *First elected: 1982
    *OPEN SEAT: Prevented from succeeding himself due to term limits.
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986


    Mario Matthew Cuomo
    *In office: 1 January 1983
    *First elected: 1982
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986


    James Baxter Hunt, Jr.,
    *In office: 8 January 1977
    *First elected: 1976; Reelected in 1980
    *OPEN SEAT: Prevented from succeeding himself due to term limits.
    *29 May 1983: Announced his candidacy for the United States Senate in 1984.
    *Seat Up: 6 November 1984


    Allen Ingvar Olson
    *In office: 8 January 1981
    *First elected: 1980
    *OPEN SEAT: Announced on 12 May 1983 that he wasn't going to be seeking reelection.
    *Seat Up: 6 November 1984


    Richard Frank Celeste
    *In office: 10 January 1983
    *First elected: 1982
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986


    George Patterson Nigh
    *Previously served: 3 January 1963 to 14 January 1963
    *In office: 3 January 1979
    *First elected: 1978; Reelected in 1982
    *OPEN SEAT: Prevented from succeeding himself due to term limits.
    *Seat Up: 4 November 1986

    COMING UP IN THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC: Part VIII of the US State/Territory Governorships from Summer 1983
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