Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

But does this actually work? If they say something ridiculous and receive no consequences, what's the point?

I don’t advocate for beating the shit out of even commies and making them martyrs for what shit comes out of their mouths

And simply silencing them won’t stop the already indoctrinated masses from believing their shit

If they can however say whatever they want and beat the shit out of those who oppose them with zero consequences and keep at it for who knows how long and put their “hate speech” laws to the extreme

Then either you see people trying to escape or worst case scenario end up being willing to fight for their freedoms

Not everybody’s gonna follow the most insane shit that’s spewed

That said, what one must really look out for isn’t the crazies, its the crazies who are better at pretending to be sane and speak with CNN Tones and get to gaslight you and get others to gaslight you

Also those who conveniently and quickly forget what those crazies said before

So long as you have your own free speech whilst they have theirs, you can still fight and just because its illegal doesn’t mean people won’t think different thoughts

They may not receive consequences like getting fired or arrested for what they say, but they’ll face a different sort of consequence when saner people hear what they say....they’ll accidentally redpill people and make them wary

#MeToo for example has accidentally made men in the USA more scared and cautious of women and those women are now pissed at men for being afraid to be their victims

Here’s one thing to take into account, those crazies who can say and do shit can make people FEAR them and even HATE them or at least want to AVOID them

The Mafia can get away with murdering people in broad daylight and silence those who would speak out against them, but they can’t or won’t stop people from fearing them or even worse hating them

Being BOTH feared and hated is a BAD combination as Machiavelli once pointed out

Plus, bad idea to make a law that impinges on personal freedoms like privacy and speech, mostly because it can and will be used on you by someone else and probably not be repealed for who knows how long like that one with 9/11

I think even SJWs can be hit by their own hate speech laws, not by non-SJWs but by Far Lefties who see them as someone they can destroy for street cred or brownie points
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Latest cringe from Forbes

So I investigated this a bit more to see if there was any reality to the story. It seems there's a touch of research, they're suggesting that aspirated consonants (the ones you expel an explosive puff of air to speak, such as "T" and "K") expel droplets that can spread COVID more easily. They then go off the deep end talking about how after the first day, nobody can sit in the front rows of a college professor's lectures because of massive clouds of saliva in the air which... wasn't my experience at college.

Their suggestions about English fall apart when they claim that Japanese has no aspirated consonants. Anybody who's listened to a subbed Anime will know better. You might notice that, f'rex, there's a T in Naruto. Names with K in them are also extremely common and Aqua isn't inhaling when she says "Kazuma, Kazuma!"

A brief look at analysis of the Japanese language shows slightly less aspiration that English, but the big winner is Spanish, not Japanese.

Voiceless stops /p, t, k/ are slightly less aspirated than English stops, but more so than Spanish.

China also comes out extremely poorly with a lot of aspiration while most languages in India seem to be on the same level as Spanish. So overall I'd say there was a kernel of truth in there but they had to massage the data and make up some of their facts in order to villify English. An easier explanation for why fewer Japanese died of SARS than Americans is simple: Japanese health care rocks.
TikTokers share their glow-ups after escaping conservative households.

Or: How completely perfect, attractive people turn themselves into woke, unstable caricatures. Bloody hell, they all went from attractive to fucked in the head.
Transformed from one stereotype into an entirely different one. No exaggerating, showing all these clips together just shows how they all have that "tumblr look". And that's supposed to be your self-actualizing, true identity instead of dressing like a normie? bruh

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