Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

Honest, officer, I ain't no alt-righter, wanna play through Euphoria with me. :ROFLMAO:

That is one way to cut down on government bloat and NPC headcount, although the law enforcement people might start claiming mental disability after seeing my hentai collection.
"College Alegbra" is misleading.

It's not the algebra class you took in HS before you took geometry and trig. It's linear algebra and one you aren't allowed to take until after you pass calculus III and differential equations.

If you can pass linear algebra you've basically got a math minor and are about half of the way to a math degree no matter what your chosen major is.

EDIT: If you can not pass linear algebra you will almost certainly fail the classes which have it as a prerequisite and are wasting both your tuition and everyone else's time.
The article, if you wish to read it:

It's horrifiyingly on the "blame white people for everything" side of wokeness. You aren't taking linear algebra until you're already forty percent-to-half of the way to a STEM degree and practically any college degree that's not fine arts or a language which doesn't require linear algebra is basically "cruise control while slacking off" for someone who can pass calculus III.
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Excellent, a reminder to the right in said "most" that the green agenda is not their agenda, and now is the great opportunity to get some votes with the proposition of sacrificing the green agenda, which is a sacred cow to most left and center parties.
There's a reason brown coal was moved away from though, and it had little reason to do with the green movement. I'm not blaming Poland for doing what is needed, but it should be phased back out ASAP as the stuff really is toxic and bad for human health as well as the environment. In a world without the green nonsense, if coal needed to be fallen back on Poland would just buy up cheap, abundant and much cleaner burning black coal from Appalachia and elsewhere and just have it shipped in. But nobody can have nice things.
There's a reason brown coal was moved away from though, and it had little reason to do with the green movement. I'm not blaming Poland for doing what is needed, but it should be phased back out ASAP as the stuff really is toxic and bad for human health as well as the environment. In a world without the green nonsense, if coal needed to be fallen back on Poland would just buy up cheap, abundant and much cleaner burning black coal from Appalachia and elsewhere and just have it shipped in. But nobody can have nice things.
Colorado has a lot of nice clean anthricite, that used to go to the CCP regularly if it wasn't used locally, that could definitely be useful for Poland.
There's a reason brown coal was moved away from though, and it had little reason to do with the green movement. I'm not blaming Poland for doing what is needed, but it should be phased back out ASAP as the stuff really is toxic and bad for human health as well as the environment.
That's a bit exaggerated. Oh so green and advanced Germany burns it in power plants en masse.
Czechia is using it both in houses and power plants, they don't have a China grade catastrophe either.
Of course a lot of the details depend on such things as what stoves are used, the specific source of the coal, as brown coal from various seams has very different contents of nasty chemicals, and even weather.
And then there is a very simple collectivist problem controversy. Coal of both kinds helps create nasty smog in some cities, particularly those with suitable geographic and weather features, giving support to banning its use among their citizens.
On the other hand, the "enlightened" politicians from such cities then try to push the same policy on less densely populated areas, who don't see much of that problem due to massive difference in the density of population and as such, amount of coal being burned and pollutant densities in air.
In a world without the green nonsense, if coal needed to be fallen back on Poland would just buy up cheap, abundant and much cleaner burning black coal from Appalachia and elsewhere and just have it shipped in. But nobody can have nice things.
Coal is expensive to transport such long distances, not a vote winning proposition here. The bigger problem here was bad long term policy, because Poland does have one of biggest reserves of black coal in Europe. It's just that mining operations were being scaled down, with lots of influence of complicated deals with the green agenda pushing EU in the background. The shortfall was being for the time being, compensated with import from Russia, and before 2014, Ukraine too, as due to easier to extract reserves theirs was cheaper, and you know, EU, common market, can't just make tariffs at will or something.
Colorado has a lot of nice clean anthricite, that used to go to the CCP regularly if it wasn't used locally, that could definitely be useful for Poland.
Obviously price is the issue. Polish hard coal, not cheap but also not expensive, is currently about 200-300$\ton if you jump through some hoops and get it straight from a mine, but the demand vastly outstrips that supply.
Meanwhile "open market" price is closer to 600-650$\ton. That includes imports from Colombia, South Africa and Australia.

If it wasn't for green nonsense most of the world would be on nuclear energy and everything would be better off.
Currently there are talks of building one or two first NPPs in Poland, USA and South Korea are the main technology import contenders here, if plan 2 gets picked it will be one each.
This is just recent history.
Also, I don't see Austria.
And Sweden.
And some other people.

In any case, much of Polandistania's animosity towards Russia comes from the fact that the Russians resisted Polish-Lithuanian attempts of a takeover during the time of troubles, and their support of rebellious Cossacks prior to the Deluge, and the Deluge itself.
Also, the Polish view that they are western, more civilized and superior to all other Slavs and must reign over them because muh Pope, muh Latin and Muh Magnates voting oligarchy.

TL;DR Dey be like Slavic House N***as. :ROFLMAO:
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This is just recent history.
Also, I don't see Austria.
And Sweden.
And some other people.

In any case, much of Polandistania's animosity towards Russia comes from the fact that the Russians resisted Polish-Lithuanian attempts of a takeover during the time of troubles, and their support of rebellious Cossacks prior to the Deluge, and the Deluge itself.
Also, the Polish view that they are western, more civilized and superior to all other Slavs and must reign over them because muh Pope, muh Latin and Muh Magnates voting oligarchy.

TL;DR Dey be like Slavic House N***as. :ROFLMAO:

Well,no.We do not feel animosity against Russia,becouse it not longer exist - soviets murdered it.
And,when we hated them,it was becouse of tsar soldiers enslaving us,not some old history.
Well,no.We do not feel animosity against Russia,becouse it not longer exist - soviets murdered it.
And,when we hated them,it was becouse of tsar soldiers enslaving us,not some old history.
And Poland was partitioned 3 ways between the krauts, the Krauts Lite and the Russians, who were run by a certain Kraut with a love for horses. ;)

And I am sure that is not why you want to make Zhoposhpolita great again with that promethean stuff and the Three seas initiative thingy.

Also, you kinda see other Slavs as inferior because they weren't Catholics or part of the west.
And Poland was partitioned 3 ways between the krauts, the Krauts Lite and the Russians, who were run by a certain Kraut with a love for horses. ;)

And I am sure that is not why you want to make Zhoposhpolita great again with that promethean stuff and the Three seas initiative thingy.

Also, you kinda see other Slavs as inferior because they weren't Catholics or part of the west.
And we hated russians for partitions,not some wars before that.Not important,they are gone now.
3 seas initiative is not polish empire,but alliance of equal.Something which both dead Russia and living postsoviets are unable to undarstandt.
So,other slavs are not inferior for us.

But i undartsandt,that average turkish Bulgars like you must love long dead Russia,becouse they need it to feel safe.Just like average poles belive in good USA which never betray us.To feel safe,too.

I do not need to feel safe,so i see world as it is.

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