"Woke" Franchises

is it even possible to do watch parties on this site?


Say, on average, with the coming years, do you think it’s possible to redpill Far Left authors?

Because, I think there’s a difference between ones who are just accepting whatever is said and the ones that turn mega douchey and obsessed with virtue signalling and pretty much stalking and looking to destroy others

Say, on average, with the coming years, do you think it’s possible to redpill Far Left authors?

Because, I think there’s a difference between ones who are just accepting whatever is said and the ones that turn mega douchey and obsessed with virtue signalling and pretty much stalking and looking to destroy others
if JK rowling is a sign, yes but it's going to have to get uglier before that happens on a large scale.
the T maybe a little bit too radical even for her.

I don’t see how anything can be too radical for those who embrace Far Left Identity Politics

Pope Francis has reservations on abortion simply because he’s still religious but extremely naive, the religious part explains better why he has reservations

The much less principled and/or “secular” Far Left doesn’t have that excuse
*puts on faux Freud jacket and starts smoking cigar... which is just a cigar!:mad:*

If everyone is special then no one is, if transwomen are actual women then being a woman is a choice you can make and so its no more special than being a Vegan or Democrat. ;)

The whole transgender argument basically says that a bloke can fork out some money for surgery and hormones, think of themselves as a woman and become an actual 'woman'. BAM!, turns out the wonderful, mystical awesome power of being a WOMAN (hear her roar!) can now be acquired by men.

To make it worse, these new 'women' will now kick other womens arses in sport, denying naturally born women achievement in the competitive safe spaces which they've been demanding equal appreciation and pay for decades in.

So what are Feminists who have a problem with this to do? say "oh they're not real women because they can't have kids!"? good luck with that, Feminists have been waging war on motherhood for decades now saying how sexist it is to focus on that aspect of womanhood and how strong women don't even need kids! Celebrate abortion! And thanks to the intersectional bullshit totem poll these new 'women' at less than 0.1% of the population and with a side flavour of societal unacceptance, being gay and increased chance of mental illness are higher up the oppressometer pole than most women are.

In short if you accept that transwomen are actual women then you deny that being a woman is anything but a choice, in which case you're not that special anymore.

Now if folks are going to argue that transpeople have certain biological markers or brain biology that makes them demonstrably proper women that just need surgical and hormone help to set right to correct the dysphoria then for the sake or argument lets say 'okay'. But unless they're arguing that transpeople without these features are not really the gender they purport to be then you're stuck back at the above issue I noted for at least some.


Another reason why it looks like Feminsists in particular have a hard on (heh ) for transwomen is that there is a corresponding lack of anti-pathy towards transmen. And so the criticism that stands out is theirs, like a loud voice in a quiet room. For a few reasons.

1) Numbers. Transgender folks are a tiny proportion of the population already receiving a massively disproportionate amount of attention, but the great majority of such people are men wishing to become women.

2) Men don't feel threatened or even mildly inconvenienced at all by some woman claiming to be a man and wanting to be treated like one. If she is growing facial hair and otherwise looking unattractive that takes out any sexual tension. Physically they will gain no advantage and any social leeway they would be handed as a woman in a male environment is voluntarily forfeited. So most men don't give a shit about this sub-category wanting to 'join them'.

3) Frustration. Feminists have no real way to attack them without running up against the logical endpoints of their own intersectionalist ideology, this frustration magnifies the fault lines which divide the 'feminist' camp since it has been subsumed into the alphabet soup movement. If you're a feminsist then you must support LGBTQI issues now, and BLM and Climate change and be anti-Trump and ... etc. Look at the placards in your average aimless protest march these days. A hundred different 'issues' all marching together all 'allied' with eachother. You support all or you're out in the cold, kicked out of your own movement and de-personed. Feminism has been hijacked into the amorphous blob and TERF's are just wayward former soldiers, loyal to the previous regime, useful in the past but now they either need to toe the new line (which was always the line!) or be quiet "you over-privileged Karen!"

Edit: Btw I hate how the media has managed to ruin the term 'Karen'. It used to be just a funny meme for a woman with a particular dumb haircut who demanded to see the manager. Now it seems like its becoming just a way to attack white women who you disagree with, the Mayor of Chicago's use of it the other day to describe President Trumps Press Secretary was bizarre and shows how it is being changed.
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*puts on faux Freud jacket and starts smoking cigar... which is just a cigar!:mad:*

If everyone is special then no one is, if transwomen are actual women then being a woman is a choice you can make and so its no more special than being a Vegan or Democrat. ;)

The whole transgender argument basically says that a bloke can fork out some money for surgery and hormones, think of themselves as a woman and become an actual 'woman'. BAM!, turns out the wonderful, mystical awesome power of being a WOMAN (hear her roar!) can now be acquired by men.

To make it worse, these new 'women' will now kick other womens arses in sport, denying naturally born women achievement in the competitive safe spaces which they've been demanding equal appreciation and pay for decades in.

So what are Feminists who have a problem with this to do? say "oh they're not real women because they can't have kids!"? good luck with that, Feminists have been waging war on motherhood for decades now saying how sexist it is to focus on that aspect of womanhood and how strong women don't even need kids! Celebrate abortion! And thanks to the intersectional bullshit totem poll these new 'women' at less than 0.1% of the population and with a side flavour of societal unacceptance, being gay and increased chance of mental illness are higher up the oppressometer pole than most women are.

In short if you accept that transwomen are actual women then you deny that being a woman is anything but a choice, in which case you're not that special anymore.

Now if folks are going to argue that transpeople have certain biological markers or brain biology that makes them demonstrably proper women that just need surgical and hormone help to set right to correct the dysphoria then for the sake or argument lets say 'okay'. But unless they're arguing that transpeople without these features are not really the gender they purport to be then you're stuck back at the above issue I noted for at least some.

What makes it worse is that it will probably mean that talent scouts will stop looking for local female talent in backwater towns and just recruit transgenders. Why put in the work to find a strong local big girl in a small no name town, when you can just pump a man full of hormones, give him a surgery and achieve the same results plus added woke points to boot.

Transgenders need their own league and give biological women their own space to shine. At best their essentially robbing other athletes their chance to shine and by extension preventing women's sports from growing, at worst, it's straight up diluting the gene pool which is a big factor in terms of your physical attributes. this is probably ironic from someone who would eventually love to see intergender sports becoming the norm, but right now women's sports is still in it's infant stage and for now is more concerned about looks over physicality, and transgenders are just going to stunt that growth, not encourage it.

Btw I hate how the media has managed to ruin the term 'Karen'. It used to be just a funny meme for a woman with a particular dumb haircut who demanded to see the manager. Now it seems like its becoming just a way to attack white women who you disagree with, the Mayor of Chicago's use of it the other day to describe President Trumps Press Secretary was bizarre and shows how it is being changed.

funny how the group that screeches at cultural appropriation, have no issue taking words and altering them for their purposes.
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One series I feel was kinda wrecked by Wokeness was Naomi Novik's Temeraire series. Basically it's set up as the Napoleonic wars, but with DRAGONS. It starts with a loyal British ship captain accidentally becoming a dragonrider to a very inquisitive, highly intelligent dragon who questions all his beliefs and it's fairly good.

But then it falls apart as the Author decides to abandon the Napoleonic wars in favor of exploring why Colonialism is so bad. Which colonialism is but it's kinda out of place in the Dragon Rider story. It frankly makes no sense, because the series has already established that the greatest weapons are dragons, and that the British Empire actually have kinda garbage dragons (Dragons that breath fire or such are highly prized but the British only have a few with venomous bites and one that can spit acid besides Temeraire, also European Dragons are prevented from educating themselves and kept in caves, so they tend to be idiots compared to Dragons on other continents who tend to be literate and articulate, and have often spent hundreds of years building up fortunes or personal empires and live in opulent homes) yet somehow the British Empire has still gone about colonizing the rest of the globe just like our own timeline.

It's completely illogical when we see Africans with massive elephant-tusked dragons that can beat down the best Europe has, Australians have straight-up actual Bunyips available, and the Americas have all the dragonish things in Native and South American Folklore at the ready, yet somehow the 13 colonies were formed on schedule, Cortez destroyed the Aztecs as OTL, and Australia's being used as a Penal Colony so that the author can explain how colonialism is bad even though the "colonists" are bringing knives to a gunfight.
One series I feel was kinda wrecked by Wokeness was Naomi Novik's Temeraire series. Basically it's set up as the Napoleonic wars, but with DRAGONS. It starts with a loyal British ship captain accidentally becoming a dragonrider to a very inquisitive, highly intelligent dragon who questions all his beliefs and it's fairly good.

But then it falls apart as the Author decides to abandon the Napoleonic wars in favor of exploring why Colonialism is so bad. Which colonialism is but it's kinda out of place in the Dragon Rider story. It frankly makes no sense, because the series has already established that the greatest weapons are dragons, and that the British Empire actually have kinda garbage dragons (Dragons that breath fire or such are highly prized but the British only have a few with venomous bites and one that can spit acid besides Temeraire, also European Dragons are prevented from educating themselves and kept in caves, so they tend to be idiots compared to Dragons on other continents who tend to be literate and articulate, and have often spent hundreds of years building up fortunes or personal empires and live in opulent homes) yet somehow the British Empire has still gone about colonizing the rest of the globe just like our own timeline.

It's completely illogical when we see Africans with massive elephant-tusked dragons that can beat down the best Europe has, Australians have straight-up actual Bunyips available, and the Americas have all the dragonish things in Native and South American Folklore at the ready, yet somehow the 13 colonies were formed on schedule, Cortez destroyed the Aztecs as OTL, and Australia's being used as a Penal Colony so that the author can explain how colonialism is bad even though the "colonists" are bringing knives to a gunfight.

Which volumes does this all start?
Which volumes does this all start?
Eh, it kinda creeps in. His Majesty's Dragon is pure Napoleonic wars with fire/acid/poison breathing dragons fighting against battleships while sniper teams ride the dragon's back trying to take out the ship's gunners before they can use it's cannons on the dragon, ending with an epic battle to prevent Napoleon from using a clever trick to fly his entire army over the English Channel in a bid for total victory. In other words totally awesome. In The Throne of Jade we start finding out that dragons are actually far more intelligent and the first bits of colonialism creep in, though it's not so bad because it's extremely obvious the Chinese dragons are total badasses and England isn't going to win any opium wars here (this turns out to be untrue later but appears to be in this book).

Empire of Ivory is where it starts really setting in with the African dragons proving to also be total badasses but somehow England is still colonizing them with it's halfass redneck hick dragons. This continues through Victory of Eagles, Tongues of Serpents, and Crucible of Gold with Temeraire and friends visiting various continents and discovering that somehow history is unchanged despite everybody and their dog having dragons the size of skyscrapers available so "His Majesty's Navy" should be "His Majesty's Pile of Charred Timbers At The Bottom Of The Ocean" if they actually tried what they did in real life. Blood of Tyrants returns to Europe and looks to be a return to the Napoleonic wars, though there's still some extremely stupid stuff about how the Russians control their dragons with brutal torture devices (no explanation for how this works when the dragons are as smart as humans, can fly and sometimes breath horrible things on you, and are as large as buildings, the Russians should be flatter than a crushed pizza for trying). It finishes up with League of Dragons which I didn't bother to read.
Eh, it kinda creeps in. His Majesty's Dragon is pure Napoleonic wars with fire/acid/poison breathing dragons fighting against battleships while sniper teams ride the dragon's back trying to take out the ship's gunners before they can use it's cannons on the dragon, ending with an epic battle to prevent Napoleon from using a clever trick to fly his entire army over the English Channel in a bid for total victory. In other words totally awesome. In The Throne of Jade we start finding out that dragons are actually far more intelligent and the first bits of colonialism creep in, though it's not so bad because it's extremely obvious the Chinese dragons are total badasses and England isn't going to win any opium wars here (this turns out to be untrue later but appears to be in this book).

Empire of Ivory is where it starts really setting in with the African dragons proving to also be total badasses but somehow England is still colonizing them with it's halfass redneck hick dragons. This continues through Victory of Eagles, Tongues of Serpents, and Crucible of Gold with Temeraire and friends visiting various continents and discovering that somehow history is unchanged despite everybody and their dog having dragons the size of skyscrapers available so "His Majesty's Navy" should be "His Majesty's Pile of Charred Timbers At The Bottom Of The Ocean" if they actually tried what they did in real life. Blood of Tyrants returns to Europe and looks to be a return to the Napoleonic wars, though there's still some extremely stupid stuff about how the Russians control their dragons with brutal torture devices (no explanation for how this works when the dragons are as smart as humans, can fly and sometimes breath horrible things on you, and are as large as buildings, the Russians should be flatter than a crushed pizza for trying). It finishes up with League of Dragons which I didn't bother to read.

Say, any chance that WOKE-ness only got worse during the 21st century?

Because I get the feeling that even guys who claim themselves to be outright socialists in the 70s-90s were way more moderate or less cringe in their views
Say, any chance that WOKE-ness only got worse during the 21st century?

Because I get the feeling that even guys who claim themselves to be outright socialists in the 70s-90s were way more moderate or less cringe in their views
Naw, the series didn't start until 2006 so it couldn't have been. And as I said, it sneaks up on the reader. The Throne of Jade goes on and on about how the Chinese dragons are smarter and stronger and better and can do advanced math and read, how they live in grand pavilions instead of caves, most Chinese dragons can fight on their own without riders and the few that want one have only female riders, the Chinese have more fertile cropland due to their intelligent use of dragon dung, etc.

The thing is that in that book, it looks more like it's setting up an underdog situation where the plucky British will have to deal with a more powerful enemy which is just standard fantasy storytelling, but nope, everybody and their dog is wiser, treats their dragons better, has more awesome dragons, and somehow gets colonized by the Europeans.
Naw, the series didn't start until 2006 so it couldn't have been. And as I said, it sneaks up on the reader. The Throne of Jade goes on and on about how the Chinese dragons are smarter and stronger and better and can do advanced math and read, how they live in grand pavilions instead of caves, most Chinese dragons can fight on their own without riders and the few that want one have only female riders, the Chinese have more fertile cropland due to their intelligent use of dragon dung, etc.

The thing is that in that book, it looks more like it's setting up an underdog situation where the plucky British will have to deal with a more powerful enemy which is just standard fantasy storytelling, but nope, everybody and their dog is wiser, treats their dragons better, has more awesome dragons, and somehow gets colonized by the Europeans.

What I meant was, you’d probably see this obsessive cringe politics mostly starting in the 2000s-2010s

That said, I read the first two volumes admittedly, didn’t think it would really get any worse or insulting afterwards.

Still at the start of Black Powder War, kinda lost interest and read something else due to not feeling my style
One series I feel was kinda wrecked by Wokeness was Naomi Novik's Temeraire series. Basically it's set up as the Napoleonic wars, but with DRAGONS. It starts with a loyal British ship captain accidentally becoming a dragonrider to a very inquisitive, highly intelligent dragon who questions all his beliefs and it's fairly good.
Speaking of the Napoleonic Wars. In hindsight it's kinda hilarious how The Shadow Campaigns, a series that can be tl;dr-ed as "Fantasy Napoleonic Wars with Lesbians" is one of the least woke novels you could find. It's not anti-woke or anything expect in so far as being pro Meritocracy probably is considered right wing these days. Just a book series about Fantasy Napoleonic Wars of which one of the three viewpoint characters happens to be a blend of a Lesbian Hua Mulan and Richard Sharpe.
Speaking of the Napoleonic Wars. In hindsight it's kinda hilarious how The Shadow Campaigns, a series that can be tl;dr-ed as "Fantasy Napoleonic Wars with Lesbians" is one of the least woke novels you could find. It's not anti-woke or anything expect in so far as being pro Meritocracy probably is considered right wing these days. Just a book series about Fantasy Napoleonic Wars of which one of the three viewpoint characters happens to be a blend of a Lesbian Hua Mulan and Richard Sharpe.
Oh, I can't recommend the Shadow Campaigns enough. It does some really cool stuff, and it's a great example of how having a gay female character doesn't mean your series has to become woke trash.
Holy shit look at this mess:



Apart from this being a Sam Hyde-worthy dating sim (and I wouldn't 100% bet against this possibility), this takes ugly design to new levels of spoon-faced flatness.

VALIDATE: Struggling Singles in Your Area

Set in the Jercy City area, twelve struggling singles in their twenties navigate through the trying ordeals of capitalism to find meaning in their lives. Includes a hint of love, cosplay, and even mediocre mixtapes in the mix.

With 12 playable characters and over 30 routes to choose from, there will be about 20-30 hours of content, depending on how you play it. We don't know if you be reading fast or not. Whether your decisions are good, bad, or just tremendously shitty, you’re going to have a great time falling in (or out) of love with these characters.


The Lakotah flag in the corner is a hilarious touch, I must say.


:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: If anyone's looking for a rebrand, here's a great username/avatar combo ready for the taking!

ValiDate is so ridiculous that I was almost at a loss for what to say. Two years ago, I might've recommended some enterprising shitlords make a hilarious parody of this style of game, and get the Portlanders to crowdfunding, it but we're way beyond parody here.

Given how many times I've heard shitlib "game designers" say they don't actually enjoy playing games and just want to use them as a vehicle for woke morality plays and deviant wish fulfillment, I'm surprised we don't see a lot more "visual novels" (digital choose-your-own-adventure picture books) along the lines of ValiDate. Though I guess there are a bunch of indie walking simulators like Gone Home and Life is Strange (and now TLOU2) that fit the bill. "The skinny tomboy girl is (spoiler alert) a lesbian that the pervy game developer has been jerking off to while playing his own game" is now pretty much a genre unto itself these days.
Holy shit look at this mess:



Apart from this being a Sam Hyde-worthy dating sim (and I wouldn't 100% bet against this possibility), this takes ugly design to new levels of spoon-faced flatness.

VALIDATE: Struggling Singles in Your Area


The Lakotah flag in the corner is a hilarious touch, I must say.


:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: If anyone's looking for a rebrand, here's a great username/avatar combo ready for the taking!

ValiDate is so ridiculous that I was almost at a loss for what to say. Two years ago, I might've recommended some enterprising shitlords make a hilarious parody of this style of game, and get the Portlanders to crowdfunding, it but we're way beyond parody here.

Given how many times I've heard shitlib "game designers" say they don't actually enjoy playing games and just want to use them as a vehicle for woke morality plays and deviant wish fulfillment, I'm surprised we don't see a lot more "visual novels" (digital choose-your-own-adventure picture books) along the lines of ValiDate. Though I guess there are a bunch of indie walking simulators like Gone Home and Life is Strange (and now TLOU2) that fit the bill. "The skinny tomboy girl is (spoiler alert) a lesbian that the pervy game developer has been jerking off to while playing his own game" is now pretty much a genre unto itself these days.

I bet even with all that cash, it’d still be mega crappy
Here's an interesting question: Is "get woke, go broke" actually true?
On a serious not, not really. Usually, it's 'go broke, get woke', especially for excessive corporatism in movies. The film might be shit, but they figure they can make it woke enough, some will buy it. On the other hand, 'get woke, go broke' is true for news sites.

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