United States Trump 2nd Term - Planning and Beyond

Organized Crime was a problem in Brazil since forever.
The main issue is that often politicians make part of the drug trade.
Like Aécio Neves (one of our deputies).

To do the first you need to make the species extinct to fully ensure it.
And I wouldn't say it is an issue of intel but also from individual action.
Some cops think that they should worry more about murder than whether some idiot used weed.

And some would rather rake money so 'nothing bad happens'.
The entire drug trade through cartels would cease.
Paul Bunyan?
Actually no. The Korean DMZ Conflict
Korean DMZ Conflict - Wikipedia
South Korea: 299 killed, 550 wounded, 1 patrol craft sunk.
United States: 81 killed 120 wounded, 85 captured and later released,  2 jeeps destroyed, 2 aircraft 1 technical research vessel captured.
North Korea: 397 killed, at least 23 wounded, 33 captured and defected, 12 soldiers and 2,462 agents captured
You just make sure they are eincapable of growing any drugs.

And how the hell are you supposed to be able to do that? You were incapable of eradicating drug production in Assfuckistan in twenty years you were there, but now you are supposed to magically do it in a country that is three times bigger and has four times as many people?

However Trump is unlikely to be as delusional as our resident warhawks are (but if he is, then you are in deep shit) so his goals most likely are:

1. Protecting the border, you are now protecting it against the terrorists, which will make it easier for his administration to deal with bureaucratic and lawfare obstacles, along with getting funding for it.
2. Speeding up deportation processes as you are removing terrorist sympathisers
3. Declaring them terrorists allows use of myriad of law and financial pressure instruments against legal entities that are tied to all levels of opioid trade. Unlike previous administration that downright facilitated it.
3. Pressuring the Mexican government to cooperate or suffer, this one is going to take time because their president is a crazed marxist with tenuous connection to reality, it will probably take a soft coup to shut her up.
4. USA military operations within will be probably akin to Israeli operation in Sinai, assisting the Mexican military and federales with ELINT and drone surveillance, if needed also with drone strikes or even helicopter attacks.
Organized Crime was a problem in Brazil since forever.
The main issue is that often politicians make part of the drug trade.
Like Aécio Neves (one of our deputies).

To do the first you need to make the species extinct to fully ensure it.
And I wouldn't say it is an issue of intel but also from individual action.
Some cops think that they should worry more about murder than whether some idiot used weed.

And some would rather rake money so 'nothing bad happens'.
Ué, companheiro, nao sabia que tu era meu compatriota.

Well, I think we have a tad bit of chance with Trump declaring cartels terrorists.

But let's see. Because now we are all speculating.
And how the hell are you supposed to be able to do that? You were incapable of eradicating drug production in Assfuckistan in twenty years you were there, but now you are supposed to magically do it in a country that is three times bigger and has four times as many people?

However Trump is unlikely to be as delusional as our resident warhawks are (but if he is, then you are in deep shit) so his goals most likely are:

1. Protecting the border, you are now protecting it against the terrorists, which will make it easier for his administration to deal with bureaucratic and lawfare obstacles, along with getting funding for it.
2. Speeding up deportation processes as you are removing terrorist sympathisers
3. Declaring them terrorists allows use of myriad of law and financial pressure instruments against legal entities that are tied to all levels of opioid trade. Unlike previous administration that downright facilitated it.
3. Pressuring the Mexican government to cooperate or suffer, this one is going to take time because their president is a crazed marxist with tenuous connection to reality, it will probably take a soft coup to shut her up.
4. USA military operations within will be probably akin to Israeli operation in Sinai, assisting the Mexican military and federales with ELINT and drone surveillance, if needed also with drone strikes or even helicopter attacks.
The CIA kept the opiates growing...had we continually burned the fields it would have stayed that way.

And for number 4: That is what we WERE doing until 21. The thing is Federalies are also infiltrated as well.
If anything we will have SOF ok the ground as well.
And ELINT is useless in COIN, COMINT is where it is at

I am pretty sure it is wrong that they arnt letting them land.
Hold on

Here it is.
>>> NEW: Regarding reports that Mexico rejected a Trump deportation flight on Thursday:

FOX is told by a senior State Department official that a miscommunication in MX and confusion around the DoD manifest for the flight is what led to MX’s rejection of the flight.

Per the official, Mexico was full steam ahead to accept the deportations - and would have if there hadn't been a misunderstanding regarding the paperwork.

FOX is told cooperation with Mexico is not an issue. Around 2,000 illegal aliens were deported to Mexico yesterday alone both on the ground and in the air, and that Mexico detained roughly 5,000 migrants in Mexico.

The official tells FOX that Mexican cooperation has been successful all week, and that Mexico has agreed to reimplement Remain in Mexico.
Wasn't Reuters caught multiple times lying or being biased at the very least for the past 5 years if not more? These are the same type of people who thought Trump getting more than one scoop of icecream was a journalistic scoop.
It's been shared by many though under the circumstances I'd say they're buying time or testing the waters from Trump's past experiences of his tough love approach of others not following his wishes.
I am pretty sure it is wrong that they arnt letting them land.
Hold on

Here it is.
>>> NEW: Regarding reports that Mexico rejected a Trump deportation flight on Thursday:

FOX is told by a senior State Department official that a miscommunication in MX and confusion around the DoD manifest for the flight is what led to MX’s rejection of the flight.

Per the official, Mexico was full steam ahead to accept the deportations - and would have if there hadn't been a misunderstanding regarding the paperwork.

FOX is told cooperation with Mexico is not an issue. Around 2,000 illegal aliens were deported to Mexico yesterday alone both on the ground and in the air, and that Mexico detained roughly 5,000 migrants in Mexico.

The official tells FOX that Mexican cooperation has been successful all week, and that Mexico has agreed to reimplement Remain in Mexico.
Or it's actually just confusion over paperwork.

Funny really using Fox when they have their own biases.

But who am I to judge when I randomly share random Twitter posts?
The CIA kept the opiates growing...had we continually burned the fields it would have stayed that way.

And for number 4: That is what we WERE doing until 21. The thing is Federalies are also infiltrated as well.
If anything we will have SOF ok the ground as well.
And ELINT is useless in COIN, COMINT is where it is at
There is a decidedly non-zero chance the CIA keeps the cartels going (either with higher administrative support/authorization or without). They've done that kind of thing before in both South/Central America and Southeast Asia as ways of funding themselves and getting ins with dictators. It would certainly explain the US funding/training/arming Zetas and the like.

Whatever complaints/concerns are to be raised over it, it is inarguable that trying to suppress the cartels on our doorstep are immeasurably more useful deployments of US military power in terms of actively benefitting average Americans than has been our faffing about in the Middle East for the last however-many-years since Bin Laden dies (arguably even longer than that). The fact the US tolerates a drug state on our immediate border for the dubious benefit of cheap labor and vacation-destination at cost of drugs and crime in America (much less all of it that goes on in Mexico harming Mexicans) is...screwed-up, to say the least.
Lol no. How long have you been in this community? I was on Spacebattles over 20 years ago, and if you were to look back on my posts I was well known to be a Canuck and used to be very rah rah pro American.
I frankly do not remember you from SB at all, so nope, had no idea you were a Canuk.
You just make sure they are eincapable of growing any drugs.
And Brazil doesn't have the capability in intel the US has to effectively find everything
That's the problem, the cartels have diversified, and gone far beyond just drugs.

Cartels sell iron ore to the CCP, control a lot of the avocado trade/industry, own large parts of several resort town, and frankly are embedded in nearly every industry or company in Mexico.

Hitting the drug trade isn't going to stop the cartel's money flows anymore.
The entire drug trade through cartels would cease.
Again, that is outdated thinking.
Using military jets to deport migrants might actually make logistical sense.

Can't stop winning against the haters saying deportations might be too expensive when compared to the other options in this case.

I mean Pete said that we need to leverage the Defense (Aka military) industrial complex to make sure we remain top dog.

I dont think the defense contractors really care, they just throw money at both sides.

I say this because Trump wants to increase DoD budget to trillion dollars, which means they get money too.
Man, it's so great seeing conservatives revive autistic liberal arguments of "We lost more people to gangs than 9/11, therefore 9/11 wasn't that big of a deal" argument.

And Vietnam? Vietnam had the exact same problems that your proposal does. HR McMaster makes it very clear that at the end of the day, the US government itself had no real idea what its objectives were in Vietnam. The JCS, Johnson, Taylor, the Whiz Kids, all had their ideas of what we were supposed to be doing, and they constantly were working at cross-purposes. The result was a muddled compromise where we would neither withdraw from Vietnam nor actually commit towards victory.

It's why I observed earlier that I have more respect for the people who think we should just straight up invade Mexico and occupy the north than this "lol the special forces can do everything" nonsense.

I think that asking what the objective is beyond the vague idea of "Smash the cartel" is already an operational plan.

If you asked me what I think we should be doing in the event of a Taiwan contingency, I could sum it up in a few sentences. Drive the invasion back, sink the navy, get allies on our side, impose a blockade, prepare to negotiate as a direct invasion of the Chinese mainland is excessively dangerous.

In your case it's: smash the cartel.
Okay, I'll lay it out in simple terms:

"Via a combination of killing cartel leadership, destroying key cartel infrastructure, and weakening the cartels compared to the Mexican government, seriously damage their ability to both operate and recruit. Ideally, this will break the current cartels, and a resurgent Mexican law enforcement will cripple such criminal operations long-term. Practically and more plausibly, this will establish a serious deterrent, making it clear to cartel leaders, both survivors and new leaders of new cartels in the future, that if they do not want to personally die, they will operate as quietly and non-violently as possible."

I, and most others who support the idea, don't have some fantasy-land conception that 'go blow up the baddies' is a magical solution to current problems. We do think that major criminal organizations having a very clear understanding where they are on the pecking order is a good thing. Arrogant and overconfident thugs will casually commit crimes against property and people. Intimidated criminals will try to operate quietly out of the way, making their money by selling illicit goods where they won't be noticed, because they know that if they are noticed, that is a bad thing.

No. Worst case scenario is that the special forces straight up lose ala Mogadishu or Hostomel Airport, thousands die in the United States as the cartel launches terrorist attacks, the US global position turns into that of Russia as we're shut out from the entire world that is now utterly terrified of us, blue states and especially California attempt to get out of the war on their terms and we start to move closer to a split, Mexican dreams of undoing Guadulupe Hidalgo actually starts to become more than a fringe fantasy, the United States military is shown to be a corrupt paper tiger, and China and Russia take advantage of US distraction to fulfill their own Eurasian dreams.

"Mexico resists US special forces and we get stuck in a war where we don't know what we're doing" is far, far from the worst case scenario.
You are a black-pilled doomer.

Even if we assume the overall competence of the US military has been in free-fall across the Biden administration, it still will not have fallen to the level of the Russian paper tiger. We simply do not have a completely institutionalized culture of lying and graft the way that they do, and four years isn't long enough for that to develop.

There are too many veterans with actual combat experience, too many support personnel who actually know how to do their damn jobs, and the Trump administration is already actively working to undo the damage the Biden administration has done. Further, the advantage of initiative rests in our hands. We can wait until we're sure we have a decent number of units in fighting shape before starting anything.

Past all of this, the idea that the USA would somehow turn into an international leper on a level meeting or exceeding that of Russia for engaging in a campaign against organized crime syndicates is so far beyond laughable, it makes it clear that you are not engaging in rational thought here. There are so many reasons why this is nonsense I have a hard time deciding where to start, so I'll just put a single one of the key elements in simplistic terms:

When your sugar daddy heads over to the neighbors house and beats the shit out of the disobedient man-child there that's joined a gang and been harassing his children, you don't suddenly turn against him, especially when you're dependent on him for your own protection.

It's abundantly clear at this point that you have no clue what you're talking about, and are engaging in the same kind of irrational pessimism that anti-USA hacks have since at least the anti-war movements preceding Pearl Harbor. The Cartels are not some sort of ubermensch that will be cutting down GIs like wheat, the Mexican government absolutely does not want to get into a tarrif war, much less a shooting war, with the USA, and if the Mexican leadership tried to tell the Mexican military to fight against the US military, they'd be more likely to coup out their own leadership than to actually fire on US forces, especially since the recently-elected Mexican president is known to be at least partially in the pocket of the cartels.

Finally, the fact that you think the 1993 Battle of Mogadishu was some kind of humiliating defeat for America shows that you are operating on vibes, not anything remotely connected to reality. Depending on what sources you believe, casualties inflicted ran somewhere between 20:1 and *200:1* in the US's favor, and the objective of the raid, hitting a group of the local warlord's leadership, was successful.

It is a testament to the incredibly high standards of military performance generally expected of the US military that the whole operation was considered a mess, even though it achieved its objective and inflicted massively disproportionate casualties. You practically never will actually get it, but we train and expect our military to be aiming towards accomplishing all objectives with zero casualties.

The US kicked ass in that battle, and the whole affair was yet another example of how the US military with very few exceptions wins absolute crushing victories in the field, but incompetent Democrat political leadership doesn't know how to actually accomplish anything meaningful with that.

But the Democrats aren't in control right now.
No one hates illegals more than legal immigrants.

As a naturalized American citizen, when asked how much I hate illegals, I've joked several times to other Filipinos that I'd be willing to dress up as a Katipunan member, setting up on pole a wooden version of this sun here:

and setting it on fire in where illegals congregate.

(For folks of non-Filipino background who don't get the gallows humor here, look up the abbreviation of the full name of the Katipunan)
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