Stargate Through the Looking Glass and into Heaven.

Crazy Train

The Immortal Watch Dog

Well-known member
Next up, O'Neill compounds the "terrorism" image by running armed through a Jaffa shopping mall, hijacking a train and unleashing an irate beastman/construction worker on the warriors of the stars!

Crazy Train


“You guys love your huge ass pyramids” O’Neill remarked once the group emerged on the other side of the ring transportation system. They were walking through a hallway of gray marble with a crimson carpet that stretched onward towards an exit that was an arch made of some kind of fine crystal that must have been as hard as steel. There were gardens and fountains and clear ponds on either side of the carpet, above their heads was the interior of the pyramid-colored gold and scarlet.

Turns out the outside was lined with some kind of glass like material because the pyramid became a prism. Hundreds of rainbows danced in each “block” and there was a courtyard filled with Jaffa watching projection, holographic screens that discussed the events of the day and the emergency lockdown of Bakhu. Apophis, it was said was making his return to Waset and would take his new consort and prince Klorel with him. “Waset?” Jackson asked curiously. “The Crown world of Apophis’ domain. The capitol.” Teal’c answered quietly, praying no one turned and noticed him as the news had likely either related that he’d been killed during the escape attempt or injured.

“Shako is now the interim Fist Prime until Teal’c is found or confirmed deceased.” The voice on the projections said and people began to murmur. Teal’c felt a slight swell of pride at that, Shako of the Winter Hills was a Prime who served as Teal’c’s master of logistics, he who handled the economic and material aspect of war. Many called him the pantry chief for he was eternally concerned about either food production, or the production of weaponry and vehicles. When O’Neill asked what was being said the man nodded “Ah, bean counter.”

“Indeed” Teal’c answered sensing the man’s implication. Shako was excellent at his job and personally he was an astounding master at the quick draw and a gifted knife fighter, but he was no battlefield commander. Appointing a scribe to lead a war effort was a mistake, appointing him to begin preparation for one on the other hand. “Either Apophis has errored.”

“Or he’s preparing for war.” Skara answered causing both men and Carter to nod in agreement.

“You said there hadn’t been an invasion of your nation for two and a half centuries, yet you said your mentor crushed an invasion from another Galaxy?” Jackson asked, still determined to try and poke holes in his story, both as a coping mechanism and because he didn’t want to believe what Ra had boasted to him and what he was seeing was real.

“Indeed” Teal’c answered.

“How can that be? Humans don’t live more than a hundred years at a maximum.”

“We are Jaffa, we were formed from the genetic material of the greatest specimens of your world and of a pair of Ori and of the flesh of Anubis and Apophis themselves. We were enhanced, selectively bred for health, vitality and strength..”

Jackson nodded mouthing oh, but a fascinated Carter cut in “Well, even then wouldn’t your body not last more than twice the optimal for a human?” they were entering a private tram station and then towards an automated vehicle that Teal’c accessed with a series of clicks and whistles. Once inside, Teal’c uttered a command and then turned to Carter. “In exchange for our service, the System lord’s bound themselves to us as we are to them.” He moved towards the armor on his torso, unfastening a clip and pressing one of the green gems the segmented armor melded away and then the fabric itself retreated, revealing a muscular midsection with those X shaped slits. Teal’c reached in and everyone groaned or backed up except Carter and Jackson who stared with fascination.

Teal’c pulled out a white, snake like thing with four sets of eyes that glowed faintly with that pink they saw in Amunet and Apophis eyes. Fang like pincers snapped but the creature lulled in his hand, dully, devoid of any sense of self. After a second Teal’c eased it back into the pouch and closed up the uniform. “That is a Prim’tah, the larval form of one of the lesser breeds of Goa’uld, even the lower ones can keep a body alive for centuries, enhance its strength and senses, repair the most grotesque of injuries and defeat all disease. The peers are merciless, forcing their parents to lobotomize them, leave them without personalities, blank slates that exist solely to service us and keep us alive. I am one hundred and seventy-seven years old, as is my wife. Our lifespans are quite long, four hundred years used to be the average. In times of peace…however, Jaffa have begun to live longer.”

They’d also begun to grow fat and go native. Something Teal’c never liked, even if they were more officers of the peace than warriors now, they were still Jaffa. Too many sleepy frontier worlds were filled with indolent wastrels enjoying confections and involving themselves in local affairs far beyond their duty. Obesity among the Jaffa was a literal impossibility, their organs were far too efficient, symbiotes made them more so, yet he’d seen his fair share of chubby Jaffa, and this was a thing he would not tolerate. Odd that adult Goa’uld and even the Peers and System lords could grow obese, yet it was unheard of for Jaffa. “The greatest among us are given the sacred privilege of incubating one of the offspring of the System Lords, an even rarer few are fortunate enough to incubate peers. The children, they are bound to us subconsciously.”

“Oh! I see!” Carter grinned. “Sir, basically they entrust the psychological development of their children to the Jaffa and their personal safety.”

It wasn’t slavery like she and Daniel thought, but a mutual bond that wasn’t exactly a bastion of morality either, but it held them together. -Loyalty bought with an exchange of blood, like in the bronze age I guess-. The tram began to move, many of the others were trying to communicate with Jackson and Skara and the other Abydonians, it grew easier as they each grew accustomed to their unique accents. All but the troll remained silent, seated and contemplative.

And then he disappeared, it didn’t happen before their very eyes, not exactly, not quite. One moment he was sitting there, the next, he was there, or they all swore he was, but he wasn’t and now no one had any idea where the hell he was or what he was. “This day is filled with twists.” Jackson said running his fingers through his hair.


Neither man could continue the conversation, the sky was a lit with roars even as they neared the stop for the gate station. “We have been discovered!” Skara called out.

“O’Neill they will fire on us.”

Jack nodded, turning he smashed one of the windows, the air howled and despite the velocity he managed to get his torso out and open fire with one of the staff’s. The blast impacted onto the tip of a crimson-colored wing, a vessel far sleeker in appearance than Ra’s gliders veered off and moved towards the other side. Purple bolts of energy lanced out and smashed into the ground along the side of the barreling train car, the energy blasts deflected by the electromagnetic field around the tram. Two others broke glass and began to open fire, but there were posts on the rails on that side and both men were cut in half by the suddenness, blood spraying into the cabin.

Again, there was a discharge of bolts and again they were deflected, though less so this time and the tram shook violently. “We’re getting rattled here! Teal’c! How do we strike back?”

“This tram does not contain defensive weaponry. However, those craft are atmospheric in nature. They’re mostly used to pursue criminals, drunken pilots and wastrels. Fire upon them, on the nose and between at the folds of the wings.”

“You want us to stick out heads out at this speed? We already lost two guys to that!”

Teal’c nodded grimly. ‘Indeed, but eventually they’ll disrupt the” the Tram shook, and Jack cursed, directing Skara and Carter to grab staff weapons while he longed for a rocket launcher. “Carter, you heard the man, continuous fire!”

“I get the energy musket? Hoooyeeaahh!” She’d dashed half her torso out the window, before Skara realized the Craft was flying almost beside the tram and the cockpit was open, a Jaffa who looked to be barely in his teens was sneering at her.

Nanei!” If she fired this close to the Tram.

Carter didn’t hesitate (Something that disturbed O’Neill), she just opened fire and watched as the energy bolt smashed into what looked like a forcefield. The youth cursed and jerked the fighter to the side, trying to bank away but the wing dove too low and it dug into grass. There was a violent hiccup and Carter heard a wing splinter and something exploded, and she was hurtled into the tram laughing as she patted down an arm that was on fire.

“Carter! That was a kid for Christ’s sakes!”

“We don’t know that sir, given how long they live, that could be a twenty-year-old. Besides, you saw what one of their adolescents did on earth.” She added defensively, her hand reaching for the staff in case he ordered her back to the window.

“She is correct O’Neill even our children can disembowel an adult human with not but their hands. Your compassion is appreciated but dangerous, any Jaffa of any age in uniform will kill you and any around you if ordered too.”

O’Neill nodded, though he made a mental note to rip Carter a new one later over the risk she put herself and others by firing so close to the tram. “How close are we to the gate.”

“Another moment” Teal’c answered as the roar of two more aircraft filled the air.

“What are our odds.”

“Poor odds for you against two, but one will land when we disembark. Let me face that one, I shall defeat it easily enough.”

“No, we’ll handle that, you help handle those fighters. We’ve, killed Jaffa before.” Except, O’Neill didn’t realize he’d be shooting up teenagers this time around. -I really fucking these snake bastards. - Teenagers, that could apparently tear him limb from limb if the incident report at the mountain was anything to go by. There was another reason, O’Neill didn’t doubt his loyalty both to this “Imperium” and to himself. He knew Teal’c would follow, he wasn’t sure why, beyond a marine’s intuition. But that didn’t mean O’Neill wanted Teal’c to kill any more of his own men, at least not up close.

The giant seemed to sense what O’Neill intended and gave an appreciative nod. “Then I shall not fail you O’Neill.”

A sly smile crept across Jack’s face for a second, he kind of liked this space equivalent of General MacArthur taking orders from a lowly colonel. Turning he eyed Carter “you and Jackson go with Teal’c, rendezvous with Kowalski and rain hell on ‘em.” He paused, for a second wondering if telling Carter to unleash hell was a good idea. But shrugged, either she was going to kill them all, or kill the Jaffa, either way they needed to get the hell out of here.

Thankfully, backup didn’t take anymore potshots until the tram stopped at the gate station. Which was evacuated except for four Jaffa who looked to be in their teens. This particular group didn’t wait for the doors to open before they began raking the tram with fire as the roar of the Glider overhead was joined by a third, two landed, joining the fray while a third took off towards the gate and the tree line.

“Damn! They’re headed for our guys!” Jack roared and then cursed as the metallic looking alloy of the tram’s walls began to dent and then explode. O’Neill rolled across the floor hiding behind a rail angrily patting the fire that was burning on his jacket. “This is the second fucking time these assholes have set me on fire!”

Jackson rolled and grabbed a staff, O’Neill was about to yell at him to give it to Skara (Who was wisely hiding behind Carter), but Jackson was in a rage again and rose firing wildly through the windows, managing to hit everything except the Jaffa… Walls erupted in smoke, debris rained down on the youths who looked as though they were out of uniform and ordered out of their bunks. They were young, wide eyed and luckily enough inexperienced because they had no idea how to deal with an idiot with terrible aim who was spraying and praying with an energy staff. One was buried under flaming rubble, his legs pinned and a piece of stained glass like material the length of a construction rebar impaled itself in his shoulder. He let out a flurry of curses and pushed his weapon towards his companion who grabbed it and began dual firing to give the other cover while he pulled himself out of the rubble.

One of his legs was torn open down the calf and O’Neill could see the knee bones as well, a human would have gone into shock or bled to death, but this kid was limping with his mangled leg and howling obscenities and throwing out what Jack assumed were profane gestures. The little shit then proceeded to yank the glass out of his shoulder, a torrent of blood gushed and with the last ounce of his adrenaline he flung the shard like a makeshift spear, with it catching an abydonian in the chest, launching him forward into the wall.

Carter muttered something…under her breath and Skara fired the side arm he’d taken from a fallen Jaffa and finally brought the boy down.

He and Teal’c leaped into action, joined by Carter who was grinning maniacally as they charged a group of fully armored Jaffa that got close. Teal’c tossed what Jack assumed was an energy grenade and pulled the other two down, he didn’t really have time to contemplate the wisdom of being that close to a detonation because the world turned white and Jack felt every sinew, every nerve contort and howl in simultaneous agony. The world seemed to slow and Jack staggered and was overcome with a wave of nausea and what he thought was exploding rainbow that slowly turned into a fist and he realized someone was taking a swing at him.

He reached for his colt.

He opened fire, someone staggered back, and O’Neill realized it was another Jaffa whose armor was torn from the hell Daniel was raining down on everyone. He managed to get a shot off into the dude’s eye, which put most of the back of his head against the “cheek” of the serpent helm of another Jaffa. Colt would be useless against someone fully armored, so he took aim with one of those nifty next gen weapons with the doorknob looking suppressor thing at the end of the barrel. The armor held up long enough for the Jaffa to reach and draw but not long enough for him to fire. He fell at Jack’s feet and O’Neill was quickly firing at the others who were overcome by a mix of shock, despair and confusion at the sight of Teal’c leading the charge against them.

Many questioned why and Teal’c asked them something that made them abandon their post, most were overcome with a despair induced rage and rushed at their former leading howling something that sounded like “Shoval!” or some variant of shovel, Jack popped a couple with his rifle, then abandoned it and returned to using the staff weapon.

Beside him the red skinned alien chicks with peacock feather hair and this hulking giant, cave man looking dude were laying into the Jaffa with amazing savagery. One of the females even managing to impale a female Jaffa through her left hip and stick her to a wall where she was left cursing and grasping at the staff weapon to try and fire it.

O’Neill blew her torso open with four quick shots.

The giant was the only one who seemed able to legitimately overpower the Jaffa, hefting one over his massive fur cloaked shoulders and bending the poor woman until he heard a snap, followed by a sick shredding sound as the beast man literally ripped her in half. The sight of the man, covered in entrails, dead snake and blood was a grizzly thing to behold and he threw an immense rock at several Jaffa and took a shot to the spine and kept on going.

It took nine, nine blasts with a staff weapon before he died and by then he’d killed some thirty Jaffa single handedly. Most of which were utterly bewildered by the sight even as they themselves were cut down.

“Tarneans” Teal’c remarked. “They were the first attempt at Jaffa, but they’re naturally quite gentle and prefer building things, so Ra spared them the fate of war. They function as construction workers, the great movers of our industry…it is..considered an act of blood treason for a Jaffa to harm one.”

“Explains why he lost it” Jack said as they ran, a bloodied mess through the fields.

“Did you capture him as well?” Skara asked.

Teal’c shook his head “It is a crime punishable by death to abduct a Tarnean from a Lord’s domain for the average Goa’uld, even a System would be forced to pay a considerable indemnity to the Tarneans clan and Lord of the world he or she was abducted from. Had Lord Apophis commanded me to abduct him, I would have been within my rights to refuse.”

“I spoke with him.” Skara admitted “his dialect was crude, but he said he knew of my world, that his forefathers helped erect the pyramid complex.”

Stealing from the house of Ra was bad enough, to do it both to Abydos and to a Tarnean was absurdity. “We must go.”

Tau’Ri it was found out, were not expected to have blasphemed Chulak with their presence alone, many of the Jaffa in the air and on the ground assumed that they received aid and comfort from the Jaffa traders and merchants who were part of the camp in the forest near the grand gate. In response, they had flown over Kowalski’s camp and had begun ruthlessly bombarding the largest pavilions, grain, alcohol, fuel cells, a myriad of chemicals erupted into the heavens, the skies ahead of O’Neill and his band of escaped prisoners and exiles.

The Colonel had no way of knowing this and so ordered his group to pick up the space. All he could hear was the roar of the Jaffa jets and the oddly blue-green flames that reached into the night.

Until a good’ol American rocket ripped through the heavens and smashed into the side of one of the fighter’s, a dark blood red plume of fire joined the other colors as Jack ordered his team to begin the dialing process for Abydos.

Caught between two fires and a damn frying pan, just like old times!

The Immortal Watch Dog

Well-known member
So you gents are all about to get a four chapter dump sometime in the next few days as an apology for lack of activty.

In the interim, I was thinking of having the Space Force poach a bunch of Army rangers and train up a sort of elite infantry division for the USSF.

What are your thoughts on that?


Ah I love the smell of missile spam in the morning
nah its more likely at least in the short term that SOCOM just assigns them to help out. In the long term they could easily have personnel transfer to form the cadre of a new unit
Space Marines

The Immortal Watch Dog

Well-known member
In the mean time!

Enjoy some Kowalski delivered ass beat'n and Carter going crazy to the music of Basil Poulidorus!

Space Marines

The Flight to the Gate.

When the Gliders came Kowalski had one of those “Ah crap, here we go again!” moments, recalling the battle of the Pyramids as the Abydonians called it, right down to the stench of burning plastic and the thunderous roar of those damned energy cannons. He barked orders, telling his men to take over and to grab the rocket launchers, the tension evident in his set jaw. And then they’d completely passed over him and began blasting the larger camp a quarter mile from his position. Kowalski’s eyes widened in shock at such a naked and thoughtless action by a people who had otherwise shown themselves to be a model of discipline. “The hell are they doing?!”

“The Colonel must have escaped!” someone called out enthusiastically.

“But why shoot them?!”

“Maybe they’re rivals or something or else think they’re helping us?” Offered another. Kowalski liked this weekend warrior; he was an older heavy-set man who was an anthropology professor at a community college who’d taken to reserve enlistment in the Space Force’s marine division for the extra cash. In the eighties he was in Grenada and apparently had been in Desert Storm. The Admiral often lamented that the pool of manpower he had to tap into wasn’t the best even after the Abydos mission. Kowalski didn’t think so, oh sure pops was in terrible physical shape, but he’d kept pace with the youngsters easily enough and he’d apparently lost forty pounds since reenlistment. Plus, his insights into the alien stuff had been a godsend and Kowalski planned to recommend him for some kind of consulting position once they got back. “So, they’re willing to start the space equivalent of an international incident over conjecture?”

“Be fair Sir, what happened when the Mountain was breached.”

All hell broke loose, the more disciplined Jaffa had run roughshod over the base until old man Hammond was able to get down into the bowels of “his” mountain and rally the troops as it were. “Yeah, our kids were a mess for the first minute or two, weren’t they?”

He nodded, having read the report. “Which means we don’t have long Sir. Sooner or later all those proper soldiers and recruits at the training grounds or doing those runs are going to get geared up and they’ll be way calmer. These guys were probably all in their bunks or hanging around a bar when it went down.”

“And whoever is in charge is going to knock sense into them and we’ll be slaughtered.”

“On the plus side, if they really did cause a diplomatic FUBAR, then they likely won’t be able to fully chase us through the gate Sir. We can still fight our way out of here, for now…So long as we take advantage of the chaos.”

An idea came to Kowalski in that moment an idea that was probably a bad one, but he didn’t care. He opened one of the large black suitcases and began assembling one of their missile launchers. MK’s were old friends by this point, and he was quite sure that most of his men could set them up blind folded.

“Sir, what are you doing?”

“These guys look like atmospheric craft, I remember them being about as armored as a Cessna, I figured that was due to Ra not really expecting to fight anyone serious. These guys look better built, but I don’t know, they look less like military aircraft and more like a police cruiser, maybe I can shoot it down, or maybe just annoy the pilot. Either way.”

“More chaos” said the marine turned academic, turned space marine.


Into the air streaked the missile, what followed was an oddly blood red colored fire and a very startled pilot bailing from a burning vessel. The other two were still engaging the merchant pavilions and those guys were shouting something that sounded like a final warning and a lot of expletives. And a second later, they brought their own energy cannon out and he heard a sound that came off like a cross between an elephant with a bad case of hemorrhoids and the jet engine he’d ever heard.

In an instant one of the fighters was gone and in another instant energy bolts from staff weapons whizzed out of tree lines and Kowalski saw another group of warriors converging from the forest. Luckily, they were still being ignored and so Kowalski ordered his group to make a break for the gate and to hold any incoming fire off long enough to spot O’Neill and run. “Shoot anything that isn’t one of ours, we can’t waste…”

Ahead of him he saw the long blond hair of Carter billowing in the breeze as she grimaced keeping pace with a giant of a man with bald hair who was hauling ass ahead of Skara and the rag tag group, both were waving their hands at Kowalski. “Huh? One of those snake dudes joined us?!” Good, Colonel Kowalski thought. Any help dealing with what was out there, would be a blessing. “Doctor Carter!” he yelled out.

She nodded “Colonel O’Neill is heading to the gate; we’re going to Abydos…Hells two steps behind us.”

“Two steps behind you huh?!” Kowalski asked, as machine gun fire joined energy blasts and they were able to take out two of the stragglers from the tree line that had finally taken notice of the Marines and began to advance towards them. Their deaths prompted others to turn and shout, calling out something in their filtered voices that sounded like shovel and the silent giant beside Carter clenched his fists. “They know not what they say.” He spoke, his English was surprisingly decent, and it reminded him of how fast the Abydonians took to new languages. It sounded as if he wasn’t defending himself though, but reassuring. “What are they saying?” Kowalski asked.

“They call me traitor.” His voice was numb when he responded and when he brought up his staff weapon to fire Kowalski was reminded of the look in O’Neill’s eyes on the first mission. “They looked up to you huh?”


He wasn’t sure why the man defected and so he saddled his urge to hate a soldier who turned on his own men, especially one who felt so busted up about it. Jack’s group broke any contemplative silence that might have formed up by blasts of gun fire mixed with staff weaponry and Teal’c gestured to Kowalski “You see the woman leading the group fighting the Jaffa of Haqet?”

Kowalski had no idea who the hell Haqet was, but he assumed the giant meant the merchant Jaffa and could tell from the tone of his voice, the big guy was mightily frustrated at the platoon for doing it even if it did suit his purposes. All in all, the big guy seemed completely embarrassed by the conduct of his flustered troops, which only made Kowalski like him more and more suspicious. -He isn’t defecting, he’s using us just like we’ll probably use him-, the Polish American thought ruefully. Then again, in a fucked-up way that was how the Colonel’s friendship with Statterfield started and it had lasted decades. “Yeah, what about her?”

“She retired from the field some seventy years ago, we hired her to train the extra sons of Jaffa in our farmer class. You were very fortune, most of the dedicated soldiers were likely retiring for the night to their barracks on other continents or else engaged in hostile climate training in our southern pole, unreachable. Several million of our best…Apophis must have ordered it of Shaka while I was still on prisoner duty.” There was a deep sense of outrage in his voice, but Kowalski didn’t have time to contemplate it because he was busy trying to keep from pissing himself at the concept of an entire fucking planet dedicated solely to the business of war. -Jackson said as much, but damnit, seeing is believing and I wish I was blind-

“We do not have much time, at most in three minutes one of the Prime’s will arrive on scene to restore order.”

“Yeah, one of my guy’s said the same thing.”

Carter had gone ahead, throwing grenades at several Jaffa that were rushing towards them from the road. Most of them were boys no older than sixteen, or so they appeared. One fired an energy blast at a grenade, attempting to shoot it out of the sky. It exploded, raining shrapnel and fire down on everyone around him, eliciting a string of profanity from one of the Jaffa. Teal’c roared into action, firing several energy blasts and laying two down with head shots while a third with a look of utter shock threw his weapon down and bolted unwilling to face their legendary War Master. Two remained and charged for Carter who was able to kill one with a shot to the face, before the other was on her, Kowalski lunged at the boy who had Carter pinned to the floor, a field knife was drawn and had been plunged into her shoulder. The pair rolled off Carter who was on her feet and yanking out the blade, to Teal’c’s surprise the maniac technologist examined it in her hand before rushing back into action. The Jaffa had Kowalski pinned, he was hurling what were likely obscenities at him and didn’t notice Carter until she had jammed the blade right into his throat.

There were gun blasts, several to the torso, several more, finally armor gave and the youth slumped over. Though he wasn’t dead, and Kowalski wasn’t going to finish the job, they simply advanced, nearing the Gate, nearing O’Neill. “Doc keep the fucking crazy to a minimum clock’s running out on our asses” he hissed under his breath. Then felt a wave of guilt because she was bleeding pretty bad, and he should have asked the kid if she was alright. For her part Carter didn’t seem to take offense, merely grinning at him. “Sorry sir, I underestimated them…that was really stupid.” She muttered. He nodded his head “We did the same on Abydos, hard to really understand it during the first engagement.”

They had made it to the gate ahead of O’Neill’s group and just in time to catch Jackson sliding down the road after taking a fall. “Daniel! You alright?” “ooohh yeaah!” he called out rising, he didn’t look alright, but not from the fall. Ahead of them, he could see the large retinue of refugees and O’Neill telling a particularly persistent Jaffa that was on fire to know when to quit as he tried to rush the Colonel, only to be killed by the two red colored girls at the Colonel’s side. It always amused Kowalski how Jack essentially picked up stray young people, especially screwed up ones, Skara being the exception. He always had a way with runaways, though he wondered how many of those were prisoners who belonged behind bars and how many were innocent. It wasn’t the nicest thought, especially with the way Ra enslaved the Abydonians being the only thing he had to go on, but Kowalski was fighting Beast men on another planet again and he’d long ago learned not to take anything for granted.

Shouts accompanied by energy blasts told the pair that the pursuers finally realized what was happening and had rushed forward. Jack made it along with Skara and the others, who were throwing rocks, firing staff weapons, doing everything they could to buy time as Daniel frantically searched for the symbols to the combination for Abydos. “umm Jack…this thing has four rows of keys…”

“Well hurry it up Jackson! We’re getting killed out here!” Jack roared as orange and purple bolts roared passed their heads. Skara had taken one of those electrical blasts from their side arms and crumpled onto the floor. One of the red women shielded him with her body, while her sister picked up Skara’s weapon and charged into the fray, standing beside Teal’c and Kowalski who were ahead on the black steps of the immense Gate, with Jack standing above them issuing orders and directing fire.

No one on either side of the conflict could ignore the scene playing out before them. Their legendary General, the dreaded Tau’Ri and a contentious Langaran were arrayed in a wedge, defying their power, and feeding any upstart who dared approach them to the very jaws of death. Some of the younger Jaffa stood awestruck, while others abandoned their weapons and decided to wait for the main army. Others muttered in a mix of reverence and rage and charged into the maw of massacre that awaited them.

Teal’c broke rank only once, when the mad technologist of the Tau’Ri threw an improved explosive at a group some hundred feet ahead. She’d rigged a grenade to a power cell from a broken staff weapon and the explosion vaporized two Jaffa and maimed dozens of others. Teal’c had dove into the madness to protect Carter who had passed out from a mix of the exertion and blood loss and rolled down the stairs. He used the bladed end of his staff weapon to cleave a Jaffa from throat to crotch and another was run through by the pouch. Someone shouted something that sounded like “Arah’sterik!” which Teal’c later explained translated to “Demoness”, they apparently thought Carter was some primordial mad bomber, crawling out of the jungles of Tau’Ri to wreak havoc on rookie Jaffa. The seconds it took Daniel to figure out the more complex dialing device ticked by like as though they were lifetimes and to the fallen, they had been. But soon the largest vortex Jack O’Neill had ever seen roared out of the massive black gate and they wasted no time hurling themselves into the gate. The refugees urging everyone to fall in line and jump low (Which Jack and Kowalski would later find out was due to the fact that not all gates were as massive as the Chulak gate and when you didn’t know the size of the one on the other side, single file and condensed was the “safe before sorry” method).

The group could not have entered at a better time, seeing as the last thing Kowalski witnesses as he jumped into the gate was the arrival of a far more coordinated and disciplined group, which hadn’t wasted much time discharging weaponry into the gate, precise enough that when Kowalski rolled out onto the floor in the Abydos Gate room, he saw several dead Abydonians and one downed airman. Someone grabbed his shoulder and he looked up to see one of the red skinned girls yanking him up. She asked something in what he would later know was called Imperial Standard, he understood enough of the language of Abydos to figure she was likely asking if he was okay and so he took a gamble and nodded.

Behind him, to his surprise what closed the gate wasn’t a metal iris but a bright green-blue energy shield that was projected by two struts holding the gate up. He blinked, then rounded to see Jackson and O’Neill standing protectively in front of Teal’c while Skara shouted something at the militia, likely an order for them to stand down. “He’s with us!” Kowalski called back.

Oh, is he now?!” it may as well have been a deafening roar from some ancient big cat for how quickly everyone went silent and turned to the bald-headed figure of the Texian Admiral. Who honestly walked through the hallway towards the Gate Room as if he was some kind of ancient king. Someone laughed, he realized it was the anthropologist. “Presence doesn’t need a translation sir” The man remarked. Hammond certainly didn’t need a translator, the fact that Kasuf walked beside him and not in front said it all. “This is the same man who led the raid on my mountain and shot up my marines, you tell’n me he’s not a threat?!” There was less menace in his tone than there was curiosity, Hammond was a good judge of character and if he’d gotten a glimpse of the look of shame in the big guy’s eyes at any point during that skirmish, he probably knew all he needed to know about the alien.

“I am sir.” O’Neill said without missing a beat, standing firm in front of Teal’c with his eyes narrowed in challenge at Hammond, something that only Jack O’Neill could pull off. “Listen sir, the guy turned on his own men to save us from a stone-cold execution, to save these people! He then helped us escape and was willing to stay behind to face judgment for doing the right thing and to delay them. Yeah, I’m pretty damn sure he’s safe.”

“Sir, I was a soldier obeying an order I had questions over when we raided Tau’Ri” Teal’c began, no dishonesty in that deep, stoic voice. Teal’c hoped “sir” was the appropriate title and this world’s military didn’t have a “M’lord” or some other prefix for higher ranking officers. “But to raid Abydos, this world? I unquestioningly knew was an order I should never have obeyed, I made plans to leave Lord Apophis and his service, to leave my wife, my children and my home behind. I would have gone to serve another System Lord, but when I saw the valor of your men, their willingness to fight for those not even their own. I chose to come here and if you wish my death for the assault on your base, I will not resist. But I would serve you, offer my knowledge instead.”

Hammond took a breath. His eyes unflinching, none in the room failed to notice he was the only man that approached Teal’c in height, nor that he walked toward the Jaffa without fear. “And would you fight for me out there, in the field if I asked it of you. Against your own?”

“If the Serpent legions continue to conduct themselves like thugs. I will cut through them without hesitation. But I will not indiscriminately butcher Jaffa solely on your or anyone’s say so..”

The beginnings of a smile tugged at the corners of Hammond’s mouth, and he extended a meaty hand towards Teal’c. “What’s your name son.”

“I am Teal’c son of Ray’nar of Chulak, First Prime to Apophis and Second War Master of the Empire.”. There was pride in his voice, the self-loathing had only been at what he’d done of late and not at the whole of his being and Hammond seemed to appreciate that for he nodded reaching out for Teal’c hand. “War Master Teal’c, on behalf of the United State’s Government, I Vice Admiral George Samuel Hammond, son of James Allan Hammond, of Texas do accept your request for asylum.”

When the two clasped hands Jack O’Neill felt a weight lift from his shoulders and the sudden realization that they now had the means by which to build an effective fighting force against these damn body stealing bastards.

This was a bad day, as the Abydonian sun set, it ended on a bittersweet note.

Colonel Jack O’Neill could live with that.

The Immortal Watch Dog

Well-known member
nah its more likely at least in the short term that SOCOM just assigns them to help out. In the long term they could easily have personnel transfer to form the cadre of a new unit

That makes sense, so they'd rely on already extant rangers for now and then eventually bring up their own group built around the best of those personnel?

The Immortal Watch Dog

Well-known member
A woman of class and taste :)

Good way to bring in the big guy, echoes well with Teal'c in the original but I appreciate the extra building you made here

It always was interesting to me that Hammond was the only guy in the SGC that treated the Jaffa as soldiers and paid the proper respects to the big named ones and was respected in turn.

And it struck me as the correct conversation to have.

For both men.

Naturally I was worried I botched it :ROFLMAO:

SG-1 and 2 are going to end up an urban legend told in Jaffa Barracks.

O'Neill God Slayer, master of mockery, Daniel the warrior Scribe and Dok-tor Carter, the fire Demon of Tau'ri :ROFLMAO:

And of course, Hammond of Texas, the human War Master.


I should have expected that really
Agreed entirely, Hammond seemed to be the guy who understood that ethos the best and respected what it meant. Always thought he and Bra'tac would have had a great time talking as old warriors over a few pints :)

Looking forward to more

The Immortal Watch Dog

Well-known member
Good lord, I think the whole briefing chapter is 20 pages long.

Man I got carried away. But I gotta prune this bitch before I send it out.

Lot of different perspectives, lot of people trying to wrap their heads around just how massive the Empire of the System Lords is and how pissed they are.

Also I'll probably debut Ba'al this "episode" as well. Amaterasu as well.

My point is, there's a good reason for this delay!

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