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Monday, January 6th, 1975. Edmund Gerald Brown, Jr., had been inaugurated as CA's 34th Governor inside the CA State Assembly chambers before a joint session of the CA State Legislature, where some political analysts viewed him as a future President.

Events in 1975 would alter Brown's political career & the course of American politics....

1975: Moonbeam lives in the CA Governor's Mansion & Onwards
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Outlined sketch of the chapters.....
I've got sketch outlined, which will guide me:
Chapter 1:
1.) Monday, January 6th, 1975 Inauguration Day in Sacramento
2.) Segments on CA statewide officeholders
3.) Segment on Los Angeles, CA Mayor Tom Bradley (D)
4.) Segment on George Moscone
5.) Segment on United States Senator Alan Cranston (D-CA)

Chapter 2:
1.) President Gerald Ford
2.) National & International highlights of the Ford Presidency (Spring 1975)
3.) National & International highlights of the Ford Presidency (Summer 1975)
4.) Segments on the Mayaguez Incident
5.) Squeaky Fromme & her obsession of making a clear point

Chapter 3:
1.) September 5th, 1975: The day that Squeaky changed the course of history forever
2.) Segment on Cheney & Rumsfeld
3.) Segment on Clements
4.) Special Report from Walter Cronkite of CBS News
5.) Segment on Betty Ford
6.) His Accidency Nelson Rockefeller becomes the 39th President following Ford's assassination
Upcoming Segments
Tidbits on the TL:
Chapter IV:
1.) State Funeral festivities for President Ford in Washington, DC
2.) Michiganders paying their respects to the late 38th President inside the MI State Capitol Rotunda in Lansing
3.) Final Farewell to President Ford
4.) President Rockefeller addressing Joint Session of Congress
5.) Segment on First Lady Happy Rockefeller
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Upcoming Segment for Chapter I
Coming up this weekend: The following segments on Chapter I:
1.) Moonbeam's inaugural address as CA's 34th Governor on January 6th, 1975 in Sacramento.

2.) Profiles on CA down-ballot statewide officeholders.

3.) Profile on United States Senators Alan Cranston (D-CA) & John V. Tunney (D-CA).

4.) Profile on Los Angeles, CA Mayor Thomas Bradley (D)
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Inauguration Day: Monday, January 6th, 1975
Chapter I: Governor Brown
11:25 AM PST, Monday, January 6th, 1975
CA State Assembly chambers, CA State Capitol
Sacramento, CA

It was Monday morning on January 6th, 1975 inside the CA State Assembly chambers of the CA State Capitol in Sacramento, where Edmund Gerald Brown, Jr., the son of former CA Governor Edmund G. "Pat" Brown, Sr., (D)., had just taken the oath of office as CA's 34th Governor: following in his father's footsteps of achieving the highest office in the Golden State. Among those in attendance: former CA Governor Ronald Reagan (R) & his wife, Nancy; United States Senator Alan Cranston (D-CA), several members of the CA congressional delegation; down-ballot statewide officeholders such as CA Lieutenant Governor Mervyn Dymally (D), CA Secretary of State March Fong Eu, CA State Treasurer Jesse Unruh (D), CA State Attorney General Evelle Younger (R), CA State Controller Kenneth Cory (D) & CA Superintendent of Public Instruction Wilson Riles (D).

At the young age of 36, CA Governor Jerry Brown (D) made history as the youngest Governor of one of the largest states in the Union with a population of 21.54 million & counting; Brown was also mentioned as a potential contender for the White House in 1976 or 1980, but first he needed to focus on Sacramento.... He soon delivered his inaugural address for just about eight minutes before a joyful crowd:

"Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Mr. President, Members of the judiciary, friends. I probably won't come again to this rostrum for a while. As a matter of fact, I wasn't sure I was going to make it. My father thought I wasn't going to make it, either. But here I am.

Well, this morning I'm not going to give you a formalistic address. I just want to tell you what's on my mind. And what my hopes are for the people of California in the coming year.

First, I think we ought to put this whole thing into perspective. We have all come through an election, and what have we learned? More than half the people who could have voted, refused, apparently believing that what we do here has so little impact on their lives that they need not pass judgement on it. In other words, the biggest vote of all in November was a vote of no confidence. So our first order of business is to regain the trust and confidence of the people we serve.

And we can begin by following not only the letter, but the spirit of the political reform initiative, the biggest vote-getter of all in the primary election. The provisions of Proposition 9 will not always be easy to follow. But I honestly believe that they are the surest & most certain path to a government beyond reproach.

But an honest government is not enough. We also have to be effective. Today, unemployment in this state in well above the national average. That is not just a statistic, it is a reality. Men and women whose futures are uncertain, whose families are anxious, look to us for answers. I know much of the solution lies at the federal level, but I also know that California is the most influential state in the nation. What we do here will not only help our own citizens, it will provide a model for the entire country.

Very shortly I will sign an Executive Order requiring every state agency and department to actively participate in federally-funded public service employment programs.

Before the month is out, hundred of men and women who are unemployment or welfare will be performing meaningful jobs. My administration will work closely with the federal government.

We are going to use to the fullest the millions of dollars available to put Californians back to work. We are going to cooperate with local government and industry to create as many new jobs as humanly possible. And as we do we will not ignore the role of women in our work force and the special need for additional child care centers.

Both men and women will have equal opportunity to obtain every available job. In this I look to the legislature for assistance and guidance. I look to the state employees to make this program a reality. Finally, no employment program will be successful without the help of labor and business. The private sector still is, as well as should be, the principal source of employment. For our part, the state must cut through the tangle of overlapping environmental and land use rules which often delay needed construction. In the long run, the air, the water, and the land will be protected. But only by clear rules which are fairly enforced and without delay. Just as critical as unemployment is inflation, the cruelest tax of all. Again, major initiatives are required at the national level. But nothing prevents us from doing what we can. And we do that first by keeping the burden of state taxation at a level no higher than it is today.

Avoiding a general tax increase will not be easy. Rising unemployment means reduced state revenues as well as escalating expenditures for health and welfare. But I'm determined to see this year through without asking the people for further sacrifices in the form of new taxes. This means that every branch and department of state government must re-examine itself with a view toward eliminating expenditures not absolutely essential to the well-being of the people. For my part, I propose a flat 7 percent reduction in my own office budget.

The uncertainty of the economy as well as the need to provide a fair system of school finance make it imperative to keep state expenditures well within current revenues. I also believe it is time to end special privileges once and for all. I will support legislation to eliminate the oil depletion allowance and provide a realistic minimum tax on preference income. In addition I'll support constitutional amendments to remove the home office deduction for insurance companies and the requirement of a two-third vote to alter business taxes.

And while we remove the special privileges of the few, we should not overlook the sacrifices of the many. It is time that we treat all workers alike, whether they work in the city or toil in the fields. This year I hope you will give the governor another chance to sign an appropriate bill including farm workers within the protection of unemployment insurance.

I also believe it is time to extend the rule of law to the agriculture sector and establish the right to secret ballot elections for farm workers. The law I will support will impose rights and responsibilities on both farm worker and farmer alike. I expect that an appropriate bill that serves all the people will not fully satisfy any of the parties to the dispute, but that's no reason not to pass it.

As we bring collective bargaining to the fields, we should also establish appropriate mechanisms for public employees to choose the bargaining representative of their choice. All workers, whoever they are, and wherever they are, should be strongly represented and have an effective voice in the decisions that affect their wages and working conditions.

It is a big job ahead. The rising cost of energy, the depletion of our resources, the threat to the environment, the uncertainty of our economy and the monetary system, the lack of faith in government, the drift in political and moral leadership-is not the work of one person, it is the work of all of us working together. I ask your help. We have a lot of work to do. Let's get to do it. Thank you very much."
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Reagan plotting for the White House in 1976
12:43 PM PST, Monday, January 27th, 1975
Bel Air, CA


Less than 21 days after leaving Sacramento, former CA Governor Ronald Wilson Reagan (R) was secretly preparing a campaign for the White House in 1976. He had turned down requests from many in the CA GOP & National GOP in running for the United States Senate in 1974 or 1976 plus he showed zero interest in a cabinet post in the administration of President Gerald Ford, whom Reagan believed, was not electable nor conservative enough on hot-button issues. Since heading back home to Los Angeles on January 6th since relinquishing the Governorship to Brown, Jr., non-stop rumors & speculation began to quickly swirl that the former CA Governor might return to the TV business, where he came from long before getting into politics. What exactly his role would be wasn't specified, but obviously something political. Journalists believed this would give Reagan a nationwide audience & the option to stay in the news & sharing his staunch conservative beliefs without being engaged in the day-to-day politics & governing. In the long run, the radio circuit & TV speaking circuits were obviously preparations for another attempt at the Presidency in 1976 (some Reagan supporters & allies began doing campaign fundraisers in SC, FL, GA, VA, AZ, NC, etc.,).
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The American Dream come true for Bradley
1:33 PM PST, Friday, January 31st, 1975
Los Angeles City Hall, Los Angeles, CA
Thomas Jefferson Bradley made history in the May 20th, 1973 Los Angeles Mayoral Runoff election by becoming the City of Angels' first African American Mayor. In the runoff election, Bradley easily defeated conservative three-term incumbent Mayor Sam Yorty (D) by double digits, garnering 433,473 votes (56.34%) to Yorty's 335,857 votes (43.66%) & upon taking office on July 1st, 1973, Bradley was sworn into office by former US Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren.
Bradley immediately made a difference. He opened up City Hall & city commissions to women, minorities & people wit disabilities, largely for the first time. He transformed the City of Los Angeles from a conservative, Anglo, urban center into one of the most diversified & important cities in the world with a new skyline, vibrant downtown & revitalized financial & business districts. He positioned the growing metropolis to take its place as an international trade center. He also influenced two generations of policy-makers & leaders. He brought the city a glowing spot on the world stage with the 1984 Summer Olympics---the first ever profitable Games.

His story is the classic American success story; the grandson of slaves & the son of sharecroppers from TX who had fought racial prejudice, bigotry & roadblocks to transforming a major American city, & in the process, transcended the barriers of race to realize the American dream.
Powerful business interests at first opposed him from the start of his administration, but with the passage of the 1974 redevelopment plan & the inclusion of business leaders on influential committees, corporate chiefs moved comfortably in behind him. A significant feature of this plan was the development & building of numerous skyscrapers in the Bunker Hill financial district.
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Alioto & controversy surrounding him.
2:36 PM PST, Monday, February 3rd, 1975
San Francisco City Hall, San Francisco, CA
San Francisco Mayor Joseph L. Alioto (D) had been engulfed in controversy one after the other: it began when Look Magazine ran a story in 1969 linking him to organized crime. He responded with a $12.5 million libel suit that he eventually won, collecting $450,000. About the same time, WA St & several other agencies sued Alioto for taking a share of $2.3 million in attorneys fees for a $16 million price-fixing case he had won. Later, the federal government responded by indicting Alioto on charges of bribery in the way the fees were collected.
He was eventually cleared of all civil & criminal charges. However, the results of these federal investigations took a toll on his once-promising political career; while the bad publicity & the subsequent investigations didn't hamper Alioto's reelection victory in 1971, he believed it had stymied his originally-planned run for the CA Governor's Mansion in 1970 & played a key role in his defeat to then-CA Secretary of State (later Governor) Jerry Brown (D) in the 1974 Dem gubernatorial primary.

Major crime became a problem with the Zodiac Killer, the Symbionese Liberation Army attacks & the Black Power Zebra Murders all occurring under Alioto's watch. During the Zebra Murders of 1974, Alioto's wife, Angelina Alioto (the First Lady of San Francisco at the time), vanished, reappearing after 18 days, claiming that she had taken some time off in order to "punish" her husband for neglecting her. During the time Angelina was missing, she had toured the Spanish missions of California as part of a religious pilgrimage. Angelina then filed divorce proceedings against him in 1975. He would later remarry in 1978.
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Chapter I: Martial Law in Mexico
January 21st, 1975: Martial Law in Mexico indefinitely

In the evening HRS of January 21st, 1975, Mexican President General Oscar Robles, who took power in a bloodless military coup d'etat against then-Mexican President Luis Echeverria on February 21st, 1973 & has since controlled a tight grip on the Presidency ever since, announced from.the National Palace in Mexico City that Martial Law has been declared & will remain in place for the foreseeable future.
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Upcoming teasers for Chapter I & II
Coming up this week in Chapter I:
1.) Segments on United States Senators Alan Cranston (D-CA) & John V. Tunney (D-CA).

2.) Segments on down-ballot statewide officeholders.

3.) Linda Ronstadt.

Tidbits of Chapter II:
1.) National & International highlights of the Ford Presidency (Spring 1975)

2.) Segment on President Gerald Rudolph Ford.

3.) National & International highlights of the Ford Presidency (Summer 1975).

4.) The Mayaguez Incident & Ramifications.

5.) Accomplishments of CA Governor Jerry Brown (D).
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