Time to Shut Down Pornhub

But what about sports, which can (and some will certainly) damage the body in pursuit of excellence? What about the pursuit of a higher power in self-destructive ways, such as fasting or self-flagellation?

Some arguments can be made about long-term playing of high-impact sports. Most sports though, don't negatively impact an individual's life-span, and actually improve it due to general good health.

Fasting has a time and place; I can't speak for other belief systems, but Christianity has *never* encouraged fasting to death. Maybe once in your life an extreme fast to teach yourself self-discipline, but by and large it's something to be practiced within limitations of a week or less, which for a person at a healthy weight (or more likely over) isn't going to do any long-term harm.

Self-flagellation, self-injury as a matter of spiritual penance runs directly contrary to all Christian doctrine. Something simple like pinching yourself or smacking yourself a bit to help stay awake while driving, that's
Some arguments can be made about long-term playing of high-impact sports. Most sports though, don't negatively impact an individual's life-span, and actually improve it due to general good health.

Fasting has a time and place; I can't speak for other belief systems, but Christianity has *never* encouraged fasting to death. Maybe once in your life an extreme fast to teach yourself self-discipline, but by and large it's something to be practiced within limitations of a week or less, which for a person at a healthy weight (or more likely over) isn't going to do any long-term harm.

Self-flagellation, self-injury as a matter of spiritual penance runs directly contrary to all Christian doctrine. Something simple like pinching yourself or smacking yourself a bit to help stay awake while driving, that's
I'm not making an argument for them based on Christian doctrine, but a question of whether you think they could be morally justified.

Regardless, there are some sports where players play while injured, knowing it will probably injure them more. Is that acceptable? And I wasn't talking about fasting until death, but fasting in a way that causes your body harm.

EDIT: this seems like a derail.
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Tribalism, that sorta explains why Atheists are so tolerant of Islam whilst being so edgy critical of Christianity
That has more to do with a lack of familiarity with the former; most atheists I know who have actually studied Islam think it's far more dangerous today than Christianity has been in a long, long time. Sadly, many are just too lazy to put in the effort, and erroneously believe that the enemy of their enemy is their friend; when, in fact, their enemy's enemy is also their enemy.

I'd gun you down for that just quick. Tyranny is tyranny after all.
And if I ever abandoned my principles enough to attempt it, you'd have my blessing in doing so. But take that conviction, and replace "religion" with "porn" in your mind; you'll being to understand how I view people telling me that it's "harmful". Not that I expect to change your mind about that, anymore than you can expect to change mine about religion; nor am I saying that the two are in any way comparable in terms of objective importance. I just wanted you to see things a little bit from my perspective.
Threadban from the Boot. Entering a thread simply to insult other posters and not adding anything meaningful or substantive to the thread is against Rule 2(b). Take a vacation from the thread.
The only people who want to ban pornography are deluded morons and pathetic, weak willed shrimp that are afraid of their penis urges. The mentally sound don't suffer from either of those problems, and society should never take commands from either the moron or the shrimp.
The only people who want to ban pornography are deluded morons and pathetic, weak willed shrimp that are afraid of their penis urges. The mentally sound don't suffer from either of those problems, and society should never take commands from either the moron or the shrimp.
The porn side has good arguments, the anti porn side has bad arguments. But here you are, trying for equality by averaging out all the good arguments with a shit one.
The porn side has good arguments, the anti porn side has bad arguments. But here you are, trying for equality by averaging out all the good arguments with a shit one.
There is no good argument for stupidity. Society is a Kodiak bear, while the rejects are deformed, mentally stunted chihuahuas. The bear never listens to the whines of the chihuahuas. It either ignores them, or laughs at them.
There is no good argument for stupidity. Society is a Kodiak bear, while the rejects are deformed, mentally stunted chihuahuas. The bear never listens to the whines of the chihuahuas. It either ignores them, or laughs at them.
Oh if we're assigning animal spirits to groups of people at random, can Government be a puma? How about letting the local high school be an Aardvark?

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