Anime & Manga RWBY General discussion thread.

My opinions are mine. I don't need yall to like the show either.
That's fair; I don't want you to think that I'm trying to tell you that you're not allowed to like RWBY, because I'm not. I just have something of a grudge against it (for many, many reasons), and find expressing my distaste for the show to be rather cathartic.
That's not really a fair comparison to make, seeing as pre-RT Monty didn't have to worry about deadlines or working with a team. Many of those videos he spent years putting together before they saw the light of day.
It's the entire point. If he couldnt re-create the quality he was creating on his own with a thousand times the resources and an entire studio, there was never any point to using him to begin with. It's not like Dead Fantasy was the platonic solid of quality anyway, you'd expect the animation, direction, and choreography to get BETTER, or at least stay the same, as he matured.
It makes sense to me. I don't see how it contradicts itself.

Well then, let me break it down for you.

The 'myth arc exposition episode' starts with a fairly simple premise. Beautiful princess locked in a tower for nefarious reasons; handsome young hero comes to rescue her. Simple, straightforward, classic, a story that can be compellingly told a thousand different ways with different variations, so long as the writing is good.

Enter the first twist; instead of having a 'happily ever after,' or a more realistic 'and then they learned to build a life together, and work at having a healthy relationship,' the handsome young hero gets sick and dies. The fantasy adventure turns into a tragedy.

Sick with grief, the princess goes and begs a god to bring her beloved back to life. He refuses, because 'that would violate the balance between life and death.' Princess doesn't take this well, so goes to the god's brother to ask him to raise her beloved. At first, he agrees, and this almost starts a fight between the brothers, until it's revealed that second brother was second option, so he's pissed about this.

So to punish her, they... make her immortal. This kind of contradicts the 'balance between life and death' thing. But okay, we're looking at some Greek tragedy shit here now. She wants to kill herself to be with her beloved, but the gods won't let her until she admits that she was wrong to try to bring him back. Rough story, bro.

...Enter the second twist. She takes her unkillability, and uses it to persuade mankind to rise up against the gods with her. To be fair, she does have a literal divine power to use as a persuasive tool in bringing people to support her argument that the gods have been holding out on mankind, and that it's time to go make them distribute the good stuff. At this point I've concluded that the gods are idiots for letting her wander around unchecked, and not making an announcement that the princess is under divine punishment and why; they're literally sowing the seeds of their own rebellion here.

The gods respond to this rebellion, by exterminating the entire human race, and then GTFOing off the planet.

Wow. Uh. You sure you know what you're doing here RT? I mean, this doesn't seem a little crazy here? I thought the Princess was supposed to be the antagonist, not a sympathetic deuteragonist? She literally hasn't killed or hurt anyone up to this point, whereas the gods who've pronounced judgement on her, just committed genocide.

Not sure what message you're trying to send, RT.

Of course, since they didn't lift her curse of immortality, princess is now the last living human on the planet, and has to walk the world alone. We have transcended Greek Tragedy at this point, and are looking at a cross between HP Lovecraft and bad fanfiction. It really sucks to be her.

But wait, we're not finished yet. There are two more 'big twists' to throw out.

First, the human race magically reappears from... somewhere. I guess princess literally walked the world alone long enough for mankind to evolve from apes? Is that what we're supposed to conclude here? That she spent tens of millions of years alone in the ruins of human civilization? That's a pretty good way to go completely insane.

Oh, just to make sure she's completely nuts, she takes a dive in the evil primordial soup, and gets thoroughly saturated with the stuff. Unlike every other effect on her, the auto-rez curse that keeps her from doing (and also forever young) does not remove the evil crazy juice, because, you know, only bad things can ever happen in the mythology arc.

And now finally, we come to the cherry on top the bow on top of this box of shit, the dramatic climax of the entire thing!

The hero gets brought back to life anyways.

Yes, the thing that the gods would not do, because it would 'violate the balance,' the thing that started princess's entire feud against the gods and spiral into crazy-town, they go ahead and do that anyways.

But not until after the princess has gone completely batshit crazy.

And it's not just 'bring him back to life.' Oh no, no no no no, that would be too simple! They don't just bring him back for one life time! He gets put into a reincarnation loop that is strictly in all ways inferior to the immortality that crazy-princess gets, and told that he has to ensure mankind (who were wiped out) learns its 'lesson' (regarding gods that the magically reappearing future mankind has no idea exist), or when the brother gods come back, they'll render judgement and wipe mankind out.


Now our shit cake, with shit icing, and a shit cherry on top is complete.

Not only do RT show a basic lack of understanding of how human psychology and civilization works. (You can't teach 'mankind as a whole' anything. Each individual has to learn a given lesson themselves, and taken as an aggregate, within any given civilization, each lesson needs to be passed down from generation to generation deliberately.)

Not only are the 'gods' complete morons, not only are they capricious and vindictive (I'd fight in a moral crusade against 'gods' like that), but they completely violate their own supposed principle in the most destructive way possible.

The entire conflict of the mythology arc, centers around the gods refusing to bring Ozpin back to life, then refusing to let Salem die, then actually bringing Ozpin back to life after Salem had gone batshit crazy! It's not just self-contradictory, it's mind-bogglingly stupid on a level that I still cannot understand how the hell they came up with this shit in the first place!

I don't know if I could make a story this bad if I was deliberately trying to be as stupid as possible.

So yes. The mythology arc of the setting absolutely contradicts itself. It is irrational on a level that it has driven me away from writing in it; I love a lot of the characters, but I'll cross them over into a setting that has more internal logical consistency and common sense defining it, thank you very much, like Twilight or Harry Potter.
It's the entire point. If he couldnt re-create the quality he was creating on his own with a thousand times the resources and an entire studio, there was never any point to using him to begin with. It's not like Dead Fantasy was the platonic solid of quality anyway, you'd expect the animation, direction, and choreography to get BETTER, or at least stay the same, as he matured.
You really need to adjust your expectations; because it sounds like you were expecting movie-level quality on a television-level budget and time constraint. Besides; I'd argue his work on RWBY, while perhaps not his best, was still really good all things considered. Given a few more years, I suspect the quality of the fights would have improved dramatically under Monty.
You really need to adjust your expectations; because it sounds like you were expecting movie-level quality on a television-level budget and time constraint. Besides; I'd argue his work on RWBY, while perhaps not his best, was still really good all things considered. Given a few more years, I suspect the quality of the fights would have improved dramatically under Monty.
I expect good, you need to grow some standards.
I expect good, you need to grow some standards.
Oh I have standards; they're just tempered by my awareness of certain realities involved in creating an entertainment product at the behest of a production company for a mass market, compared to producing a passion project beholden to no one but the creator themselves for an audience consisting of whoever's interested.

That said, I'm not saying RWBY isn't terrible now, and wasn't mediocre in retrospect even when Monty was in charge; I'm just saying that the fight scenes he helped put together for the show are one of the few aspects of the production I find to be forgivable, when taking the situation he was in into account. Mind you, part of that comes from how terrible they got after his death, and how they still haven't managed to make anything nearly as good as Monty could at his worst.
That's fair; I don't want you to think that I'm trying to tell you that you're not allowed to like RWBY, because I'm not. I just have something of a grudge against it (for many, many reasons), and find expressing my distaste for the show to be rather cathartic.
I have noticed a lot of people like that, and I can understand. I often don't like the things they do.
Well then, let me break it down for you.

The 'myth arc exposition episode' starts with a fairly simple premise. Beautiful princess locked in a tower for nefarious reasons; handsome young hero comes to rescue her. Simple, straightforward, classic, a story that can be compellingly told a thousand different ways with different variations, so long as the writing is good.

Enter the first twist; instead of having a 'happily ever after,' or a more realistic 'and then they learned to build a life together, and work at having a healthy relationship,' the handsome young hero gets sick and dies. The fantasy adventure turns into a tragedy.

Sick with grief, the princess goes and begs a god to bring her beloved back to life. He refuses, because 'that would violate the balance between life and death.' Princess doesn't take this well, so goes to the god's brother to ask him to raise her beloved. At first, he agrees, and this almost starts a fight between the brothers, until it's revealed that second brother was second option, so he's pissed about this.

So to punish her, they... make her immortal. This kind of contradicts the 'balance between life and death' thing. But okay, we're looking at some Greek tragedy shit here now. She wants to kill herself to be with her beloved, but the gods won't let her until she admits that she was wrong to try to bring him back. Rough story, bro.

...Enter the second twist. She takes her unkillability, and uses it to persuade mankind to rise up against the gods with her. To be fair, she does have a literal divine power to use as a persuasive tool in bringing people to support her argument that the gods have been holding out on mankind, and that it's time to go make them distribute the good stuff. At this point I've concluded that the gods are idiots for letting her wander around unchecked, and not making an announcement that the princess is under divine punishment and why; they're literally sowing the seeds of their own rebellion here.

The gods respond to this rebellion, by exterminating the entire human race, and then GTFOing off the planet.

Wow. Uh. You sure you know what you're doing here RT? I mean, this doesn't seem a little crazy here? I thought the Princess was supposed to be the antagonist, not a sympathetic deuteragonist? She literally hasn't killed or hurt anyone up to this point, whereas the gods who've pronounced judgement on her, just committed genocide.

Not sure what message you're trying to send, RT.

Of course, since they didn't lift her curse of immortality, princess is now the last living human on the planet, and has to walk the world alone. We have transcended Greek Tragedy at this point, and are looking at a cross between HP Lovecraft and bad fanfiction. It really sucks to be her.

But wait, we're not finished yet. There are two more 'big twists' to throw out.

First, the human race magically reappears from... somewhere. I guess princess literally walked the world alone long enough for mankind to evolve from apes? Is that what we're supposed to conclude here? That she spent tens of millions of years alone in the ruins of human civilization? That's a pretty good way to go completely insane.

Oh, just to make sure she's completely nuts, she takes a dive in the evil primordial soup, and gets thoroughly saturated with the stuff. Unlike every other effect on her, the auto-rez curse that keeps her from doing (and also forever young) does not remove the evil crazy juice, because, you know, only bad things can ever happen in the mythology arc.

And now finally, we come to the cherry on top the bow on top of this box of shit, the dramatic climax of the entire thing!

The hero gets brought back to life anyways.

Yes, the thing that the gods would not do, because it would 'violate the balance,' the thing that started princess's entire feud against the gods and spiral into crazy-town, they go ahead and do that anyways.

But not until after the princess has gone completely batshit crazy.

And it's not just 'bring him back to life.' Oh no, no no no no, that would be too simple! They don't just bring him back for one life time! He gets put into a reincarnation loop that is strictly in all ways inferior to the immortality that crazy-princess gets, and told that he has to ensure mankind (who were wiped out) learns its 'lesson' (regarding gods that the magically reappearing future mankind has no idea exist), or when the brother gods come back, they'll render judgement and wipe mankind out.


Now our shit cake, with shit icing, and a shit cherry on top is complete.

Not only do RT show a basic lack of understanding of how human psychology and civilization works. (You can't teach 'mankind as a whole' anything. Each individual has to learn a given lesson themselves, and taken as an aggregate, within any given civilization, each lesson needs to be passed down from generation to generation deliberately.)

Not only are the 'gods' complete morons, not only are they capricious and vindictive (I'd fight in a moral crusade against 'gods' like that), but they completely violate their own supposed principle in the most destructive way possible.

The entire conflict of the mythology arc, centers around the gods refusing to bring Ozpin back to life, then refusing to let Salem die, then actually bringing Ozpin back to life after Salem had gone batshit crazy! It's not just self-contradictory, it's mind-bogglingly stupid on a level that I still cannot understand how the hell they came up with this shit in the first place!

I don't know if I could make a story this bad if I was deliberately trying to be as stupid as possible.

So yes. The mythology arc of the setting absolutely contradicts itself. It is irrational on a level that it has driven me away from writing in it; I love a lot of the characters, but I'll cross them over into a setting that has more internal logical consistency and common sense defining it, thank you very much, like Twilight or Harry Potter.
I don't see the issue in my eyes. It makes sense to me. You do have valid points in there though.
Oh I have standards; they're just tempered by my awareness of certain realities involved in creating an entertainment product at the behest of a production company for a mass market, compared to producing a passion project beholden to no one but the creator themselves for an audience consisting of whoever's interested.

That said, I'm not saying RWBY isn't terrible now, and wasn't mediocre in retrospect even when Monty was in charge; I'm just saying that the fight scenes he helped put together for the show are one of the few aspects of the production I find to be forgivable, when taking the situation he was in into account. Mind you, part of that comes from how terrible they got after his death, and how they still haven't managed to make anything nearly as good as Monty could at his worst.
They have improved. Perhaps not as good as it could be with Monty, but they have still managed to make the animation Fluent (For everyone who says I am using it wrong. It flows nicely, the animation isn't clunky, isn't like some of the older volumes where the figures clipped through the floor and so on so forth.) and the fight scenes have a nice flow you can track.
They do not compare to Monty, and I don't think they ever will, but the people working on it now are definitely not slouches and are putting their hearts into it. They are improving as it goes on.
I don't see the issue in my eyes. It makes sense to me. You do have valid points in there though.

...I'm sorry, but how does that make sense?

Also, while your use of 'fluent' is technically correct, that definition of the word is completely unknown to most people, and the similarity to 'fluid' makes it look like you're using the wrong word.
...I'm sorry, but how does that make sense?

Also, while your use of 'fluent' is technically correct, that definition of the word is completely unknown to most people, and the similarity to 'fluid' makes it look like you're using the wrong word.
Look, I wont lie to you, I cant explain how it makes sense at this time, but it just does to me.

I was actually worried I was using the wrong word at first.
Again; one screen, two movies.
I am glad we can agree to disagree
Oh I have standards; they're just tempered by my awareness of certain realities involved in creating an entertainment product at the behest of a production company for a mass market, compared to producing a passion project beholden to no one but the creator themselves for an audience consisting of whoever's interested.
You need to grow some actual standards. A sandwich full of rocks does not become "okay" if someone was, like, really rushed in making it.

Look, I wont lie to you, I cant explain how it makes sense at this time, but it just does to me.
Really focus on that sentence.

Again; one screen, two movies.
One interpretation is more correct than the other, though. Thats the problem.

I don't see the issue in my eyes. It makes sense to me.
If you thought up was down and drinking water would set you on fire that would be your opinion, that would make sense to you, and you'd be wrong.

They have improved. Perhaps not as good as it could be with Monty, but they have still managed to make the animation Fluent (For everyone who says I am using it wrong. It flows nicely, the animation isn't clunky, isn't like some of the older volumes where the figures clipped through the floor and so on so forth.) and the fight scenes have a nice flow you can track.
They do not compare to Monty, and I don't think they ever will, but the people working on it now are definitely not slouches and are putting their hearts into it. They are improving as it goes on.
There is more to making a good fight scene than "not hilariously fucking up basic direction". I cant believe someone who has actually been through combat training can look at literally any fight from RWBY and not piss themselves laughing.
You need to grow some actual standards. A sandwich full of rocks does not become "okay" if someone was, like, really rushed in making it.

Really focus on that sentence.

One interpretation is more correct than the other, though. Thats the problem.

If you thought up was down and drinking water would set you on fire that would be your opinion, that would make sense to you, and you'd be wrong.

There is more to making a good fight scene than "not hilariously fucking up basic direction". I cant believe someone who has actually been through combat training can look at literally any fight from RWBY and not piss themselves laughing.
My standards may be shit to you, they are mine and we can differ. I don't need to be liked by you with my standards.

I mean, of i look at any fiction I could die laughing as most dont even portray the diffrence between cover and concealment, and RWBY does better then many in that regard.
I have learned a lot and still learning more, and just because I like RWBY does not make my opinion worthless. I could say the damn thinf about all of yours. I wint because that gets no where.
You need to grow some actual standards. A sandwich full of rocks does not become "okay" if someone was, like, really rushed in making it.
Translation: I need to have your standards. Yeah; I don't think so.

One interpretation is more correct than the other, though. Thats the problem.
I'm sure you believe that, but ultimately what you believe doesn't matter; the other guy still isn't watching the same movie you are.
Translation: I need to have your standards. Yeah; I don't think so.
No kidding, because you have shitty standards. Why would you want to improve them?

I'm sure you believe that, but ultimately what you believe doesn't matter; the other guy still isn't watching the same movie you are.
Irrelevant, one of us is watching something more congruent with reality, and thus the actions we take based on what we see will be more correct.

You cant escape reality no matter how hard you try.
No kidding, because you have shitty standards. Why would you want to improve them?

Irrelevant, one of us is watching something more congruent with reality, and thus the actions we take based on what we see will be more correct.

You cant escape reality no matter how hard you try.
I am more involved in reality then you think Ship
And you're just shit; what sane person would want to emulate you in any way?
Glass houses little fella. Pot, kettle, black, etc etc. I'm pretty stoked about my life personally.

Hell, you're making me question if RWBY really is all that bad, simply because you hate it so much.
I can think of no conclusion more hilarious.

I am more involved in reality then you think Ship
Still need to work on those reading skills though. I wasnt talking to you, and your comment would be a non-sequitur even if I was.
I like RWBY think it is good and think the fights are good.
Disagree, I respect that about you
How do you feel about Qrow accidentally penetrating his boyfriend by the way?

mY vIeWs aRe the GrEaTeST In tEh wOrLd aNd eVeRyOnE eLsE's iS sHiT hUr DuR
"Only one person in the world thinks RWBY is a huge mess"
-This big boy right here.

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