Bombshell News in Spain 🇪🇸
Sunday, April 3rd, 1983

"We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for an NBC News Special Report."

(Disturbing music theme chimes)

Tom Brokaw: "Good Afternoon. We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for a major NBC News Special Report about a devastating tragedy coming out of Madrid, Spain. We have our Foreign Affairs correspondent in Madrid....."

NBC News Foreign Affairs Correspondent: "Tom. It was around 12:00 PM, King Juan Carlos I was delivering an opening speech to a Joint Session of the Spanish Parliament inside the Palacio de Las Cortes when all of sudden, three loud thundering explosions happened which sounded like horrific cascading effects thundering all across Madrid and the surrounding suburbs.

Now according to several eyewitness, they noticed a mysterious group of people lurking on the grounds in strange looking attire and this mysterious group abruptly left the premises less than twenty-two minutes before the explosions occurred.

King Juan Carlos I was reportedly wounded in the attack and rushed to the hospital, the location at which, we haven't been able to verify at this time because of the uncertainty of the chaos escalating in Spain."

Tom Brokaw: "How in the world did this happen? Considering that the Spanish Security Service is responsible for protecting the Spanish Royal Family. Surely, have we heard anything from the Spanish Ministry of the Interior?"

NBC News Foreign Affairs Correspondent: "Tom, we're still trying to get more information about any investigation going ahead full-steam. Once again, developments are slowly coming in based on today's tragic events here in Madrid......"

Tom Brokaw: "Sorry to interrupt, but we're receiving unconfirmed reports from both the Associated Press and the Television Espana which reported that King Juan Carlos I has died from the injuries sustained in this afternoon's terrorist attacks. I want to repeat, NBC News has NOT confirmed these reports and I will not be jumping the gun in reporting something contradictory at this time until new information and developments continue to trickle out.

(Listening to earpiece) We now go live to the US State Department in Washington, DC...."
National & International Segments (Spring 1983: Part XI)
Sunday, April 3rd, 1983: Television Espana got official confirmation from the Royal Palace that King Juan Carlos I died of his injuries he had sustained from the chaotic 04.03.83 Incident. Crown Prince Felipe ascends to the Spanish throne becoming King Felipe VI & his mother, Queen Sofia will become Regent.

Condolences are pouring out throughout the world from US President Ronald Reagan, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, French President Francois Mitterrand, West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Greek President Constantine, Mexican President General Oscar Robles, Paraguayan President General Jackson Ballasteros, Chilean President Major General Gerald Enriquez, Taiwanese President Chiang Ching-kuo, Korean President Chun Doo-hwan, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, Zambian President Kenneth Zanunda, Hong Konger Prime Minister Jefferson Cheng, Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew & countless others.

Spanish authorities are currently investigating the 04.03.83 Incident as the Spanish government has ordered an aggressive nationwide lockdown; Hundreds of eyewitnesses are being interviewed.

Monday, April 4th, 1983: The Space Shuttle Challenger launched on its maiden voyage: STS-6.

Tuesday, April 5th, 1983: MA Governor Michael Dukakis (D) interviewed by the Boston Globe discussed the latest developments in the 1983 legislative session & explained what achievements in his 2nd term need to be finished. Dukakis also announced he plans on seeking reelection to 3rd term in 1986, which if completed, will make him the longest-serving MA Governor with 12 years.

Wednesday, April 6th, 1983: Hong Konger Prime Minister Jefferson Cheng meets with CA Governor George Deukmejian (R) at the Governor's Mansion in Sacramento. Cheng & Deukmejian discussed economic trade relations between Hong Kong & CA.

Thursday, April 7th, 1983: Former US Vice President Spiro Agnew's 'The Fighting Patriot' receives one of the largest highest-rating episodes in the political talk show's history when he interviewed US President Ronald Reagan at the White House in Washington, DC for exclusive interview.

Friday, April 8th, 1983: The Moral Majority holds one of the largest evangelical rallies in Washington, DC hosted by the Rev. Jerry Falwell with an estimated 70,000.
The US Supreme Court plans on taking up cases regarding the repeal of Roe v. Wade which won't be decided until sometime during the Summer.


Saturday, April 9th, 1983: State Funeral of King Juan Carlos I takes place at the Royal Chapel of the Royal Palace in Madrid with distinguished foreign dignitaries in attendance such as Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain & Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh; King Baudouin I & Queen Fabiola of Belgium; exiled Empress Farah Diba Pahlavi of Iran; Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands; King Carl Gustav of Sweden; Queen Margrethe II of Denmark; Grand Duke Jean & Grand Dutchess Charlotte-Josephine including other Royals from African, Middle Eastern & Asian nations. Following the State Funeral festivities, King Juan Carlos I was entombed at the Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial.

Sunday, April 10th, 1983: Canadian Prime Minister John Turner is interviewed by Ted Koppel of ABC News during exclusive interview on 'This Week' from the 24 Sussex Drive (Residence of the Canadian Prime Minister) in Ottawa, Canada.

NH Governor John H. Sununu (R), VT Governor Richard Snelling (R), PR Governor Carlos Romero Barcelo (PNP/D) & USVI Governor Juan Francisco Luis (IND) interviewed on NBC's 'Meet The Press' on the Governors of the States & US Territories.

Monday, April 11th, 1983: Seve Ballesteros wins the 47th PGA Masters Tournament of 1983, he dedicates the championship to the late King Juan Carlos I & the people of Spain.

United States Senator Strom Thurmond (R-SC) files legislation called 'The American Panama Canal Act' with aggressive US military personnel troops to be stationed in Panama indefinitely. This comes as a result of the explosive Canal War of 1977 which resulted in the United States defeating the Panamanian National Guard forces & caused the temporary exile of General Omar Torrijos, who successfully launched a revolution in 1979 toppling then-Panamanian President William Alvarez. Torrijos ascended to the Presidency & served until his death from a mysterious plane crash in the Summer of 1981. Thurmond's legislation also calls for the full repeal of the Panama Canal Treaties, which occurred during the Jerry Brown administration.

Tuesday, April 12th, 1983: United States Senator Sam Nunn (D-GA) announced he's seeking reelection to 3rd term in 1984. Nunn is seen as a potential contender for the Presidency in 1988 or 1992 due to his staunch conservatism & support for national defense & conservative foreign policy.
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National & International Segments (Spring 1983: Part XII)
Wednesday, April 13th, 1983: Former US Vice President Jimmy Carter & his wife, former US Second Lady Rosalynn Carter announced plans for the updated developments in the construction of the Carter Center in Atlanta, GA. The 43rd Vice President of the United States also said he & his wife plan on working with Habitat for Humanity, Inc.,

The National Defense Star Wars Initiatives get more support from growing list of conservative Republicans & Democrats in both houses of Congress. Last month, President Reagan announced his support for the new strategic military policy in developing futuristic weapons that could destroy enemy nuclear weapons in flight before they could reach their targets.

Thursday, April 14th, 1983: Despite hardworking efforts in bringing peace in the Middle East, the Reagan administration's efforts in mediating agreements were rejected by both Israel & the Arab nations. Israel has been furious by Lebanon's refusal to do something against the PLO terrorist organization, who has been using Lebanon as a base for terrorist attacks: forcing the Israelis to invade Lebanon in June 1982, capturing its capital city Beirut & expelled 14,000 PLO members.

The United States joined with Great Britain, France, Italy sendind military personnel troops to Beirut supervising the expulsion of the PLO & also acting as peacekeeping forces.

Friday, April 15th, 1983: Syrian President General Hafez al-Assad approves Operation Vozdka which gives the Syrian Intelligence Agency the authority to coordinate with exiled PLO members in launching terrorist attacks against foreign outside agitators for meddling in the domestic affairs of Arab nations.

Former US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld reportedly holds a closed-door meeting with US President Ronald Reagan at the White House to discuss national defense & foreign policy hotspots across the world. It's unknown whether Rumsfeld will potentially get a key role in the Reagan administration.

Canadian Prime Minister John Turner meets with Hong Konger Prime Minister Jefferson Cheng in a scaled-down Courtesy Call meeting in Davos, Switzerland discussing Canada-Hong Kong diplomatic relations. Cheng is also working to burnish foreign policy credentials on the international stage.

Pope Carlos I addresses the College of Cardinals during annual meeting at St. Peter's Square in Vatican City. He warns of the ongoing foreign policy hotspots across the world exploding into full-scale chaos.

Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone arrives in Manila, Philippines for a State Visit, where he is hosted by Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos at Malacanang Palace. Nakasone is expected to address a joint session of the Batasang Pambansa sometime tomorrow.

US Secretary of State George P. Shultz is scolded by United States Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) during a televised hearing with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, where Shultz strongly defended the Reagan administration's foreign policy doctrine including their diplomatic relations with South Africa, who's in the midst of their controversial military operation against several neighboring African nations. Biden also blasted the Reagan administration for being complicit in the South African government's controversial apartheid policies.

Saturday, April 16th, 1983: AZ Governor Bruce Babbitt (D) signs the Arizonans Educational Opportunity Act into law following overwhelming bipartisan passage of the AEOA in both chambers of the AZ State Legislature. Babbitt says the AEOA is just the beginning of making AZ one of the leading states in education reform.

CO Governor Richard Lamm (D) pushes trigger buttons by vetoing the Public Broadcasting Service Act despite being passed by both chambers of the CO General Assembly. Lamm justified vetoing the legislation because it's unnecessary for taxpayers seeing money wasted ino unnecessary government programs; Lamm also vetoed the Workforce Employment Act as well because of too many big government bureaucracy. Demonstrations have exploded on the grounds of the CO State Capitol Building in downtown Denver, CO.

Sunday, April 17th, 1983: The US Justice Department announced they're investigating allegations of corruption, bribery, misuse of public funds & wire fraud against senior administration officials of former CA Governor Mervyn Dymally (D), who has strongly denied the allegations against him & vows to fight the political smear campaigns.

Coming Up: Expect new segments in Chapter XVI as Spring 1983 concludes once I begin segments for Summer & Fall 1983. The new updates will be SLOWLY trickled out, but should be posted sometime this weekend or next week.
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National & International Segments (Spring 1983: Part XIII)
Monday, April 18th, 1983: US Embassy bombing in Beirut, Lebanon kills 63 people. In response to the tragedy, US President Ronald Reagan orders deployment of US military personnel troops to the Middle Eastern nation & additional reinforcements.

Tuesday, April 19th, 1983: NV Governor Richard Bryan (D) signs HB-62 into law which requires Education Reform standards in NV public schools across the Silver State.

Wednesday, April 20th, 1983: President Reagan signs the Social Security Amendments of 1983 into law.

Panamanian President General Florencio Flores Aguilar faces another no confidence vote within the Junta's special executive committee due to the ongoing economic sanctions severely damaging the Panamanian economy. Flores Aguilar called the special voting "an illegal act by jealous members of the Panamanian government." He also vowed to continue staying in office as President.

United States Senator Dale Bumpers (D-AR) declines to run for the 1984 Democratic Party presidential nomination because "Arkansans want me to focus on the current job I've got right now," Bumpers didn't say whom he would support in the Democratic Party presidential primaries next year.

MS Governor William Winter (D) hosts the annual Southern Governors Association at the Jackson Convention Center in Jackson, MS: Among those in attendance: OK Governor George Nigh (D), AR Governor Bill Clinton (D), DE Governor Pete du Pont, IV (R), KY Governor John Y. Brown, Jr., (D), FL Governor Bob Graham (D), GA Governor Frank Harris (D), SC Governor Richard Riley (D), TN Governor Lamar Alexander (R), USVI Governor Juan Francisco Luis (IND).

Thursday, April 21st, 1983: Determined to sadistically crush growing demonstrations, Mexican President General Oscar Robles orders the Mexican Army's 673rd Death Squad Battalion & Mexican National Guard Reserves to put an end to the demonstrations in several key cities in Mexico. Almost immediately, the violent crackdowns by the Mexican National Guard & the Mexican Army's 673rd Death Squad Battalion result in one of the largest death tolls: 730,000+ via violent sadistic torture sessions & other deadly methods violently enforced. The fallout from the deadly crackdown causes a strong backlash amongst the populace against the flamboyant three-term Mexican President, whose ruthless authoritarian dictatorship over a decade in office since February 21st, 1973, has caused Robles' approval ratings plunging downward & there's speculation swirling around the Roman Catholic Church might excommunicate Robles altogether.

Friday, April 22nd, 1983: Operation Michel is signed off by Mexican President General Oscar Robles, whose determined to wiping off all forms of opposition across all of Mexico altogether. The Associated Press reported 38 college students at the University of Chihuahua were aggressively rounded up in broad daylight; Speculation is swirling around the 38 college students were accused of being involved with the left-wing political activist group 'Vida Mexicano Libertad', which the Mexican military government has declared the left-wing group a terrorist organization & documented valid evidence detailing the VML's activities such as committing terrorist attacks in other parts of the world: Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, etc.,

Later in the day, several rank-file individuals were arrested by Mexican federal law enforcement agencies as Operation Michel expands. Journalists, several entertainers, sports athletes were also arrested & taken to detention centers in undisclosed locations.

The US State Department issues travel alerts warning Americans to avoid certain areas of Mexico. US Embassy Compound in Mexico City is being fortified with heavy military security protocols as about 600 US military personnel troops had been deployed to not only the US Embassy Compound, but the US Consulate General offices.

Saturday, April 23rd, 1983: Archbishop Osvaldo Miramontes, whose the Archbishop of the Mexico City Diocese, strongly blasts the Robles administration's controversial Operation Michel & calls out Mexican President General Oscar Robles by name during a televised press conference. Common knowledge amongst the populace that Robles & Miramontes haven't gotten along at all since Robles took power in a bloodless military coup d'etat 10 years ago. Supporters of Miramontes fear that Robles will retaliate against the Archbishop in some way.

Pope Carlos I cancels an upcoming Papal Visit to Mexico in light of recent developments exploding inside Mexico. The Vatican announced that the Pontiff will reschedule at an undetermined later date; It's confirmed that the Pontiff did speak with Archbishop of the Mexico City Diocese Osvaldo Miramontes about the deadly violent crackdowns.

Sunday, April 24th, 1983: Queen Mother Juliana of the Netherlands has mysteriously vanished according to Dutch state television. Authorities are stressed in the search & rescue mission for the safe return of the Queen Mother; Juliana's daughter, Queen Beatrix was taken to an undisclosed location for her safety along with the rest of the Dutch Royal Family.

Allegations surfaced that the South African Army 773rd Death Squad Battalion might be involved in the mysterious disappearance of Queen Mother Juliana of the Netherlands. Diplomatic relations between the two nations have been strained in recent years because of the South African government's controversial apartheid policies & the controversial deadly military operation against neighboring African nations.

Monday, April 25th, 1983: US Ambassador to Japan Mike Mansfield escapes an assassination attempt when the Creepy Stalkers opened fire at the Ambassador's limousine as Mansfield was driving through the suburbs of Tokyo, Japan. Authorities currently investigating the assassination attempt & security has bern increased at both the US Embassy Compound & the Ambassador's Residence.

Outspoken Archbishop Osvaldo Miramontes, the Archbishop of the Mexico City Diocese was found gruesomely dead by teenage girls, who were leaving the Fernanda Arizmendi Academy for Girls. According to the boarding school students, they noticed Miramontes was tortured to death, shot & skinned thoroughly. Mexico City Metropolitan Police Department is currently investigating the mysterious murder of the outspoken Archbishop.

Within HRS of learning about Miramontes' gruesome death, the calls have grown louder in demanding the Roman Catholic Church excommunicate flamboyant Mexican President General Oscar Robles altogether. Robles, for his part, has strongly denied the allegations against him & the Mexican military government were involved in the death of Archbishop Miramontes.

Tuesday, April 26th, 1983: Sensing an explosive situation happening alongside the US-Mexico border, US President Ronald Reagan orders the full closure of the Southwestern border; TX Governor Mark W. White, Jr., (D), NM Governor Toney Anaya (D), AZ Governor Bruce Babbitt (D), CA Governor George Deukmejian (R) & CO Governor Richard Lamm (D) announced deployments of their respective National Guard personnel troops to the Southwestern border. Speculation is that the Reagan administration is worried about the ongoing situation happening in Mexico could explode & spread throughout the entire Western Hemisphere.

Wednesday, April 27th, 1983: United States Senator Pete Wilson (R-CA) blames illegal immigration for the violent crime escalating across the United States. Wilson announced he plans on filing legislation called 'Secure American Borders Act' which would prohibit & ban illegal immigrants from receiving federal health care benefits; it would also require mass deportations across the United States of all illegal immigrants & their families. Critics accused Wilson of scapegoating illegal immigrants & legal immigrants for pure political advantage.

Thursday, April 28th, 1983: Iraqi President General Saddam Hussein signs EO782 which orders the Iraqi Intelligence Service to escalate Operation Maddog: it's unknown what the mysterious intelligence operation is all about, but anonymous sources believe that the Iraqi government's controversial intelligence operation has deadly intentions.

Exiled Libyan dictator Colonel Muammar Gaddafi attends a special red carpet State Banquet at the National Palace in Havana hosted by Cuban President Fidel Castro.

Friday, April 29th, 1983: Saudi Arabian President General Jamal Al-Fayheed & his wife, Saudi Arabian First Lady Sabdhlia Al-Fayheed meets with French President Francois Mitterrand at the Elysse Palace, France. The Al-Fayheed's will be in France for a State Visit consisting of six days boosting diplomatic relations between the two nations.

US Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger meets with Chilean National Defense Minister Lieutenant General Alfonso Michelson at the Chilean National Defense Ministry Headquarters in Santiago, Chile. Weinberger is also expected to have a meeting with Chilean President Major General Gerald Enriquez.

United States Senator Scoop Jackson (D-WA St) meets with Hong Konger Prime Minister Jefferson Cheng at the Prime Minister's Residence in Victoria. They discussed the economic trade relationship between the United States & Hong Kong; foreign policy hotspots inside the Asian Pacific & ongoing developments regarding getting a seat on the UN General Assembly.

British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher meets with Rhodesian President Ian Smith at 10 Downing Street in London. Smith's visit comes following taking over the Presidency following the controversial Operation Cleansing which resulted in the overthrow of then-Zimbabwean President Canaan Banana, who's whereabouts are unknown because the Rhodesian government is demanding Banana's arrest & extradition.

NY St Governor Happy Rockefeller (R) addreses the National Governors Association annual Winter meeting in Seattle, WA St. She discussed her administration's achievements inside the Empire State: Reinstatement of the death penalty, signing legislation requiring strong tax cuts across the board, budgeting cuts on unnecessary wasteful spending programs & she also talked about aggressive Public Safety initiatives in supporting law enforcement agencies & getting tough on crime.

Pressure is aggressively mounting on United States Senator Jennings Randolph (D-WV) about his political future as the political jockeying inside the Mountaineer State continues to expand: WV Governor Jay Rockefeller (D) formed an exploratory committee in preparation of campaigning for the United States Senate in 1984. Sources indicate Randolph is expected to announce his plans shortly within the next couple of days.

Saturday, April 30th, 1983: RI Governor J. Joseph Garrahy (D) announced he will not be seeking reelection to 5th 2-year term in 1984. The move opens up massive political jockeying for positioning amongst the down-ballot statewide officeholders inside the Ocean State.
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Huge Developments from the Mountaineer State
Sunday, May 1st, 1983
*Randolph discussed accomplishments in 50+ years of public service representing West Virginians.
*Sources indicate Randolph made decision on his political future during discussion with family, friends.
*WV Governor Jay Rockefeller (D) teasing 'major announcement' next week.

Following 50 years of serving in the US House of Representatives from WV's 2nd Congressional District (1933-1947) & currently serving as United States Senator since 1958 having won a special election that year before winning four full 6-year terms in 1960, 1966, 1972 & again in 1978. Randolph made the official announcement during a press conference inside the WV State Capitol Building in downtown Charleston with family, friends & colleagues, who gathered inside the Capitol Rotunda.

Randolph's announcement almost certainly makes WV Governor Jay Rockefeller (D) the early favorite to succeed him in 1984. Rockefeller released a statement, thanking Senator Randolph for his 50+ years of representing West Virginians & fighting for the proud traditional values that West Virginians can be proud of.

Political analysts say they're anticipating Governor Rockefeller to launch his campaign for the United States Senate next week.
National & International Segments (Spring 1983: Part XIV)
Sunday, May 1st, 1983: United States Senator Jennings Randolph (D-WV) confirmed rumors by announcing he will not be seeking reelection to 5th full 6-year term in 1984 after 26 years in the United States Senate. Political analysts anticipate WV Governor Jay Rockefeller (D) to launch his campaign for the United States Senate sometime next week.

Pope Carlos I holds annual conference with the College of Cardinals at St. Peter's Square in Vatican City.

Former Argentinian President Isabel Peron meets with Colombian President Lieutenant General Seymour Quintero, who stopped by the former Argentinian President's residence in Suburban Madrid. Speculation is swirling around Quintero offering Peronists huge Colombian intelligence operation assistance to fight the Argentinian military government.

Monday, May 2nd, 1983: US Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger meets with US Marine Corps Colonel Oliver North in undisclosed location about classified briefing. Speculation is swirling around the Reagan administration aggressively ramping up their maximum pressure campaign against Nicaragua, Cuba, Iran, etc.,

Tuesday, May 3rd, 1983: Speculation is swirling around the possibility of the Israeli Knesset might pass legislation which would potentially annex the West Bank, which would be called 'Judea & Samaria'. The controversial legislation called "Protecting Israeli Values Act also calls for large increase of Jewish settlements; Opponents viewed the legislation as a smokescreen among the first of many steps of forcibly annexing the West Bank. It's unknown whether if the legislation passes & if signed into law, would cause anti-Israeli sentiment across several Arab cities.

Wednesday, May 4th, 1983: Deposed King Khalid of Saudi Arabia dies in Stockholm, Sweden at the age of 70 from a massive heart attack.

Thursday, May 5th, 1983: Saudi Arabian President General Jamal Al-Fayheed bans the family of the late deposed King Khalid of Saudi Arabia from holding his funeral in Saudi Arabia. Instead, negotiations are currently underway on holding a de-facto state funeral for the deposed Saudi King in Cairo, Egypt sometime later next week.

Friday, May 6th, 1983: Stern Magazine controversially publishes forgeries of the 'Hitler Diaries'. The controversy damages Stern Magazine's reputation & causes strong backlash against them.

Saturday, May 7th, 1983: United States Senator Morris Udall (D-AZ) meets with French President Francois Mitterrand as part of an American bipartisan congressional delegation of United States Senators which includes US Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker (R-TN), Lawton Chiles (D-FL), Sam Nunn (D-GA), Daniel Inoyue (D-HI) & Wilson Riles (D-CA).

Sunday, May 8th, 1983: Taiwanese President Chiang Ching-kuo meets with NY St Governor Happy Rockefeller (R) at the Presidential Office Building in Taipei, Taiwan. Governor Rockefeller is in the middle of an economic trade mission & fostering deep relations between NY St & Taiwan; she's also expected to address the US-Taiwan Economic Trade Council at the Chaing Kai-shek Auditorium.

Monday, May 9th, 1983: WV Governor Jay Rockefeller (D) officially launches his campaign for the United States Senate in 1984 succeeding retiring United States Senator Jennings Randolph (D-WV) during a campaign rally in Huntington, WV.

Tuesday, May 10th, 1983: United States Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) pushes the Alaskan Oil Production Act with 17+ co-sponsors. Odds are the legislation will easily pass the GOP-controlled United States Senate, but might have some tussle in the Democratic-controlled US House of Representatives before ultimately getting approved & signed into law by US President Ronald Reagan.

Wednesday, May 11th, 1983: Aberdeen F.C. defeats Real Madrid by a score of 2-1 (in extra time) winning the European Cup Winners' Cup & becoming the third Scottish side to winning the European Cup.

Thursday, May 12th, 1983: United States Senator Juan H. Cintron Garcia (D-PR) files paperwork to launch his reelection campaign for 2nd full 6-year term in 1988. Cinrton Garcia was first elected in a special election in 1977 following the admittance of Puerto Rico as the 51st state of the United State & easily won reelection in 1982.
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National & International Segments (Spring 1983: Part XV)
Friday, May 13th, 1983: Former US Vice President Spiro Agnew stirs up controversy once again by getting into a heated hostile argument with former Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman (D-NY St) during a recent episode of 'The Fighting Patriots'. Holtzman brought up Agnew's corruption scandals as MD Governor & the 39th Vice President of the United States when Agnew put her on full-blast & called her "an overrated overhyped politican".

Saturday, May 14th, 1983: TX State Attorney General Jim Mattox (D) announced he's filing lawsuit against the Reagan administration over egregious federal overreach & trampling on States Rights. Mattox also declares he will fight the Reagan administration 100 percent & beat them in the courtroom.

Sunday, May 15th, 1983: The Nicaraguan National Guard opens fire on 38,000 anti-government demonstrators in Managua, Nicaragua. Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega attacked the demonstrations as part of a CIA plot to overthrow his government.

US House Speaker Jim Wright (D-TX) interviewed on CBS' 'Face The Nation'; NBC's 'Meet The Press' & ABC's 'This Week' during the Sunday morning roundup.

Flamboyant Glendale automobile dealership businessman Evan Mecham airs multiple commercials on TV across Phoenix & the Metropolitan Areas of Phoenix. Speculation has been growing that Mecham might make another attempt at the AZ Governorship in 1986 & the field of candidates could grow in both political parties.

Monday, May 16th, 1983: United States Senator Fritz Hollins (D-SC) announcing his campaign for the 1984 Democratic Party presidential nomination in what is expected to be a growing field. Hollings' gaffes from recent years are going to be heavily scrutinized by the media & opposing campaigns.

Tuesday, May 17th, 1983: Lebanon, Israel, & the United States sign an agreement on Israeli troop withdrawal from Lebanon.

Wednesday, May 18th, 1983: Senator Hollings attracts controversy when he called the Rainbow Coalition "The Blackbow Coalition" after he strongly blasted civil rights leader the Rev. Jesse Jackson for focusing too much on one-issue-voters & not reaching out to Americans across the spectrum. Hollings doubles-down on the controversial comments & justifies with some detailed facts.

Thursday, May 19th, 1983: Canadian Prime Minister John Turner addresses the Canadian Parliament during Prime Minister's Questions Session.

Friday, May 20th, 1983: Church Street Bombing: An automobile with explosives kills 19 people in Pretoria, South Africa. The bomb was planted by members of the Umkhonto we Sizwe, military wing of the African National Congress.

Saturday, May 21st, 1983: South African President Marais Viljoen orders aggressive & violent crackdowns against the African National Congress including the military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe & several other aligned organizations. Key figures of the ANC are rounded up, arrested & sent to detention centers across South Africa.

Sunday, May 22nd, 1983: Houston Mayor Kathy Whitmire (D), New Orleans Mayor Dutch Morial (D), Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young (D), San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein (D) interviewed on CBS' 'Face The Nation' about the State of America's Cities.

Monday, May 23rd, 1983: Former US President Jerry Brown testifies before the Senate Banking & Urban Affairs Committee about tackling the crisis in the national flood insurance programs & the race to save them for ordinary Americans.

US Ambassador to Japan Mike Mansfield meets with Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone at the Prime Minister's Residence in Tokyo discussing US-Japan diplomatic relations including updated joint military exercises between US Forces Japan & the Japanese Self Defence Force.

Tuesday, May 24th, 1983: United States Senator Gary Hart (D-CO) holds town hall forums in IA & NH. One of the clearest signs he'll be running for the 1984 Democratic Party presidential nomination.

Wednesday, May 25th, 1983: In the 1983 UEFA European Cup Final, Hamburger SV defeats Juventus by a score of 1-0.

Thursday, May 26th, 1983: The 7.8 magnitude Sea of Japan earthquake strikes northern Honshu with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VIII. The destructive tsunami is generated, which leaves 100 people dead.

Friday, May 27th, 1983: Explosion during an unlicensed & illegal fireworks operation near Benton, TN results in the deaths of 11 people & injury of 1 person. According to eyewitnesses, the blast was heard within radius of 20 miles.

Saturday, May 28th, 1983: The 9th G7 Summit is held at the Colonial Capitol Building in Williamsburg, VA: Hosted by US President Ronald Reagan; Attendees included Canadian Prime Minister John Turner, French President Francois Mitterrand, West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Italian Prime Minister Amintore Fanfani, Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher & European Commission President Gaston Thorn.

Sunday, May 29th, 1983: Former United States Senator L. Douglas Wilder (D-VA) announced his campaign for VA Lieutenant Governor in the 1985 elections. Political analysts viewed Wilder's announcement as getting into the race two years early & hitting the ground running by visiting all over the Commonwealth including Southwestern VA.

Monday, May 30th, 1983: Memorial Day Observances & special ceremonies held in all 51 states across the United States including US territories of US Virgin Islands, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands & American Samoa.

Tuesday, May 31st, 1983: United States Senator J. John Heinz, III (R-PA) co-sponsors the 1983 Defending Liberty Act which will increase US military troop deployments & military operations in the Asian Pacific & Europe as well as increasing numbers of military personnel troops stationed in several places such as Japan, Korea, Philippines, Taiwan, Australia, Great Britain, Italy, Belgium, West Germany & Spain.

Coming Up: More Intriguing Segments from the Summer of 1983.
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National & International Segments (Summer 1983: Part I)
Wednesday, June 1st, 1983: The body of Juliana, the former Queen of the Netherlands, was found in the ditch in the outskirts of Amsterdam, Netherlands. Dutch authorities are currently investigating the gruesome death of the former Dutch Monarch; Flags are flown at half-mast across the Netherlands. Autopsy is underway to determining the cause of death.

Thursday, June 2nd, 1983: Violent rampage of the South African Embassy Compound in Amsterdam occurred during mass protests courtesy of an angry mob.

Friday, June 3rd, 1983: Former TX Governor William P. Clements, Jr., (R), who's currently serving as chairman of the Board of Governors at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX is interviewed by ABC 8 WFAA-TV Dallas.

Saturday, June 4th, 1983: United States Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) officially announces his campaign for the 1984 Democratic Party presidential nomination during campaign rally in Boston, MA on the grounds of the Statehouse Building.

Sunday, June 5th, 1983: RTP News in Portugal reporting that Portuguese First Lady Catalina Gonsalves' health is fast declining due to the undisclosed illness she's been suffering for over the past three years. Reports indicate members of the Gonsalves & Pereira families are heading to the Belem Palace (Residence of the Portuguese President) & coming to be at the First Lady's side as anonymous sources are indicating that the popular Portuguese First Lady likely has days to live.

Monday, June 6th, 1983: United States Senator Lawton Chiles (D-FL) reportedly suffers an episode at his Lakeland, FL residence. 911 was rushed over to the residence & took the three-term Democratic United States Senator to the hospital in Tallahassee, where Chiles will be undergoing medical supervision. It's unknown what caused the health episode.

Tuesday, June 7th, 1983: Hong Konger Prime Minister Jefferson Cheng addresses the Joint Session of the Hong Konger Parliament in Victoria, where he detailed "Top Six Measures" on ensuring the national security of the Commonwealth nation: building up the Hong Konger National Guard, Defense Forces, federal law enforcement agencies & boosting Hong Kong's economy deep into the 1980s.

Wednesday, June 8th, 1983: Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew meets with Korean President Chun Doo-hwan during his State Visit to Korea, where the Welcoming Honors Ceremony took place at the Kimpo International Airport in Seoul; later in the day, Chun & Yew held a bilateral meeting inside Cheong Wa Dae (Residence of the Korean President) & also held a joint press conference highlighting the diplomatic relations between Singapore & the Republic of Korea.

Thursday, June 9th, 1983: British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher easily wins reelection to a second term as she led the Conservative Party to a landslide majority in the British Parliament.

Friday, June 10th, 1983: State Funeral of Queen Juliana, the Dutch Mother takes place at the Nieuwe Kerk Protestant Church in Delft, Netherlands. An estimated 2,383 were in attendance at the State Funeral festivities including several high-profile foreign dignitaries such as Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh; King Baudouin & Queen Fabiola of Belgium; former Empress of Iran Farah Diba Pahlavi; Queen Sofia of Spain, the Regent of the Spanish Royal Family (because her son, King Felipe VI is a young teenager); Prince Rainier, III of Monaco & several others. Following the services, the former Queen of the Netherlands was entombed inside the family royal crypt underneath the Nieuwe Kerk Protestant Church.

Saturday, June 11th, 1983: Prince Bernhard, the husband of the late Juliana, former Queen of the Netherlands, is reportedly taken into a private clinic on the grounds of his residence for clinical depression. Anonymous sources indicate Bernhard has been devastated & severely depressed over the brutal death of his wife.

Sunday, June 12th, 1983: RTP1 interrupted regularly scheduled programming & announced the death of Portuguese First Lady Catalina Gonsalves, who lost her battle to undisclosed form of cancer at the Belem Palace surrounded by her family including her husband, Portuguese President General Winfield Gonsalves himself. She was 35 years old. Flags are flown at half-mast across Portugal as the nation plunges into mourning & bells are tolling.

Monday, June 13th, 1983: Pioneer 10 passes the orbit of Neptune, becoming the first-ever human-made object to leaving the vicinity of the major planets of the Solar System.

Tuesday, June 14th, 1983: US Ambassador to the United Nations Jean Kirkpatrick vetoes the United Nations Joint Resolution 582, which would've enforced strong economic sanctions on South Africa. Kirkpatrick called the UN General Assembly's joint resolution "ineffective, unnecessary, non-existant over spilt overrated issues". Kirkpatrick's statement caused strong backlash from anti-apartheid activists, who hold mass protests outside of the United Nations HQ in NYC, NY St.

Wednesday, June 15th, 1983: Paraguayan President Major General Jackson Ballesteros arrives in Tokyo, Japan for the first of his five-day State Visit to the Northeast Asian nation, where he's expected to meet with Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone & Emperor Hirohito.

Thursday, June 16th, 1983: Miss Universe 1982 Uranita Alvarez arrives in New Delhi, India, where she's going to be in India for the remainder of the week: traveling across the country.

Friday, June 17th, 1983: French President Francois Mitterrand survives an assassination attempt when the French Republican Guard security detail agents ran over to the Summer residence of the President & managed to get him out of the house within 27 minutes. Soon afterwards, the residence exploded. Allegations have surfaced that 'The Creepy Stalkers' might've been involved in the assassination attempt.

Saturday, June 18th, 1983-Sunday, June 19th, 1983: Vern Schuppan, Al Holbert & Hurley Haywood win the 24 Hours of Le Mans competition.

Saturday, June 18th, 1983: Despite international pleas for clemency from US President Ronald Reagan & several other Foreign Heads of State & Government: the Iranian government orders the execution of Iranian teenager Mona Mahmudnizhad & nine other women via hanging in secret because they're members of the Bahai' Faith.

Monday, June 20th, 1983: US Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker (R-TN) is interviewed on ABC's 'World News' with Ted Koppel: discussing the 1983 legislative highlights & accomplishments. Baker also denies being offered a Cabinet position in the Reagan administration, but predicts President Reagan will easily win reelection in 1984.

Tuesday, June 21st, 1983: Miss Universe 1982 Uranita Alvarez meets with Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi at the Safdarjung Road Residence in New Delhi, India during a special Courtesy Call meeting.

Wednesday, June 22nd, 1983: Emanuela Orlandi, 15-year-old Vatican girl mysteriously disappears in Rome, Italy while returning home from a music lesson. The mysterious disappearance explodes into full-blown conspiracy theories.

Thursday, June 23rd, 1983: Korean President Chun Doo-hwan speaks with US President Ronald Reagan during a special reception at the Belem Palace in Lisbon, Portugal hosted by Portuguese President General Winfield Gonsalves. It's reported that Chun personally invited Reagan to a State Visit to Korea later this Fall, which Reagan accepted; details of the President's upcoming State Visit to Korea is being worked out due to security protocols, etc., Chun & Reagan are in Portugal to attend the upcoming State Funeral of Gonsalves' wife, Portuguese First Lady Catalina Gonsalves, where the Portuguese government reports an estimated packed attendance.

Friday, June 24th, 1983: United States Senator Dan Quayle (R-IN) makes a gaffe by calling the City of Detroit, MI a state during a town hall meeting on the campus of Notre Dame University in South Bend, IN which attracted controversy & laughs from NBC's 'The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson'. MI Governor Jim Blanchard (D) puts Senator Quayle on full-blast during a press conference at the MI State Capitol Building in Lansing, MI where Blanchard shows the MI state map with the counties & cities: "And over here at the tailend there, is the city of Detroit, Michigan. Get your facts straight Senator Quayle and study more!"

Saturday, June 25th, 1983: The State Funeral of the late Portuguese First Lady Catalina Gonsalves takes place at the Mosteiro dos Jeronimos which was televised across Portugal including on RTP1 & many other television stations. Among the foreign dignitaries in attendance: US President Ronald Reagan, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Hong Konger Prime Minister Jefferson Cheng, French President Francois Mitterrand, King Felipe VI of Spain & his mother, Queen Regent Sofia, Chilean President Major General Gerald Enriquez & his wife, Chilean First Lady Yvonne Enriquez, Haitian President Jean-Claude Duvailier, Jamaican Prime Minister Edward Seaga, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, Korean President Chun Doo-hwan, Paraguayan President Major General Jackson Ballesteros & countless other foreign dignitaries. Following the 3-HR State Funeral festivities, Catalina's flag-draped casket was carried out of the Mosteiro dos Jeronimos where a loud 21 Cannon Salute was fired including the playing of the National Anthem of Portugal; then the casket was placed on a horse-drawn caisson & accompanied by 73 limousines in a long funeral procession through the streets of Lisbon which an estimated 6,673,683 million were in attendance. The procession lasted HRS & all day long, only arriving in the outskirts of Lisbon around 7:00 PM when the late Portuguese First Lady was finally entombed during an evening priavte entombment ceremony in the presence of family & friends.

RTP1 reported that plans are underway of constructing a permanment final resting place for the late Portuguese First Lady, which will be known as the Catalina Gonsalves Liberty Mausoleum in Villa Nova de Cerveira, Portgual. Catalina will be entombed there at a later date when the new tomb will be finished down the road; currently, Catalina's in a super secret undisclosed location due to safety concerns.

Saturday, June 25th, 1983: State Funeral of the late Portuguese First Lady Catalina Gonsalves.
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National & International Segments (Summer 1983: Part II)
Sunday, June 26th, 1983: US Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger arrives at Camp Cowboy in the outskirts of Tripoli, Libya where he meets with the commanders of the US Forces Middle East Command. Weinberger is also expected to have a meeting with Libyan President Brigadier General Mezluk Vaduleemz at the Presidential Palace discussing US-Libyan diplomatic relations.

US Secretary of State George P. Shultz is interviewed on CBS News 'Face the Nation', NBC's 'Meet The Press' & ABC's 'This Week' discussing the ongoing foreign policy hotspots across the world.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak talks with Barbara Walters of ABC News during an exclusive interview discussing efforts of revitalizing Egypt economically & fostering new initiatives. The interview is expected to be part of '20/20' special headliner on foreign leaders across the world with the debut possibly later this week.

Monday, June 27th, 1983: Anticipating the Roman Catholic Church will be leaning towards excommunicating him because of his handling of the controversial Operation Michel, Mexican President General Oscar Robles announced he's converting to Episcopalian effective immediately during a press conference inside the National Palace in downtown Mexico City. Robles explains while he will forever hold the Roman Catholic Church in his heart, he believes by becoming an Episcopalian, his values will continue to expand & doubles-down on justifying Operation Michel.

Tuesday, June 28th, 1983: The Roman Catholic Church officially excommunicates Mexican President General Oscar Robles altogether following his controversial handling of Operation Michel which has caused backlash amongst some segments of Mexican society.

Panamanian President General Florencio Flores Aguilar hosts Canadian Prime Minister John Turner at the Presidential Palace in Panama City. Turner is in Panama for a three-day state visit boosting diplomatic relations between Canada & Panama as well as increasing economic opportunities between the two nations. This comes as speculation swirling around a potential coup against Flores Aguilar might be imminent.

Wednesday, June 29th, 1983: Archbishop Wilson Estevez of the Episcopal Archdiocese of Mexico City meets with Mexican President General Oscar Robles at the Lady of the Lake Episcopal Church for a special courtesy meeting. Estevez holds a baptism for Robles in a private ceremony along with three of Robles' young teenage daughters.

Miss Universe 1982 Uranita Alvarez of Brazil meets with the Tabernacle Choir at the University of Utah campus in Salt Lake City, UT.

Brazilian President Joao Figueredo suffers a heart attack while tending to his horses at his ranch. Figuereido was rushed to the Vargas Medical Center for emergency surgery, where he'll be staying for further evaluation.

Spanish Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez addreses the latest efforts by the Spanish government's investigation into the 04.03.83 Incident in the assassination of then-King Juan Carlos I during a special session of Prime Minister's Questions. Gonzalez also declared the Spanish Armed Forces & national intelligence agencies will do everything in their power to bring the culprits to justice.

Argentinian President General Wellington Rodriguez attends the 1983 Non-Aligned Movement annual conference in New Delhi, India which is being hosted by Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi; Among those in attendance includes Cuban President Fidel Castro, whose presence attracts international controversy.

Crown Prince Charles of Wales narrowly escaped an assassination attempt while the Prince of Wales was addressing the British Royal Army Headquarters. According to eyewitness accounts, the Prince of Wales was walking toward his limousine when the devices underneath exploded causing the Prince of Wales to be thrown off of the ground; The estimates indicate around 38 people were killed & 500 were injured. Allegations surfaced that either the IRA or the mysterious 'Creepy Stalkers' might be responsible for the assassination attempt.

Thursday, June 30th, 1983: GMA News reported Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos has confirmed that US President Ronald Reagan will be making a State Visit to the Philippines which will be set for November 14th-19th; The White House has officially confirmed this as well. Originally, Reagan was scheduled to make the trip at the tail end of the Summer, but international incidents have pushed things back for a few months.

Coming Up: More Segments
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National & International Segments (Summer 1983: Part III)
Friday, July 1st, 1983: Pope Carlos I makes the Papal Visit to Poland, which is considered a de-facto state visit to the European nation. The Brazilian Pontiff is greeted by enthusiastic crowds as his Papal motorcade is greeted by throngs of crowds waving Polish & Vatican flags with heavy security making sure no violent incident against the Pontiff ever occurs; Later on, Pope Carlos I meets with Polish Prime Minister General Wojciech Jaruzelski.

Saturday, July 2nd, 1983: Miss Universe 1982 Uranita Alvarez gives an exclusive interview on the Brazilian television network, Rede Globo from her penthouse apartment in NYC, NY St. Alvarez highlights the countless accomplishments of her reign as Miss Universe 1982 & discusses plans for the future going forward. She confirms that following the crowning of her successor in the 1983 Miss Universe pageant, Ms. Alvarez plans to take some long vacation time & relax.

Sunday, July 3rd, 1983: Hong Konger Prime Minister Jefferson Cheng meets with Colombian President Lieutenant General Seymour Quintero during Cheng's working visit to Colombia: boosting diplomatic relations & economic relations between the two nations.

Monday, July 4th, 1983: The 207th Independence Day celebrations take place in all 51 states of the United States including the District of Columbia & the US territories of Northern Mariana Islands, US Virgin Islands, Guam & American Samoa. US President Ronald Reagan & US First Lady Nancy Reagan hosts a special Fourth of July celebration on the grounds of the White House.

Tuesday, July 5th, 1983: Saudi Arabian President General Jamal Al-Fayheed meets with King Carl XVI Gustaf & Queen Silvia of Sweden during his state visit to Sweden. Al-Fayheed is going to be in Sweden for five days boosting the diplomatic relationship between Sweden & Saudi Arabia.

Wednesday, July 6th, 1983: Miss Universe 1982 Uranita Alvarez of Brazil arrives at the St. Louis International Airport in St. Louis, MO: She's plans on staying for the duration & attending the upcoming 32nd Miss Universe pageant, where she will be crowning her successor.

Thursday, July 7th, 1983: 10-year-old American girl Samantha Smith accepts an invitation from Soviet President Yuri Andropov & begins her visit to the Soviet Union with her parents.

Friday, July 8th, 1983: The embalmed body of the late Paraguayan President General Alfredo Stroessner is secretly put on an airplane in the middle of the dark night & flown to Brazil, where he was secretly buried at the Campo da Esperanca Cemetery in Brasilia, Brazil. This occurs without the knowledge of the public because of secret negotiations between the Paraguayan & Brazilian military governments.

Saturday, July 9th, 1983: Mexican President General Oscar Robles meets with French President Francois Mitterrand at the Elysee Palace in Paris, France for a state visit with full honours. Robles & Mitterrand also held a joint press conference inside the Salle des Fetes of the Elysee Palace including holding closed-door meetings with Mexican & French officials inside the Salon Murat.

Sunday, July 10th, 1983: Mexican President General Oscar Robles addresses the Joint Session of the French Parliament at the Palace of Versailles.

Monday, July 11th, 1983: Lorraine Downes of New Zealand wins the 32nd Miss Universe pageant at the Kiel Auditorium in St. Louis, MO aired on CBS & is crowned as Miss Universe 1983, defeating Julie Hayek of the United States. Downes makes history as the first New Zealander to win the Miss Universe Crown; she was crowned by Uranita Alvarez of Brazil, Miss Universe 1982.

Monday, July 11th, 1983: Lorraine Downes taking the First Walk as the 32nd Miss Universe Titleholder after winning Miss Universe Crown inside of the Kiel Auditorium in St. Louis, MO.

Tuesday, July 12th, 1983: Paraguayan First Lady Erika Ballasteros begins a five-month goodwill tour of unspecified countries, where she plans to introduce herself to the world. The low-profile Paraguayan First Lady will also be promoting Paraguay's international prestige. She does plan to cut short her trip in order to attend the inauguration of her husband, Paraguayan President Major General Jackson Ballasteros set for August 15th.
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🇵🇾 The Secret Life of Erika Ballasteros
@Red_Tornado @filipina84 @gina
Segment Disclaimer: The following segment will be NSFW-erotic. Viewer discretion is strongly advised!
Secret Life of Paraguay's First Lady
Wednesday, July 13th, 1983
Somewhere in Sierra Leone


Paraguayan First Lady Erika Ballasteros revealing her truest self.

Paraguayan First Lady Erika Ballasteros was something of a mystery to many people. Nobody could get a grasp of who she was all about & why folks were intrigued by her beauty.

She was viewed as Paraguay's most popular First Lady.

Yanette Sedano Montoya Ballesteros was born in Caacupe, Paraguay as the ninth of 13 children (five sons & eight daughters). She attended the St. Mary's Covenant of Girls, where she excelled in academic honors & numerous achievements. In addition to her native Spanish, Erika was excellent fluent in English, French & Dutch.

More interested in pop culture & modeling, Erika ventured out & moved to Asuncion following high school graduation; Erika began a career in modeling, where she posed for a couple of magazines such as 'Paraguayan Beauties'; 'Ladies of the Americas'; 'Pinasco Magazine'; 'Concepcion Originals'; 'TV Paraguay' & 'Spicy Bits'.

During a special athletic event in 1975, she met Army Major General Jackson Ballasteros. Instantly, they gradually became a couple & got married in 1976 & had five daughters. In addition to their five daughters, Erika became the stepmother to Jackson's seven children from his first marriage: four sons & three daughters.

While raising her family, Erika also continued her career in the entertainment industry by participating in several movies which gained numerous awards & successful TV programs along the way. It was also during this time that Jackson was tapped to serve as Paraguayan Ambassador to Korea; Jackson & Erika moved to Seoul, where they enjoyed living in the Republic of Korea during his tenure from 1977 to 1982.

Jackson & Erika were asleep inside their bedroom at the Ambassador's Residence in the outskirts of Seoul on the late evening HRS of September 20th, 1981 when Jackson got a phone call informing him of the helicopter crash that killed then-Paraguayan President General Alfredo Stroessner; Jackson & Erika briefly returned home to Paraguay to attend the State Funeral festivities before flying back to Korea in order for Jackson to continuing his duties as Paraguayan Ambassador to Korea.

The December 13th, 1982 Incident resulted in the shocking assassinations of Paraguayan President General Andres Rodriguez, Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, US House Speaker Tip O'Neill, West German President Karl Carstens & Italian President Sandro Pertini was an altering shocking bombshell throughout the entire world.

Rodriguez's assassination caused huge jockeying for position in Paraguay. Ultimately, Jackson answered the call to serve as President of Paraguay. Jackson & Erika returned home to Paraguay for good, but this time they arrived as President & First Lady of the Republic of Paraguay.

The Ballasteroses moved into the Presidential Palace in Asuncion & made the Palace an exciting & peaceful home for their five daughters. Jackson handily won election to his 1st full 5-year term in 1983 & began making plans on pushing Paraguay into the midst of the 1980s.

Erika decided to introduce herself as Paraguay's First Lady & announced the five-month Goodwill Tour of visiting a large number of unspecified nations.

Upon arriving in Sierra Leone on July 12th, she met with Sierra Leone government officials including visiting hospitals & schools. The first leg of her five-month Goodwill Tour was going to become long & somewhat exhausting, but she was determined to push forward.

However, Erika also was leading a double life..... A super secret double life that was also going to reveal itself during her time in Sierra Leone as Erika's secret sexual appetites were bound to explode very quickly......

In order to accomplish getting away from her security detail, Erika decided to wear some disguises to prevent detection & snuck out of a heavily-guarded residence in the outskirts of Freetown & was driven by her friend, Milton Ogbulna, who was accompanying her. Upon arriving at one of the heavily secluded hideouts, this is where Erika & Milton were inevitably going to get deep into their passion.....

On July 13th, Erika & Milton, who were both naked & barefoot engaged in a steamy, hot, juicy sex orgy on the wet beach: kissing non-stop plus having hardcore sex as she enjoyed laying on her back with her legs spread wide open as Milton was aggressively penetrating her. They continued having sex inside Milton's secret beach house all night long & continued having juicy orgies of sex escapades throughout the entire month of July & the early part of August, until Erika had to cut short their secret escapades on August 12th, so Milton drove her back to the secluded hideout's tunnel, where she walked all the way through another underground tunnel, which ultimately led to the secret trap doors in the heavily-guarded residence in the outskirts of Freetown: she took a shower & got dressed, then took the private jet back to Paraguay to attend her husband's inauguration which was set for August 15th. Following the inauguration festivities, Erika took the private jet & flew back to Sierra Leone, where she continued the remainder of her five-month Goodwill Tour.

Plus she continued her secret sex escapades with Milton non-stop as well. It's alleged that Erika secretly gave birth to triplet daughters as a result of her sex escapades with Milton. Her super aggressive sexual appetites also included hermaphrodite women.
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National & International Segments (Summer 1983: Part IV)
Thursday, July 14th, 1983: Hong Konger Prime Minister Jefferson Cheng meets with US President Ronald Reagan at the White House in Washington, DC during red carpet State Visit. They discussed bilateral relations between the two nations; economic prosperity & foreign policy challenges. The Reagan's also hosted a State Dinner in the Cheng's honor later in the evening inside the State Dinning Room of the White House.

Former US President Jerry Brown begins permanent seclusion life in the private sector in Japan. It's unknown whether Brown will return to politics.

Friday, July 15th, 1983: Nintendo's Family Computer, known as The Famicon, goes on sale in Japan.

Saturday, July 16th, 1983: Sirkorsky S-61 helicopter crashes off the Isles in Scilly killing 20 people.

Sunday, July 17th, 1983: Colombian President Lieutenant General Seymour Quintero arrives in Morocco for a five-day working visit.

Monday, July 18th, 1983: Former US First Lady Linda Ronstadt-Brown performs in Jamaica, the Bahamas, Haiti, Cuba, Mexico & Colombia.

Tuesday, July 19th, 1983: Argentinian President General Wellington Rodriguez hosts Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in red carpet State Visit on the grounds of the Casa Rosada (Government Office] in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Gandhi is in Argentina to highlight why Argentinian businesses & industries should invest in India; Prime Minister Gandhi is scheduled to meet with Indian-Argentinians including personnel staff at the Indian Embassy Compound.

While Paraguayan First Lady Erika Ballasteros is swirling around the world in her super long five-month Goodwill Tour, her husband, Paraguayan President Major General Jackson Ballasteros is making plans for his upcoming inauguration ceremony scheduled for August 15th for his 1st full 5-year term. President Ballasteros is making the rounds on an ambitious legislative agenda for his Economic Prosperity Initiatives including the Whip Inflation Now package.

Portuguese President General Winfield Gonsalves delivers a special primetime speech from the Belem Palace (Residence of the Portuguese President & First Family) for the first time since the death of his popular second wife, Portuguese First Lady Catalina Gonsalves on June 12th. He thanked the entire Portuguese people & the international community for their prayers & condolences; Gonsalves also pledged to continuing his wife's hardworking accomplishments & achievements by naming his daughter, Mercedes Gonsalves as the de-facto First Lady.

Wednesday, July 20th, 1983: The Polish government announcing the end of Martial Law & amnesty for political prisoners.

Thursday, July 21st, 1983: Lowest temperature on Earth: -89.2 oC in the Vostok Station in Antartica.

Friday, July 22nd, 1983: Dick Smith of Australia officially completed his solo circumnavigation of the entire world via helicopter.

Saturday, July 23rd, 1983: 13 Sri Lankan Army soldiers were killed in violent ambush by the LTTE which triggers the Sri Lankan Civil War, which will continue until 2009.

Sunday, July 24th, 1983: The Black July anti-Tamil Riots take place in Sri Lanka: Between 400 & 3,000 Sri Lankan Tamils including Hill Country Tamils are killed in the violent deadly rampage.

Monday, July 25th, 1983: Surinamian First Lady Irene Hendricks meets with Colombian President Lieutenant General Seymour Quintero in Bogota for special working visit (more on this segment sometime next week) while her husband, Surinamian President Jorge Hendricks is busy grappling with ongoing economic crisis engulfing Suriname; Speculation is swirling around the possibility of Hendricks potentially being overthrown in a military coup d'etat.

Tuesday, July 26th, 1983: Argentinians commemorate the 31st anniversary of the death of the late Argentinian First Lady Eva Peron by making the pilgrimage to the outskirts of San Vicente & light candles during prayer ceremony at the Greater Peron Mausoleum, the final resting place of the late Argentinian First Lady.

While the Argentinians are holding special commemoration festivities in Evita's honor, secret plans are underway to preparing expatriation moves in having the body of the late Argentinian President Juan Peron entombed next to Evita at the Greater Peron Mausoleum.

Wednesday, July 27th, 1983: US Vice President George H.W. Bush meets with King Felipe VI of Spain & his mother, Queen Sofia at the Royal Palace in Madrid. Accompanying the Vice President on his trip to Spain: His wife, US Second Lady Barbara Bush, who attended a special courtesy call with Queen Sofia.

Thursday, July 28th, 1983: Chilean President Major General Gerald Enriquez addresses the Graduation Commencement of the Chilean Army on the grounds of the Chilean Army Headquarters.

Hong Konger Prime Minister Jefferson Cheng gives exclusive interview with Saudi State TV from his aircraft flying over Egypt: Cheng discussed Hong Kong's bilateral relations with Saudi Arabia & challenges facing both nations in the midst of the chaotic 80s. He's expected to meet with Saudi Arabian President General Jamal Al-Fayheed the next day.

Friday, July 29th, 1983: Saudi Arabian President General Jamal Al-Fayheed & his wife, Saudi Arabian First Lady Sabdhlia Al-Fayheed hosts Hong Konger Prime Minister Jefferson Cheng & his wife, Grace Cheng in televised Welcoming Honors Ceremony on the grounds of the Presidential Palace in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia with 21 Cannon Salute & Honor Guard Inspection of the Saudi Arabian Armed Forces. The Cheng's will be in Saudi Arabia for the remainder of the week.

Saturday, July 30th, 1983: Mexican President General Oscar Robles begins six-nation tour of the following countries: Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Japan, Taiwan & Korea.

Sunday, July 31st, 1983: Haitian President Jean-Claude Duvailier signs EO-673 which gives the Haitian Army the greenlight to aggressively crackdown against massive demonstrations which had been popping up in parts of Haiti. The crackdowns temporarily crush the demonstrations for now.
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Steamy Love of Passion (Part II)
Segment Disclaimer: This segment will be NSFW-erotic. Viewer discretion is strongly advised!
Steamy Escapade in Colombia
Monday, July 25th, 1983
Somewhere inside the Quintero Family Ranch Compound
Outskirts of St. Quintero, Colombia

Colombian President Lieutenant General Seymour Quintero invited Surinamarian First Lady Irene Hendricks over to Colombia. Irene was in Bogota for a special working visit discussing the diplomatic relationship between Suriname & Colombia; She was also attracted to Quintero's super looks & he was also attracted to her as well. Following an almost 5-HR meeting with several Colombian government officials including meeting with Colombian schoolchildren at the Josefa Quintero Academy for Girls in the outskirts of Bogota; Irene went back to her hotel room at the Hilton Hotel in the outskirts of Bogota when Quintero phoned call, inviting her to spend time at his ranch in the outskirts of St. Quintero.

Irene accepted the offer & was given instructions to getting there via secret tunnel. Quintero himself drove Irene in his personal vehicle (dark-tinted windows & bullet-proof) all the way to St. Quintero, where they arrived sometime around 7:00 PM.

Following a scaled-down dinner inside the dining room of his extraordinary large family ranch, Irene & Seymour went to slowly dance to beautiful, soothing Colombian jazz music. "I love your silence, Irene. Your silence intrigues me alot." Seymour seductively said as they continued dancing to the music playing on his record-machine.

Sometime around 8:42 PM, Seymour & Irene went upstairs, where Irene smiled at the pictures of his family "You've got a great family in these pictures. I noticed a portrait of your late wife, Josefa. Must be sad for you to deeply miss her." Seymour replied: "Josefa is still amazing and I am still in love with her even though she's been gone for three years. I want to show you something, right here" he motioned towards the large double-doors, which he opened.

Irene was eye-googling around Seymour's bedroom, while he told her that he'll be back in just a few minutes. He came out of the bathroom wearing only a large brown robe (& nothing else underneath). Irene's hormones were raging inside of her as the urge to feed her secret addiction was escalating to come out.

Seymour slowly removed Irene's clothes from head to toe including all of the undergarments: revealing her naked & barefoot. He was amazed at her naked body "Oh my goodness. You're beautiful Irene, so beautiful." as he happily carressed her breasts, stomach, vagina & buttocks. Irene happily got on the large bed & laid on her back with her legs spread wide open, being prepared to get stretched.

Seymour removed his robe & climbed on top of the bed, getting on top of Irene; They soon began kissing passionately. Seymour & Irene began having steamy passionate sex all night long inside of his bedroom. They continued having sex throughout the entire week. It was so beautiful.
National & International Segments (Summer 1983: Part V)
Monday, August 1st, 1983: Embattled Surinamese President Jorge Hendricks faced a major no confidence vote from the Surinamese National Assembly in a vote of 38-13 due to backlash over Hendricks' handling of the Inflation Crisis & controversial budgeting cuts on domestic programs. Demonstrations have been engulfing Suriname for almost 6 months in parts of Suriname.

Speculation swirling around Surinamese Prime Minister Brigaider General Julian Lucien Buiskool potentially being tasked to ascending to the Presidency in the event of Hendricks being forced to resign or ousted in a military coup d'etat. Buiskool would become the next President of Suriname if Hendricks were forced out of the Presidency in the case of that event; Sources indicate the Reagan administration is coordinating with several South American nations to see who would offer safe passage to Hendricks if his government falls to a military coup or is impeached.

Tuesday, August 2nd, 1983: US Ambassador to the United Nations Jean Kirkpatrick addressed an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council, where Kirkpatrick is seeking the United Nations' support in rallying support for an international effort in compeling the Cubans to abandon their terrorist activities against neighboring nations in the Americas & other parts of the world. Her efforts however, are stymied by the Soviet Union, who claimed the Reagan administration's economic sanctions against Cuban President Fidel Castro & his associates in the Cuban government are illegal, & that American foreign policy decision-makers should stop meddling in Cuban domestic & political affairs.

Wednesday, August 3rd, 1983: US Vice President George HW Bush speaks with Hong Konger Prime Minister Jefferson Cheng & discussed the possibility of launching joint military operations with Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines against PRC, North Korea & the Soviet Union. Cheng told Bush he would consider it & make a decision when he plans on speaking with the Hong Konger National Guard military commanders. Cheng also warned that an explosive conflict in the Asian Pacific could escalate with deadly ramifications.

Thursday, August 4th, 1983: Thomas Sankara becomes the 1st President of Upper Volta.

Friday, August 5th, 1983: Hong Konger Prime Minister Jefferson Cheng holds closed-door meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff inside Fanling Lodge (Summer Residence of the Hong Konger Prime Minister), where he gives them the go-ahead to launch military operations with the US, Korea, Taiwan, Japan & the Philippines. The Hong Konger National Guard's involvement will have major ramifications going forward.

Saturday, August 6th, 1983: United States Senators Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA), Gary Hart (D-CO), Ernest Hollings (D-SC), John Glenn (D-OH); the Rev. Jesse Jackson (D-IL); former US Trade Representative Reubin Askew (D-FL) attend the Iowa Agricultural Farming Town Hall in Des Moines, IA.

Sunday, August 7th, 1983: United States Senators Lloyd Bentsen (D-TX), J. Bennett Johnston (D-LA), Howell Helfin (D-AL), Charles R. Percy (R-IL), Charles Mathias (R-MD) & Ted Stevens (R-AK) interviewed on CBS 'Face the Nation'; NBC 'Meet the Press' & ABC's 'This Week'.

Monday, August 8th, 1983: US President Ronald Reagan announcing his intent to nominating Matthew V. Scocozza to serve as Assistant Secretary of Transportation succeeding Judith T. Connor.

Tuesday, August 9th, 1983: Libyan rebels launched a violent attack on Faya Largeau. The rebels, obviously backed by exiled Libyan dictator Colonel Mummar Gadaffi, have an estimated 1,500-2,000 troops in Chad. The rebel troops including mechanized units, have been involved in repeated Libyan air attacks against various northern centers, including Faya Largeau. Reports indicating the Libyan supported rebel troops, who have beseiged Faya Largeau have a substantial number of Libyan armored vehicles & heavy artillery for bombardement & that their air attacks included both napalm & bombs. This conflict is part of the ongoing Chadian-Libyan War, which has been going on since 1979.

Wednesday, August 10th, 1983: US President Ronald Reagan meets with Senegalese President Abdou Diouf at the White House. Reagan & Diouf discussed many important international problems, particularly those of Africa; the Third World, & the Mideast.

Thursday, August 11th, 1983: US President Ronald Reagan approves US Navy Secretary John Lehman's recommendation naming the US Navy's two new carriers: Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) & George Washington (CVN-73). In recalling the enormous contributions of the 1st & 16th Presidents, Reagan said "In naming our two carriers after Abraham Lincoln and George Washington we honor their memory, relfect upon their understanding of sea power, and dedicate ourselves to achieving the requisite naval superiority we need today, by building a 15-carrier, 600-ship navy."

Friday, August 12th, 1983: US President Ronald Reagan addresses the Annual Convention of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce at the Tampa Hyatt Regency Hotel in Tampa, FL. The convention & International Business Exchange was attended by approximately 5,000 representatives from government, the corporate sector, & the Hispanic business community in the United States, Mexico & other Latin American nations. Following his speech, President Reagan went to the Marriott Hotel in El Paso, TX, where he remained overnight.
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National & International Segments (Summer 1983: Part VI)
Saturday, August 13th, 1983: Embattled Panamanian President General Florencio Flores Aguilar is ousted in a bloodless military coup d'etat led by General Manuel Noriega, who becomes not only Commander of the Panamanian Army, but also is sworn into office as the 26th President of Panama during a televised ceremony in Panama City. Following his ouster from office, Flores Aguilar & his family reportedly flee to Sweden, where he & his family were given safe passage.

Sunday, August 14th, 1983: Ramones guitarist Johnny Ramone suffers a fractured skull from getting kicked in the head during a fight about a women in Queens, NYC, NY St & underwent brain surgery.
Robert de Castella wins the Helsinki Marathon with 2:10:03.

Monday, August 15th, 1983: Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Kwan Yew meets with Hong Konger Prime Minister Jefferson Cheng, who hosts the Singaporean Prime Minister in a red carpet state visit on the grounds of Government House in downtown Victoria. Yew & Cheng held a Joint Press Conference inside the Victorian Ballroom where the respective Heads of Government discussed the ongoing explosive developments regarding the South China Sea including fostering economic trade agreements between the two nations; Yew invited Cheng to visit Singapore in the next few months, Cheng immediately accepted by shaking his hand & pledged to address an upcoming bilateral economic partnership between Hong Kong & Singapore.

Paraguayan President Major General Jackson Ballasteros is inaugurated for his 1st full 5-year term inside the Legislative Building in Asuncion; His wife, Paraguayan First Lady Erika Ballasteros was sitting on the stage next to him during the inauguration festivities. Soon afterwards, Mrs. Ballasteros flew back to Sierra Leone to continue her long 5-month Goodwill Tour.

Tuesday, August 16th, 1983: United States Senators Al D'Amato (R-NY St), Wilson Riles (D-CA), Juan H. Cintron Garcia (D-PR), Bob Dole (R-KS) leads a bipartisan Senate delegation to Taiwan: where they meet with Taiwanese President Chiang Ching-kuo at the Presidential Office Building in Taipei.

Wednesday, August 17th-Friday, August 19th, 1983: Hurricane Alicia strikes the TX Gulf Coast, hammering Galveston & Houston; resulting in 22 deaths & causing over $3.8 billion in damages.

Thursday, August 18th, 1983: Embattled Surinamanese President Jorge Hendricks delivers a primetime address from the Presidential Palace in Paramaribo: doubling-down on his refusal to resign despite the obvious "No Confidence" votes from the Surinamese National Assembly. Hendricks dares the National Assembly to impeach & remove him from office; Surinamese TV news stations reporting of suspicious military activity in the southern part of Suriname with the possibility of a military coup given the go-ahead to proceed.

Friday, August 19th, 1983: Former LSU Tigers Football legend & Heisman Trophy winner Billy Cannon is sentenced to five years in prison for counterfeiting & other illegal activities.

Saturday, August 20th, 1983: The South African anti-apartheid umbrella organization, the United Democratic Front (UFD) is launched at the Rocklands Community Centre in Capetown, South Africa.

Sunday, August 21st, 1983: Former Philippine Senator Benigno Aquino, Jr., the opposition leader, is brutually gunned down upon his arrival at the Manila International Airport in Manila, Philippines. The controversial assassination causes a strong backlash against the authoritarian rule of Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, which would cause his downfall in the 1986 EDSA Revolution on February 25th, 1986 & the rise of Aquino's widow, Corazon Cojuangco Aquino to become the 11th President of the Philippines.

Monday, August 22nd, 1983: Surinamese President Jorge Hendricks is impeached by the National Assembly in a 37-13-1. The Surinamese Supreme Court will be holding an impeachment trial to decide whether or not Hendricks will remain in office.

The Uruguayan Army's 682nd Death Squad Battalion reportedly launches one of the most deadliest crackdowns against student demonstrations in Montevideo. An estimated 70,000+ are killed; 83,000+ arrested & detained in secret prisons across the country. Embattled Uruguayan President General Gregorio Conrado Alvarez is facing calls to restore full democracy in Uruguay; Alvarez has refused to step down.

Tuesday, August 23rd, 1983: The Jerusalem Post reported that Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin is facing strong backlash amongst the populace over alleged corruption scandals engulfing his government. The Knesset is planning on holding a 'No Confidence' vote against Begim very soon & speculation swirling around the possibility Begin might resign within the next several days.

Wednesday, August 24th, 1983: Chilean President Major General Gerald Enriquez signs the Agricultural Industry Investment Act of 1983 into law.

US President Ronald Reagan is interviewed by Tom Brokaw of NBC News from the White House in Washington, DC: discussing domestic & foreign policy hotspots; his administration's accomplishments & plans for the upcoming 1984 reelection campaign. Reagan also confirms that he'll be visiting Hong Kong sometime next year at the invitation of Hong Konger Prime Minister Jefferson Cheng.

Hong Konger Prime Minister Jefferson Cheng arrives in Singapore, where he's greeted by Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Kwan Yew & several high-profile Singaporean government officials. Cheng is in the middle of a three-day state visit.

Thursday, August 25th, 1983: Pope Carlos I arrives in Bangkok, Thailand. The Pontiff is going to be in Thailand for six days on a historic Papal pilgrimage in several cities inside Thailand; Carlos I will be attending a Courtesy Call meeting with King Bhumibdol Adujlayeh at the Royal Palace this afternoon.

Friday, August 26th, 1983: Heavy rain triggers flooding in Bilbao, Spain including the surrounding areas which resulted in the deaths of 44 people & causing millions in damages.

Saturday, August 27th, 1983: The United States performs major nuclear test.

Sunday, August 28th, 1983: Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin announces his resignation in order to avoid more political backlash. Begin goes into the private sector & leads the private sector in deep seclusion.

Monday, August 29th, 1983: PBS documentary on the late US President Gerald Ford debuts: highlighting the biography, life story & political career of the late 38th President of the United States.

Tuesday, August 30th, 1983: Elizabeth Ruth Zakarian of Amsterdam, NY St is crowned as the 1st Miss Teen USA titleholder.

Wednesday, August 31st, 1983: The funeral of opposition leader & former Philippine Senator Benigno Aquino, Jr., takes place at the Church of Santo Domingo in suburban Quezon City, Philippines. Jaime Cardinal Sin, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila delivered the eulogy during the Funeral Mass, commending Senator Aquino as a leader who "personified Filipino courage in the face of oppression." Aquino's funeral is said to be one of the largest-ever in Philippine history; Following the funeral service, Senator Aquino's flag-draped casket was placed on a flatbed truck & covered with yellow flowers for the 10 HR funeral procession that began from the Church of Santo Domingo & ended at the Manila Memorial Park in Paranaque City, where he was laid to rest: sealed in a concrete vault, where it will remain until Aquino is interred in a family mausoleum. Among the more than 2,000 people attending the funeral service, included the Ambassadors of the US, France, Australia, Japan, Italy including several other foreign dignitaries.
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The Distinguished Senior Senator from Washington
Thursday, September 1st, 1983
Grand Avenue
Everett, WA St

Upon learning of the Soviet attack on Korean Air Lines Flight 007 earlier in the day, United States Senator Henry Martin 'Scoop' Jackson (D-WA St) held a press conference at the airport, where he strongly condemned the Soviets for committing such a horrific & barbaric act. "The Soviets have to answer for committing such evil, barbaric attack by killing all of the passengers on Korean Air Lines Flight 007. Actions like these will result in major and severe consequences for the entire world to see."

However, there was something quite off about the 6-term Democratic United States Senator & twice failed candidate for the Democratic Party presidential nomination in 1972 & 1976. Something was not quite right with the Senior Senator from Washington.

One of the local journalists covering Senator Jackson's press conference noticed Jackson reflexively massaging his left chest quite frequently while he was speaking during the press conference. The journalist in attendance wondered "Something isn't right with Senator Jackson. I noticed he looks tired and worn out or something, there has to be medical attention given to him because I am scared today's horrific news might trigger something...."

Jackson kept massaging the left side of his chest during the press conference including during the Question & Answer Session when asked by reporters about any potential investigations. Earlier in the day, he had spoken with President Reagan & other United States Senators about the Korean Air Line Flight 007 Incident. He also was speaking with Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger & Secretary of State George P. Shultz.

Once the press conference was over, Jackson was also breathing quite heavily. Nobody amongst the group of journalists realized this was going to be the last time they would be speaking with Senator Jackson as he left the press conference & headed into his vehicle.

Once he got to his residence, located at Grand Avenue: Jackson closed the door behind him & drank some water before walking to the living room to rest for awhile. His wife of 22 years, Helen Hardin-Jackson was helping her husband with one of the autobiographies he had been working on lately, it was called "The Man From Everett". However, Jackson wasn't in the mood for helping out in working on an autobiography or anything else because he somehow kept feeling tired.

Sometime around later in the evening, Helen called Scoop for something: "Scoop. Governor Spellman is on the line waiting to speak with you about something. Scoop? Scoop?" She apologized to WA St Governor Dennis Spellman (R) & told him they'll call him back later; She went over to the living room to see what was keeping Scoop so long for not answering the telephone call.

To the horror of her face, Helen found Scoop lying unconscious on the couch slumped over. Tearfully upset, she called 911 for medical assistance because Scoop had just suffered a heart attack. The ambulance arrived at the Jackson family residence: got the Senator into the ambulance & drove as fast as they could to the Providence Hospital, where despite their hardworking efforts, Henry Martin Jackson: the Senior United States Senator from Washington, was officially pronounced dead at the age of 71.

An era in the Evergreen State had officially ended!
National & International Segments (Fall 1983: Part I)
Thursday, September 1st, 1983: Cold War: The Korean Air Lines Flight 007 was shot down by the Soviet Air Force near Moneron Island, when the commercial aircraft accidentally entered Soviet airspace. All 269 people on board were killed including US Congressman Larry McDonald (D-GA 7th).

Friday, September 2nd, 1983: US President Ronald Reagan issues massive sanctions against the Soviet Union & closes US airspace for Soviet airlines. He also issued additional sanctions targeting Soviet oligarchs & banning Soviet diplomats' families from attending schools in the US.
Korean President Chun Doo-hwan announces on national TV from Cheong Wa Dae in Seoul, he will be ordering massive deployment of the Republic of Korea Armed Forces & also issuing similar sanctions against the Soviet Union, declaring them a terrorist state which shouldn't be allowed to exist.
Hong Konger Prime Minister Jefferson Cheng meets with the Joint Chiefs of the Hong Konger National Guard in a closed-door meeting inside Fanling Lodge discussing the next phases of Operation Cornhusker.

Saturday, September 3rd, 1983: Following strong backlash over the controversial interview of Buenos Aires Police Chief Ramon Camps, who publicly recognized & confirmed the violent 12.16.82 Incident, Argentinian President General Wellington Rodriguez controversially orders the shredding of evidence of the murders of between 15,000-30,000 dissidents. He also issued blanket amnesty for those involved in the crimes including himself. The amnesty was immediately blasted by Raul Alfonsin, the UCR presidential nominee, who focused his strategy during the presidential campaign accusing the Justicialists, who didn't condemn Rodriguez's military amnesty pardons, of enjoying the Rodriguez dictatorship's tacit support.

Sunday, September 4th, 1983: Paraguayan First Lady Erika Ballasteros arrives in Portugal, where she meets with Portuguese President General Winfield Gonsalves & his daughter, de-facto Portuguese First Lady Mercedes Gonsalves at the Belem Palace in Lisbon. She also meets with Portuguese Prime Minister Mario Soares & his wife, Maria Barroso at the San Bento Mansion.
Thursday, September 1st, 1983: Cold War: The Korean Air Lines Flight 007 was shot down by the Soviet Air Force near Moneron Island, when the commercial aircraft accidentally entered Soviet airspace. All 269 people on board were killed including US Congressman Larry McDonald (D-GA 7th).

Friday, September 2nd, 1983: US President Ronald Reagan issues massive sanctions against the Soviet Union & closes US airspace for Soviet airlines. He also issued additional sanctions targeting Soviet oligarchs & banning Soviet diplomats' families from attending schools in the US.
Korean President Chun Doo-hwan announces on national TV from Cheong Wa Dae in Seoul, he will be ordering massive deployment of the Republic of Korea Armed Forces & also issuing similar sanctions against the Soviet Union, declaring them a terrorist state which shouldn't be allowed to exist.
Hong Konger Prime Minister Jefferson Cheng meets with the Joint Chiefs of the Hong Konger National Guard in a closed-door meeting inside Fanling Lodge discussing the next phases of Operation Cornhusker.

Saturday, September 3rd, 1983: Following strong backlash over the controversial interview of Buenos Aires Police Chief Ramon Camps, who publicly recognized & confirmed the violent 12.16.82 Incident, Argentinian President General Wellington Rodriguez controversially orders the shredding of evidence of the murders of between 15,000-30,000 dissidents. He also issued blanket amnesty for those involved in the crimes including himself. The amnesty was immediately blasted by Raul Alfonsin, the UCR presidential nominee, who focused his strategy during the presidential campaign accusing the Justicialists, who didn't condemn Rodriguez's military amnesty pardons, of enjoying the Rodriguez dictatorship's tacit support.

Sunday, September 4th, 1983: Paraguayan First Lady Erika Ballasteros arrives in Portugal, where she meets with Portuguese President General Winfield Gonsalves & his daughter, de-facto Portuguese First Lady Mercedes Gonsalves at the Belem Palace in Lisbon. She also meets with Portuguese Prime Minister Mario Soares & his wife, Maria Barroso at the San Bento Mansion.
Keep it up @49ersfootball
National & International Segments (Fall 1983: Part II)
Monday, September 5th, 1983: Special Commemoration ceremony is held at the Gerald Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids, MI on the 8th anniversary of the assassination of the 38th President of the United States, Gerald Ford.

Tuesday, September 6th, 1983: The Soviet Union admits to shooting down Korean Air Lines Flight 007; stating the pilots didn't know it was a civilian aircraft when it supposedly violated Soviet airspace.

Wednesday, September 7th, 1983: Bipartisan congressional delegation arrives in Everett, WA St. US Vice President George H.W. Bush also arrived on Air Force Two; According to NBC 5 KING-TV Seattle, it's expected that Vice President Bush & the bipartisan congressional delegation will be attending the funeral of the late United States Senator Henry M. Jackson (D-WA St).

Thursday, September 8th, 1983: Funeral Service of the late United States Senator Henry M. 'Scoop' Jackson (D-WA St) takes place in Everett, WA St at the First Presbyterian Church; Senator Jackson is laid to rest with full military honors at the Evergreen Cemetery in Everett, WA St.

Friday, September 9th, 1983: TX Governor Mark W. White, Jr., (D) hints at a special session of the TX State Legislature next year regarding Education Reform during a press conference at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin.

Former LA Governor Edwin Edwards (D) aggressively barnstorms across the Pelican State during campaign rally in Shreveport, LA. Polling surveys showing Edwards leading by double digits over incumbent LA Governor Dave Treen (R); Upcoming debate set for September 14th to be televised on Louisiana Public Broadcasting in Baton Rouge, LA.

PR Governor Carlos Romero Barcelo (PNP/D) announced he's calling a special session of the PR State Legislature on the following items: Public Safety, Infrastructure, Transportation, Housing, Education Reform & Election Integrity.

Saturday, September 10th, 1983: Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother attends special Religious Commonwealth Day festivities in London.

Sunday, September 11th, 1983: Some segments of Chileans secretly marking the 10th anniversary of the controversial bloodthirsty military coup d'etat on September 11th, 1973 which resulted in the death of then-Chilean President Salvador Allende & the ascension of General Augusto Pinochet to the Presidency, who initiated violent repression schemes to crush all forms of opposition & ruled Chile with an iron fist until his controversial assassination in June 1979 allegedly by the 'Creepy Stalkers': resulted in the ascension of current Chilean President Major General Gerald Enriquez, who's held the office ever since. Supporters of the Allende family vow to get vengeance on the military dictatorship if & when democracy returns to Chile.

Monday, September 12th, 1983: US President Ronald Reagan vetoes the Government Transparency Act despite passing both houses of Congress. Reaction to Reagan's veto was strong backlash from United States Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA), who called out the President by name saying "President Reagan has something to hide. The American people need to know why he vetoed this major piece of legislation."

Tuesday, September 13th, 1983: NY St Governor Happy Rockefeller (R) visits the North Country Region, which has suffered significant damage from major flooding from Tropical Storm Stacy.

Wednesday, September 14th, 1983: The Evergreen State Environmental Investment initiatives are being pushed by a young Jay Inslee (who'll be mentioned later in the TL). The future 3-term WA St Governor & future President of the United States will become a key player in WA St politics in the future years.

Thursday, September 15th, 1983: Lynette 'Squeaky' Fromme, the assassin of US President Gerald Ford on September 5th, 1975, is finally executed via gas chamber at San Quentin Prison. In attendance at the execution was Ford's widow, former US First Lady Betty Ford, who was accompanied by her daughter, Susan Ford.

Former US Vice President Spiro Agnew gets into an openly-hostile exchange with former White House Chief of Staff & current State Assemblyman Gray Davis (D-Los Angeles) during a televised episode of 'The Fighting Patriots'. The heated argument between the two almost leads to physical altercation as Agnew shoved Davis with his fists; The explosive exchange was centered around the Brown administration's failed foreign policy initiatives (1977-1981).

Former Argentinian Minister of Social Welfare Jose Lopez Rega is reportedly seen in Spain. Unknown how long he'll avoid facing criminal prosecution for the controversial Dirty War which initially was implemented by former Argentinian President Isabel Peron following the failed 1976 Coup attempt.

Former Miss Universe 1982 Uranita Alvarez heads to Italy for a long vacation. She intends to work at the Brazilian Embassy in Vatican City in coordination with Pope Carlos I (more on these two later in the TL 😎).

Brazilian President Joao Figueriedo found unconscious at his family ranch by ranch-hands. Figueriedo is rushed to the hospital for medical evaluation; On the assumption that Figueriedo doesn't finish out his 6-year term, the jockeying for position inside the Brazilian military government might have huge ramifications going forward.

US Secretary of State George P. Shultz testifies before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on several foreign policy hotspots across the world: South Africa, Panama, etc.,

Friday, September 16th, 1983: Argentinian Presidential Debates are held in Buenos Aires on national TV.

Saturday, September 17th, 1983: Sources indicating the Surinamese Supreme Court might make an official ruling on the fate of embattled Surinamese President Jorge Hendricks, who was recently impeached by the Surinamese National Assembly. Anonymous sources believe that Hendricks' fate could be decided shortly sometime around this month & maybe mid-November.

Sunday, September 18th, 1983: The Uruguayan Army's 682nd Death Squad Battalion reportedly launches one of the bloodiest crackdowns on protesters in the streets of Montevideo resulting in 600+ deaths & over 38,000 injuries while an estimated 74,000 have been imprisoned.

Monday, September 19th, 1983: Saudi Arabian President General Jamal Al-Fayheed meets with Iraqi President Saddam Hussein & Syrian President Hafez al-Assad during the Mideast Gulf Oil Corporation annual convention. Speculation is swirling around the possibility of Al-Fayheed potentially sending military personnel troops into an escalating conflict in the Middle East.

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