ASOIAF/GOT ASOIAF Ideas, Recs, and Discussion thread

Which does jack all for his newly preteen body.

Setting A Character Mind Download Into Setting B Character can work... if Setting A Character brings new ideas to Setting B in general, or Setting B Character's position in particular.

I guess he gets the shit beaten out of him till he somehow bulks up and gets “experience”, like going to the other cities by foot only to have to fight bandits and poor people and slavers

Aside from being anti-slavery, spitting on or near people who praise him, not being impressed by long lineages and those who talk about theirs

Not much
I was thinking more in terms of say-ritual blood sacrifice to keep the mines running. Because we are talking about a mine that has been open for 8,000 years(supposedly), the old gods keep on providing new veins for gold to be found.

The miners themselves might occasionally be offered to Casterly Rock’s heart tree for this purpose.

Now that would give a very dark implication to Lannister wealth.

Also beauty-Lannister’s are all usually really good looking, what if sacrifices were required for the golden beauty to be maintained? Joanna and Tywin didn’t perform the sacrifices properly or they demanded too much for too little-and so Joanna died and Tyrion was born.

Or you could play it less malevolently-and argue that Tyrion being the salvation of House Lannister required Joanna’s death.

I dunno. Maybe Joanna prayed that her child be the “greatest lion since Lann” and her death was the offering given.

But I think the wealth and beauty aspects of the Lannister’s means you can use blood sacrifice in a very dark way here.
Disastrous “Uplift” Fic Idea

The Planetosi equivalent of “The Veil” from Dragon Age has been broken and now the Planetos has a strong connection to its equivalent of the Warp/Fade/NeverNever/Astral Plane

Daemons are spilling out, people and animals are mutating, people are getting magical powers, beings long thought to be myth are walking the earth once more

In this chaos, the war of the five kings still occurs

Bran Stark stands up on his own
I was thinking more in terms of say-ritual blood sacrifice to keep the mines running. Because we are talking about a mine that has been open for 8,000 years(supposedly), the old gods keep on providing new veins for gold to be found.

The miners themselves might occasionally be offered to Casterly Rock’s heart tree for this purpose.

Now that would give a very dark implication to Lannister wealth.

Also beauty-Lannister’s are all usually really good looking, what if sacrifices were required for the golden beauty to be maintained? Joanna and Tywin didn’t perform the sacrifices properly or they demanded too much for too little-and so Joanna died and Tyrion was born.

Or you could play it less malevolently-and argue that Tyrion being the salvation of House Lannister required Joanna’s death.

I dunno. Maybe Joanna prayed that her child be the “greatest lion since Lann” and her death was the offering given.

But I think the wealth and beauty aspects of the Lannister’s means you can use blood sacrifice in a very dark way here.
My headcanon behind the "endless" mines of the Lannisters is that they always make damn certain to get a return on their investment. Loan to another House? Collect, with interest. Host a tourney? Load the roster with your people to maximize the odds that Lannisters get the prize gold. Build infrastructure to enrich your holdings? Tax the gains. Casterly Rock never runs out of gold because it never stops bringing gold in.

Given the origin of House Lannister, specifically their acquisition of Casterly Rock? I think "supernatural level of mundane skill" is much more fitting for their legacy. Also, it'd make the prophecy that they'd be the doom of Valyria much more plausible to all involved. Either an enemy of Valyria wearing Lannister gold wields their augmented skills against them to lay them low, or a Valyrian blood mage succumbs to the "compulsion to use enhanced skill" when their enhanced skill is blood magic, and... Well, the Doom happened somehow.
So here’s one of those cross person consciousness inserted into someone else’s bodies ASB stories.

What if Stannis were inserted into Tywin Lannister on the eve of the Reyne Tarbeck rebellion(meaning his mind and memories and personality) from say the end of ADWD. So post character development Stannis.

And Tywin’s mind and consciousness was inserted into Stannis, say around his fifteenth birthday or some other time before Robert’s Rebellion. Say the day of his death.

How does Stywin handle Tytos, the Reyne-Tarbeck revolt and well being in the body of his most formidable enemy?

How does Tynnis handle being in Stannis body? With Robert and Renly as a brother, Cressen as father figure and tutor.

Both men are similar in certain ways(namely being hardasses) but also different in fundamental ways as well.
Sort of inspired by A Shattered Road on

Basically Tywin Lannister intervenes on the trident, and through a mixture of surprise and masterfully planned deception destroys both armies-royalist and rebel. With the aim of being crowned king. Having put all the lords on the trident to the sword. He sacks KL, and plans to marry Rhaella,or otherwise forcibly interject his blood into the Targaryen dynasty, if not rule through the sword alone.

He manages to complete the sack, before word reaches Lord Tyrell, seeing the whole order of Westeros collapsing-Lord Tyrell marches away from Storm's End, with Stannis and Renly having finally died of starvation(Davos sunk in the sea), and meets Lord Tywin at King's Landing, a brutal battle ensues just as the Tyrells storm the red keep, having slain Tywin, Kevan, and many other westermen, the wildfire goes off. Killing everyone there.

At this point Westeros breaks down, entirely into various warlords with House Lannister and House Tyrell being ruled by boys(Willas and Tyrion) with older regency councils, the north is ruled by a young Benjen, and the Riverlands are in theory ruled by Catelyn Stark, but in truth is a mess of petty kingdoms and roving bandits.

The stormlands at this point are literally in famine, the Tyrell host had confiscated all the food available on its march north. And anarchy. The Iron islands have erupted into a civil war between the fruits of Quellon's loins, with Balon, Euron and Victarion all wishing to pursue different avenues of conquest, and rallying their own supporters.

Doran sits alone, Dorne aflame with rebellion and cries of vengeance, against the Lannisters, against the Targaryens, against the Tyrells even. Seeing Highgarden overrun by a Florent-Tarly-Rowan bloc, and Willas Tyrell killed, Doran gives Oberyn the go ahead to invade the Reach, and another army under Lord Yronwood to invade the stormlands, the plan? Ostensibly territorial acquisition, the reality? Blind rage with a lack of a clear focal point.

And who will be the savior of this Westerosi Age of Warlordism? Why Viserys Targaryen of course! Married to Daenerys at his mother's last command, Viserys manages to have a large coterie of fled lords, bureaucrats, and knights around him-he manages to gain the support of the GC, and also negotiates a deal with the three daughters and Braavos-granting them vast economic concessions among other things, in return for sellswords and sellsails. He returns to Westeros 20 years after the fall of KL, but unfortunately must literally reconquer the country-owing to the actions of Lord Tywin and Lord Tyrell, the process of gaining acquiesce and consent to rule(however much that means something in a feudal society) was replaced with a "live by the sword, rule by the sword" unvarnished savagery, or more artfully-"to the strongest" warring lords do not even bother with fealty, its every man for himself, and anyone with the biggest army can lay claim to some sort of crown. Often lords are killed by their own retainers who are themselves cut down-feudal obligations basically disintegrate. As law and custom vanish into rule by swordpoint-literally.

So Viserys must not only reconquer what of Westeros he can, but also restore the social compact. When its nobility have abandoned all law and justice for a jungle like environment of anarchy and neverending slaughter.

This he must do quickly, as around 301 AC, a large blast sounds in the north which shakes the earth to its foundations-the wall falls down from end to end, and is but flat snow. And the dead rise from the graves, ditches and pits-with the Others coming south full bore.
You know, I think I once saw on AltHisto some story idea involving how somehow Aerys dies, leaving Rhaella a widow

And Tywin takes the opportunity to marry her

I think there’s some irony given that Aerys may have wanted to marry Joanna instead

Would Tywin change his last name to Targaryen for political reasons or keep it Lannister to finally give more glory to his House
Probably keep the name of Lannister, and the children(assuming she can still have one or two by him)-will be targs. For Tywin in this case, his blood is on the iron throne, if not his name.
Probably keep the name of Lannister, and the children(assuming she can still have one or two by him)-will be targs. For Tywin in this case, his blood is on the iron throne, if not his name.

His name? Or the House Name? I think he’d be really tempted to replace the three headdd dragon(there are no more dragons anyway)with a lion
His name? Or the House Name? I think he’d be really tempted to replace the three headdd dragon(there are no more dragons anyway)with a lion
The Targaryens are the Royal family, marrying Rhaella means Tywin can now maybe sire a son or two as kings. To name them Lannister would go against all history, custom and precedent. Also the Targaryens are a higher ranking house-it’s like if a lower ranking man say a Lydden or a Pool married a Lannister or Stark. The children would probably be named for their mother given the higher social station.
The Targaryens are the Royal family, marrying Rhaella means Tywin can now maybe sire a son or two as kings. To name them Lannister would go against all history, custom and precedent. Also the Targaryens are a higher ranking house-it’s like if a lower ranking man say a Lydden or a Pool married a Lannister or Stark. The children would probably be named for their mother given the higher social station.


I know you dislike Uplift Fics, but what do you think of an Uplift fic based mostly around the socioeconomic changes caused by an increase in technology & average education rate for Planetosi?

Or a scary clash in values between people from a more modern-safer-futuristic society to those of the Planetos who don’t think it’d be any issue for things like an old man older than a girls grandfather, to be marrying and impregnating a 14 year old due to politics

Not a Northwank due to said knowledge or tech being spread around

Slavers realise that over time, their “business” will be less and less needed as automation may make their “product” too expensive and some guys in the Free Cities or even Braavos actively making a case that slavery is BAD for the longterm economy

My way of doing it would be sorta, like ROB giving everybody a sort of “machine”


That floats around and tries educating and explaining things to its user and is pretty much indestructible and is for everybody

Could result in things like The Thenns making better bronze weaponry
I don't know enough about Elder Scrolls to say.

One aspect of Hear Me Roar I really wish we could get more of is the side story, A Roar Unheard.

Maybe someday, someone could do a collaborative continuation of this. Basically Anfalas-is ISOTed to where the Westerlands were. Anfalas is Gondor's western backwater province. And is relatively underpopulated. So the story could focus more on the consequences of the Lannister's being gone than what you usually get in ISOTs-where the change is what you get from what comes in.
I don't know enough about Elder Scrolls to say.

Well, here’s a vid covering the era wherein the Ayleid Kingdoms are still around

Frankly, I think even those guys who grew up in Essosi slaver cities would be appalled at how the Ayleids treat their slaves

“Flesh Gardens”, Human Bones for Ayleid toddlers to play with, drugging them with liquidized eldritch abominations etc
@CarlManvers2019 I am pretty sure the last part is not so much drugging humans, but turning them into the daemonhost equivalent of bongs, so they can take a hit of said, "Liquidized eldritch abominations", though that might just be differences in reading.


Though, you think even Essosi would be appalled? I mean they regularly already do things like sexual slavery, killing slave babies as “training”, crucify slave children en masse, make slaves into gladiators, traumatised dehumanized eunuch slave soldiers etc

Admittedly, I can’t help but think of Daenerys having her own Pelinal Whitestrake due to her also going against slavery

And guys like the nobility of Meereen and Slaver’s Bay are sorta already pretty “ridiculous” in terms of how openly evil they are

I would write a snippet, if I could, but haven’t done so for years
Idea: Gerion Lannister SOMEHOW comes back from the Doom of Valyria with Brightroar

He refuses to talk about how he found it or what he saw in the Doom

Secretly, he has a large number of ancient Valyrian Tomes brought with him and turns Castamere into an Eldritch Location full of cultists and THINGS from beyond-the-veil

Tywin Lannister after “quarantining” the place, allows for “adventurers” to come in to raid the place so long as they come back to give a portion of their findings back to House Lannister

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