Breaking News Poland CAN Into Nuclear Power, Thanks to Trump


When the effort is no longer profitable...
So, it was just announced in the Rose Garden, at a joint press conference, that the US will be helping Poland aquire civilian nuclear energy.

Poland has wanted this for a while, and now, Trump is set to help them get it.

Also mentioned were another increase in US troops numbers and an LNG terminal to supply central/eastern Europe.
Good. High-quality engineering will spread into the curriculum, Poland will get a shit ton of quality power for cheap provided they have a good deal on the rods but that's pocket change at the end of it. And of course, old stuff can be removed and pave the way for new developments and it can be the biggest F U to the Soviet incompetence at Cherny the Poles can get.

Also mentioned were another increase in US troops numbers
Hm. Depending on how it progresses this might be good or bad. Hopefully, they won't be there long as Pax Americana will only stretch so far.

an LNG terminal to supply central/eastern Europe.
That'll be helpful. Cheaper goods for the less wealthy is always good.
Good. High-quality engineering will spread into the curriculum, Poland will get a shit ton of quality power for cheap provided they have a good deal on the rods but that's pocket change at the end of it. And of course, old stuff can be removed and pave the way for new developments and it can be the biggest F U to the Soviet incompetence at Cherny the Poles can get.
And if it helps bootstrap a nuclear armed Poland...well, that would sure change the balance of power in Europe.

Hm. Depending on how it progresses this might be good or bad. Hopefully, they won't be there long as Pax Americana will only stretch so far.
They want them there, for both security and economic reasons.

Military families tend to spend a bit of money in the towns near bases, after all. They bought some F-35s not too long back, and there is the whole Ft. Trump tank base that's in the works.

Also, I forgot to add, it looks like both Microsoft and possibly Google will be shifting some infrastructure and offices into Poland in the near future.

Poland is about to get a huge infusion of American cash, tech, energy, and disposable income.
That'll be helpful. Cheaper goods for the less wealthy is always good.
It will mean countries in Eastern Europe, not just Poland, won't be beholden to Russian LNG or to the same degree.

Add in nuclear power Poland can sell to other countries, and Poland could become a real player in European energy markets.
Poland is in an interesting position right now. Everybody and their dog has invaded Poland and some point due to where they are geographically, and with the EU looking increasingly overburdened and Russia flexing it's muscles again, it's understandable that the Poles are feeling antsy. They seem to be making moves to court the US where the rest of Europe is trying to throw them out. I imagine they really want some nukes in the near future to make sure those two powers don't get ideas about repeating history.
Officially the german's will not be pleased by this unnoficially they need power and being able to buy power from both france and germany makes them less dependent on French power.
I imagine the Poles will find it nice to make the German's grovel to them for power and help.

Hmm, I wonder if Musk can help Poland Into Space?
And having to answer to Paris is something Berlin really doesn’t want, since they no longer have the money to pay for everything France wants.
Then they mey end up answering to Warsaw instead.
yeah it is if its contained properly, its also The most viable alternative to fossil fuels .

I think they're discovering or have found uses for the nuclear waste already

That said, I can see attempts at banning it from the EU and other Far-Left "Green" Groups that ironically hurt the environment more or stop stuff that actually helps the environment
Correct, similar concerns apply for wind. Amusingly the US and Argentina are the only countries which have substantial amounts of both.

And somehow, I see non-Far Leftists embracing solar and wind together with nuclear power suddenly having them go on about the stuff needed to produce the materials to make those machines, the oils needed and the fact that they’re built on land that can be used for wildlife and accidental killing of animals

Yeah, I think Solar Panels accidentally burn flocks
And somehow, I see non-Far Leftists embracing solar and wind together with nuclear power suddenly having them go on about the stuff needed to produce the materials to make those machines, the oils needed and the fact that they’re built on land that can be used for wildlife and accidental killing of animals

Yeah, I think Solar Panels accidentally burn flocks
Sort of, that flip would piss off the greenies too much, besides oil producing states are actually adopting commercial green energy, because it means they can export more fuel, so it can’t be stopped.
Sort of, that flip would piss off the greenies too much, besides oil producing states are actually adopting commercial green energy, because it means they can export more fuel, so it can’t be stopped.

Honestly, I think one thing that sounds really shocking and downright “horrible” is being nice, friendly or indifferent to things like race/sex/sexuality out of PRAGMATISM more than anything else
For some reason, all I can picture is Poland-ball staring into the distance, mushroom cloud reflected in his eyes and a smile on his lips as he whispers the words Poles have wanted to be able to say for centuries: "No one invades me again. Ever."

More seriously...
Expansion of civilian nuclear power is a big ol' good thing, and Poland's not actually nutbarish enough to repurpose or stepping-stone it into becoming a nuclear power...And even if they did, it wouldn't exactly be the worst thing because of that 'not nutbarish' status. Europe in general becoming less dependent on suckling the teat of Russia just makes sense if any of the noises that most European governments make about not liking the country and opposing its policies and behaviors domestically or internationally have any truth or solidity to them (ditto in-regards to the communist bandits of the 'Peoples Republic of China' as well--though in that case this is a bit less direct since, to my knowledge, Europe doesn't depend on them for energy nearly as much).

Until/unless Germany unscrews the Bundeswehr and national policy into something which might actually contribute to NATO, I don't object to the US repositioning to Poland, either. I'd somewhat prefer pulling back from the whole mess. But if we are going to be there, even with the preexisting stuff Ramstein and other bases in Germany presumably have, I think I prefer the message that soldiers basing elsewhere sends.

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