United States National Popular Vote Interstate Compact

There are a great many fairly fundamental issues with how we elect Representatives, and the Electoral College issues are only one of them.

The first big issue is that, as a consequence of various SCOTUS decisions, House Districts must be geographically based.

The most ideal switch would be to fix the number of Representatives relative to population (i.e. every state gets one Representative by fiat, all others are apportioned between the states based solely on population with every, say, hundred thousand citizens resident in the state getting that state 1 Representative) and then fill those slots in statewide elections with them going to whomever gets the most votes.

Say a state has 10 slots, come election time every candidate for the House is on a single ballot and whichever candidates get the ten highest vote totals fill those seats.

That would totally negate all issues of redistricting, minority representation. cripple the parties, and rationalize the size of the Electoral College to more accurately represent population disparities between the states.

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