Stargate Through the Looking Glass and into Heaven.

And that's the magic they lost in later seasons that I don't intend for them to ever lose here.

Respect and glory await the flagship team though!
My thoughts also, the show was at its best when it focused on the core characters and their teamwork. Very hard to emulate that but it definitely elevates a fic that makes it. Damn few do and it does seperate the good from the excellent
My thoughts also, the show was at its best when it focused on the core characters and their teamwork. Very hard to emulate that but it definitely elevates a fic that makes it. Damn few do and it does seperate the good from the excellent

If I succeed at even ten percent of that I'll be a decent writer indeed!

One of the random thoughts I had to help keep the dynamic intact as time goes on was to have something extend the lifespan of Col. O'neill.

Yeah he'd be in his 50s by this point and even someone as fit as Jack with all the new medicine they're extracting is going to start slowing down.

I was half thinking of having him and Ellis end up on Tretonin. Because Goa'uld juice can actually reverse aging to a degree depending on which sub species you get it from.

Jack will likely end up with something similar to Daniel's necklace since I have plans for him and Hathor.

Hammond...has a date with destiny.
That's...sorta disturbing. :eek:

Your mind went places I didn't expect it to go given how I've written her...🤣

and that's...well, I would too. :cool:

HAH! I was actually debating about whether or not to have him or one or ONeils kids or Lahm take Jacob Carter's place as a host for my version of Selmac.

@bullethead makes a good point though that even if one of his girls was dying of cancer he'd let her die before exposing her to the mind of millennia old telepathic snake.

That leaves Hammond, Ellis Kowalski and Lahm.
I don't think that Hammond would go for it. His patriotism and loyalty to the USA would preclude it I think. If he did, Hammond wouldn't allow himself to be in charge if he has the choice.

'Course, Lord help the To'cra if Hammond gets to influencing them from the inside!

That's the only reason why I thought about doing it. Because there's only really one faction of Tok'Ra organized that fights the Imperium and it would be interesting to see what the character and personality of a man like Hammond would do for them.

But it's too much like the IRA and he is way too much of a super patriot.

I could always have him take Tretonin though. Call it a parting gift from Bra'tac by way of Garek after the events of serpent song.

Two old warriors helping another stay in the fight to serve his country.
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Aaannd asa promised...I be back boys and girls.

First up, Jack makes a play that will have..interesting rammifications.

And Drey'ac smashes some pirates and meets an old "friend".
The Falcon and The Eagle PT 1

The Falcon and the Eagle

They had left Avalon after convincing Leanan to let them risk sneaking around Horus and Herakles to get to the gate (Hopefully) before Hammond sent anyone after them. She seemed all too eager to avoid bloodshed, but she wanted them to return whenever they wished to as she put it “Plunder my planet for resources.” Though she stressed that she also wouldn’t forbid the hunters from returning to this world should they choose to engage in another of their safaris. So long as they behaved themselves and abided by her simple rule that the peace be kept or else.

That, “or else” part probably intimidated Jack more than any other ultimatum he’d ever been given by anyone in his life. The finality in her voice was only matched by the sheer hostility in Ra’s when he let loose that psychic scream during the failed execution or the look of sheer bloodlust in the eyes of Apophis. When they got back, he was going to recommend that they avoid contact with the Nox, much as Daniel was right about them being a potential valuable ally. There was something dangerous about them that suggested they were better off acknowledged, respected and left alone. Those thoughts had been in the forefront of his mind when Teal’c suddenly gestured for them to be silent and get under cover. He noticed it a fraction of a second later, that there was movement up ahead. A Jaffa with the bird helmet.

Great, just great.

As the team edged closer, following the Jaffa they noticed him descend an embankment into an area of the forest that was slightly clearer.

There, between two small pines on a boulder sat a tall, shirtless man about thirty with long braided golden hair and biceps that had to be at least twenty-seven inches thick. His torso was covered in war paint, a gold band was around his head that looked like it was made from that metal that acted like cloth that the snakes seemed to love. He wore a cape made of the pelt of some kind of creature Teal’c said was descended from the cave bears of North America, only they were twenty feet tall when they reared up and so strong that they could actually beat down the personal shields that System Lords preferred to use.

Jackson explained that Prince Horus and Herakles were fond of killing those things with their hands if possible. Which prompted an “See! I told you, we needed pocket nukes on deployment!” from Doc Carter.

Ah Doc Carter, Sasha’s role model and someone Jack was starting to see like a psychotic kid sister despite the fact that she was barely thirty and he was, damnit he didn’t want to think about his fucking age right now..

Jack was must have been the only one here amused by the Prince of Falcons look outside of Daniel. The dark blue pants, the armored boots, the robotic hand and the brooding way he carried himself and his ridiculous physique was an interesting contrast to the sleek and lethal Apophis and to O’Neill conjured images of pro wrestlers from his youth.

If ol’Apophis reminded Colonel O’Neill of the king cobra he fashioned his symbol after, sleek, strong, powerful, and deadly in its speed. This maniac reminded him of Superstar Billy Graham or Hulk Hogan. One only needed to look at his eyes to realize how fatal mistaking him for a trash talking wrestler would be though.

There was an earnestness there, but fury and lethality.

The Jaffa began to speak up, the vocal filters that obscured their voice gone and to O’Neill it sounded like a kid who’d just gone through puberty. Teal’c had mentioned that sometimes the personal detail of the System Lords were reared from birth segregated from other Jaffa and trained to be fanatical body guards. Secret service agents, raised from birth to do nothing but protect and die for their Master. While Apophis snake fiend that he was, didn’t indulge in the practice it was obvious Horus had. “What are they saying?” O’Neill asked Jackson and Teal’c.

“He’s saying that Herakles captured a small force of Tau’Ri warriors and what appeared to be subjects of his mother’s domain acting in concrete.” Jackson said then blinked “Wait how do they know?”

“The accent.” Teal’c remarked. “Abydos has a very particular accent, it is possible some Jaffa old enough to have visited Abydos in centuries past recognized the accent from the security footage.”

“Doesn’t matter.” Carter hissed, annoyed their first priority was an ally and not earth. “They have some of our guys”

“Pastoral? What manner of low born name is that?” Daniel said, translating Horus’ scornful reaction to the name given.

Jack blinked -Pastoral? The hell? We have a guy named pasture on base. - Jack tried to search through his memory when Teal’c commented that he believed Horus said Shepherd.

God damnit John!

“Horus is greatly enraged that so many of our men were killed, evidently he wished not to commit any actions against Tau’Ri forces until he determined whether or not you acted alone O’Neill.” Teal’c translated the snapping hiss that was coming out of the tall pro wrestler looking Goa’uld as the Jaffa bowed his head attempting to mollify Horus’s anger.

“He’s also furious about the death of Abydonians since they’re technically his mother’s subjects and it makes no sense for them to be here.” Jackson said glaring at Carter who had the self-control to remain calm. “He’s really shocked about that; he’s ranting now about how nothing in regard to his father’s death makes any sense.”

Well, there was that at least. O’Neill thought, Teal’c was right about the prince of the snake men not a lunatic like Apophis. -I can work with sensible- he thought. “What’s he saying now?”

“The Jaffa is suggested they execute everyone no matter what as they’ve not enough men to take them back through the gates as prisoners and to do so even without calling for reinforcements would betray much.”

“So, this was a clandestine meeting?” Carter thought aloud, harkening back to a conversation she’d been having with Daniel in the background while Colonel O’Neill and Teal’c worked out the details of their strategic withdrawal with Leanan. She’d speculated that it was a secret meeting to discuss the upcoming political shitstorm Teal’c was always saying could come once it came time to choose Ra’s successor disguised as a safari.

There was a thunderous bang and Carter looked up in surprise, the suggestion (Which she thought was perfectly reasonable from their perspective and then felt a pang of guilt for entertaining that thought.), Horus back handed the Jaffa youth with such fury that sparks flew from his robotic hand and several segments of the helmet flew off and some kind of cooling fluid and sparks sprayed out as the youth spun in the air and crashed into the grass several feet from the prince who stalked over to the youth and wrenched him up by the shoulder bellowing something at him.

A youth she could see a bit clearer now, orange haired with pale skin and eyes an odd shade of metallic blue.

“Are we low born trash who would run around the galaxy doing as we please? Are we an empire of thugs who rule by fear? Or are we the keepers of the fires of civilization?” Daniel translated, somewhat surprised at just how indignant Horus sounded. “He’s nothing like his father Jack..I think we should go out there and try to reason with him.”

“Like hell” Carter growled. “Let me get close, I’ll do it.” She muttered tapping her rifle. “Besides, I’ve been itching to see if it’s possible to sever both heads at once.”

Teal’c raised an eyebrow and O’Neill glared at her “We’re not gonna butcher this guy, that’d start a god damn war Earth can’t win.” He paused for a second then narrowed his eyes. “But you’re not wrong, we need to do something.”

The youth admonished bowed asking to be exiled from his majesty’s presence for bringing dishonor upon his royal personage and on the mighty Jaffa race. Horus snorted and O’Neill didn’t need Daniel or Teal’c to translate what came next. “Let me guess, King of the Bird men is telling him he’s a fucking idiot, but a good natured one and he wouldn’t punish someone who was so duty minded?”

“Now that the lesson was learned, yes.” Teal’c confirmed.

“Jack, we really should try to reach him.” Jackson warned.

“He thinks the Colonel is a terrorist.” Carter responded in a hoarse whisper. “Horus will just kill him on sight...”

Have you been paying attention?!” Jackson almost shouted.

“I have” Carter responded with a glare “More than you apparently, he didn’t say anything about the Colonel, except that he wanted to know if he acted alone or not. There’s nothing to suggest the rules of engagement he seems to hold himself by would apply to Colonel O’Neill!” There was a protective tension in her voice and a sense of concern in her eyes that Jackson wasn’t used to seeing in his fellow scientist. “And Teal’c?”

“If my death would prevent your world from being razed, I would gladly pay the price. However, I do not believe that is our fate. Daniel Jackson may be correct…Or perhaps we can devise a rescue plan.” Teal’c responded attempting to ease the tension.

“No one’s dying!” O’Neill groused out with a shake of his head. “God; you guys are melodramatic. Look, Teal’c would Herc be up for exchanging one prisoner of high value for a lot of prisoners of indeterminate value?” -And high value- Jack thought, but he wasn’t going to add that not unless it was needed to sweeten the deal.

“You propose taking Prince Horus hostage?” Teal’c asked with a raised eyebrow, his tone neutral. It wasn’t a foolish idea; it was in fact the only correct course at present short of showing up and hoping Prince Horus believed the lie that Leanan killed O’Neill and was still willing to talk after that. But it presented a problem, namely.

No one had ever done this before.

“Ransom is a concept certain feudal societies entertained, others like the Mongols not so much. At least not when it was a VIP like this.” Daniel cautioned. “Can it even be done? Teal’c didn’t exactly paint a rosy picture of what would happen if we threw down with Horus.” Ra was dangerous enough; he could have fried their brains if he had just calmed down but taking on someone who potentially had that ability who was also one of the most dangerous warriors in the known universe.

“There was a hostage negotiation policy written up at the dawn of the Imperium, but in all that time I do not believe it was ever put into practice.” Teal’c remarked causing O’Neill to gawk at him. “You mean in all that time, all those tens of thousands of years no one’s been able to abduct a System lord?”

“Not that I can recall, not since the early days of their rebellion against the Ori and in that instance the System Lord in question committed suicide and released a psychic pulse that killed everything capable of complex thought across an entire planet.”

“Lovely” Jack muttered.

“Teal’c, is Horus known for his mental powers?” Carter asked, her gray eyes were doing that odd gleam they did when she had a crazy idea and Teal’c suppressed a smile. “Indeed, not Doctor Carter, Horus like Apophis not fond of exercising his telepathic abilities. I do not know if he could retaliate against you as his parents can.”

O’Neill’s eyes darted towards the serpent men. Daniel translating the remainder of the conversation. Horus apparently ordered the guard to go reinforce Herakles and that he wished to wander the woods alone for a time to calm his rage and to contemplate on what to do with the Tau’Ri warriors. -Alone knowing there might be enemy troops in the woods?- Jack thought. “Let’s ambush him and get him.”

“It is a trap Colonel O’Neill.” Teal’c cautioned with a look in his eyes that suggested he was confounded that O’Neill would be so tactically illiterate. Jack rolled his eyes and turned to glare at Teal’c “Yeah, I kind of figured when he sauntered away..Either he thinks we’re idiots and will take easy bait.”

“Which we..evidently are.” Daniel put in.

“Or he believes none would be foolish enough to violate Leanan’s edicts.” Teal’c added with a hint of alarm in his voice..

“Which, we evidently are.”

“Assuming he even knows the Nox are here.” O’Neill corrected. “Either way, let’s do this smart. He’s expecting us to take the bait because he thinks he can take whoever’s out here alone. Let’s play to that..Make him wait.” O’Neill’s eyes darted to Carter “And you, try not to blast him into a million pieces alright?”

“Yessir.” Carter muttered gloomily.

Alright Jack, lead your men into the lion’s den against a guy who could probably pick his teeth with you.

All he was missing was a James Horner or Basil Poledouris soundtrack to make the insanity of the mission complete.
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Mysteries and plasma

Neutral Space- Andromeda Galaxy

Drey’ac would never understand why so many fleet Captains throughout the Empire were dismissive of the Hyperspace relays when in her mind they were an invention on par with the Stargates themselves. The fact that they were an invention wholly of the Empire was an even bigger source of pride for her (And designing them allowed the Imperium’s technologists to figure out how to design different types of Stargates and how to update and modernize the Gate Network.). Her little fleet had crossed into another Galaxy half an hour ago. A seventeen-hour trek through hyperspace and a half an hour cooldown time for the engines when traveling distances as short as forty lightyears outside the network unless you wanted to risk destroying your jump drives. Subspace was a mess and the only other way to travel without making small jumps of a dozen lightyears or so followed by a cooldown period was the ludicrous Hetch Drive that the Sebaceans and Scarrens used (Before she destroyed their fleet and wiped out their shipyards any way. Did the Peacekeepers leave any left alive after she did that?) which seemed to fold subspace to create a tether that let them “skim’ hyperspace. It was a slow method of travel; she supposed the tradeoff was that they didn’t deal with the problems everyone else did. Her thoughts strayed from the failed Jaffa prototypes turned vigilantes out in the wilder regions of the cosmos and to Apophis himself.

Requesting Ba’al send a small battlegroup to escort a trade fleet from one of the minor powers in this Galaxy that the Imperium had trade with to his domain was a very odd request. It seemed her old lord was trying to force Ba’al into a position where he’d have no choice but to reveal just a little bit of his capabilities. The sheer pettiness! And to a potential ally in his mad quest for a Throne she was convinced would drive him to suicide out of sheer boredom or assassination by his harpy of a queen. -He’s playing games that are beneath him and beneath us all-, this kind of rank paranoia was something a primitive petty kingdom of thugs would indulge in and not a mighty Goa’uld of the race of the Peers, not a keeper of the flame. A distress signal brought her out of her darker thoughts and her consternation was only added too when the frequency her comms officer identified as peacekeeper came up on the screen.

This is the expeditionary fleet Command Carrier Durka we’re escorting a convoy of merchants to the border of imperial space….Under attack by Lucian pirates! They’ve got Hataks!

The command area went silent, Jaffa, even the Goa’uld technologists all looked up to her with a gaze that mixed incredulity with concern. -Mayhap even fear- she thought, the Imperium maintained an enormous technological lead over the rest of the civilizations in the known universe save the Asgard. A gap that was unlikely to close any time soon and one of the ways in which the Imperium made sure of that was the strict regulation of commerce involving their technology. Technological theft was also, usually punished severely unless it was an ally or a species, they respected in which case sanctions were usually imposed. This technological hegemony was maintained at all costs, sometimes to an extent Drey’ac thought was detrimental.

After all, they were tens of thousands of years ahead of everyone, what was the point? And by the time another race backward engineered their technology, they would likely be a generation behind and that ignored their industry. Even if a race did have technological parity with the empire, they would still be drowned in numbers. No, what System Lord or minor noble would be insane enough to sell technology to the Lucian alliance? To drug kingpins, slavers, pirates and petty warlords? The cost of being caught far outweighed any benefits, any member of the nobility that wasn’t a System Lord would be killed and a System Lord would likely be dispossessed and exiled.

Already Jaffa were calling the Peacekeepers liars and cowards, but Drey’ac wasn’t certain. That they were all the way out here, made little sense to her. To her knowledge, they weren’t yet able to pay for the technology to use the relays so unless they were ferried in the hyperspace wake of a hyperspace capable vessel how were they out here? If something as absurd as Peacekeepers in another Galaxy existed, then what’s to say they weren’t telling the truth? Besides, not all Sebaceans were pathetic creatures.

Drey’ac shared the disgust many Jaffa had for Peacekeepers, though she’d met one or two in her life that might have been worthy of recognition. A crippled half breed researcher she encountered some forty years ago and disgraced Captain who was supposed to have killed himself in a bid to delay an enemy from harming his friends. She could give him that at least, both he and the living ship he created died honoring the Sodan and she wondered, if Anubis truly greeted the children of the Goa’uld in the afterlife and she hoped he found the man worthy.

“Fleet Captain, we’re coming out of hyperspace a million Sest’a from the battle.’ A young Llempiri in a Jaffa’s uniform was something she was still having trouble accepting. Not that the Llempiri weren’t worthy, they had earned the right to serve along side Jaffa despite their allegiance to Egeria as far she was concerned. They honored the Sodan and offered tribute and thanksgiving to Anubis as all Jaffa did and like most Jaffa she knew, they lived up to those oaths. Besides, any race that could be called an honored enemy by Anubis before their conquest was more than deserving of respect. Only the Luxan’s could really make the same claim and even then, the stories of their fighting and dying beside Jaffa when the nameless one made his move against the System Lords in defense of Prince Osiris were just tales from the dawn of the Jaffa race.

No known holographic recordings existed, only the mummified remains kept in a place of honor at the hall of heroes in Iwnw

And yet, she still found herself feeling insulted by their presence on occasion and then she’d spend hours feeling guilty. She’d been idle too long, she needed to kill some pirates, the distraction would set her mind straight. Ba’al having asked her to lead the battlegroup as he wished to gauge how Lord Apophis would react. -More suspicion, yet on his end, it is sadly necessary- Six Hatak’s, twenty-four Alkesh bombers and the crescent shaped Dreadnaught that Ba’al had built as his flagship all exited hyperspace, through a blue and purple bubble that formed between time and space.

They exited, black and emerald in color. Where ordinary Hatak’s Had one blade like pyramid at the center of a sort of lattice like hexagram with plenty of empty space to add sensor suites, shield generators, heavier weaponry, troop transports or anything else. Ba’al’s Hataks had the one main pyramid, green in color and two smaller green pyramids. The rest of the vessels were of a black so dark it seemed to devour starlight and his Alkesh were less like frigates and more small battleships. The House of Ra, it was said; held the most advanced technology out of all the peers and yet Drey’ac had seen things in her service with Ba’al that led her to believe the young System Lord might have held a slight edge. The vertical bladeship the Enkidu Accelerated beneath her feet, the rest of the fleet joining her. “We’ll see if it’s true.”

“It is” Answered one of the sensor officers, her turned eying her with shock. “We’re detecting seventeen Leviathans, two are killed..and..the third..the readings are.”

“If you’re going to stammer like an undisciplined whelp do not waste my time. Show me.”

The youth nodded and a holographic image appeared.

Sure enough, three command carriers, though one was currently on fire and trading vicious blows with a Hatak backed up by the conventional Lucian ships…A very old Hatak, of a model that hadn’t been in use in twenty thousand years but a Hatak none the less and before her blood could boil in rage her eyes shifted to the wreckage of the two Leviathans, they were not…Her eyes narrowed.

The Fyryns it was said, created both the Leviathan’s and their insectoid pilots during the war, wishing in their final hours to create a legacy that would atone for their atrocities against the universe via their hyperspace weaponry. Many Jaffa erroneously called them gentle brutes, but they were not brutes. She felt a sense of sympathy for the poor creatures, who labored as the backbone of the trade fleets that spanned the universe. -Well, that explains why the Command carriers are here, they rode the poor creature’s hyperspace wake- she thought but the new ones? They were warships! Her eyes narrowed, organic technology wasn’t the end all be all most of the less advanced races made them out to be, nor were they necessarily a sign of advancement. But she didn’t doubt that they held souls of their own and these mechanoids were peaceful. Her mind wandered back to the sullen Sebacean she knew long ago, the moody youth of nineteen who was obsessed with creating leviathans that could fight, not only for the Peacekeepers but so that the race would remain victims no more. But he died, along with his warrior Leviathan?

Two had fought well, a veritable graveyard of pirate ships were scattered all around their dying bodies and the largest of the two, a majestic piece accelerated towards the burning Command carrier unleashing four titanic blasts of superheated plasma that roared into the shields of the older Hatak which was forced to disengage.

But not before it unleashed a fury of orange energy that smashed into the center of the Command carrier.

The larger vessel lurched, arched and Drey’ac swore she could have heard its spine snap as it was blown wide open by the fury of the weapons fire. It didn’t last much longer, two Sest’a of starship yielded to kinetics, gravity and exploding internal systems and shattered as a torrent of energy roared out of its power plant hurling the forward section toward the Hatak that was accelerating way from the energy wave at dizzying speeds in a frantic attempt not to be smashed by a projectile several times its size.

It had succeeded, but the damage to its shields and its desperate course left it open to a broadside from one of the other command carriers, a broadside that caused its shields to flair in fury before dovetailed right for the vessel’s underbelly unleashing a frenzy of fire that smashed into the crimson shields of her defective cousins.

Drey’ac was angry, not just at the blatant corruption on display (Someone within the Imperium had to sell them this technology, the alternative was unthinkable.) but at the fact that several ships of the Lucian alliance began to target the non-warrior leviathans the moment their crude sensors detected the approach of her fleet. That wanton cruelty was contemptible and she intended to take very few survivors. “Disable one of the Hatak’s, the rest of the pirate ships? Destroy them all.” The order was given in a cold voice that brokered no contestations. And so, her fleet moved in for the kill, with Drey’ac ordering the Alkesh group and their dart like fighters to engage the Lucian pirates and to render medical aid to the leviathan crews. A hundred Lucian frigates verses twenty-four Alkesh? If her Commanders were lazy maybe the pirates would last five minutes.

Five minutes was all she would need.

The main weapon of the Enkidu was a monstrosity that only a technologist as mad as the Tau’Ri arsonist Car’tur was said to be, or that fat lunatic Tok’ra Nerus could conceive of such a deviant weapon. While technologists of the Imperium had dabbled in zero-point energy research, their ability to refine Naquadah and Naquadria meant that it wasn’t a top priority. They had other, far less dangerous methods of obtaining huge amounts of energy at a relatively small price. That didn’t mean they destroyed their research or that they weren’t at least a quarter of the way there. Ba’al’s skill at generating and manipulating gravitational fields and that research combined to create a sort of cannon. Using the entire hull of the Enkidu as a focusing rod the vessel created a small aperture between dimensions, a temporary tear in reality that flared for one glorious nano second, then sputtered and died.

And in its death unleashed a mass of energy more violent than anything Drey’ac had ever witnessed. Encased in a gravity beam, this wave of hell lanced out, a bright white light reminiscent of the main beam weapons used by the Vanir and the long dead and accursed Ori, albeit an order of magnitude stronger.

In one swift motion this wave of energy vaporized one of the older Hatak’s, incinerated thirty of its escorts and smashed into a second Hatak which held up under the energy wave long enough to move out of the way before its shielded evaporated and the ship listed, dead in space.

The Enkidu went dark as her power plants shutdown and emergency batteries flickered on. It would take the vessel four minutes to regain its main power, but her Hataks would make short work of the rest of the fleet and grab the remaining stray Hatak.

The tall, orange eyed Jaffa would soon be boarding those vessels and when Drey’ac ordered that technologists and command level officers were to be taken prison but everyone else was to be put to the slaughter they all roared in approval.

It seemed they shared in her disgust at what had been done to those freight hauling Leviathans.

She leaned back in her chair, eyes narrowed, she ran a hand through her green hair, removing the cords holding it up, allowing it to fall loose over her shoulders as the battle wound down. She expected she’d be mired in reports from irate technologists now that the majority of the fighting was to be delegated to the other vessels, only she was spared by a hail from the surviving war Leviathan. A holographic image of a Sebacean in what would be the middle years of that race, tall, weary and dressed in an Admirals red and black. A finely groomed mustache and beard and dark eyes, eyes she recognized.

Drey’ac moved up in her seat, her eyes narrowing.

A dead man was speaking to her, on a Leviathan that should not exist.

Still, despite herself she felt some relief. After all, at least one of the good Sebaceans survived and thus continued to redeem his race.

There was a weight to his voice, no longer the sullen boy she remembered, but a man who carried the weight of command well and the many sins of a life of poor choices like armor.

“Fleet Captain Drey’ac, I admit I hadn’t expected to see you again. The Cy-years have been…kind to you.”

“Come now, that’s only a compliment to a female from a race with a short lifespan.” She replied with a smile that wasn’t entirely forced. “But nothing beats you, for a man dead nearly two decades you look remarkably well preserved Bialar.”

“It seems we’ve much to discuss.”

“We do and you may come aboard for dinner and to assist in the interrogation..though.” she paused and narrowed her eyes. “You are to bring only your best Peacekeepers and they are to behave themselves.”

The lines around his eyes tightened. “It seems, your affinity for me does not extend to my entire race.”

“It does not.” Drey’ac responded with a harshness that surprised her, with a quick intake of breath she added. “What was his name Bialar?”

His jaw set. “Talyn…”

She nodded slowly. “He martyred himself to save his mother and his friends was the story I heard. Is there truth to this and that you intended to die with him?”


Another tight reply and Drey’ac rose from her command throne and walked towards the holographic representation. “Then he died a true son of Anubis, and he honored the Sodan in the end.”

A grateful nod followed.

They would discuss why he thought he had the right to be alive after a death pledge later, for now, everything about this made her stomach turn and her “son” spin inside her pouch, he sensed something, something dark.
On another note I think Earth would be wise to mimic the structural design concepts ie a honeycomb system of the first batch of the Halcyon class light cruisers for its ships. Can't break the spine of the ship if it doesn't have one. And well a ship that can keep fighting after horrible damage is a good idea
On another note I think Earth would be wise to mimic the structural design concepts ie a honeycomb system of the first batch of the Halcyon class light cruisers for its ships. Can't break the spine of the ship if it doesn't have one. And well a ship that can keep fighting after horrible damage is a good idea

That's a good point, the flying bricks also have similar advantages there, compared to more conventional designs.

I haven't written space combat in ten years, I probably bombed.

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