United States Trump 2nd Term - Planning and Beyond


And just like that, unborn children are no longer ‘just a clump of cells’!

Oh no! If only they hadn’t expanded their farms and operations beyond what they could afford to and be able to pay Americans with decent wages! Well, I guess we need to bring back slavery/ indentured servitude!

Was what I would say if I was a neo-con or a Democrat!

Seriously, the fault is on the people who hired illegals, not American workers.
Can we make a joke about the letters in ACLU all being lies?

It is debatable it is American
It is definitely not Civil
I don't see any Liberty there.
It sure as heck is not a Union.

Only if you want to deal with people claiming you are an anti-Semite at some point. For some reason.

Is there a charity we can donate to that helps these poor refugees as they migrate back South? I want to ensure them a safe journey with their remittances.

Not just sanctuary cities. Sanctuary cities for foreingers who are also charged or being sought for other crimes while being here illegally. They ain't sending swarms of officers for your (mostly) innocent Abuelita.

Trump specified they're going after illegals who have been convicted of other crimes first.
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No, you're completely misunderstanding it.

Trump could have sat back in his office, done absolutely nothing, and the culture would still change. The victory, in and of itself, changes the culture because it persuades people that DEI is less acceptable. The executive orders aren't the thing that is changing the culture war. It's no different from how people accepted one religion or another based on which king or Emperor won their wars against one another. If the pagan or Islamic or Christian king won, the people became pagan or Islamic or Christian.

For now.

I think that this is something people haven't seriously contemplated. Motivations can change especially in response to major events. There's nothing stopping the cartels from becoming a political force in response to an American invasion, and in that way gaining support that they normally would not have otherwise.

It's not like you need to be a religious death cult who thinks dying is glorious to run a successful insurgency. Communists and nationalists have proven themselves to be quite successful at doing so, such as in Spain (and that's an interesting example given the argument made here that since the US is next door, crushing an insurgency will be easy.)

Does anyone honestly think the USA can be more brutal than the current cartels are to each other? These people dissolve one another in acid and skin children alive. They arent going to be dissuaded by the thought of American action, especially since the cartels really do offer some poor street urchin or campesino far better pay.
Does anyone honestly think the USA can be more brutal than the current cartels are to each other? These people dissolve one another in acid and skin children alive. They arent going to be dissuaded by the thought of American action, especially since the cartels really do offer some poor street urchin or campesino far better pay.
I mean, terror is cool and all but when your entire compound is bombed and the way you make money ceases.
I'm sure it is more appealing to avoid it.
Cartels only function with money and fear, take away one ir the other and they are useless.
For now.

I think that this is something people haven't seriously contemplated. Motivations can change especially in response to major events. There's nothing stopping the cartels from becoming a political force in response to an American invasion, and in that way gaining support that they normally would not have otherwise.

It's not like you need to be a religious death cult who thinks dying is glorious to run a successful insurgency. Communists and nationalists have proven themselves to be quite successful at doing so, such as in Spain (and that's an interesting example given the argument made here that since the US is next door, crushing an insurgency will be easy.)
When footage of Delta snipers dropping cartel member like flies, of air strikes blowing truck-sized holes in cartel buildings, of tanks and APCs rolling up to watch the border, is plastered all over the internet and news, you think the Cartels will become stronger?

It's theoretically possible some small percentage of hardened career criminals will turn into a fanatical death cult, but not even the majority of jihadis would actively seek death, they were just more comfortable with a risk calculus that included a high probability of it.

Part of how Cartels are able to function, is because law enforcement and the government large in Mexico and much of Central America is so weak compared to them. It took Bukele less than a year to turn Honduras from a murder-ridden hellhole into an incredibly stable and safe place, and he did that while having to live within that murder-ridden hellhole.

MS-13 and such gangs that he had to deal with were also notably some of the worst of such things, where killing is part of the point, not a tool to aid in the drug trade.

Why the hell would any of the drug cartels be harder to break the morale of?

You sound like the doom-and-gloomers from before either of the Iraq wars, talking about how nasty and hardy the Iraqi military was, and how going in was going to be a shit-show and get thousands of Americans killed.

Odds are the cartels won't even perform to the level the Iraqi military did. Where are their thousands of tanks, SAM systems, cruise missiles, combat aircraft? What the hell do they have that can seriously challenge an actual professional military?

What can or will they do to counter the utterly overwhelming force that can be arrayed against them?
I mean, terror is cool and all but when your entire compound is bombed and the way you make money ceases.
I'm sure it is more appealing to avoid it.
Cartels only function with money and fear, take away one ir the other and they are useless.
You know this is not the whole truth; many cartels are proxies for foreign adversaries or are at least cooperative with our adversaries.

Mexico's cartel problem is a proxy war with our international rivals and enemies, but no one in DC is willing to admit this to the US public.

Likely because it would mean admitting some of those cartels are OUR PROXIES, and are how the CIA gets some of it's intel and slush funds.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out; Vivek FAFO'd his way out of political power with that H-1B rant.

Vivek could have back tracked and or moderated his message. He didn't. THAT is what I think sunk him. Where as Elon did. The thing is, people would forgive Vivek despite his stance, its just that he isn't willing to compromise on this. Also, he's failed to adequately explain how he got rich off a drug that didn't work.

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