Britain New... Protocol? Appears in Bristol Area that Gives Doctors the Right to Withdraw Medical Care from Racists


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Sorry if the title isn't clear, I just wasn't sure how to word it. Anyway, on to the topic, so yeah, it would seem that we may be having a very interesting rule being put in place that could either snowball horribly or just die where it stands. Preferably the latter option if the wording around the rule is intentionally vague or outright disingenuous with what is applied under "racism."

Luckily though, it would seem they cannot withhold treatment while the situation is either serious or life-threatening, however, the fact there's now a social credit-esque system being applied to healthcare is extremely concerning when this will either just ramp up minority bias' out of fear of being called racist due to the fact they typically display less issues with being racist and the fact the government is once again telling you how to think. Yes, racism is bad, we know, anybody who isn't an idiot knows this, but the idea that an institution that is not a private enterprise can just deny helping someone in need just because they have poorly defined issues with let's say Asians or something is extremely concerning.
And yet another reason I never plan to visit the UK appears.

This is horrendous on every level, and the fact it went anywhere at all shows why no one show trust government run healthcare or the Far-Left socialist/social justice-types who push this shit through.
Honestly I can't think of an era where the Empire was ever not a murderously callous madhouse it just went from a far right literal drug lord to a center left guy you know is going to die of an alcoholic car accident.
...IIRC the specific policy involves you being a dick to the staff on the spot.
From what I know most British urban area have problems with people throwing abuse at medical personnel, so it would make sense to pass policy that allows them to tell the assholes to bugger off, especially to belligerent drunkards that they have in such ample supply.
Pretty sure that’s hilariously illegal

this is what happens when you don't put your constitution and your associated bill of rights in writing.

We understood that if you don't write shit down and put it in writing then sleezly people will fuck you over and even then you have to write carefully so they don't use weasel tactics to fuck you over.

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