We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming
August 17th, 1976


At 5:39 PM CST, regularly scheduled programming was abruptly interrupted by the news bulletins especially CBS News.

Walter Cronkite: "Good evening everyone. This is a CBS News Special Report live from Kansas City, Missouri at the site of the 1976 Republican Party National Convention from the Kemper Arena.

Here are the first developments: At 5:00 PM CST, six shots rang out during the second day of the convention festivities. The first report is that someone in the New York State delegation has been seriously wounded by this shooting.

CBS News' Dan Rather is live outside of the Kemper Arena to give us the latest details on what's happening. Dan?"

Dan Rather: "Walter. Excuse me if I am out if breath because we're getting new information coming in. CBS News has confirmed that six shots had been fired at the New York State delegation, where President Rockefeller was seated at the front of the delegation flanked by several Secret Service agents.

According to eyewitnesses, the first shot appeared to have sounded like some weird firecracker. Then in quick succession, five additional shots rang out as Secret Service agents quickly grabbed President Rockefeller and rushed him toward a private exit somewhere inside the Kemper Arena and shoved him into the Presidential limousine accompanied by Secret Service vehicles including vehicles from the Kansas City Police Department, where they drove at high speed.

We don't know where President Rockefeller was driven to, but we're trying to send a team of CBS reporters to find out what's going on. "
Chapter V: Details out of Kansas City
August 17th, 1976



Walter Cronkite: "Good evening once again. We have more information coming out right here at the Kemper Arena, the site of the 1976 Republican National Convention in Kansas City, Missouri. When we last left you, six shots rang out at the President somewhere from behind inside the auditorium. We are turning it over to Dan Rather, who is outside the Kemper Arena where the shooting occurred. What do we know now Dan?"

Dan Rather: "Good evening Dan, at 5:00 PM CST, President Rockefeller was sitting with the New York State delegation in the front row, chatting with fellow delegates during the second day of the 1976 Republican National Convention, when gunfire rang out. About six shots were fired at the leader of the free world and the nation's top official in the federal government. As several hundred people applauded President Rockefeller during a video presentation highlighting achievements and accomplishments of the Rockefeller administration, one of the deputy staff members unexpectedly walked down from the right-side of the steps leading toward the suites, we don't know the identity or know the whereabouts of the shooter. According to eyewitnesses, President Nelson Rockefeller was struck in the back and fell to the ground face first to the floor to the absolute horror of the New York State Republican delegates. We also hear that two Secret Service agents were also struck by bullets including five other people. Immediately afterwards, President Rockefeller was carried into his limousine and rushed to the North Kansas City Hospital a couple of minutes away."

Cronkite: "Now how did this exactly happen? You would assume that precautions were being taken especially after President Ford's assassination in 1975."

Rather: "Walter, this will certainly be investigated extensively and thoroughly. From what we know right now, the Secret Service, which is responsible for protecting the President, had extensively screened those attending the Republican National Convention, but greatly erred by allowing an unscreened group of people to be seated in the suites on the right side of the Kemper Arena."

Cronkite: "Now getting back to the important question facing everyone in the world: What do we know about the current condition of President Rockefeller?"

Rather: "Our information is quite limited at the moment here Walter, so I would prefer not to speculate. What we do know is, the 67-year-old President was apparently hit in the back twice and was seriously wounded by the shooting. One of the police officers of the Kansas City Police Department that I was able to speak with said, the President, two of the wounded Secret Service agents and six of the attendees were promptly rushed to the North Kansas City Hospital not far from here. As for the updates on the President's condition, I am afraid I don't know at the top of my head right now because we haven't been getting new information. Out from the six shots fired, three hit Rockefeller and the other three hit two of the Secret Service agents. The other shots hit several members of the New York State delegation."

Cronkite: "That sounds very bad and not good, but we can just hope and pray for President Rockefeller's recovery. Is it too soon to ask about the whereabouts of the shooter?"

Rather: "That's the problem Walter. We just don't know anything on the whereabouts of the shooter. Whoever he or she is, the assailant almost certainly wanted to hit President Rockefeller. We don't know the motive, whether its political or not. Secret Service and the Kansas City Police Department will be expected to issue a joint statement later on this evening."

Cronkite: "Do we have any reaction from the White House yet? It is known where Vice President Brooke is?"

Rather: "One of our colleagues reporting from the White House just telephoned our team here in Kansas City and said the Vice President didn't have any events outside Number One Circle Observatory on his schedule today. We were told Vice President Edward Brooke was in a meeting with members of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee to discuss the situation escalating in Argentina following the failed coup attempt against Argentine President Isabel Martinez de Peron. We can certainly assume that Vice President Brooke was already briefed on the situation in Kansas City. No word yet on whether he'll address the nation, though that could happen any moment now."

Cronkite: "Thank you very much Dan for these important, albeit tragic, news developments. We're now awaiting for an official reaction from Washington, DC on the situation here in Kansas City."
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Chapter V: More details on the situation in Kansas City
August 17th, 1976
6:00 PM CST



Walter Cronkite: "Good evening everyone. We apologize for interrupting your regularly scheduled programming but we're getting new information coming in out of Kansas City, Missouri.

CBS News has gotten confirmation from sources close to the situation that doctors have said that President Nelson Rockefeller is undergoing emergency surgery. We've also learned that Vice President Edward Brooke has been informed on the latest developments happening and has spoken with members of the Rockefeller family in the past few days since the events of August 17th have usurped the 1976 US Presidential election campaign.

Hold it please (speaking to production staff via earpiece). I believe we've got one of the local reporters from our CBS affiliate in Kanas City, Missouri. What can you tell us?"

Reporter: "Walter, we've gotten new updates in regards to the condition of President Rockefeller. Sources close to the situation here at North Kansas City Hospital that family members have been notified by doctors, who informed them.

All Americans are sending prayers for a speedy recovery as President Rockefeller is undergoing emergency surgery and we're all praying for a speedy recovery."
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The mysterious Argentine Woman
12:19 PM ARGST, Friday, August 20th, 1976
Somewhere in the outskirts of Buenos Aires, Argentina

She was thrilled with having fired those six shots at the 39th President of the United States, whom she blamed for meddling in Argentine domestic & political affairs of her beloved homeland.

"I did what needed to be done. Protecting the Republic by any means necessary!" Vivianna had pushed that trigger button way too far as she was scheming on whom to blame for the assassination attempt in Kansas City, Missouri during the second day of the 1976 Republican Party National Convention.

After getting a secret briefing session with members of the Triple-A Alliance, Vivianna drove to the outskirts of Buenos Aires humming to the Argentine Republic's national anthem while thinking to herself nobody will ever find out it was me and I've already destroyed the evidence."
Latest Developments from Kansas City
August 22nd, 1976
3:55 PM CST


"We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming because CBS News has a major announcement. Please stay tuned for this special announcement!"

(Music blares out): Cronkite seen waiving off the production staff while speaking with White House Chief of Staff Ann C. Whitman (who's in Kansas City).

"Good afternoon everyone. This is Walter Cronkite of the CBS Evening News live from CBS News Headquarters in New York City, New York State and we apologize for the interruption of regularly scheduled programming because we've got a special major announcement to give to everyone in the world.

The Associated Press along with the CBS affiliate out in Kansas City, Missouri both officially confirmed that President Rockefeller has gotten out of emergency surgery which had lasted more than seven hours............ (Cronkite trying to hold it together while holding the telephone in getting more information).

Vice President Brooke has just left the Number One Circle Observatory after being notified about the news of President Rockefeller's surgery and recovery.

We're told that President Rockefeller will be released from the hospital on August 31st and return back to Washington, DC."

* Edward William Brooke, III makes history as the first African American nominee of the Republican Party for President of the United States.

*Political fallout on the 1976 Presidential election.

*Reaction from the world on the chaotic news out of Kansas City.
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Chapter VI: Historic nomination
Chapter VI: The Republican Party Presidential nominee
6:00 PM EST, Saturday, August 21st, 1976
MA Statehouse Rotunda, Boston, MA


Inside the Rotunda of the MA Statehouse in downtown Boston, Vice President Edward Brooke came up to the podium & addressed the crowd in a modified convention acceptance speech thanking his family, the Republican Party & asked for prayers in President Rockefeller's recovery from injuries sustained in the botched assassination attempt in Kansas City on August 17th.

Brooke also went on the attack against his Democratic opponent, CA Governor Jerry Brown (D) calling the Democrat's Era of Limits initiatives "Big government pipedreams, overrated talking points and weakness abroad."
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Chapter VI: Polling Data
August 31st, 1976


In light of recent events such as the shocking assassination attempt of President Nelson Rockefeller, polling surveys such as Gallup revealed that the 1976 Presidential election has been turned upside down.

Back in mid-July, CA Governor Jerry Brown (D) held a double-digit lead of anywhere between 16-29 percentage points. Then all of a sudden, the chaos in Kansas City happened during the second day of the 1976 Republican Party National Convention on August 17th.

Gallup also revealed that 83% of Americans liked the performance of President Rockefeller & his administration while only 3% expressed the opposite. Vice President Brooke's approval ratings are currently in the mid-60s: hovering 67%.

BROWN CAMPAIGN GAFFE: Davis in hot water over dog-whistle tactics by questioning Brooke's personal life

Gray Davis, the Chief of Staff to CA Governor Jerry Brown (D) has been engulfed in hot water upon revelations about Davis & some associates using questionable dog-whistle tactics in putting out campaign newsletters blasting Vice President Brooke's personal life even going so far as to using controversial code-word messages detailing "family values" while at the same time questioning the character of the Vice President & members of his family.

Political experts feel these tactics could escalate even further.
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Chapter VI: 1976 Presidential Campaign Polling Data
September 1st, 1976
Gallup: Who would you vote for in the 1976 US Presidential election?

Brown (D): 43%
Brooke (R)*: 31%
Undecided: 20%

Following the Democratic Party National Convention in July, Gallup had CA Governor Jerry Brown (D) leading as many by as 29 percentage points (56% to 27%). The Brown campaign was so confident of their large double digit lead in the polls, they begun to make rookie political mistakes on the stump.

The first mistake occurred on August 7th when asked by reporters while flying coach heading to Denver, CO: Leslie Stahl of CBS News asked Governor Brown in an off-the-record interview about his plan for the budget deficit including which programs to cut. Brown snapped at Stahl saying "The current administration is so damn incompetent and pathetic about making difficult decisions on cutting programs such as the defense budget or reducing that annoying Whip Inflation Now bullshit."

Brown doubled-down on the controversial budget cuts to national defense saying "In order for us to be respected abroad, we need to focus on domestic issues first before we start lecturing other countries." The comments received vicious backlash against the first-term Democratic Governor of California in a bad timing for his presidential campaign as for the first time in months, Brown's personal likeability ratings suffered.

Then came the second rookie mistake: Former GA Governor Jimmy Carter (D) was facing backlash from members of the Civil Rights Movement including high-profile African American politicians who called on Carter to take a strong stand against his hometown church's controversial segregation & White's Only policy. Despite hardworking efforts from the NAACP & others, Carter bluntly refused to resign his church membership stating he'll address the issue if the Democratic ticket wins in November.

Third rookie mistake occurred on August 17th on the day of the shooting inside Kemper Arena in Kansas City when President Nelson Rockefeller narrowly survived an assassination attempt. Brown made a gaffe questioning the reliable information of the shooting calling it "just a typical political publicity stunt for sympathy."

Once again, Brown's polling numbers took a huge hit as Americans voiced their anger at the Democratic Party nominee for the Presidency. The Governor's strong double-digit lead of 20+ percentage points quickly plunged badly.
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Campaign 76 Highlights
September 5th, 1976

*Brown, Brooke campaigns agree to hold three presidential debates.
*VP Debate between Dole & Carter also set for October 15th.
*Details being worked out on major issues to be discussed.

For the first time since 1960, there will be live televised Presidential debates between Governor Brown & Vice President Brooke. ABC News confirmed that both candidates have agreed to do all three nationally televised debates.

This comes as the Brooke campaign's traditional Middle America Strategy had paid off successfully: showing the American people that the Vice President is focused on the needs of the American people & making the difficult decisions on economic, domestic, foreign policy.

With less than two months to go before Election Day, Gallup revealed that Brooke has managed to aggressively reduce a previously 29 percentage point deficit during the summer down to only just 12 percentage points (Brooke only trailed 43% to 31% with 20% undecided). Brooke's running-mate, United States Senator Bob Dole (R-KS) worked aggressively on the campaign trail hammering the Democratic ticket as "Inexperienced, Incompetent, Unknown, Weak on National Defense, Weak on Crime and Weak on Economics."

Venues on the Presidential Debates:
Thursday, September 23rd, 1976
Walnut Street Theater
Philadelphia, PA
*First Debate: Domestic Issues & Economic Policy

Wednesday, October 6th, 1976
Palace of Fine Arts Theatre
San Francisco, CA
*Second Debate: Foreign Policy & National Defense

Friday, October 22nd, 1976
Phi Beta Kappa Memorial
College of William & Mary
Williamsburg, VA
*Third Debate: TBD
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Chapter VI: Highlights of the 1976 Presidential campaign
That Peanut Farmer from Georgia
10:00 AM EST, September 13th, 1976
Plains, GA

The former GA Governor was reading campaign briefing books from high-ranking officials of the Brown campaign when someone hurriedly rang the doorbell "Governor Carter. It's urgent that I speak with you".

Natalie Baccerro of the Associated Press was escorted into the living room of the Governor's residence in Plains as Hamilton Jordan, one of Carter's trusted campaign aides going back to Jimmy's days in the GA Governor's Mansion, kept watch determined to see what all the fuss was about "I wonder what Natalia is going to ask the Governor about developments on the campaign trail".

Natalia asked the question, "Governor Carter. There was an interview with Playboy Magazine you gave recently. What can you tell me about why you chose to do that with a controversial company?"

Carter summed it up: "I wanted to further introduce myself to a broader range of the nation. As you know, Jerry (in reference to CA Governor Jerry Brown) and I pledged during the Democratic Party National Convention back in July that we're going to be pointing out the differences between ourselves contrast that of our opponents, who are insiders of Washington, DC....

In reference to the choice of being interviewed by Playboy, I defend that decision because it was my way of introducing myself to the American people."

Not convinced, Natalia asked a follow-up question: "There's been controversial issues on your interview such as stating that you've lusted after other women. Can you please explain why you said that you lusted after other women?"

Attempting not to blush, Carter reiterated "I am NOT a womanizer if that's what your suggesting."
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Chapter VI: Backlash against the Peanut Farmer from Georgia
September 16th, 1976:


*Former GA Governor Jimmy Carter (D) justified giving in-depth interview with Playboy Magazine, stating "It was my way of introducing myself to the American people."
*Women's Rights Group blasts the Democratic VP nominee for controversial comments such as "lusting after other women."
*Critics question whether Carter is up to the task of serving as VP if elected.
*Brown campaign spokesperson: "No comment on the interview in question."

Less than three days after giving a full in-depth interview with Natalia Baccerro of the Associated Press which lasted more than 1 HR & 47 minutes, polling surveys showed Americans expressing either shock, disgust or indifference to the controversial Playboy Magazine interview.

When asked if he had any regrets giving the interview during a campaign town hall in Denver, CO; Carter doubled-down "I am an honest person. I will never tell the American people any lies and this is basic transparency to the voters, who are going to decide if we stick with the status quo or move in a new direction."

September 17th, 1976:

CA Governor Jerry Brown (D) staunchly defended his VP running-mate during a town hall meeting with college students at Arizona State University in Tempe. "Over the course of the campaign, I've gotten to know Governor Carter and his family. They're straightforward, decent, honest people and strong believers of transparency to all Americans," when asked by one of the college students.

Brown also questioned the timing of the attacks on Carter's character "Considering that our campaign has the momentum, these attacks questioning Jimmy's character and personal life as well as his religious beliefs, seem to me in my opinion as part of a sinister political hit-job from associates of a failing campaign that is losing confidence from the American people due to failed leadership, scandals and paranoia over the last eight years."
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Chapter VI: International Segments
September 19th, 1976:


While the 1976 US Presidential election was turning into a wild, crazy soap opera, meanwhile back in Argentina: critics of controversial Argentine President Isabel Martinez de Peron have launched explosive allegations of human rights violations being inflicted upon opponents of the government of La Presidente.

The allegations include midnight raids at the homes of many leftist activists: arresting the leaders of leftist & progressive organizations without search warrants; beatings on many of the detainees during torture sessions; forced reeducation camps in parts of the country, where according to unnamed sources for fear of being captured by government forces, alleged secret helicopter rides that resulted in over 71 detainees being pushed out of these helicopters, falling to their deaths.

Spokespersons for La Presidente blasted the allegations by accusing political opponents & newspapers of "stirring up trouble and scaring away foreign investors from Argentina."

Despite the allegations, La Presidente still enjoys a 71% approval rating due to the crushing of rebel troops during the Argentine Civil War which was caused by a botched failed coup attempt on March 24th.
Chapter VI: First Presidential Debate in Philadelphia
The First Presidential Debate
8:00 PM EST, September 23rd, 1976
Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia, PA


CBS Evening News Anchor Walter Cronkite: "We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming because we're going to bring you live coverage of the first Presidential debate between Vice President Edward Brooke and California Governor Jerry Brown. So we're going to take you there right now!"

Edwin Newman: "Good evening. I'm Edwin Newman, moderator of the first debate of the 1976 campaign between Vice President Edward Brooke, the Republican candidate for President and Governor Jerry Brown of California, the Democratic candidate for President. We thank you, Governor Brown and Vice President Brooke, for being with us tonight. There will be three scheduled debates between the presidential candidates and one between the vice presidential candidates. All are being arranged by the League of Women Voters Education Fund. Tonight's debate, the first between presidential candidates in sixteen years, is taking place before an audience in the Walnut Street Theatre in Philadelphia, just three blocks from Independence Hall. The television audience may reach one hundred million in the United States and many millions more overseas. Tonight's debate will focus on domestic issues and economic policy. Questions will be put by our debate panelists: Frank Reynolds of ABC News, James Gannon of the Wall Srreet Journal and Elizabeth Drew of the New Yorker Magazine. Under the agreed rules the first question will go to Governor Brown. That was decided by the coin-toss. He will have up to three minutes to answer. One follow-up question will be permitted with up to two minutes to reply. Vice President Brooke will then have two minutes to respond. The next question will go to Vice President Brooke with the same time arrangements, and questions will continue to be alternated between the candidates. Each will make a three-minute statement at the end, Governor Brown to go first. Vice President Brooke and Governor Brown don't have any notes or prepared remarks with them this evening. Mr. Reynolds, your question for Governor Brown.

Frank Reynolds (ABC News): "Governor Brown, during the course of this campaign, you've said that these debates will put voters concerns about whether you have the ability to address serious concerns on your ability of grasping the hot-button issues facing the American people. With inflation rising at an all-time high and the economy in a downward trend in recent years, what basic proposals would you put in place in rebuilding the national economy if you're elected President?"


Governor Brown: "First of all, I would like to thank the League of Women's Voters Education Fund and the great people at the Walnut Street Theatre in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for hosting this presidential debate tonight. On the question that you mentioned earlier Mr. Reynolds. Yes, because first of all, we need to recognize that a tremendous economic strength in this country and setting the putting of the....um... well, putting people back to work as the top priority because it's one of the basic domestic policy issue facing America. Now this is.... I think.... this is uh, an effort which ought to be done primarily by strong leadership in the White House which with all due respect, hasn't been effective in the past eight years with budget cuts in order to quote, "Maintain the strategic leadership of the 70s". Now with regards to the....um, the inspiration of um, uh... uh, the tapping of business, agriculture, industry, labor and government at all levels to work on this um project. We also have to understand that with the ongoing non-stop cycle of constant spiral of inflation, and we're not going to get a balanced budget fixed until we get all Americans back to work. The first point, researching and development funds into areas that will provide large numbers of jobs. Second point: we also need to have commitments in the private sector by cooperating with government in matters such as housing, job creation. Due to a very small investment of taxpayers' money in the housing field can also bring large numbers of extra jobs, and guaranteeing of mortgage loans, putting programs for housing for the elderly and so forth in order to cut down the roughly 205 unemployment which currently exists in the construction industry in places like the Midwest for example.

But I believe that by the end of the first four years of the next term, we will have the unemployment rate reduced to 3 percent, which is about 4 percent overall. Well, we can balance growth of about 4 percent to 6 percent around 5 percent will be giving us a balanced budget.

Reynolds: "Governor Brown, with unemployment that is likely to create additional pressures on prices, how willing are you going to consider options such as incomes policy, in other words, wage, price and controls if you're elected?"

Governor Brown: "Right now, we have such a low utilization of productive capacity. I think it's currently around 73%; I know it's about the lowest since the Great Depression from what I've heard. Due to the large unemployment rate of somewhere between 7.9% to nearing 13% of higher, we as a country, have a long way to go in order to get people back to work before we're seeing the inflationary pressures. Now, having served as Governor of the State of California with a record-high budget surplus, I am confident that with hardworking decision-making on difficult decisions such as budget cuts on specific programs as well as other alternatives, all of these efforts will be easy to accomplish, to getting jobs down, without having strong inflationary pressures which is effecting other countries right now. However, I am not in favor of the payment of a fixed income to people unless they're absolutely not able to find employment and working. With tax incentives for the low-income groups, we could build up income levels above the poverty level and not um making welfare programs more profitable than work.

Newman: "Vice President Brooke, your response?"


Vice President Brooke: "What we just saw this evening is more of Governor Brown's constant flip-flop on what he would do to fix the economy and this one-sized-fits-all policy of taxing and taxing and spending and spending is not going to be successful. The Governor's answers aren't more specific tonight than anything we've already heard from him. The truth of the matter is, Governor Brown, big government ideas on the economy is not the solution facing Americans----big government ideas is the main problem! The Governor's proposals aren't all that original or impactful. Most of these plans he's spouting off are obviously coming right off of the Humphrey-Hawkins bill, which I should let everyone watching this debate, that he's not even mentioning at all. This legislation that some of the Governor's campaign associates noted months earlier, as well as being part of the platform of the Democratic Party, will add $10-30 billion each year in additional government expenditures and will put large portions of our economy under control of the federal government.

The Humphrey-Hawkins bill will also cause export controls on agricultural outputs, which will end up hurting small farmers in the Heartland and across the country including farms like one of whom being owned by Governor Brown's running-mate, Governor Carter.

We must allow the private sector to generate jobs; we can do this by cutting taxes across the board on all Americans, from the high rate of 70 percent all the way down to 30 percent. This is a 40% tax cut, and that's money that will go directly back into our economy. We can also create further tax incentives in order to attract businesses and industries to the blighted areas, where they can create steady employment in communities battling joblessness.

Newman: "Thank you Mr. Vice President. Mr. Gannon, your question for Vice President Brooke?"

Gannon: "Mr. Vice President, I would like to continue for just a moment on this question of taxes which were just brought up earlier tonight. You said on the campaign trail that you favor more tax cuts for middle-income Americans---even those earning $30,000 per year. This presumably would cost the Treasury a quite of bit of money in lost revenues. In the view of the largest budget deficits that you have accumulated and that are still currently in prospect, how is it possible to provide further tax cuts and reaching your goal of pursuing this measure to reality if you're elected President?"

Vice President Brooke: "Now, first of all, Mr. Gannon, with all due respect, I think this idea that has been spawned onto our country that inflation somehow came upon us like the plague and therefore because its uncontrollable and nobody could do anything about it, it's entirely unacceptable and it's also dangerous to say that to the American people, who are watching this debate tonight. Once again, Governor Brown's economic plans specifically calls for increasing taxes nonstop to the point where we take so much money from the people that we balance the budget in this ridiculous way. If my opponent has his way, we will become a very poor nation with an unsound economy and a laughing stock throughout the world. Let's take into account on the programs Governor Brown wants to implement, for example, public-private projects in areas related to housing. While individual American families' savings as well as their hard-earned income gets decimated by inflation, a hypothetical President Brown would escalate this further by continuing to take more money from the American people in pursuing this hair-brained ponzi scheme from Congressman Hawkins and Senator Humphrey."

Newman: "Mrs. Drew, your question for Governor Brown."

Drew: "Governor Brown, you've proposed a specific number of new or expanded programs that include jobs, health, welfare reform, child care, aid to education, aid to cities, changes in Social Security and housing subsidies. Can you tell us why these programs won't add to the deficit?"

Governor Brown: "These specific programs detailed won't cost taxpayers money or even add to the budget deficit. Unlike recent administrations in the last few years, who've ignored the inflation crisis with the naive Laisse-Fairs approach by sending the increasing burdens to the States or even the Cities. Vice President Brooke is complicit in supporting reprehensible policies that nearly destroyed several cities such as Cleveland, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Baltimore and Chicago. When the Great Society programs such as Headstart, Antipoverty Initiatives, Infrastructure projects were viciously gutted by Presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Nelson Rockefeller, Vice President Brooke was clapping applauding them along like a good soldier and even cheering them all the way."

Drew: "That's not what I asked Governor. How are your proposals and specific programs that you mentioned during the campaign trail are going to be effective in the long-term basis?"

Governor Brown: "If we're just assuming the old rate of economic growth of our economy, equivalent to what it was during President Johnsom, even President Kennedy, now even before the war in Southeast Asia. Let's assume by the end of the four-year period we can be able to cutting the unemployment rate down to 4% to 4.5% under the circumstances, even assuming the elimination of unnecessary programs and assuring there's an increase in the allotment of money to financial programs, increasing as the inflation rate does, then based on the economic projections, which I think came from both the House and Senate committees have been on the $60 billion extra allotments of money that can be spent in fiscal year 1981."

Newman: "Mr. Vice President, your response?"

Vice President Brooke: "Most people, when they think about cutting government spending, they talk in terms elimination unnecessary programs or wiping out something in the budget as well as cutting waste in government agencies or deparrments, some services that government is supposed to be performing. I strongly believe there is enough extravagance and lots of fat in the federal government. I've got a specific program calling for gradual reductions of government spending based on these facts, and I have a task force now that has been working on where these detailed cuts will be made. I am completely confident that it can and will be done and these cuts will reduce inflation. As you know Mrs. Drew, under the proud leadership of President Nelson Rockefeller, we made tough, difficult but necessary decisions in balancing the federal budget which included cutting lots of government spending by consolidating or eliminating------."

Newman: "Mr. Vice President, I apologize for interrupting, but it appears we.......we believe we have had something of a broadcasting failure....are we....we're off the air? Bare with us, Mr. Vice President."

Newman: "We're back following adjustments with the broadcasting failure inside the Walnut Street Theatre. We now close out the debate with closing statements. And to start, it's lucky we begin with Vice President Brooke, who won the coin toss. Mr. Vice President?"

Vice President Brooke: "Throughout the course of this campaign, I have discussed the major important issues concerning the American people. This campaigm is about experience and leadership, there's nobody here except yours truly who has the skills, hardwork, leadership abilities as Massachusetts State Attorney General, United States Senator and as the 42nd Vice President of the United States, to have the honor of serving as your President if elected.

We are a country of different cultures, religions, multitude of tongues. We won the American Revolutionary War in gaining independence from Great Britain. Then when our country was torn apart in the Civil War: The Union defeated the Confederacy which marked the end of slavery, which resulted in Reconstruction. When World War I broke out, we answered the call and led the Allied Powers by defeating the Axis of Evil; 23 years later on December 7, 1941, when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, we answered the call once again and joined with our allies and friends leading the Allies in World War II defeating the Axis of Evil once again. Having worn the uniform during World War II serving in the United States Army, I along with countless millions of Americans, who became part of the Greatest Generation.

As a country, we landed on the Eastern shore and then went out over the mountains and the prairies and the deserts, and the far western mountains to the Pacific, building cities and towns and farms and schools and churches. If fire, wind and water destroyed them, we will build them again stronger than ever before. At the same time, we also built a new breed of human called an American: proud, independent and most compassionate individual.

There are millions of Americans today, who have fought harder, paid a higher price of freedom, and doing more in advancing the dignity of man than any people who ever lived on this earth. For 200 years, we've lived in the fairness that tomorrow would be better than today, and today would be better than yesterday. I strongly believe that. I'm not running for the Presidency because I believe that I can solve the problems we've discussed this evening. I believe the people of this country can, and together, we can be that beacon of opportunity in the world. We can meet our destiny------and that experience is needed to lead America in the next four years. Thank you!"

"Governor Brown?".

Governor Brown: "I would like to thank the panelists and everyone else who put together this important debate. Tonight, we've had a chance to talk alot about the past. However, I believe it's time to discuss the future. Over the past eight years, our nation has been bitterly divided as never before. We need to have unity right now. It's time to drawing ourselves together; having a President and a Congress that can work together with mutual respect for a change, so the people can understand their own government. It's time for government, industry, labor, manufacturing, agriculture, education, other entities in our society to cooperate. For a long time, our American citizens have been neglected, ignored, excluded and sometimes misled, sometimes gace been lied to. This is unacceptable and it's not compatible to the character of our nation.

I strongly believe in our country. It needs to be competent and stronger . The government needs to be well-managed, efficient and economical, we need to beva government that's sensitive to our people's needs; to those who are poor, who don't have adequate health care, who have been cheated too long with our tax programs, who've been out of jobs, where families have been torn apart. We also need to be restoring the trust and faith of the American people in their own government. In addition to that, we've suffered because we haven't had leadership in the last three presidential administrations in eight years.

What we've seen in three consecutive Republican presidential administrations, we've got a government in chaos and stalemate. We've lost the vision of wgat our country can and ought to be. This isn't the America we've known in the past. I know it's not the America that we're seeing right now and have in the future because eveywhere I have traveled, the American people want change of leadership and from what Vice President Brooke offered tonight, is more of the same failed disastrous policies and maintaining the status quo.

Now I don't claim to knowing all of the answers. But I've got confidence in my country. Our economic strengths are still there. In spite of Vietnam, Cambodia, the CIA, FBI, Watergate, our system of government is still the best system of government on earth.

With 215 million Americans, who have the strength, character, intelligence, experience, idealism, compassion, sense of brotherhood, and the patriotism , on which we can rely in the future to restoring the greatness to our country. We ought not to be excluded from our government anymore. We need a President who can go in------who derives his strength from the people. I do NOT owe the special interest groups anything. I owe everything to you, the people of this amazing country. If we can tap the tremendous untapped reservoir of innovative strength in this country, that we can once again have a government as good as our people, and let the world know what we still know, and hoping for that we still live in the greatest and the strongest and the best country on earth.

Newman: "And that's a wrap up of our debate tonight. We hope you join us again in San Francisco on October 6th for the second Presidential debate, focusing on Foreign Affairs and Defense. Thanks for joining us tonight. Thank you, Vice President Brooke and Governor Brown, for being here. I want to thank my colleagues as well. Thanks for watching and from Philadelphia's historic Walnut Street Theatre, good night."
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That Peanut Farmer from Georgia
10:00 AM EST, September 13th, 1976
Plains, GA

The former GA Governor was reading campaign briefing books from high-ranking officials of the Brown campaign when someone hurriedly rang the doorbell "Governor Carter. It's urgent that I speak with you".

Natalie Baccerro of the Associated Press was escorted into the living room of the Governor's residence in Plains as Hamilton Jordan, one of Carter's trusted campaign aides going back to Jimmy's days in the GA Governor's Mansion, kept watch determined to see what all the fuss was about "I wonder what Natalia is going to ask the Governor about developments on the campaign trail".

Natalia asked the question, "Governor Carter. There was an interview with Playboy Magazine you gave recently. What can you tell me about why you chose to do that with a controversial company?"

Carter summed it up: "I wanted to further introduce myself to a broader range of the nation. As you know, Jerry (in reference to CA Governor Jerry Brown) and I pledged during the Democratic Party National Convention back in July that we're going to be pointing out the differences between ourselves contrast that of our opponents, who are insiders of Washington, DC....

In reference to the choice of being interviewed by Playboy, I defend that decision because it was my way of introducing myself to the American people."

Not convinced, Natalia asked a follow-up question: "There's been controversial issues on your interview such as stating that you've lusted after other women. Can you please explain why you said that you lusted after other women?"

Attempting not to blush, Carter reiterated "I am NOT a womanizer if that's what your suggesting."
Hmm 🤔
Chapter VI: Fallout from the First Presidential Debate
Fallout from the First Presidential Debate
7:00 PM PST, September 26th, 1976
Sacramento, CA


CA Governor Jerry Brown (D) welcomed to cheerful crowd of supporters in Sacramento.
The aftermath of the first Presidential debate was a total disaster for the Brown campaign. Caught flat-footed, sucker punched on a political scale due to the first-term California Governor's nervousness, stammering, stuttering on how he'll have the programs implemented if elected President, caused some senior aides in the Brown campaign to put together a more aggressive nature in getting the Governor better prepared in the next debate.

Gray Davis, the Gubernatorial Chief of Staff, was pissed off at the lack of urgency from some staffers, whom he believed didn't serve Brown's best interest on the campaign trail: "These dumbasses think they know how to run a fucking campaign, I plan on taking charge from now on. We're going to shake it up!"

Davis had good reason to be nervous about Brown's disastrous debate performance in Philadelphia. Following the first debate, pollsters revealed 59% of Americans felt Brooke won the debate; 27% thought Brown won the debate. Other polling surveys showed that majority of Americans knew nothing about the Governor's policy proposals & objectives. On September 30th: Gallup revealed the following:
Gallup Polling Survey (September 30th, 1976)
1976 US Presidential Election

Brown (D): 40%
Brooke (R): 39%
Undecided: 17%
Not Sure: 1%

Over on the other side of the political spectrum, Vice President Brooke managed to reduce a once 29 percentage point deficit down to within 1 percentage point. Brooke easily trounced the rookie in the debate by focusing on experience, leadership abilities, strong specific outlines of policies in what a hypothetical Brooke administration would look like.

Brooke got the endorsement of several key figures: former United States Senator Elaine Edwards (D-LA), former TX Governor Preston Smith (D), former US Ambassador to the United Nations Daniel Patrick Moynihan & several other Democrats.

While Brooke was gaining momentum in the Presidential campaign, over in Argentina, there was ugly human rights violations being escalated non-stop by the controversial Triple-A Alliance in the name of "Protecting the Republic" when opponents of Argentine President Isabel Martinez de Peron were being rounded up by security forces in the middle of the night during raids: some were "arrested" for insulting the government; families were torn apart by seperation policies in the name of defending La Presidente; according to eyewitness accounts, security forces with assistance of former Nazi German intelligence officials personally rounded up news journalists, comedians, celebrities and professional athletes by accusing them of "infecting and contaminating the Argentinean identity."

With the upcoming debate heavily focused on Foreign Affairs & Defense, human rights activists & investigative journalists were being aggressively vocal about the dark side of La Presidente & what's really happening in Argentina as the once-proud South American country was undergoing another dictatorship, this time by a female Head of State.
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