Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

Threadban for Violation of Rule 2E: Implying Affiliation with Anti-Semitic and White Supremicist Geoups or Ideology
The left has already rioted,assasinated,murdered and likely was responsible for the fires that killed people on the west coast. More of the same but the right doesnt have to worry about optics for election, fucking bring it. Especially if trump brings out the jackboots and uses his powers as the commander in chief of the military.I honestly can't fucking believe you think after the past 4 years of constant riots,arson,murder and muh 'punch a nazi' attacks on Trump supporters that the left haven't behaved as vile and needlessly violent trash people.

Also to preempt the old talking point of the fbi, they were saying the mystical 'white supremacists' were a bigger threat as antifa and blm burned down god knows how many cities and commited numerous crimes during, like the kid burning to death in his/her apartment. So i don't trust them to be impartial and apolitical, so fuck them too.

Especially when my decieving eyes can watch a skinny soi boi dressed in a hoody and all black be apprehended after setting some bushes on fire by based tough woman. The fact that lefties still try to lie about that is infuriating. Like we are all supposed to believe that the people setting fires and throwing molotovs couldn't hop in a car and go burn shit 20 minutes away. I hope Trump wins and i hope the left does it's worst so we can finally get rid of this cancerous commie bs.

If Trump doesn't pull this one from his ass then expect the next 4 years to be absolute hell after everything you put us through because it was 'her turn'. Those files about crack smoking loser hunter as well as kid fucker biden and his deals about the chinese still exist, wonder if thats impeachment worthy? I wonder how many skeleton's that fugly goblin caramel or wtf ever has from her prosecutor days? Even if Trump loses your in for hell commie scum.
There is zero evidence of "the left" being behind the wildfires. Don't know who you think they've assassinated. The rioting was pretty dope though.

Nice to know that we've got rational, well meaning people like you on the other side. Just peachy.
I agree that republicans lack an organic connection from their supporters and often don’t do what their supporters want. And that the US is actually an oligarchy.

So I’d support another party, if it ever arose that was in concert with my beliefs and interests.

But I support republicans because Democrats will implement policies that would be very bad for me and people like me and would be harmful to the nation as a whole.
I'm glad they don't do what their supporters want. A lot of what their supporters want is genuinely awful.

What are these Democratic policies? Because while I can think of plenty, I bet they aren't the ones you are thinking of.
Democrats want to:

1. Thoroughly institutionalize racism. Specifically have openly talked about 'paying reparations.'
2. Raise taxes.
3. Destroy the energy sector, and with it torpedo the economy as a whole.

What civil rights is it Republicans want to harm, exactly? Because I'm having a hard time remembering any such thing.
Reparations aren't "institutionalizing racism". I don't even think that is a thing.

Raising taxes is a good thing. The wealthy often pay next to nothing, like a certain casino owner and professional wrestling personality.

And the energy sector needs to be destroyed. I'd rather have a bad economy than generalized crop failures.

The civil rights are things like women's right to select their own treatment with their doctors, support for the ongoing police violence against minorities, trying to create a "Muslim ban" and block the building of Mosques, trying to block same sex marriage and protections for trans people, wanting to permit children to be subject "conversion therapy". And that is before you get into all the dog whistles, nudges, and conspiracy theories aimed at prominent Jewish and Muslim people.

There is a reason racist groups have flocked to Trump, and it is because they are picking up what he and his cronies are laying down.
You mistake me sir, I’m not a historical materialist, though it seems you are. Material interests and concerns impact history, but history is driven by extra material forces that may only be expressed through matter.

Racial identity is perhaps the most important factor in determining the character of a nation, it’s people, and the general disposition of its individuals. It matters.

You do understand those smaller groups are just microcosms of the larger ones? Religious community, family, and local community are microcosms of civilization, nation, and race. In fact they are the cells of the body, that make up those larger entities.
Unfortunately for you, the world is material and all your will and pure Aryan spirit does fuck all when you run out of food.

Racial identity is made up garbage used to justify 18th century economic chicanery.

They aren't microcosms because there is no macrocosm. there is no larger whole. There is just people and their relationships. The rest of this is all regurgitated garbage from the Romantics, and it doesn't taste any better the second time.
I realized that getting railed by the Trump Train for the past 4 years have ruined your vision, but maybe magnify the page by 400% and read what I actually fucking said. Maybe you won't look like a complete dipshit if you do.
"Railed?" Geeze, you've got a real fixation here.
I really don't give a shit what Gohmert claimed. Not unless Gohmert is secretly Powell in a fucking wig and 2-inch thick make-up.
That's fine, but I wasn't addressing you.
That system is not secure. These fuckwits couldn't get their system authorized in Texas because it failed basic penn testing. Affidavits specifically reference that it had easy end-user access and had multiple security failures. So unless Chris Krebs is also willing to write out an affidavits, what he says during an internal US power struggle is pretty meaningless.
So glad to know we've top men such as yourself keeping an eye on things. I am sure internet rando #64578 is totally as competent as the entire list of people who signed of on that statement.

Your ahem, professionals seem to include wikipedia editors, the New York Times, ABC, and the Associated Press. All of which routinely misrepresent Trump and are known enemies of his. It's like asking me to trust Fox News about Joe Biden's scandals.
Not the Wikipedia editors!!!!

Have you ever considered that they might have good reasons for not liking him. Like, maybe there actually is a difference between the two, and the washed up conman racist isn't the best choice?

We can't know what's baseless in this situation, because it is proven that our media sources will lie to us when properly motivated. So the fact that AP, NYT, or whoever else you want to cite says one thing, does not make it true. And it's a rather large waste of my time to try and use those sources as if they are in any way authoritative when you yourself decry them later on the next page.

And even if that were not the case, how exhaustive was the list of yellow-page journalism in the past four years, from both political sources, in regards to rumors? You can't prove jack these days without either sufficiently strong evidence made public or you have people coming forward, willing to go on record as having said it.

That's why all those "leaks" during Trump's first two years always ended at a dry well; it was bullshit disseminated to gullible reporters or maliciously written misleading articles intent on harming Trump's position. Now, is everything that Powell said true?
Because there is this stuff called "evidence" that corroborates some claims, and Powell ain't got any of that.
Not likely.
Is it coherent and plausible? Very much so. Electronic cheating could be easily implemented if officials were willing to look the other way. Could our data be easily sent overseas to Germany without anyone knowing? Certainly. Is it reasonable to suggest that someone might cheat by siphoning off points from Trump's total and adding it onto Biden to avoid an overcount? Certainly.

Is it proven? No. And Trump's legal team and Powell have admitted that; it has yet to be proven. Right now they are gathering evidence to PROVE it in the courts. Running around and screaming about how things are baseless is just pointless. Claiming you know anything as solid fact is just appeal to authority.
Some say "maybe", but others aren't so sure. Look, there are alien abductions with better evidence than this raid that no one can confirm on a location that doesn't exist, for a server nobody has seen. Let me guess, you can't wait to see what's on Hunter Biden's laptops?

And THAT could be true. But it's also unlikely that this is the case. Not highly unlikely, but unlikely. Biden had lower in-party support than Hillary Clinton--and yet he got a much higher turnout. That is simply NOT how the Democratic party works. That's a tough sell, even for Republicans. And the major advantage of the Republicans is their willingness to move in lock-step. The Democrats are somewhat opposite; they can't agree on policy-based campaigns and so turnout drops like a rock. They need someone with a strong personality to drive them into the voting booths and they flood out the Republicans every time it happens. See Obama and Bill Clinton.

In addition to this, Biden was presiding over a very divided Democrat party. For this to be legit would mean that it's the biggest fluke of a lifetime. More likely it means that someone somewhere cheated.
You clearly haven't spent much time in leftist/democrat circles. Because yeah we fight, but everyone agrees that Donald Trump is garbage. I despise Joe Biden. He's a racist old weasel who was more than happy to nod along with Obama's war crimes and who cares more about decorum than doing even the easy right things.But I'll vote for him over Trump any day.
No, this is factually wrong.

Trump is a symptom of something else and it has nothing to do with beating minorities or Qanon bullshit or big companies raping the land.

It's about breaking down the American Empire.

No, we're not actually an empire, but most people understand it as such. What we really are is a global hegemon. One that formally had been embattled with a rival global hegemon for control of the world. And to ensure that our rival could not threaten us, we made a deal with Europe that eventually expanded to cover the whole world; "we open your markets and we lead the fight against the Soviets".

That means that France could sell all of its exports into the American market without any trade barriers or restrictions. What that didn't mean was the US being able to do the same in France. You want to sell Parmesan in France? Well, you better label it something else, because only Parmesan Cheese made in Parmesan, France can use that label. Or Sparkling Wine? And God knows that Canada has had an absurd 300-400% trade wall against American dairy for the sake of protecting its own dairy industry. Or states using government subsidies to lower the cost of their own goods to outcompete American farmers who don't get those subsidies in the USA.

Then if that wasn't enough, Clinton--in all his fucking wisdom, decided to allow US companies to export their factories overseas to China. Because all those greedy pigs you (for some reason) think support Trump, are not happy that they're going to have to pay closer to $22 an hour for steel work jobs instead of say, $5 an hour if those products were made in the USA. That isn't to say that Clinton's bill didn't have some advantages; it allowed for cheap production of high quality technology such as smart phones, laptops, desktops, TVs, and so on.

I mean, it also mean enabled the Chinese to commit mass genocide in a security state powered by fucking Google, but small prices, am I right? And who needs all those high paying jobs in places like Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, or California when you can just hand a small African boy a hand shovel, a bucket, and push him into a deep hole so he can mine it by hand? Sure he'll never stop having nightmares from the putrid smell of the dead boys who never made it back, but he's likely to die in six months anyhow!

Trump's policies represent the decoupling of all these things. But why?

Well, the current supply chains to make a phone or a laptop are spread out from Africa to the South China Sea to China to South Korea to Japan. And when the US pulls back, it will create a power vacuum. When that power vacuum is exposed, you can expect energy shortages, famine, and territorial disputes erupt all across the known world.

The Chinese can't secure their own energy resources from the Gulf states. Sure, they look as though they have a massive naval force--and they do, but they're brown water, not blue water. They're not intended to do anything than defend China's coast and may strike at nearby nations such as Taiwan. Worse, even if China COULD secure their own oil, they would need a market to sell it to and with a protectionist America, that closes. Especially because Mexican labor is closer, isn't a perceived security threat, is cheaper, and is actually more educated on whole than the Chinese labor pool.

It also solves the illegal immigration problem.

Saudi Arabia, with the US out of the picture, is going to be the primary target of the Iranian military. Whether they can pull it off with their second-rate technology and empty bank account is questionable, but I for one never bet against Arabian military incompetence. The only reason Trump hasn't pulled out of Saudi Arabia is both because he gets resistance from the Pentagon AND because the Saudis are literally paying for us to be there. After Trump, that is likely to end.

Why? Because Americans have seen what the Saudis do to dissenting reporters and we don't need their fucking oil anymore.

And finally, leaving Europe will reignite the long-asked German Question. Germany is too powerful for its neighbors comfort. And that generally results in a European war--the last two times (of two) it went global and resulted in the US essentially occupying half of Germany and Russia the other half. At this same time, Germany's immensely powerful economy has sucked the economic strength of southern Europe dry...while also lending them billions (or trillions) of dollars that is in some cases, literally impossible to buy out. To make matters even worse, Germany is an export-led economy, meaning that its domestic market cannot absorb its production. They need to send it somewhere else. And unfortunately for them, the rest of Europe is aging rapidly; the Millennial and Zoomer generation is not as evident in those countries.

Why is that double devastating? Because it means not only do they need access to as many markets as possible in order to sustain the very model of economy of capitalism, but they also can't fill the role of the US due to the sheer amount of costs it would entail, as well as the fact that China would need to export to THEIR market to make up for the loss of the US market.

And that brings us to Russia. Which has far worse demographics than the rest of Europe. At the same time they see the US pulling out, they realize that in 10-20 years, they will not have the military capacity to hold Russia's territory. Their only option is to find the narrowest part of the European plain and plug it to prevent Napoleon War 3.0 from driving their tanks all the way to Moscow. Even worse than that is that because their education system went tits up in the fall of the Soviet Union, the people most capable of maintaining their technology in the highest numbers are going to die in like 10-20 years.

Why is that bad? Because the most narrow part of the European plain that Russia can latch onto is halfway through Poland. So if the Russians want a chance at their country not falling apart, they have to drive their military forces all the way through several countries to secure it. And they'll do it piecemeal so the US won't feel threatened and warn the Europeans that if they get involved...well, no gas for them.

These are all strategic disasters that will ignite massive wars, destroy supply chains, raise the cost of labor (as it becomes American labor), and absolutely destroys developing (and developed) countries. That's why the neo-cons and neo-liberals HATE him. That's why massive companies that rely upon those same supply chains to cut labor costs (but not end market costs, am I right?)--one of them being tech companies such as Microsoft and Google want Trump out of office.

But for the average American? It means replacing Chinese jobs with American jobs. Or Mexican jobs. Even if only 1 out of 4 of those jobs go to the USA and the rest go to Mexico, the US gains a stronger blue collar work force and the strengthened Mexican economy (which is already #11 in the world) becomes more attractive for potential illegal immigrants, either from Mexico or south of Mexico. Which in turn lessens the strain on race relations within the USA.

The downside for the US is relatively small, the benefits are huge.

It's just that a few billionaires, socialists globalists, and most of the remaining states on the planet lose hard.

Yeah, the Us is not going to be a global hegemon much longer. Why exactly should we care? We have more than enough to for everybody to get by. We just need to take it back from the billionaires and capitalists. But no part of that requires we empower racists and fascists or try to screw the rest of the world. Maybe we could actually try to make things better for people other than white Americans.

Also "socialist globalist" isn't really a thing. Plenty of socialist internationalists. but "globalism" is explicitly a capitalist notion. "Socialist globalist" is just a way right wingers say "Jews" without saying it out loud.
1% shift? Um, no. That isn't what people are worried about. The popular vote is what the DNC tells its low-information voters to try and justify being complete fucking failures. The popular vote is the accumulation of 50 different popular votes held within 50 different, semi-autonomous states that each choose their own electors to determine who they will vote for on the federal level. No, they aren't shitting themselves because 1% of the voter turnout flipped for Trump.

They're shitting themselves because Trump GREW his voter base by 15% on the current tally count. They're shitting themselves because they lost races that they should have won. They're shitting themselves because after 4 years of a full on press against Trump, including trying to impeach the poor fucker, he not only DIDN'T lose support (unlike Obama), he gained support.

That suggests that the Republicans have found a new way forward. It means the neo-cons can't retake the GOP. It means that Wisconsin and Michigan are no longer safe blue states. It means that Florida and Ohio are comfortable GOP states. And all the while they have to deal with an uprising within the Progressive Left of the party, who are not satisfied with how the Neo-Liberals have managed the past four years. And neither are the moderates within the party.
Trump activated just about his entire base. The Democrats activated a smaller part of theirs, but it is larger. Nothing suggests that Trump actually grew his base over all. But no doubt there are plenty of Trump supporters out there, and we'll bedealing with this nonsense for the next few generations.
Also "socialist globalist" isn't really a thing. Plenty of socialist internationalists. but "globalism" is explicitly a capitalist notion. "Socialist globalist" is just a way right wingers say "Jews" without saying it out loud.
Those globalists are left leaning and are pushing for things the Left want. They even say nobody have property just as the the commies would say or those preaching equity would say. But no, we should ignore that and believe you a leftist cause you say so.

All you leftists and liberals preach the same thing, no hierarchy or caste blah blah but all that happens is you create them within yourself to only then push it on everyone else.

Your precious systems have lead to elites owning everything and everyone else with nothing which is exactly what the Globalists are saying now and people should be happy for this.

The Left, the Globalists, the corpos are all the enemy. Its simple. Crying fascism means nothing to me. Just like crying about racism and sexism means nothing to me. Go ahead. No matter what, you will call us these things anyway. So all i say is fuck off.
That is a bunch of Spenglerian nonsense. Nations don't have wills, people do.

That is literally not true.

A human nation can be compared to a network. Each human acts as a living CPU. In fact, the very definition of a nation is people who identify with each other. Ie, they see themselves in each other. And that leads to cooperation. And each geographic grouping of humans develop their own national culture in response to the world around them.

Of course, this has nothing to do with fascism.

Because a nation and a state are separate things. A nation is the people who you identify with. A state is the political, legal mechanism that controls a territory, controlled by one (and sometimes more) nation. And those territorial lines may not include all of the nation and may in fact include another nation's people.

See the Middle Eastern Kurds, Palestinians, ect.

Not all of antifa is communist. Some are, but it isn't like antifa is an army or a political movement. It is a loose mutual aid alliance of lots of distinct groups. They are all on the left but some of them are communists of different stripes, some are anarchists, and some SocDems.

That is little comfort to the people whose lives they've ruined. The eventual response to Antifa, be it from Democrats or Republicans, will not be fascist. But it will be draconian.

They aren't associated with personal liberties or egalitarianism, but neither is the Republican party.

And neither is the Democrat party. Or do you somehow imagine that banning people from public spaces for expressing themselves is somehow associated with freedom. Or is this more of a Roman sense of liberty? In which it is reserved for the elites of society? Or assfucking Bernie Sanders out of the nomination twice?

My experience with Trump supporters comes from living in a county that voted 80% for Trump, and having relatives and in laws that support Trump.

And for shits and giggles, what state are you from?

It really depends. There are plenty of working class Democrats and many rich Republicans. The "small business owner" is archetypical bourgeousie, after all.

Which is really a communist model no one should pay attention to.

But neither part represents working class interests. Just one is worse about it than the other.

Complete bullcrap.

The Democrats do represent the working class. Of the service industry. That's why you see constant calls for wage increases or for UBI from Progressives. It's not just them blowing smoke up their own ass. It's because that's how they intend to address the growing gap between the wealthy and the working class. This isn't surprising, because most of the states that vote Democrat (currently) are generally more collectivist. The biggest culprit being the Yankees, followed by the materialistic New Yorkers, and finally the I'm-an-individual-but-I-shop-at-hot-topic Left Coasters. Oh and now the "listen to your betters" Tidewater members.

But the Republicans also have their own working class. The Appalachians are almost entirely composed of working class stiffs who believe in survival of the fittest. The Deep Southerners believe in a similar sense of libertarinism, but with a strong emphasis on social structure. The Far West loves Federal investments into their business to enrich their working class (while screaming at any Federal interventionism). And right now, the Quakers of the midlands seem to be leaning towards the Republican idea of trade barriers to protect their own businesses.

But well, some policies favor the coastal regions and some favor the interior. I mean, pretending that the Democrats from Georgia are the same as the ones in Wisconsin is just asinine.
The Democrats as you say, are a party of the establishment or the system. And of global capital. So if your a genuine leftist, why would you support as they say, the “oldest capitalist party in the world”? That seems like you don’t really think the capitalist system is that bad, if you will vote for the man who was supported from his earliest days by credit card companies.
Cause its a fucking lie. The Leftist only hate hierarchy and power cause they don't have it. When they have it, oh boy do they have these things too even though they claim to want to rid of these things. Leftists hate each other so some other leftists having power rather then this leftists is also bad.
I have a lot of respect for leftists who do not promote or vote for the Democratic Party. A lot of Trots for example, actually put their money where their mouths are and refuse to back Democrats over the evil republicans.

Even if that means not voting or voting third party.
I don't. Leftist or Liberal, they are still the enemy.
Those globalists are left leaning and are pushing for things the Left want. They even say nobody have property just as the the commies would say or those preaching equity would say. But no, we should ignore that and believe you a leftist cause you say so.

All you leftists and liberals preach the same thing, no hierarchy or caste blah blah but all that happens is you create them within yourself to only then push it on everyone else.

Your precious systems have lead to elites owning everything and everyone else with nothing which is exactly what the Globalists are saying now and people should be happy for this.

The Left, the Globalists, the corpos are all the enemy. Its simple. Crying fascism means nothing to me. Just like crying about racism and sexism means nothing to me. Go ahead. No matter what, you will call us these things anyway. So all i say is fuck off.
I'm not "crying" anything. I don't like racism, sexism, or fascism. Why should I? If you don't like people saying it, don't do it.

You don't actually seem to know anything about what the left or liberals "preach". I wish liberals were opposed to hierarchy. They aren't, not even in theory.

You don't actually know my politics at all, but it is telling that you've already decided what they must be.
The Left represent people who are all college educated elitists who look down on everything and everyone.
That's cute. I've got a high school degree and I have worked all manner of awful, degrading jobs. I just don't see any reason for that to make me hate other people.
Their supporters want policies that would be in their interests and those of their children.

Reparations are basically “fuck Whitey” as policy.

Forced transgender operations(something that already happened in California).
The legalization and enshrinement of vice.
Mass unlimited immigration
Unlivable taxes
Anti White social policies.
Anti religious hate speech laws.
And I’m probably forgetting a dozen more.

Strangely, Han Chinese and Latins in the early republic, Spaniards in the 16th century, and the Umayyads all disagree with you. Race was simply codified in a secular way, in the 18th and 19th centuries with its association with religion removed.

People are not free flowing atoms dude. They have identities and histories that connect them to something larger than themselves and their immediate relatives and locales. That’s why nations exist.

The Democrats as you say, are a party of the establishment or the system. And of global capital. So if your a genuine leftist, why would you support as they say, the “oldest capitalist party in the world”? That seems like you don’t really think the capitalist system is that bad, if you will vote for the man who was supported from his earliest days by credit card companies.
No they don't want policies that would benefit them and their children. If they did, they would oppose climate change, and would vote themselves a decent healthcare system. They want things that will give them a sense of victory because capitalism has destroyed any value that might have in their actual work or community.

The "vice" is what, being gay?
Unlimited immigration, I'm for that.
"Unlivable" taxes? On who? If you are making a few million a year, you can afford to get sheared.
Please, explain these "anti-white" policies.
And I'm against hate speech.

So your problems with the Democrats are that they don't tell people how to live their lives, or where they can live. They want to tax the wealthy , they have some nebulous animus towards white people only you can perceive, and they won't let you call for the murder of minorities.

I'm not seeing a whole lot to be bothered by.

Cause its a fucking lie. The Leftist only hate hierarchy and power cause they don't have it. When they have it, oh boy do they have these things too even though they claim to want to rid of these things. Leftists hate each other so some other leftists having power rather then this leftists is also bad.
So leftists are evil and envious of power they don't have. But they are also the secret elites. Sure. makes sense.
I have a lot of respect for leftists who do not promote or vote for the Democratic Party. A lot of Trots for example, actually put their money where their mouths are and refuse to back Democrats over the evil republicans.

Even if that means not voting or voting third party.

They actually mean what they say when they discuss how both parties are parties of Capital.
I'm not willing to see little kids abused in concentration camps or people denied medical care to keep my hands clean.
I don't. Leftist or Liberal, they are still the enemy.
I'm starting to think you don't like me.
I'm not "crying" anything. I don't like racism, sexism, or fascism. Why should I? If you don't like people saying it, don't do it.

You don't actually seem to know anything about what the left or liberals "preach". I wish liberals were opposed to hierarchy. They aren't, not even in theory.
I don't care about what your side preaches cause I'm aware of it and I know its lies you push for power.

And I said I don't care if you call me that. Go ahead.

You don't actually know my politics at all, but it is telling that you've already decided what they must be.
Keep crying. Your side treats everyone this way. So I'm just treating your side how you treat others.

That's cute. I've got a high school degree and I have worked all manner of awful, degrading jobs. I just don't see any reason for that to make me hate other people.
And? You are somehow the mark by which all leftists and liberals are? Much arrogance.

So your problems with the Democrats are that they don't tell people how to live their lives, or where they can live. They want to tax the wealthy , they have some nebulous animus towards white people only you can perceive, and they won't let you call for the murder of minorities.

I'm not seeing a whole lot to be bothered by.
Nope. Lies. The do infact are telling people how to live and what to do.

So leftists are evil and envious of power they don't have. But they are also the secret elites. Sure. makes sense.

I'm not willing to see little kids abused in concentration camps or people denied medical care to keep my hands clean.

I'm starting to think you don't like me.
Yawn with your BS. The Elites are leftists just as you are a leftists. That doesn't mean you are the elite.

Leftists have fought among each other before for one reason or another so some street leftist being envious of what other leftists have is inline with that.

And yes, I hate liberals and the Left.

Ah yes the healthcare that your side will sell us out to the gloablists for. Fuck off lefty. The same healthcare that you will strain with your fatphobia nonsense.
I don't care about what your side preaches cause I'm aware of it and I know its lies you push for power.

Keep crying. Your side treats everyone this way. So I'm just treating your side how you treat others.

And? You are somehow the mark by which all leftists and liberals are? Much arrogance.

Nope. Lies. The do infact are telling people how to live and what to do.

Yawn with your BS. The Elites are leftists just as you are a leftists. That doesn't mean you are the elite.

And yes, I hate liberals and the Left.

Ah yes the healthcare that your side will sell us out to the gloablists for. Fuck off lefty. The same healthcare that you will strain with your fatphobia nonsense.
It must be nice to go through life believing anybody who disagrees with you is a liar. Limiting, but very relaxing. And who exactly is crying? I just think it is funny that you immediately go into script to avoid actually thinking about opposing points of view. Believe it or not, I don't care what you think of me.

You made a statement about the left. You were wrong. I told you about your wrongness. That's "so what".

You are remarkably incoherent. Like you said the leftists hate hierarchy because they don't have power, but also that the left are all the elites. That is literally contradictory. Crazy notion, what if people who disagree with you actually aren't all evil robots and actually believe their ideas would be benficial?

also, I almost hate to ask, but what do you think "globalist" means?
What are these Democratic policies? Because while I can think of plenty, I bet they aren't the ones you are thinking of.

Reparations aren't "institutionalizing racism". I don't even think that is a thing.

Raising taxes is a good thing. The wealthy often pay next to nothing, like a certain casino owner and professional wrestling personality.

And the energy sector needs to be destroyed. I'd rather have a bad economy than generalized crop failures.

The civil rights are things like women's right to select their own treatment with their doctors, support for the ongoing police violence against minorities, trying to create a "Muslim ban" and block the building of Mosques, trying to block same sex marriage and protections for trans people, wanting to permit children to be subject "conversion therapy". And that is before you get into all the dog whistles, nudges, and conspiracy theories aimed at prominent Jewish and Muslim people.

So basically, just the standard leftist talking points, all of which are either completely untrue, or contain just enough truth to be more dangerous lies.

We live in completely different worlds; there's no point in trying to debate with each other unless or until we come to some part of reality that we actually comprehend in the same way.
I'll be honest, I expect that even if Biden did win due to voter fraud, he'll still get sworn in. The level of bluff the Democrats would need to pull off what they've already pulled off is more than enough to keep it going. This is "deep state is in on the coup" level of "haha Trump's fucked even if he legit won" by now.

Do I think this is what happened? No. I think the most likely order of events was "people were told to vote in weird ways during a pandemic, and a bunch of unlikely voters did weird things like split ticket voting just enough to make it look like Biden cheated his way to victory if you really want to believe it anyway."

Once more I'm talking from the liberal bubble. If anyone in the mainstream media thinks Biden won through cheating, they're keeping their traps shut about it. From here, the Trumpist campaign to claim election fraud looks absolutely ridiculous. It looks like Trump and his allies flailing around desperately looking for anything to keep money and attention coming their way.

Finally, let's be honest here: even if I get convinced that Trump won fair and square and everyone around me is ignoring that? You aren't going to convince the Democrats in general of this. Any successful moves that keep Trump in power would likely crack any left-wing investment in democracy completely. I don't know if civil war would result, but it'd be bad for political stability. If this is a zero sum contest, I'd rather the Democrats win than Republicans.
So this is what is being emailed to GA voters that are republican as far as I can tell
The radical Left CONTINUES to gain momentum as they attempt to permanently CHANGE our nation with their DANGEROUS, liberal agenda. I’m doing everything I can to ensure that the road to socialism NEVER runs through the state of Georgia, but to do that I need your help.

With a Democratic Senate Majority, there is absolutely NOTHING standing in the radical Left’s way of implementing their Green New Deal, defunding the police, packing the Supreme Court, taking away your 2nd Amendment rights, and MORE.

If Democrats take the Senate, America as we know it will be changed forever.

Letting up now means that control of our country falls into the hands of Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Stacey Abrams, and the rest of the radical, socialist Left.
We should probably get back to discussing the election, this seems like a bit of a derail.
If anyone wants to discuss Antifa action-the George Floyd riots thread is just for it.

Thread Tax: Has the Supreme Court made any indications it will hear a potential case in December/January? I haven't heard any word from Roberts about that.
I heard an interesting theory that one of the reasons the Trump campaign has distanced itself from Powell is because her case, whilst it does seem to have something to it, will probably take years when Trump has weeks.

Edit: Also, as an independent, she can go RINO hunting to her heart's content. She wouldn't be able to do that if attached to Trump.
Locked for Cleanup
I moved fifty-seven posts in three pages for being wildly off topic.

Other mods will be going through and issuing infractions. You have been warned. Further derails will be met with summary threadbans.
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Whelp, the election is over. I am really disappointed in Trump and team for hyping things up to such an extent. Seriously, I want to smack Trump and his legal team for wasting our time. Where are my BIBLICAL lawsuits. I want some old testament fire and brimstone. All that sizzle and no steak. /shame

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