The CCP considers Taiwan a rogue province, Taiwan still officially considers the CCP to be a rogue mainland, so there's a totally reasonable symmetry in that position.
Politically and officially, yes, and they're closely linked to national pride and because of things like politics and trade.The CCP considers Taiwan a rogue province, Taiwan still officially considers the CCP to be a rogue mainland, so there's a totally reasonable symmetry in that position.
According to what i read,Mao gutted China culture,and real chineese culture now live on Taivan and in Singapoore.Politically and officially, yes, and they're closely linked to national pride and because of things like politics and trade.
And while the CCP still has designs on the "Rogue Province", the general attitude from the overall [and more importantly younger] population in Taiwan, from what I've gathered, is that they don't consider themselves Chinese as in mainland Chinese now but Taiwanese. They don't really identify with being Chinese like their grandparents or great grandparents, much like how migrant families to the United States have grandchildren and great grandchildren that are American despite having grandparents coming from, say, the UK or Germany or Mexico or Japan.
It's basically been too long and the cultures have diverged too much, much like North Korea and South Korea.
Operation Joint Sword underway, coincidentally taking place around a small island off of the West Taiwanese Coast.
With over 150 planes and almost fifty ships, its possible their largest exercise yet around the Island of Taiwan.
Amd. amusingly enough, these exercises never seem to take into account the fuck off huge amounts of artillery and anti-ship and anti-air missiles Taiwan has always ready to fire.
Seriously, it's like the Allies making simulations for Operation: Overlord without factoring in all the, ya know, German defences. facepalm
With how arrogant and incompetent West Taiwan is, it wouldn't surprise me if this were true.Maybe they don't seriously expect the planned "reunification" to be contested.
If the CCP do intend to make a move on Taiwan, it's almost certainly going to happen before Trump is back in the WH, which is looking increasingly certain.
My guess is that the CCP either a) have some strategy they 'know' can defeat taiwan in 3 months, so Trump would be up against a fiat accompli, or b) are going to wait until after the election to see who wins.If the CCP do intend to make a move on Taiwan, it's almost certainly going to happen before Trump is back in the WH, which is looking increasingly certain.
If elections on Taiwan win their people,it could happen in the future.Maybe they don't seriously expect the planned "reunification" to be contested.
Maybe,but they belive that USA must fall thanks to debt about 2040,so they think that they could wait for that.If the CCP do intend to make a move on Taiwan, it's almost certainly going to happen before Trump is back in the WH, which is looking increasingly certain.
Given how much a terrible situation the United States is in at the moment --everything from the economy and national debt, to Leftism running wild, to pro-misandry becoming the normal, to even anti-White racism going mainstream-- this could literally be a case of "who is going to collapse first?"If elections on Taiwan win their people,it could happen in the future.
Maybe,but they belive that USA must fall thanks to debt about 2040,so they think that they could wait for that.
Sadly,true.If both fall at the same time,we could have Caliphate ruling over most of the world.Given how much a terrible situation the United States is in at the moment --everything from the economy and national debt, to Leftism running wild, to pro-misandry becoming the normal, to even anti-White racism going mainstream-- this could literally be a case of "who is going to collapse first?"
Unless America corrects course very sharply in the next decade, Idiocracy and 1984 are going to have a fucking strange, real-life love child.
Sadly,true.If both fall at the same time,we could have Caliphate ruling over most of the world.
Wouldn't stop dumb Westerners from giving them aid and food, or if China, if it survives, honey traps them with food aid for massive concessions like they've been doing for infrastructure in African countries. shrugThe Middle-East is not self-sufficient in food.
Military defeat in Taiwan would somewhat seal the deal on having “lost the Mandate of Heaven.” Thereafter it would be a downward slope for the Red Dynasty.On the one hand, a lot of people would die if they tried this boneheaded shit; yes, that includes CCP drones fighting for Xinnie the Poo. No one wants pointless death.
On the other hand, trying and failing to invade Taiwan, losing thousands of military, and being shown that you're basically a joke, would likely kill the CCP entirely. As shown in repeated historical cycles, China as a unified entity collapses into balkanized states, reforms, then collapses again over and over. This would likely be the CCP's turn.
Whether China would reunite again under some form of centralized government, however, is the question.
Military defeat in Taiwan would somewhat seal the deal on having “lost the Mandate of Heaven.” Thereafter it would be a downward slope for the Red Dynasty.
The mainland Chinese are much like their North Korean neighbours: they know their government is full of shit. They just smile and nod to keep their Mad Emperor happy.What if they just lie shamelessly about their glorious victory? Would the mainland Chinese know any better?