Phase Three of Operation Exterminate
In the meantime over in Ottawa.....
Monday, December 13th, 1982
1:00 PM
Ottawa, Canada


Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau was working inside his big large fancy office inside of Parliament Hill & he was planning on finding out a way in getting Canada out of the Economic Recession of 1982, which hammered pretty much everyone.

After leaving the office, he told the confidential secretary Della Gutierrez "I'll be heading to lunch. Be back sometime around 2:00 PM." Della replied she'll be the office gatekeeper & make sure if anybody asked if they can have a meeting with the Prime Minister, tell them that he's got a packed schedule.

Little did Trudeau realize that he wasn't heading to that lunch break because in less than 61 minutes, his Prime Ministership was going abruptly ended....

Trudeau got into his chauffeured limousine & accompanied by protection detail agents of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Protective Policing Service in vehicles behind him as the short motorcade drove out of Parliament Hill & heading towards the bridge.....

The time was 12:57 PM when a strange truck drove on the other side of the bridge past the Prime Minister's limousine, which was on the other side of the bridge.

Inside the suspicious truck was Malik Ahl-Hakeem from the Syrian Intelligence Agency wearing construction equipment driving the truck & he was holding something on his lap. Way in the back of the truck were large containers which really contained explosive devices.

The time was 1:00 PM when Malik pressed the detonator knowing he was going to be sacrificing himself in "Protection of the Arab Republic of Syria" by any means necessary........ It was time to launch the chaos.

BOOM! BOOM! Two large explosions hammered the Queen Elizabeth II Bridge, causing traffic to become completely halted as people scared out of their minds honking their horns.

Inside the limousine, Prime Minister Trudeau said "Now what the Hell was that? Hurry up and get us of here right now!" Yelling at the chauffeur, RCMP agent Maurice Ellington, who was doing the best he could; In the front passenger seat was RCMP Special Agent Jean-Claude Montez, who radioed for additional assistance in trying to get the Prime Minister out of the damaged Queen Elizabeth II Bridge, which all of a sudden was beginning to collapse from two different directions.

Other people in their vehicles were screaming as they desperately tried getting away from collapsing bridge which began to lose their tightening steel ropes with loud thundering noises.

Despite their best efforts in attempting to get out of the Queen Elizabeth II Bridge, it was sadly unsuccessful as the bridge collapsed from underneath them: causing the Prime Minister's limousine to fall backwards in reverse as the QEB was collapsing from underneath.

Knowing he was facing certain death, Pierre Elliot Trudeau said short prayer & asked that his family & the people of Canada be spared. Closing his eyes bracing for a deadly impact, eyewitnesses watched in complete horror as the Canadian Prime Minister's limousine fell right into the deep water, killing him instantly. The follow-up vehicles containing members of the RCMP Protective Policing Service also fell into the deep water, as they too crashed to their deaths.

It was absolute pandemonium as the death toll from this horrific attack was likely to be in the thousands potentially more.

Coming Up: Phase Fallout from Operation Exterminate.
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National & International Segments (Fall 1982: Part IX)
Monday, December 13th, 1982: US House Speaker Tip O'Neill (D-MA), Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, Italian President Sandro Pertini, Paraguayan President Lieutenant General Andres Rodriguez & West German President Karl Carstens were among over the 73,000+ killed in the controversial Syrian military/intelligence operation called Operation Exterminate. The death toll could exceed towards a million due to the violent nature of the quadruple-pronged attacks.

Within HRS of being notified of the attacks, US President Ronald Reagan orders the full closure of both the northern & southern borders effective immediately. He also delivered a primetime address from the Oval Office later in the evening on the day's horrific events.

Mexican President General Oscar Robles deploys the Mexican Armed Forces including the Mexican National Guard personnel troops towards their own southern border in response to the day's tragic events.

Tuesday, December 14th, 1982: Speculation is swirling around the possibility that the Syrian government maybe responsible for the controversial Operation Exterminate which resulted in the O'Neill, Trudeau, Pertini, Rodriguez & Carstens assassinations. The UN General Assembly has reportedly called for a major emergency meeting of all Ambassadors at once.

Syrian President Hafez al-Assad accuses the Reagan administration of meddling into Syrian domestic political affairs. He also controversially says during a press conference that the chickens came home to roost on those outside agitators, who stir up trouble.

Wednesday, December 15th, 1982: Embattled Libyian dictator Colonel Muammar Gaddafi continues rallying loyalists in the long dragged out battle against American & NATO forces, whom are steadily marching forward plowing through Tripoli, having taking over the capital city including other parts of Libya.

Thursday, December 16th, 1982: The United Freedom Front (UFF) bombs the offices of South African Airways in Elmont, NY St & IBM offices in Harrison, NY St.

Friday, December 17th, 1982: Morale of several Libyian military personnel troops are deteriorating due to sustaining heavy devastating losses to the American & NATO forces, who've escalated Operation Cowboy even further with the major goal of forcing flamboyant Libyian dictator Colonel Muammar Gaddafi from power.

Anonymous sources believe that Gaddafi is becoming more paranoid about some crazy Yankee conspiracy to topple him. It's rumored that he's still hiding in one of his secret villas in an undisclosed location in Libya, but the Associated Press reported that several members of Gaddafi's family has fled to Romania or possibly Switzerland.

Saturday, December 18th, 1982: Unrest growing massively in Romania as more demonstrations continue in Bucharest & other major cities as the demonstrators demand the resignation of Romanian President Nicolae Ceseascu & restoring full democracy.

US Ambassador to the United Nations Jean Kirkpatrick arrives in Pretoria, South Africa where she meets with South African President Marais Viljoen discussing the bilateral diplomatic relations between Washington, DC & Pretoria. Reports indicate the South African government will give approval of having American military personnel troops stationed in South Africa including the possibility of participating in Operation Cleansing with the South African Defense Forces. News of the likelihood of American military personnel troops being involved with the South African Defense Forces in Operation Cleansing has caused strong backlash from anti-apartheid activists & human rights advocates.
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National & International Segments (Fall 1982: Part X)
Sunday, December 19th, 1982: United States Senator Luis A. Ferre (R-PR) announcing he will not be seeking reelection to a 2nd full 6-year term in 1984 due to his advanced age. Ferre had previously served as the Free Associated State's 3rd Governor from January 2nd, 1969 to January 2nd, 1973 losing reelection in 1972 before making a political comeback in 1977 winning a special election to the United States Senate following PR being admitted to the Union as the 51st State of the United States & was easily reelected in 1978.

Monday, December 20th, 1982: WV Governor Jay Rockefeller (D) interviewed by the Associated Press inside the WV Governor's Mansion in Charleston announcing he's forming an exploratory committee in running for the United States Senate in 1984 in the event that longtime United States Senator Jennings Randolph (D-WV) won't seek reelection.

United States Senator Gary Hart (D-CO) declares he's running for the 1984 Democratic Party presidential nomination joining a potential crowded field of contenders.

Tuesday, December 21st, 1982: Outgoing NY St Governor Mario Cuomo (D) gives an exclusive interview with Time Magazine from the NY St Executive Mansion in Albany, NY St. Cuomo pledged to stay involved in public service in a different capacity, but hasn't ruled out getting back into politics in the future.

Incoming NY St Governor Happy Rockefeller (R) confirms she'll be living full-time in the NY St Executive Mansion in Albany, NY St once she's inaugurated as NY St's 53rd Governor on January 1st, 1983.

Wednesday, December 22nd, 1982: The Indian Ocean Commission is established by the Port Louis Agreement.

US President Ronald Reagan & his family spend the Christmas holiday break at Camp David.

Sensing the inevitable danger & potential execution by enraged mob of demonstrators, who are banging at the gates of one of his villas, flamboyant Libyian dictator Colonel Muammar Gaddafi accompanied by 13 female bodyguards have fled the country & heading towards an unknown destination according to reports.

Thursday, December 23rd, 1982: The National Reorganization Council forms a new government in Libya following the ouster of flamboyant Libyian dictator Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, whose status is unknown.

Syrian Defense Forces reportedly pull back from parts of Libya following news of Gaddafi being overthrown. Syrian President Hafez al-Assad denies news reports that Syria has offered safe passage to the deposed Libyan military strongman.

Iraqi President General Saddam Hussein reportedly called for an emergency meeting of Arab leaders in the upcoming Mideast Nationalist Conference.

Soviet President Yuri Andropov hasn't commented on news reports of which country will offer safe passage to deposed Libyan dictator Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, who was overthrown on December 22nd.

Friday, December 24th, 1982: Outgoing CA Governor Mervyn Dymally (D) delivers a special Farewell Address from the CA Assembly chambers of the CA State Capitol Building in downtown Sacramento highlighting his accomplishments as the Golden State's 35th Governor for the last six years; the Farewell Address lasted nearly 3 HRS & 59 minutes.

Saturday, December 25th, 1982: Christmas Day in several parts of the world.
National & International Segments (Fall 1982: Part XI)
Sunday, December 26th, 1982: The computer is named Time Magazine's Man of the Year.

Monday, December 27th, 1982: Members of the Saudi Arabian National Guard undergo an aggressive scrubbing on the orders of Saudi Arabian President General Jamal Al-Fayheed, who demands 100 percent loyalty to his military government. This scrubbing of the Saudi Arabian National Guard is part of the National Reorganization Process.

Tuesday, December 28th, 1982: Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak meets with US Secretary of State George P. Shultz in Cairo where they discussed the winding down of Operation Cowboy including extensions of the No-Fly Zones in Libya, which is currently being run by the National Reorganization Council, whom the United States & Egypt along with a majority of nations recognized as the new Libyan government.

Wednesday, December 29th, 1982: Panamanian President General Florencio Flores Aguilar signs the Oil Production Investment Act of 1982 into law. Flores Aguilar believes the legislation is necessary to avoiding an economic default in Panama. However, reaction to the Oil Production Investment Act of 1982 was mixed considering demonstrations have escalated with the potential possibility of a coup attempt by rouge elements of the Panamanian National Guard.

Chilean President Major General Gerald Enriquez delivers a special New Years Eve Address from the La Moneda Palace in Santiago, Chile where he discusses the challenges that Chile had faced over the past few years such as the deadly Civil War between Argentina & Chile (1978-1981); Enriquez states the rebuilding efforts in Chile will be costly but ultimately he has full confidence that Chile will emerge victorious when all is said & done. Enriquez also discussed major policy initiatives for 1983.

King Juan Carlos I delivers his annual New Years Eve Address from the Royal Palace in Madrid, Spain: discussing Spain's transition to constitutional monarchy democracy following the 39-year dictatorship of the late Spanish dictator Generalissimo Francisco Franco.

Thursday, December 30th, 1982: US Vice President George H.W. Bush makes a secret unannounced trip to Tripoli, Libya where Air Force Two arrived in the dark of night at the Tripoli Airport before getting into a heavily-guarded SUV accompanied by the US Secret Service & US Army Special Forces personnel troops as the Vice President met with American military personnel troops at Fort Reagan in the outskirts of Tripoli & had lunch with the troops.

Army Lieutenant General Omar Femdueezls, who is chairing the National Reorganization Council, announcing that the Junta will continue extending their respective terms with an unlimited number of terms to serve because of the need for stability.

Former Libyan dictator Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's whereabouts are officially revealed: Gaddafi was being interviewed on Cuban state television in Havana, Cuba. Reports revealed that Cuban President Fidel Castro personally invited the flamboyant Libyian military strongman to take passage in Cuba which Gaddafi accepted.

The IL Supreme Court in Springfield, IL announces their official ruling in the 1982 IL gubernatorial election: they ruled 7-0 that incumbent IL Governor Big Jim Thompson (R) had been declared the winner by 6,773 votes & less than one percentage point defeating former United States Senator Adlai Stevenson, III (D-IL). This pretty much means Thompson has narrowly won reelection to 3rd term by 6,773 votes with 49.13 percent of the statewide vote & he will be inaugurated on January 10th, 1983.

Friday, December 31st, 1982: US President Ronald Reagan & US First Lady Nancy Reagan host a grand lavish New Years Eve celebration at the White House in Washington, DC which included high-profile figures such as Frank Sinatra, Rock Hudson, Marie Windsor & several other Hollywood celebrities. The lavish festivities caused strong backlash from many Americans still struggling in the aftermath of the Economic Recession of 1982.

Note: With that 1982 ends & 1983 begins, so I will be working slowly on segments for Spring 1983 very very shortly.
National & International Segments (Spring 1983: Part I)
Saturday, January 1st, 1983: Former US First Lady Happy Rockefeller (R) is inaugurated as the 53rd Governor of NY St inside the Empire State Plaza Convention Center in Albany, NY St during a televised inauguration ceremony which includes the loud thundering 19 Cannon Salute by the NY St Army National Guard & flyover from the NY St Air National Guard. Among the dignitaries in attendance: former NY St Governors Arrevell Harriman (D), Malcolm Wilson (R), Hugh Carey (D) & Mario Cuomo (D) including several members of the NY St congressional delegation.

Sunday, January 2nd, 1983: NY St Governor Happy Rockefeller (R) signs legislation officially reinstating capital punishment in the Empire State.

Associated Press reported that US Ambassador to the United Nations Jean Kirkpatrick met with South African President Marais Viljoen in Capetown, where they discussed ongoing progress on Operation Cleansing. Critics fear that the Reagan administration will give the apartheid government of South Africa the full green-light on going full-steam ahead in overtaking Zimbabwe, which caused controversial Zimbabwean President Canaan Banana to accuse the Reagan administration of meddling into the sovereignty affairs of Zimbabwe.

Outgoing TX Governor William P. Clements, Jr., (R) continuing announcing holdover appointees to boards, commissions & state agencies as his term winds down coming on January 18th. Political analysts say Clements could be plotting a rematch four years from now in 1986.

Monday, January 3rd, 1983: George Deukmejian (R) inaugurated as CA's 36th Governor on the grounds of the CA State Capitol Building in downtown Sacramento, CA before a packed crowd of attendees & countless dignitaries. Former CA Governor Mervyn Dymally (D) was in attendance wearing a heavy sports-jacket & three-piece suit; CA Lieutenant Governor Leo McCarthy (D), CA Secretary of State March Fong-Eu (D), CA State Attorney General John Van de Kemp (D), CA State Controller Kenneth Cory (D), CA State Treasurer Jesse Unruh (D) & CA Superintendent of Public Instruction Bill Koning (NP) were also in attendance.

Deukmejian signed 18 executive orders which reversed all of the progressive liberal policies of the Dymally administration ranging from Healthcare Reform; Education Reform; Agricultural Land Reforms, etc., Deukmejian also issued an executive order fast-tracking the aggressive crackdown against criminals by giving law enforcement agencies the go-ahead in arresting them.

US House Majority Leader Jim Wright (D-TX) officially replaces the late Tip O'Neill as the new Speaker of the US House of Representatives as the 98th Congress begins.

Tuesday, January 4th, 1983: MO Governor Christopher S. 'Kit' Bond (R) announcing he will not be seeking reelection to 3rd term in 1984. Bond hasn't said anything else about his political future but political analysts think he might be gunning for the United States Senate in 1986.

Angloan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos delivers a special primetime speech from the Presidential Palace in Luanda. He details the abhorrent violent methods of the apartheid government of South Africa, who has escalated their airstrikes against neighboring countries in Operation Cleansing. Santos also calls on South African President Marais Viljoen to stop the deadly military operation against Kenya by saying South Africa's continued international isolation will continue.

Wednesday, January 5th, 1983: US President Ronald Reagan holds a meeting with the National Security Council at the White House in Washington, DC reportedly to observing the progress of Operation Cowboy in Libya, which is currently being run by the National Reorganization Council. Sources say Reagan will deliver a special primetime speech next week.

United States Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) reportedly forms an exploratory committee in likely preparation of running for the 1984 Democratic Party presidential nomination with an official announcement coming in several months.

Thursday, January 6th, 1983: Satisfied with the success of the first severak phase of Operation Exterminate, South African President Marais Viljoen orders the SDF to pull back from Kenya & begin additional preparations for the upcoming military operation against Zimbabwe. Speculation is swirling around the possibility of the SDF launching a full-scale invasion of Zimbabwe with the main goal of overthrowing Zimbabwean President Canaan Banana & replacing him with a friendly replacement as President.

Miss Universe 1982 Uranita Alvarez of Brazil meets with Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh at Buckingham Palace in London. Ms. Alvarez is in Great Britain to participate in the Children's Day festivities.

Friday, January 7th, 1983: Saudi Arabian President General Jamal Al-Fayheed & Saudi Arabian First Lady Sabdila Al-Fayheed hosts the annual Spring Festival on the grounds of the Presidential Palace in Riyadh.

King Hussein & Queen Noor of Jordan host Argentinian President General Wellington Rodriguez & Argentinian First Lady Rosario Rodriguez. The Rodriguezes are in Jordan for a five-day state visit.

US President Ronald Reagan signs the Nuclear Waste Policy Act into law.

Saturday, January 8th, 1983: United States Senator Lawton Chiles (D-FL) is interviewed by CNN where Chiles discussed ongoing developments in FL politics & the 98th Congress.

United States Senator Wilson Riles (D-CA) meets with US President Ronald Reagan at the White House where they discussed ongoing developments in several foreign policy hotspots according to sources. Riles also expressed concerns about the USSA military alliance & the potential possibility of Operation Exterminate escalating throughout Africa.

Sunday, January 9th, 1983: Chilean First Lady Yvonne Enriquez collapses inside her office at La Moneda Palace in Santiago, Chile during a meeting with members of the Female Enriquez Party. Mrs. Enriquez was immediately rushed to the Alessandri Medical Center for emergency surgery of an unknown ailment.

Monday, January 10th, 1983: IL Governor Big Jim Thompson (R) inaugurated for 3rd term inside the State Armory Complex in Springfield, IL. Thompson, who had narrowly won reelection in 1982, says he will continue putting all Illinoisans first & foremost.

Tuesday, January 11th, 1983: AR Governor Bill Clinton (D) inaugurated for 3rd 2-year term inside the Rotunda of the State Capitol Building in downtown Little Rock, AR. Clinton is seen by many figures as one of the rising stars in the Democratic Party & potential contender for the Presidency in either 1984, 1988 or 1992.

Congressman Al Gore (D-TN 04th) announcing he intends to run for the United States Senate in 1984 regardless of what US Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker (R-TN) plans on doing. Baker hasn't said anything on whether he'll be seeking reelection to 4th term.

Wednesday, January 12th, 1983: King Juan Carlos I narrowly escaped an assassination attempt while attending the Royal Spanish Navy Commemoration ceremonies at the Royal Spanish Naval Academy. Sources indicate that the 'Creepy Stalkers' might be involved & responsible.

Portuguese President General Winfield Gonsalves delivers an evening primetime address from the Belem Palace in Lisbon, Portugal: where he discusses challenges facing the Portuguese people & how the recent international events from 1982 have forced reflection & strong sense of urgency amongst the Portuguese people.

French President Francois Mitterrand meets with Queen Magrethe II of Denmark during her state visit to France during Welcoming Honors Ceremony on the grounds of Elysse Palace in Paris, France.
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National & International Segments (Spring 1983: Part II)
Thursday, January 13th, 1983: The South African Defense Forces launch one of the largest airstrikes against Zimbabwe by firing 173 missiles hammering West Nicholson killing an estimated 81 people & 600+ injured; businesses & apartments destroyed including several government buildings. Intelligence reports revealed that the Reagan administration gave the South African government the go-ahead in launching this controversial military operation with the goal of removing the entire Zimbabwean government. Eyewitness accounts say nerve gas was used in neighborhoods killing 61 people. Of course, no credible news agency hasn't confirmed anything of any sort.

Friday, January 14th, 1983: Speculation is swirling around potential American military personnel troops such as Special Forces maybe involved in the controversial Operation Cleansing by doing joint military exercises with the South African Defense Forces.

Chaos escalating inside the Zimbabwean government as infighting between several figures such as Zimbabwean Prime Minister Robert Mugabe & several senior military officials have caused low morale amongst the Zimbabwean government & Zimbabwean Defense Forces as reports indicate that South African military personnel troops are on the verge of being aggressive in their largest controversial military operation.

Zimbabweans express their disapproval of the job performance over Zimbabwean President Canaan Banana's handling of the South Africa-Zimbabwean War. Allegations surfaced that Banana might've solicited underage staff members for sex escapades in leaked expose magazines & newspapers.

Saturday, January 15th, 1983: DSTO, the Dutch political party is officially disbanded.

Sunday, January 16th, 1983: The International Olympic Committee restores Jim Thorpe's Olympic medals (Penthalon & Decathlon).

Monday, January 17th, 1983: Nigeria expells 2 million illegal immigrants, mostly comprised of Ghanaians.

Tuesday, January 18th, 1983: Mark W. White, Jr., (D) inaugurated as the 43rd Governor of TX on the South Grounds of the TX State Capitol Building in downtown Austin, TX on a rainy morning which included the thundering loud 19 Cannon Salute fired by the Field Artillery Unit of the TX Army National Guard & flyover from the TX Air National Guard; TX Lieutenant Governor Bill Hobby (D), whose held the Lone Star State's 2nd most powerful statewide office since January 16th, 1973, was inaugurated for 4th term. Governor White is being seen by majority of national Democrats as one of the rising stars of the Democratic Party.

Tuesday, January 18th, 1983: TX Governor Mark W. White, Jr., (D) & his wife, TX First Lady Linda Gale White along with TX Lieutenant Governor Bill Hobby (D) & TX Second Lady Diana Stallings Hobby during the Inaugural Parade festivities at Congress Avenue in downtown Austin.

Wednesday, January 19th, 1983: United States Senator J. Bennett Johnston (D-LA) confirms his plans to seeking reelection in 1984 & he will not be a candidate for the 1984 Democratic Party presidential nomination.

Former US President Jerry Brown announces he'll go into the private sector as well as going into deep personal reflection in determining future path forward. While Brown hasn't ruled out a potential political comeback, he says he needs to focus on venturing into the private sector & lobbying. Brown also says he'll be focusing on construction of the Edmund G. Brown Presidential Museum on the campus of Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA.

Thursday, January 20th, 1983: Chilean First Lady Yvonne Enriquez is released from the Alessandri Medical Center in Santiago, Chile for rest & recovery. No further details were mentioned.

Friday, January 21st, 1983: Pope Carlos I arrives in Montevideo, Uruguay for the first of his five-day papal visit.

Saturday, January 22nd, 1983: US President Ronald Reagan certifies El Salvador human rights abuses have decreased; making it eligible for American military aid.

Sunday, January 23rd, 1983: NBC television show 'The A-Team' premieres starring George Peppard.

Monday, January 24th, 1983: 25 members of the Red Brigades were sentenced to life imprisonment for the 1978 assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro.

Gallup Polling Survey reveals that US President Ronald Reagan has a 33 percent approval rating while 57 percent of Americans disapprove of his job performance, while 6 percent are undecided.

Tuesday, January 25th, 1983: High-ranking Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie was arrested in Bolivia.

IRAS launched from Vanderberg AFB conducting the world's first all-sky improved survery from space.

US President Ronald Reagan delivers his 2nd State of the Union Address before Joint Session of Congress. The Democratic Party Response Speech was delivered by United States Senator Russell B. Long (D-LA).
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National & International Segments (Spring 1983: Part III)
Wednesday, January 26th, 1983: Lotus 1-2-3 released for the IBM-PC compatible computers.

Legendary University of Alabama Crimson Tide Football Head Coach Paul William 'Bear' Bryant dies from a massive heart attack at the Druid City Hospital in Tuscaloosa, AL. He was 70 years old.

Thursday, January 27th, 1983: The USSA joint military exercises continue at Fort Capetown over the last of five months. Speculation is swirling around the possibility of the USSA military alliance could escalate Operation Cleansing even more, which is increasingly becoming more chaotic across Africa.

Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos & Soviet President Yuri Andropov meet face-to-face during Santos' state visit to the Soviet Union at the Kremlin in Moscow boosting diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union & Angola.

US Ambassador to the United Nations Jean Kirkpatrick vetoes the UNSC Resolution 337 which would've condemned the apartheid government of South Africa's illegal deadly military operations against Kenya & Zimbabwe.

Friday, January 28th, 1983: South African President Marais Viljoen delivers his annual Presidential Address from the Presidential Palace in Pretoria where he justified specific detailed reasons why Operation Cleansing is necessary & demands the Zimbabwean government stop assisting the ANC or face the severe consequences militarily.

Zimbabwean Prime Minister Robert Mugabe decalres that Zimbabwe will never cave into threats nor intimidation from the apartheid government of South Africa. Mugabe even blasts both US President Ronald Reagan & British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher for their blatant open staunch support of South Africa's controversial military operations against Kenya & Zimbabwe.

Saturday, January 29th, 1983: During the 40th Golden Globes Awards: The winners included 'E.T: The Extra-Terrestrial'; Ben Kingsley & Meyrl Streep.

Sunday, January 30th, 1983: The Washington Redskins (NFC) win their 1st Super Bowl Championship defeating the Miami Dolphins (AFC) 27-17 during Super Bowl XVII; the Redskins would ultimately win their 2nd & 3rd Super Bowl Championships in 1987 & 1991.

Monday, January 31st, 1983: South African State President Marais Viljoen in a nationwide televised broadcast announcing that South Africa will "no longet tolerate" Zimbabwean support for the ANC & orders the SDF to attack bases across the border. The South African Air Force quickly gains massive air superiority in the skies, inflicting massive heavy damage to the Zimbabwean Air Force in the process. There are reports of thousands of civilian casualties in Zimbabwe due to the South African's aggressive push into the country rooting out ANC & ZPLF bases including toppling the Zimbabwean government altogether.

BBC & ABC News reported that Zimbabwean Prime Minister Robert Mugabe was killed in a helicopter crash as he was trying to head over to the Zimbabwean Military Academy. Allegations surfaced that the South African Army 773rd Death Squad Battalion reportedly fired rocket launchers at the Prime Minister's helicopter which exploded on impact killing everyone aboard.

Tuesday, February 1st, 1983: South African armored units arrive in Harare, the capital city of Zimbabwe which all but topples the Zimbabwean government. Zimbabwean President Canaan Banana is exhorting supporters & loyalists to do everything they can to resist the South African incursion into Zimbabwe, even if he himself fled the country & found safe refuge in Great Britain. The South African Defense Forces in Harare continues wiping out all of the ANC & ZPLF camps all over the capital city destroying massive critical infrastructure across Zimbabwe.

South African Army General Constand Viljoen, the Chief of the South African Defence Force arrives at Camp Nixon in the capital city of Harare, Zimbabwe where he announced that Operatiom Cleansing is a success but maintained that South African military operations against the ANC & neighboring nations supporting them will continue.

Former Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith will be the new President. News reports indicate that the name of Zimbabwe has been officially renamed the Rhodesian Federal Republic effective immediately according to the new Rhodesian government.

US President Ronald Reagan & British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher both quickly recognized the new Rhodesian government immediately as Rhodesian President Ian Smith delivers a special address on Rhodesian state television discussing plans for the future going forward.

Massive protests & demonstrations against the South African Defense Forces' violent & controversial military operation which toppled the Zimbabwean government cause staunch anti-American & anti-British sentiment across segments of Africa, who believe President Reagan & Prime Minister Thatcher will become international pariahs.
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National & International Segments (Spring 1983: Part IV)
Wednesday, February 2nd, 1983: Giovanni Vigliotto goes on trial for polygamy charges involving 105 women.

Thursday, February 3rd, 1983: Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser's government is dissolved in both houses of the Australian Parliament ahead of the upcoming March 5th parliamentary elections.

Friday, February 4th, 1983: Hong Konger Prime Minister Jefferson Cheng meets with Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh during Welcoming Honors Ceremony on the grounds of Buckingham Palace in London. Cheng is in the middle of his state visit to Great Britain.

Saturday, February 5th, 1983: Paraguayan President Lieutenant General Jackson Ballasteros announcing on Paraguayan state television he is implementing EO773 which will cement full control of the Paraguayan government by the Military Junta into the 1990s & potentially beyond. Ballasteros ascended to the Presidency following the 12.13.82 Incident which resulted in the shocking assassination of then-Paraguayan President Lieutenant General Andres Rodriguez.

Sunday, February 6th, 1983: Infamous Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie officially charged with war crimes against humanity.

Monday, February 7th, 1983: Pope Carlos I makes his Papal visit to the Caribbean, where he's in the midst of what will be a seven-nation tour of the following countries: Bahamas, Barbados, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Cuba & Trinidad & Tobago.

Tuesday, February 8th, 1983: Indian President Zail Singh hosts Argentinian President General Wellington Rodriguez in a red carpet state visit during Welcoming Honors Ceremony on the grounds of the Presidential Palace in New Delhi. Rodriguez is in India for a six-day state visit boosting diplomatic relations between Argentina & India.

Wednesday, February 9th, 1983: United States Senator Henry M. Jackson (D-WA St) voices support for the full extension of the National Security Intelligence Service Act, which is currently undergoing negotiations in both chambers of Congress.

Thursday, February 10th, 1983: TX Governor Mark W. White, Jr., (D) indicates that TX will sue the Reagan administration for their federal overreach on state-related issues. He's instructing TX State Attorney Jim Mattox (D) to taking the Reagan administration to court on the disastrous Reaganomics economic policies hampering small businesses & industries inside the Lone Star State.

Friday, February 11th, 1983: IL Governor Big Jim Thompson (R) signs the Illinoisans for Economic Prosperity Act into law following overwhelming passage in both chambers of the IL General Assembly.

Saturday, February 12th, 1983: 100 women protested by leading demonstrations in Lahore, Pakistan against Pakistani President General Muhammad Zia-ul-haq's proposed Law of Evidence. The female demonstrators were arrested, tortured & beaten by Pakistani Intelligence Service agents when President Zia-ul-haq ordered an aggressive crackdown.

Sunday, February 13th, 1983: Chilean President Major General Gerald Enriquez attends the grand opening of the Chilean Veterans Memorial groundbreaking in Valparaiso. Enriquez is making hardworking efforts in rebuilding cities, towns, neighborhoods which had been destroyed by the Argentinians during the deadly 3-year Civil War (1978-1981).
Giovonni was married to 100 woman!
Does senator Henry Scoop Jackson still have his heartattack later in 1983?
1.) Giovanni was a freak.
2.) Senator Jackson will still has his fatal heart attack in Fall 1983.
3.) Haven't gotten farther on some of the international segments yet. Still slowly putting stuff together if you know what I mean.
4.) Cold War still escalating.
5.) Reagan's approval ratings still in the deep-shit for the moment.
6.) What international events do you want focused on ?

The Other Folks in The Cursed American Presidency:
Jerry Brown:
Following his defeat in the 1982 CA US Senate election, the 40th President (1977-1981) goes into political exile for awhile. As I mentioned in the Epilogue of Chapter XIII: he makes a political comeback in the late 1990s.

Jimmy Carter: Enjoys quiet retirement with his beloved Rosalynn in Plains, GA. The 43rd Vice President of the United States (1977-1981) making plans for the Carter Center in Atlanta, GA.

Colombian President Lieutenant General Seymour Quintero: The plan is having him staying in power up until somewhere around the Fall of 1984 although it's hinted his aggressive sexual appetites will result in a possible fatal stroke.... All I gotta say about that.

Former Argentinian President Isabel Peron: Still living in exile in Spain.

Chilean President Major General Gerald Enriquez: Still riding high following the Chileans' success of defeating the Argentinians in the deadly 3-year Civil War. Likely he will stick around longer as President due to stability.

Syrian President Hafez al-Assad: Still wreaking havoc as usual & an aggressive authoritarian dictator.
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National & International Segments (Spring 1983: Part V)
Monday, February 14th, 1983: Winnie Mandela, the widow of the late ANC leader Nelson Mandela, reportedly has fled to Amsterdam, Netherlands along with members of her family upon hearing from close friends that the South African Army 773rd Death Squad Battalion was planning to kill her & her family.

Tuesday, February 15th, 1983: King Baudouin I & Queen Fabiola arrive in Mexico City, Mexico to begin their state visit to the country, where they're hosted by Mexican President General Oscar Robles in a grand State Banquet at Los Pinos (Residence of the Mexican President).

Wednesday, February 16th 1983: The Ash Wednesday bushfires in Victoria & South Australia result in the deaths of 75 people.

Korean President Chun Doo-hwan orders the deployment of 73,000+ Army personnel troops including reservists in a special secret military training exercise with the US Forces Korea & United Nations Forces Command. Speculation is swirling around the possibility of Chun launching an invasion into North Korea.

Thursday, February 17th, 1983: Former LA Governor Edwin Edwards (D), whose campaigning for the Governorship again this year, jokes "The only way I'm losing this election is if I'm caught in bed with a live boy and a dead girl." Polling surveys showing Edwards leading somewhere between 17-29 percentage points over incumbent LA Governor David Treen (R).

Friday, February 18th, 1983: Paraguayan First Lady Erika Ballasteros hosts Children's Day festivities on the grounds of the Mburuvicha Roga in Asuncion, Paraguay.

Saturday, February 19th, 1983: The Colombian, Cuban & Soviet navies conducting joint military exercises in the Caribbean. They're also shadowed by US Naval warships.

Sunday, February 20th, 1983: Former US Ambassador to Great Britain Alan Cranston confirms that he's considering running for the 1984 Democratic Party presidential nomination, but hasn't made anything official as of yet. Reports indicate the Democratic field is growing constantly which includes United States Senators Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) & Gary Hart (D-CO).

25th Daytona 500: Cale Yarborough secures his 3rd victory in the event; making it the first time an in-camera goes into victory lane before a nationwide audience on CBS Sports.

Monday, February 21st, 1983: Donald Davis runs 1 mile backwards in 6 m 7.1s.

Tuesday, February 22nd, 1983: In a whopping 77 percent turnout, US Rep. Harold Washington (D-IL 01st) wins the Democratic Party nomination for Mayor of Chicago in a wild three-way contest: defeating incumbent Mayor Jane Byrne (D) & Cook County States Attorney Richard M. Daley (D). Washington garnered 36.3 percent, Byrne received 33.6 percent & Daley won 29.7 percent. Congressman Washington will face off against former State Rep. Bernard Epton (R-Chicago) in the upcoming April 12th, 1983 general election.

Wednesday, February 23rd, 1983: 25th Grammy Awards: 'Roxana' & 'Toto IV'; Men at Work emerge as the winners.
Spanish Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez's Socialist Party-run government begins nationalizing Rumasa, a holding of Jose Maria Ruiz Mateos.
The US Environmental Protection Agency announces its intent on buying out & evacuate the dioxin-contaminated community of Times Beach, MO.

Thursday, February 24th, 1983: Special Commission of the US Congress released a major report, which condemns the practice of Japanese internment during World War II.
The Dow Jones closed above 1100 mark for the first time.
The Soviet Union performing an underground nuclear test.

Friday, February 25th, 1983: Miss Universe 1982 Uranita Alvarez attends a special Courtesy Call meeting with Pope Carlos I at the Apostolic Palace in Vatican City (more on this intriguing segment very very soon).

Saturday, February 26th, 1983: Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' album goes No. 1 & stays at the top spot for 37 consecutive weeks.
Shortwave pirate Radio USA (Wellsville, NY St) begins transmission.

Sunday, February 27th, 1983: Eamonn Coghlan of Ireland sets the indoor mile record of 3:49.78.

Monday, February 28th, 1983: CBS airs the series finale of 'M.A.S.H.' titled "Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen" which was directed by series star Alan Alda; the series finale was seen by a record 125 million in the US.
U-2 releases their third studio album 'War' featuring protest song 'Sunday Bloody Sunday', their 1st No. 1 UK album.
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Chapter XVI: Winfred & Uranita's secret escapade
Segment Disclaimer: The following segment will be NSFW-erotic. Viewer discretion is strongly advised & NOT for the triggered!

Chapter XVI: Super Stretching The Rainbow: The Secret Escapade of Winfred & Uranita
Friday, February 25th, 1983
10:00 PM
Somewhere inside the Palace of Castel Gandolo Castel Gandolfo, Italy

Winfred thoroughly stretching Uranita's vagina extremely wide during their secret sex escapade.

Uranita was invited by Winfred to spend a couple of days at the Palace of Castel Gandolfo, which she happily accepted. Nothing was attracting attention on both of them due to managing to keep things secretive & successfully managed to prevent anyone from finding out.

It was late in the evening of February 25th when Winfred & Uranita began taking off each other's clothes. The urge of having steamy passionate sex was inside of both of them; the rush of adrenaline flowing through their veins as any attempt of preventing the urge was just too much; "Let me carry you to the bed Uranita," Winfred softly told Uranita, who held onto him as he carried her to the bed, placing her on it & spread her legs wide open: she was licking her lips "So happy to see you. It's been awhile since our last passionate encounter Winfred. Hmm..."

The time was 10:00 PM when the two secret lovers both naked & barefoot began kissing.

Next, Winfred kissed all over Uranita's stomach including her vagina, legs, ankles & feet as well as her buttocks as she moaned loudly "Ahhhhh" when she felt Winfred's super large penis penetrating Uranita in the buttocks.

At 10:37 PM, Uranita then laid on her back & spread her legs as Winfred thoroughly penetrated her all evening long. The sexual appetites of Winfred & Uranita continued non-stop throughout the day & during the time Uranita was on vacation.

Sometime in the early morning HRS of February 26th, Winfred & Uranita engaged in a beautiful sex escapade inside the shower which lasted for nearly half an HR.
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National & International Segments (Spring 1983: Part VI)
Tuesday, March 1st, 1983: Demonstrations have been escalating non-stop throughout Greece. Speculation is swirling around the possibility of the entire Greek government could be topped altogether & there's some supposed proposal of fully restoring the Monarchy & bringing exiled King Constatine back.

The US State Department has issued warnings advising Americans to avoid traveling to Greece; those working at the US Embassy in Athens & US Consulate General offices are being strongly urged to avoid certain areas of the country for their own safety & the safety of their own families.

Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou, who has clashed with the Reagan administration lately due to strong disagreements over foreign policy & tension between the two nations, has blasted the demonstrations as part of a British-inspired plot. In the meantime, Greek President Konstantinos Karamanlis is reportedly holding an emergency meeting of the Greek Cabinet to discuss the next steps forward as the demonstrations have caught on like massive wildfire.

Wednesday, March 2nd, 1983: Queen Beatrix & Prince Claus both narrowly survived an assassination attempt when the limousine they were riding inside of, was slammed by a large truck which contained large cans of nerve gas. Protection detail agents of the Dutch Royal Secret Service had to use the jaws of life to getting the Dutch Monarchs out before the limousine exploded in flames. Speculation is swirling around the possibility of the mysterious 'Creepy Stalkers' are involved.

The Californians for Border Security Act is signed into law by CA Governor George Deukmejian (R) flanked by members of the US Border Patrol, CA Highway Patrol & CA National Guard.

Hong Konger Prime Minister Jefferson Cheng delivers special address before Joint Session of the Hong Kong Parliament, where he discusses the challenges facing the Commonwealth nation; economic prosperity; policies ahead in the coming year.

Former US Vice President Spiro Agnew's political talk TV show debuts from Palm Springs, CA: called 'The Fighting Patriots'. Among the first guests: former Congressman Barry Goldwater, Jr., (R-CA); Suzanne Somers of 'Three's Company'; United States Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY St) & New Orleans Mayor Ernest Morial (D).

US Marine Corps Colonel Oliver North, who's serving as the deputy director for military-political affairs of the National Security Council has been making secret trips to South America, where he's supposedly there to oversee military training exercises between American & Ecuadorian military personnel troops.

Loyalists to Army General Manuel Noriega launch a double-pronged attack on Panamanian military installations as the first phases of a coup d'etat against embattled Panamanian President General Florencio Flores Aguilar has begun. According to anonymous sources, there's reports of a group of rogue military officers have aligned themselves with Noriega in Operacion Mulriba.

American military personnel troops, who are currently stationed at the Panama Canal Zone & othet parts of the country are on increased high alert. Sensing additional preparations for the worst, USS McCain & USS Folsom both arrive to assist the 29,000+ American military personnel troops stationed in Panama.

The South African Defense Forces fire an additional 82 missiles at Mozambique. South African National Defense Ministry justified the controversial missile launches as necessary because they accused the Mozambican government of sheltering ANC members & anti-apartheid activists; Reaction to the controversial Operation Cleansing causes more backlash against the apartheid government of South Africa to which South African President Marais Viljoen refuses to apologize.

South African Prime Minister P.W. Botha interviewed by the SBC warns neighboring African nations that they'll suffer similar fates just like the former Zimbabwe & Kenya if they continue sheltering members of the African National Congress & political opponents.

Rhodesian President Ian Smith orders full-scale arrests of several key members of the former Zimbabwean government including lawmakers, who served in the Zimbabwean Parliament. Smith declares these controversial arrests are necessary in order to cleanse the Rhodesian Federal Republic of "unnecessary ilk" who served under then-Zimbabwean President Canaan Banana & then-Zimbabwean Prime Minister Robert Mugabe.

Former Zimbabwean President Canaan Banana reportedly has fled to an undisclosed location because of explosive allegations that the former Zimbabwean President has been accused of soliciting sex with teenagers & presidential aides.

US Ambassador to Greece Hugh L. Carey is reportedly taken to the Jefferson House (Residence of the US Ambassador to Greece) in the outskirts of Athens, Greece with increased security detail & additional security because of ugly violent skirmishes between Greek law enforcement authorities & student demonstrators which has steadily increased daily.

Coming Soon: Explosive chaos escalating as the Reagan administration aggressively doubles-down on supporting the apartheid government of South Africa's deadly military operation against neighboring countries.
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National & International Segments (Spring 1983: Part VII)
Thursday, March 3rd, 1983: Facing massive backlash & explosive demonstrations, Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou reportedly has fled the country according to Greek TV news stations. According to anonymous sources, Papandreou lost a vote of confidence from several segments of the Greek Armed Forces High Command, who view the government's inability of handling the explosive crisis as unacceptable & incompetent; Papandreou released a statement via press wire announcing his resignation letter from office in order to heal the country.

Greek President Konstantinos Karamanlis is facing an uncertain future himself as the Greek Revolution has spread like wildfire. It's unknown whether he'll last long in office himself. His whereabouts are unknown according to sources.

Friday, March 4th, 1983: Exiled King Constatine makes a triumphant return home to Greece after 10 years of exile where an estimated crowd of thousands gathered to see their former Monarch. It's unknown whether or not the Monarchy will be restored or the potential possibility of Constantine becoming the new President of Greece himself.

US President Ronald Reagan holds closed-door meeting with members of the National Security Council discussing the Greek Revolution (more on this segment later).

Saturday, March 5th, 1983: Flamboyant Zairean President Colonel Joseph Mobuto meets with French President Francois Mitterrand at the Elysse Palace in Paris, France. They discussed the explosive crisis hampering Southern Africa & warns Mitterrand that the Soviet Union & PRC could exploit the international chaos by getting large foothold into Africa. Mobuto is scheduled to meet with US President Ronald Reagan in a few months.

Former Zimbabwean President Canaan Banana is convicted of political corruption & misusing of government funds via absentia during courtroom arraignment hearing in Salisbury (which was renamed as the capital city of Rhodesia).

Sunday, March 6th, 1983: Hellenic Army Chief of Staff General Geoffrey Kiriakis announcing the Hellenic Army will align with the former King Constatine II of Greece in a new government & speculation swirling around the likelihood of the former King being tapped to serve as President of Greece.

United States Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) visits IA, NH, SC, NV, MI, ME, WI, MN & CO in whirlwind tour of states that he's visiting as part of the Senator's exploratory committee campaign.

Former US Ambassador to Great Britain Alan Cranston says he will not be a candidate for the 1984 Democratic Party presidential nomination after consultation with members of his family during the Christmas holiday break. Cranston is reportedly planning on serving in other active roles in the private sector & might be available to serve in some capacity on foreign policy think tanks.

Monday, March 7th, 1983: United States Senator Lloyd Bentsen (D-TX) declines to run for the 1984 Democratic Party presidential nomination. Bentsen, who unsuccessfully sought the nomination in 1976 & 1980, plans on focusing on serving in the United States Senate & working on helping Democrats win the majority next year.

State Senator Lloyd Doggett (D-Austin) launching his campaign for the United States Senate in 1984 against incumbent United States Senator Bob Krueger (D-TX) in what many see as a clash inside the TX Democratic Party between the conservatives/moderates & the liberals. Congressman Kent Hance (D-TX 19th) plans on launching his campaign for the United States Senate from the staunch conservative side of the political spectrum.

Tuesday, March 8th, 1983: US President Ronald Reagan delivers his 'Evil Empire' speech to the National Association of Evangelicals in Orlando, FL.

Wednesday, March 9th, 1983: Chuck Hall invents the 3D Printing machine.

Thursday, March 10th, 1983: President Reagan established the US Exclusive Economic Zone.

Friday, March 11th, 1983: 9th People's Awards: Burt Reynolds, Jane Fonda & Katharine Hepburn win Motion Picture & Tom Selleck, Linda Evans & Loretta Swit win TV.
Ice Dance Championship in Helsinki, Finland: Christopher Dean & Jayne Torvill of Great Britain both energetic victorious.
Ice Pairs Championship in Helsinki, Finland: Valova & Vastillev of the Soviet Union both win.
Men's Figure Skating Championship in Helsinki, Finland: Scott Hamilton of the United States wins.
Ladies Figure Skating Championship in Helsinki, Finland: Rosalynn Sunnes of the United States wins.

Saturday, March 12th, 1983: Hong Konger Prime Minister Jefferson Cheng orders deployment of the Hong Kong National Guard towards the border with PRC. Speculation is swirling around the possibility of the chaotic explosive conflicts spiraling towards the Asian Pacific.

Gallup Polling Survey (March 11th-14th, 1983)
President Ronald Reagan Job Approval Ratings:
41% Approve
49% Disapprove
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National & International Segments (Spring 1983: Part VIII)
Sunday, March 13th, 1983: Peter Stone's musical 'Woman of the Year' closed at the Palace Theater NYC following 770 performances.

Monday, March 14th, 1983: OPEC announcing cuts of oil prices for the 1st time in 23 years.

Tuesday, March 15th, 1983: Karnataka defeats Bombay on the 1st Innings to win the Cricket Ranji Trophy.

Wednesday, March 16th, 1983: In one of the smallest numbers of attendance of an NBA game: A small crowd of 1,814 attended the NBA game between the Cleveland Cavaliers & the New York Nets inside the Cleveland Coliseum.

Thursday, March 17th, 1983: Mike Bossy scored the 70th hat trick for the New York Islanders (NHL) in franchise history.

Friday, March 18th, 1983: Greek President Konstantinos Karamanlis announces his resignation as the President of Greece during televised nationwide address. He explains this was necessary in order to heal the Hellenic Republic in light of the explosive revolution which had been exploding for the last six months.

Saturday, March 19th, 1983: France (16-9 v Wales) & Ireland (25-15 v England) win the final round matches in finishing level & sharing the Five Nations Rugby Championship; no tie-break procedure had ever existed before 1993.

Sunday, March 20th, 1983: In the battle of tennis legends, Martina Navratilova outclassed Chris Evert Lloyd 6-2, 6-0 winning the first of her 5 consecutive WTA Tour Championships at Madison Square Garden in NYC, NY St.

Monday, March 21st, 1983: Former King Constantine II of Greece formally proclaimed as the 4th President of Greece during a special inauguration ceremony inside the Parliament of the Hellenes in Athens, Greece on Greek state television. This officially completes the comeback of the Hellenic country's former King, who previously was their Monarch from 1964 until the abolition of the Greek Monarchy in 1973.

Tuesday, March 22nd, 1983: Former Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Chaim Herzog is elected by the Knesset defeating Israeli Supreme Court Justice Menachem Elon as the 6th President of Israel. Herzog would be sworn into office on May 5th.

Wednesday, March 23rd, 1983: US President Ronald Reagan introduces the Strategic Defense Initiative ('Star Wars').

Thursday, March 24th, 1983: United States Senator Henry M. Jackson (D-WA St) announcing his support of the President's Strategic Defense Initiative. Jackson believes it's important for the United States to become the dominant military superpowers in the world.

US Defense Secretart Caspar Weinberger meets with Philippine National Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile for bilateral talks at the Philippine Department of National Defense Building in Camp Aguinaldo. Weinberger is also expected to meet with Taiwanese National Defense Minister Song Chang-chih, Japanese Director General of the Defense Agency Kurihara Yoshiyuki, Korean National Defense Minister General Yoon Sung-min.

Friday, March 25th, 1983: Christa Rothenburger skates world record 500 m ladies (39.69 seconds).
Thursday, March 3rd, 1983: Facing massive backlash & explosive demonstrations, Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou reportedly has fled the country according to Greek TV news stations. According to anonymous sources, Papandreou lost a vote of confidence from several segments of the Greek Armed Forces High Command, who view the government's inability of handling the explosive crisis as unacceptable & incompetent; Papandreou released a statement via press wire announcing his resignation letter from office in order to heal the country.

Greek President Konstantinos Karamanlis is facing an uncertain future himself as the Greek Revolution has spread like wildfire. It's unknown whether he'll last long in office himself. His whereabouts are unknown according to sources.

Friday, March 4th, 1983: Exiled King Constatine makes a triumphant return home to Greece after 10 years of exile where an estimated crowd of thousands gathered to see their former Monarch. It's unknown whether or not the Monarchy will be restored or the potential possibility of Constantine becoming the new President of Greece himself.

US President Ronald Reagan holds closed-door meeting with members of the National Security Council discussing the Greek Revolution (more on this segment later).

Saturday, March 5th, 1983: Flamboyant Zairean President Colonel Joseph Mobuto meets with French President Francois Mitterrand at the Elysse Palace in Paris, France. They discussed the explosive crisis hampering Southern Africa & warns Mitterrand that the Soviet Union & PRC could exploit the international chaos by getting large foothold into Africa. Mobuto is scheduled to meet with US President Ronald Reagan in a few months.

Former Zimbabwean President Canaan Banana is convicted of political corruption & misusing of government funds via absentia during courtroom arraignment hearing in Salisbury (which was renamed as the capital city of Rhodesia).

Sunday, March 6th, 1983: Hellenic Army Chief of Staff General Geoffrey Kiriakis announcing the Hellenic Army will align with the former King Constatine II of Greece in a new government & speculation swirling around the likelihood of the former King being tapped to serve as President of Greece.

United States Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) visits IA, NH, SC, NV, MI, ME, WI, MN & CO in whirlwind tour of states that he's visiting as part of the Senator's exploratory committee campaign.

Former US Ambassador to Great Britain Alan Cranston says he will not be a candidate for the 1984 Democratic Party presidential nomination after consultation with members of his family during the Christmas holiday break. Cranston is reportedly planning on serving in other active roles in the private sector & might be available to serve in some capacity on foreign policy think tanks.

Monday, March 7th, 1983: United States Senator Lloyd Bentsen (D-TX) declines to run for the 1984 Democratic Party presidential nomination. Bentsen, who unsuccessfully sought the nomination in 1976 & 1980, plans on focusing on serving in the United States Senate & working on helping Democrats win the majority next year.

State Senator Lloyd Doggett (D-Austin) launching his campaign for the United States Senate in 1984 against incumbent United States Senator Bob Krueger (D-TX) in what many see as a clash inside the TX Democratic Party between the conservatives/moderates & the liberals. Congressman Kent Hance (D-TX 19th) plans on launching his campaign for the United States Senate from the staunch conservative side of the political spectrum.

Tuesday, March 8th, 1983: US President Ronald Reagan delivers his 'Evil Empire' speech to the National Association of Evangelicals in Orlando, FL.

Wednesday, March 9th, 1983: Chuck Hall invents the 3D Printing machine.

Thursday, March 10th, 1983: President Reagan established the US Exclusive Economic Zone.

Friday, March 11th, 1983: 9th People's Awards: Burt Reynolds, Jane Fonda & Katharine Hepburn win Motion Picture & Tom Selleck, Linda Evans & Loretta Swit win TV.
Ice Dance Championship in Helsinki, Finland: Christopher Dean & Jayne Torvill of Great Britain both energetic victorious.
Ice Pairs Championship in Helsinki, Finland: Valova & Vastillev of the Soviet Union both win.
Men's Figure Skating Championship in Helsinki, Finland: Scott Hamilton of the United States wins.
Ladies Figure Skating Championship in Helsinki, Finland: Rosalynn Sunnes of the United States wins.

Saturday, March 12th, 1983: Hong Konger Prime Minister Jefferson Cheng orders deployment of the Hong Kong National Guard towards the border with PRC. Speculation is swirling around the possibility of the chaotic explosive conflicts spiraling towards the Asian Pacific.
Hoping 1983 isn't as crazy like 1982. But I am not holding my breath!
The Mysterious Polish-Brazilian Girl
Segment Disclaimer: The following segment will be NSFW-gruesome, graphic and erotic. Viewer discretion is strongly advised!
The Mysterious Polish-Brazilian Girl & Her Grisly Methods
Monday, March 28th, 1983
10:57 PM
Somewhere in the outskirts of Brasilia, Brazil

Olga Jurkowianiec naked & barefoot inside her super underground secret lab during her "secret examination" of a special consigent.

Olga Jurkowianiec was a beautiful 21-year-old Polish-Brazilian woman with super attractiveness & she was also the most sexiest young women ever in Brazil.

She was quite mysterious due to her attentive details of "perfecting the masterpiece" & some of her methods were at first, considered gory & extreme according to some of her classmates in high school & college, but they later accepted her eccentricity as quite intriguing. Olga was especially aggressive in the hardworking techniques of perfecting her secret masterpiece whatever that was.

Depending on whom you asked, Olga was somewhere in the vicinity of Rome, Italy during the infamous evening of May 18th, 1982 when the exiled Saudi Princess Gadhulia mysteriously disappeared. The mystery had engulfed the world for an entire year & beyond including the countless conspiracy theories which bounded from across the world ranging from whether the young exiled Saudi Princess was killed by the mafia or sent into human trafficking. Another rumor was that Gadhulia might've been kidnapped by some mysterious strange cast of characters.

Fast forward to the evening HRS of March 28th, Olga was inside her large secret lab located in a super heavily-secluded undisclosed location in the outskirts of Brasilia, Brazil: she was working on making latex human skins by adjusting them to make sure it looked perfect.

Olga was also naked & barefoot, plus she was sweating a little bit because of her extremely hardworking methods on a particular subject of intriguing interest. The secret lab was also sound-proof & extremely large including air-conditioned too. "Perfecting this secretive masterpiece is a specialty of mine that I always love doing a lot." Olga happily said to herself..

The time was 10:57 PM when Olga calmly walked across the open-aired hallway of the underground secret lab & opened the doors which contained an extra-large glass container pool....... It contained a deceased young female floating inside. Olga got inside the extra-large glass container pool, swam towards the naked young female consigent's body, where she used an incision carving knife to carefully remove the skin off of the deceased young female consigent from head to toe; Olga took the mangled human skin & got out of the pool, walked across the hall & towards an unknown area: where she placed it into a large furnace, burning it all the way to ashes.

She then walked back to the secret lab in the open-aired hallway, where Olga removed all of the organs off of the naked young female consigent's body (placing all of the organs into special large glass boxes). Then she took the young naked female consigent's body out of the pool & carried it towards an extra-large stretcher, where she used a powerhose & sprayed all over the body, sewed it up & thoroughly massaged it from head to toe including massaging the consigent's buttocks, feet, breasts & vagina.

Next came Olga's steamy orgy of sex with the consigent inside her bedroom which lasted throughout the entire evening. Kissing all over the naked skinless consigent's body from head to toe on the king-sized bed; Olga was also an aggressive hardcore lesbian.
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National & International Segments (Spring 1983: Part IX)
Monday, March 28th, 1983: Reverend Pat Robertson of the Christian evangelical TV Show 'The 700 Club' boldly predicted that President Ronald Reagan will win reelection in a massive landslide victory in 1984.

French President Francois Mitterrand delivers his annual State of the Nation Address before Joint Session of the French Parliament, where he defends his administration's foreign policy doctrine & initiatives, making France a major key player on the international stage.

Tuesday, March 29th, 1983: In the latest episode of 'The Fighting Patriot', former US Vice President Spiro Agnew gets into a heated argument with former United States Senator George McGovern (D-SD), the 1972 Democratic Party presidential nominee when Agnew accused McGovern of being "addicted to the snoboobs of asshats" to which McGovern shot back at Agnew, calling him "one of the dumbest Vice Presidents in America" & brings up Agnew's prison sentence.

Roger Ailes, the senior communications director of the Reagan 1984 reelection campaign, begins running hard-hitting negative advertising commercials hammering the Democratic Party presidential contenders by saying the Democratic contenders are weak on public safety, national security & continuation of the disastrous Brownomics. Ailes is also known for his vicious, sinister hardball aggressive tactics.

The MA Democratic Party Headquarters is ransacked by mysterious group of hatchet-people during a burglary attempt. Authorities say the number of suspects involved are somewhere between 13-25.

Former US First Lady Linda Ronstadt-Brown debuts historic performance in Sao Paulo, Brazil before an estimated 73,673 in attendance at the Getuilo Vargas Stadium.

Wednesday, March 30th, 1983: US Secretary of State George P. Shultz testifies before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on several of the foreign policy hotspots: South Africa, Rhodesia, Nicaragua, Soviet Union, Cuba, Poland.

Former US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld declines to run for the United States Senate in the GOP primary in 1984 against three-term incumbent United States Senator Charles Percy (R-IL). Rumsfeld hasn't said anything about any potential political comeback as of yet, but strongly said he won't be fading away anytime soon.

Former US Vice President Edward Brooke, who served as the 42nd Vice President of the United States from October 9th, 1975 to January 20th, 1977 under then-US President Nelson Rockefeller, is honored with grand opening of the Edward William Brooke, III School of Government Affairs on the campus of Boston College.

Thursday, March 31st, 1983: Former WV Governor Arch Moore (R) launches his campaign to reclaim the WV Governor's Mansion in 1984 seeking a historic 3rd term. WV Governor Jay Rockefeller (D) is prevented from succeeding himself & is expected to launch his campaign for the United States Senate sometime around the Summer.
National & International Segments (Spring 1983: Part X)
Friday, April 1st, 1983: Former Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou killed in a plane crash while he was flying to Luxembourg. Authorities currently investigating the mysterious plane crash. Greek President Constantine denies the allegations that the Hellenic government was involved in the mysterious plane crash.

United States Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY St) co-sponsors legislation with United States Senator Charles Mathias (R-MD) honoring the legacy of the late US President Gerald Ford, who served as the 38th President of the United States from August 9th, 1974 until his assassination on September 5th, 1975.

Argentinian Embassy Compound in Bucharest, Romania was nearly attacked by triggered demonstrators, who voice open hostility towards the Argentinian government's controversial Civil War (1978-1981) under the chaotic administration of then-Argentinian President Isabel Peron. It's rumored that Argentinian President General Wellington Rodriguez postponed his upcoming visit to the country, but the Casa Rosada's public relations department reported Rodriguez plans on visiting Romania this Summer.

Saturday, April 2nd, 1983: Congressman Dick Cheney (R-WY At-Large) was caught on an extremely hot mic, where he was quoted as saying that the Reagan administration has every right to participate in Operation Cleansing with the South African government.

AR Governor Bill Clinton (D) arrives very late to a college basketball game in Fayetteville, AR; According to high-level administration officials, Governor Clinton was reportedly busy working inside the family quarters of the AR Governor's Mansion in Little Rock & plans to fly back to Little Rock later in the evening (more on this later: Hehehe 😁)

Angry Mozambicans burned effigies of US President Ronald Reagan & British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher including South African President Marais Viljoen during a huge demonstration protest rally. It comes as the death toll in the shocking nerve gas attack has increased to 30,000.
Shocking Bombshell News!
@Ibanez @Sergeant Foley @The Immortal Watch Dog @The Whispering Monk @Cherico @gral @TheRomanSlayer
Sunday, April 3rd, 1983
Eyewitness accounts detail the horrible incident.
*Explosions at Parliament results in mass casualties.
*Crown Prince Felipe ascends to the Spanish Royal Throne as King Felipe VI.
*Queen Sofia named Regent of the Spanish Royal Family.
*Developments coming in....

I'll have more to say about this shocking assassination later.....

Stay tuned!
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