Random Crime Stories...

Eighty year old man defends business from four armed robbers.

Ill be honest. I was angry that those guys parked in a Handicapped Spot illegally. But by the end of the video I wasn't so triggered by it.
Anarchist Looking to Redistribute the Wealth Got Stabbed by an Asian Wielding the Blade.

Looks like a solid seven or eight stab wounds. Still no reason for profanity. It happened in Vegas.
Two Air France pilots got into a fight in the cockpit whilst the plane was in flight. The fighting was so intense that th Cabin Crew apparently had to intervene and for some lame reason the pilots are being suspended.

A member of the cabin crew then had to babysit the two naughty pilots. The plane flight wasn't disturbed apparently and it arrived at its destination with no issue.

No details yet as to why the two pilots are fighting, but I can only assume its due to the Abortion Rights past 15 weeks coming under attack in America, or Voter ID issues America's Right Wing Taliban are trying to bring about, or maybe the White Supremacist pushback against Open Borders in America's border states.
Or it could be whether camembert or brie is better. La fromage is a highly contentious topic in France.
I'm looking for the news article on this ...

When I was buying smokes this morning the liquor store manager told me that a gal came in and waved a gun around last night. She wasn't trying to rob the place. She was just upset. The cops got called and nobody got shot, so it probably won't be in the news.

Um ... even though Indiana has really lax and sane gun laws there are still places where it's illegal to be armed and pointing a gun at someone who isn't a threat is handcuffs and a long all-expenses paid vacation at the greybar hotel complements of the state government.
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Wendy's Fast Food Employee attempted to tamper with the crossing guards at a railroad crossing near his work, hoping it would obstruct traffic and result in a slow shift.

The Drive said:
A local 34-year-old was accused of interfering with sensors along the Reading & Northern, according to WFMZ. Railroad police say that at 6:58 p.m. on August 26, a surveillance camera captured an individual "tampering with railroad equipment" by installing what was reported to be a "shunt," which sends a signal to the crossing gate. This would have activated the gate, blocking traffic, while the device's presence would not have been detectable to the railroad's dispatchers according to Tilden Township police.

An A for effort to avoid putting in any effort at actual work.

Wendy's Fast Food Employee attempted to tamper with the crossing guards at a railroad crossing near his work, hoping it would obstruct traffic and result in a slow shift.

An A for effort to avoid putting in any effort at actual work.

Meanwhile, in the world of people who aren't complete assholes ...

I said "hi" to a homeless acquaintance and asked him how his week went. He very reluctantly said that someone tossed $200 through his open car window and drove off before he could say "thank you". He thinks they saw him saw him buying gasoline and lunch for someone on Tuesday.
Definitely not common.
I have flown many times.
It is generally just sitting on your phone waiting for the thing to get your bags.

Talk about mega-cringe

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