What does your utopia look like?

-Have Major Negatives

Methinks whoever made it isn't clear on what a Utopia is. If it has significant drawbacks it's kinda not one.

Actually that is the whole point of utopia. If you read the original book you'd actually understand, because there are transparently bad things included in this "ideal state". Utopia doesn't just mean good place, it means no place. It is an actual play on words, since both could be rendered as "utopia" in English.
Actually that is the whole point of utopia. If you read the original book you'd actually understand, because there are transparently bad things included in this "ideal state". Utopia doesn't just mean good place, it means no place. It is an actual play on words, since both could be rendered as "utopia" in English.
About best we can do is create a society where everyone is guarenteed some minimum standard of living and free to persue their interests (provided said interests don't harm others or society at large).

The ideal society for someone who just wants to be a hermit and only interact with others when they need something they can't get on their own will look very different from one desired by a social butterfly who wants to be friends with everyone they meet.
About best we can do is create a society where everyone is guarenteed some minimum standard of living

This by itself is a path to dystopia.

Nobody is entitled to the fruits of another's labor just by existing. It incentivizes not working, and it punishes those who do. It corrodes the moral character of a nation, and as the welfare state in America has proven over the last half-century, breaks down the family unit, drives up crime, and functionally creates a class of welfare serfs.
The ultra-fascist Fatherland is somehow better at producing art and video games that aren't propaganda than the Worker's Paradise... why?
Might be a backfire of the wokeist claims that any form of artwork which isn't wokeist propaganda is actually fascist. If all good artwork is fascist and all antifascist artwork/wokeist propaganda is terrible, this would appear to indicate that fascists are great at art.
Yes you can describe your ideal society so you can mix positives and negatives or even invent something new.

I'm going to make the further assumption that this utopia is only enacted in my nation? I'd mix Fatherland, the Commune and Technocracy because they are not mutually exclusive in some aspects. In terms of more concrete policy, I'd probably implement a modernized version of Huey Long's agenda. I'd add Universal Healthcare, Campaign Finance Reform (Elimination of all donations in favor of Federal matching funds for all candidates) and Welfare Reform with extensive Family benefits. We would, finally, nationalize most major industries into State-run entities managed by AI economics; for the rest, we'd encourage employee-owned co-operatives as much as possible.

Foreign policy would be pretty simple, we'd form a detente with the Russians on the basis of a neutral Belarus and Ukraine as buffer states, while conceding the Caucasus and Central Asia as their sphere of influence, in exchange for support for Armenia reclaiming its lost territories and a mutual pact against China. In exchange for the latter, we would support Moscow obtaining its Duginist goals of Xinjiang, Mongolia (Both Inner and Outer) and Manchuria conceded to them. The rest of China would be divided up into ethno-graphic entities, under U.S. influence. We'd also cut our losses vis-a-vis NATO, Israel and Saudi Arabia. Finally, we'd seek to annex Mexico and Central America, up to the Darien Gap of Panama.

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