Modern Food Controversies! The Food Pyramid, Seed Oils, Corn Syrup, the 'F' in FDA, Processed Foods and More!

Vegans give up meat and then go and try to fake meat because they crave meat but cannot do an actually sane choice and simply eat meat:

If they were intelligent they'd research historical vegan cuisine, and find out how the Jainists and the others have managed. But they aren't and they won't and they'll continue craving meat rather than finding an actual alternative. And given Jainism is very strict on even the plants that can be consumed, I find it hilarious that people with more food choice and the internet fail where the Jainists and others like them succeed.
Sugar is essentially a drug... and it is everywhere:

Basically, it causes addiction (similar to cocaine), and makes you hungry, and so you can't stop eating. And so everyone got fat.
Sugar has been in human diets for a long time, as in even hunter gather society.
Diffrenfe being KIND of sugar
Sugar has been in human diets for a long time, as in even hunter gather society.
Diffrenfe being KIND of sugar
Main difference is not the KIND of sugar, but the QUANTITY of sugar.

Hunter-gatherers would eat some fruit when they would find it, but that was only in small quantities and only during the summer and the autumn. That is why sugar triggers hunger and also causes addiction - it was easy calories when animals aren't around, so we have a natural inclination to gorge on it to get us over to the next kill. Fruits and honey are, essentially, starvation diet - signal to your body that "I am in trouble, I need energy fast or I will starve to death". Hence why sugar triggers insulin and thus fat storage.

But modern-day humans following the modern diet and the food pyramid are basically eating the starvation diet all the time. We are gorging ourselves on sugars and carbohydrates, making body believe it has to prepare for the lean times by storing fat... and then the lean times never come. Just more sugar. Which again triggers the expectation of lean times (plus, too much sugar in the blood is literally toxic) which triggers even more fat storage and even more hunger.

Yes, we ate sugar before we had gotten fat. Prehistoric, ancient and medieval people would eat fruit, and honey. But they knew what and when they were eating, and quantities of sugar and other carbs were much lower (and in the cases when they weren't - e.g. ancient Egyptians gorging on grains - we have evidence that they would in fact develop the so-called modern diseases such as obesity, heart disease, atherosclerosis and so on). Today, if it is a processed food, it has sugar in it. I have to read labels on bloody bacon to make sure it doesn't have sugar, most of the ground meat products also have sugar or breadcrumbs in it... you get the idea. Sugar is everywhere.
Main difference is not the KIND of sugar, but the QUANTITY of sugar.

Hunter-gatherers would eat some fruit when they would find it, but that was only in small quantities and only during the summer and the autumn. That is why sugar triggers hunger and also causes addiction - it was easy calories when animals aren't around, so we have a natural inclination to gorge on it to get us over to the next kill. Fruits and honey are, essentially, starvation diet - signal to your body that "I am in trouble, I need energy fast or I will starve to death". Hence why sugar triggers insulin and thus fat storage.

But modern-day humans following the modern diet and the food pyramid are basically eating the starvation diet all the time. We are gorging ourselves on sugars and carbohydrates, making body believe it has to prepare for the lean times by storing fat... and then the lean times never come. Just more sugar. Which again triggers the expectation of lean times (plus, too much sugar in the blood is literally toxic) which triggers even more fat storage and even more hunger.

Yes, we ate sugar before we had gotten fat. Prehistoric, ancient and medieval people would eat fruit, and honey. But they knew what and when they were eating, and quantities of sugar and other carbs were much lower (and in the cases when they weren't - e.g. ancient Egyptians gorging on grains - we have evidence that they would in fact develop the so-called modern diseases such as obesity, heart disease, atherosclerosis and so on). Today, if it is a processed food, it has sugar in it. I have to read labels on bloody bacon to make sure it doesn't have sugar, most of the ground meat products also have sugar or breadcrumbs in it... you get the idea. Sugar is everywhere.
The food pyramid is outdated and hasn't been used since I was in elementary school.
As someone pointed out earlier, it is now My plate which breaks it down better ish.

I have not seen any ground meat I buy have included sugar.

But sugar cane is a healthy sugar that has been used by civilizations and peoples even hunter gathering tribes because it grew naturally amd didn't have to be cultivated.

The sugar that is bad for us is the white sugar we see, which is not natural and the most addicting one.
The food pyramid is outdated and hasn't been used since I was in elementary school.
From what I have seen, things that had replaced it are basically the exact same garbage just in a new package.

Not to mention that things like that can still have important impact even after they had been removed. If the food pyramid truly is irrelevant now, why My Plate still repeats the same bullshit, toxic advice about fats?
As someone pointed out earlier, it is now My plate which breaks it down better ish.
Once you look at the actual advice given, My Plate is not only just as bad as the food pyramid is, it is literally the exact same thing just in the new package.

Again, food pyramid is more than just a neat graphic, it is a philosophy of eating. Philosophy that has been poisoning the West for the last half a century or more, and is still continuing to do so despite being repackaged into new stuff (the My Plate you mention).
I have not seen any ground meat I buy have included sugar.
Ground meat as such no, but ground meat products sometimes do. I have seen sugar and/or bread crumbs included in beef burgers, for example.
But sugar cane is a healthy sugar that has been used by civilizations and peoples even hunter gathering tribes because it grew naturally amd didn't have to be cultivated.
No sugar is healthy when eaten in quantity. It doesn't matter if it is white sugar, brown sugar, sugar cane, maple syrup, honey or whatever, if you are eating 60 pounds of sugar per year, you are basically poisoning yourself.

Some sugars may be worse than others, but sugar is something that should be avoided, period.
The sugar that is bad for us is the white sugar we see, which is not natural and the most addicting one.
While I agree that white sugar is the worst form of sugar, all sugar is bad when eaten in quantity.
Looks like grain pushers are getting desperate.

I mean, even a basic knowledge of bodily processes would tell one that it is high intake of sugar and carbohydrates that causes diabetes.
From what I have seen, things that had replaced it are basically the exact same garbage just in a new package.

Not to mention that things like that can still have important impact even after they had been removed. If the food pyramid truly is irrelevant now, why My Plate still repeats the same bullshit, toxic advice about fats?

Once you look at the actual advice given, My Plate is not only just as bad as the food pyramid is, it is literally the exact same thing just in the new package.

Again, food pyramid is more than just a neat graphic, it is a philosophy of eating. Philosophy that has been poisoning the West for the last half a century or more, and is still continuing to do so despite being repackaged into new stuff (the My Plate you mention).

Ground meat as such no, but ground meat products sometimes do. I have seen sugar and/or bread crumbs included in beef burgers, for example.

No sugar is healthy when eaten in quantity. It doesn't matter if it is white sugar, brown sugar, sugar cane, maple syrup, honey or whatever, if you are eating 60 pounds of sugar per year, you are basically poisoning yourself.

Some sugars may be worse than others, but sugar is something that should be avoided, period.

While I agree that white sugar is the worst form of sugar, all sugar is bad when eaten in quantity.
EVERYTHING is bad with quantity for fucks sake.....

But sugar cane has been gathered and eaten by societies that were around even during the hunter gather period of time.

Honest question for you though, how would you manage to get the same nutrients needed to survive for weeks at a time in a portable package that isn't heavily processed? MREs for instance are shit in healthiness but stacked full of calories to ensure soldiers keep moving.
And hunting is a big no no in modern war due to the fact it will give you away when you have to cook it, as well as shooting it.
Or gathering being sustainable in such a situation?

Things like this are crucial in today's society even for non military purposes. Be it long term shelter survival or war
EVERYTHING is bad with quantity for fucks sake.....
But not everything is bad in equal quantity. Sugar crosses the "bad" treshold at very, very low quantities. It is much more like say arsenic in that regard than like fat.

Also, if you don't eat carbs, it is literally impossible to overeat on fat. So if there is a quantity of animal fat that is bad for you, it is one you literally, physically cannot eat. (Technically, you can overeat on fat on the carnivore diet, but it is extremely difficult to do - and worst it will cause is some weight gain and/or loose stool).
But sugar cane has been gathered and eaten by societies that were around even during the hunter gather period of time.
Yes. During only a short time window of the year and in very small quantities.

Problem with sugar (and carbs generally) is that in modern society, it has a perfect combination of chemically-caused addiction and easy availability. In nature, that will not have been a problem because we ate sugar once in a blue moon. But in modern society, you can eat sugar without even realizing it.
Honest question for you though, how would you manage to get the same nutrients needed to survive for weeks at a time in a portable package that isn't heavily processed? MREs for instance are shit in healthiness but stacked full of calories to ensure soldiers keep moving.
We are not talking about modern warfare here, though. And even MRE's could be better. What I'd definitely include in them would be dried beef and butter, as well as canned meats.

And there are MRE's out there that are not outright terrible. Actual Croatian MRE for example includes beef goulash, beef luncheon meat, liver pate and chicken soup. This MRE has chicken pate and instant beef soup. Both of them also include dark chocolate, which is not terrible as far as processed plant-based foods go. Granted, both of them also have sugary crap (instant orange drink which is basically sugar with taste of orange, a lot of crackers, dried pineapple, dried ananas, dried papaya, honey) but it does shown that you can actually have decent food in it. And if you need sugar, dried fruit and honey aren't actually a terrible choice (while sugar is really unnecessary for human body, most people today would actually need a good adaptation period to be able to perform well without carbs, so... yeah). The only things that are really inherently bad in there are the instant drinks and crackers/biscuits.
And hunting is a big no no in modern war due to the fact it will give you away when you have to cook it, as well as shooting it.
Or gathering being sustainable in such a situation?
First, I am not discussing military rations here, so I don't really understand why you are so fixated on that? Just because military food needs to fulfill certain requirements doesn't mean civilian diet has to be garbage.
Second, see above. You can have decent food even in military rations. Not perfect, but decent.
I have to read labels on bloody bacon to make sure it doesn't have sugar,
This can usually be simplified by paying attention to what KIND of Bacon you're getting, because, at least when it comes to bacon, the sugar is not added just because, but rather it's part of the curing process they used to make the bacon, as sugar is a desiccant and can help preserve things because of that. Thus if you learn which curing process is used for which bacon types you can usually then accurately know which bacon will have sugar in it. This also applies to Ham, though Ham is usually more explicit with it in the naming than Bacon. IE, it's pretty obvious that a "Honey cured ham" is gonna have sugar in it, but sometimes it's not so clear, IE, will a "Smithfield Ham" have sugar? In this case you have to again know what the hell a Smithfield Ham is, and in this case it's defined as: "...hams processed, treated, smoked, aged, cured by the long-cure, dry salt method of cure and aged for a minimum period of six months; such six-month period to commence when the green pork cut is first introduced to dry salt, all such salting, processing, treating, smoking, curing, and aging to be done within the corporate limits of the town of Smithfield, Virginia." As you can see by this definition, Smithfield Hams use a dry salt method of curing and thus shouldn't generally have any sugar added. That said, Smithfield Hams are a bit of a unique case since what they are is literally legally defined (for those who didn't click the citation link, that goes back to the actually Legal Code of the Commonwealth of Virginia), and most hams will just have a more general style and one has to learn the basic definitions of those terms to accurately predict if they'll have sugar or not.

Ground meat as such no, but ground meat products sometimes do. I have seen sugar and/or bread crumbs included in beef burgers, for example.
So breadcrumb as filler in ground meat is pretty common all told from a culinary perspective not out of any malicious intent, but rather because ground meat often has difficulty staying together in a shape when cooked and the added bread crumbs help it stick together making for a more appetizing meal and easier time cooking. You'll find breadcrumb being added to ground meat recipes going back to the oldest cookbooks we have due to this.

  • if you can pinch an inch, you are too fat
  • most of the experts that promote carbs and talk against animal fats are financed by big food corporations - processed carbohydrate-rich foods are far more profitable than natural foods such as meat and fruit
  • grains are promoted as heart-healthy only because they are profitable - and American Heart Association is being financed by Coca-Cola, Kellogg's, and other large food corporations. Harvard too is financed by Unilever and other food corporations.
  • Endurance athletes needing carbohydrates is a myth - they are in fact better off eating ketogenic diet.
  • Vinnie Tortorich, a celebrity trainer, got cancer because he was eating too much carbs and processed foods. He was told to become vegan, but his doctor - who was also a research scientist - told him that going vegan will not help him, and instead he needs to avoid sugar and grains.
    • Reason for this is that most cancer cells are closed system and unable to use oxygen - instead they use carbohydrates to grow.
  • When doctors put his cancer into remission, they told him that leukemia is still in his bones but will grow back within 4 - 5 years (that was 2007) and then he will have to redo chemo. But he didn't have chemo at all since then and yet cancer has not returned.
  • Eating carbohydrates, be it sugar or complex carbs, causes sugar spike - a massive rise in the blood sugar (thing that causes sugar high and hyperactivity in the kids, btw). The "heart healthy grains" also cause this sugar spike, just slightly less extreme. In fact, complex carbs (integral grains and such) are even worse because the level of sugar in the blood jumps up and then stays high for hours. This leads to continual release of insulin, which eventually leads to insulin resistance and diabetes.
  • And since body can only store so much of sugar, it turns the excess sugar into fat which gets stored into fat cells. This means that every meal containing complex carbohydrates causes body to store some of these carbs as body fat.
  • But body does not like to break down cells. And fat cells are formed during childhood and puberty. What this means is that especially kids eating high-carbohydrate diets will form large amount of fat cells and thus be predisposed to storing fat as adults.
  • Kids came to his home because they loved bacon and eggs far more than the breakfast cereals.
  • Sugar causes addiction in a way similar to cocain. Yet cocain is forbidden and sugar is given to kids at birthday parties. And where before sweets and desserts used to be eaten only on weekends, today we eat such stuff every day - cereals, cookies, oatmeal, bread and so on.
  • This started in 1920s and 1930s when vitamins were discovered. But B12 is one of 13 essential vitamins which body does not make. And in 1950s, Dwight D Eisenhower had a massive heart attack - which Ancel Keys used to push his vegan, anti-meat agenda. He kept talking about meat almost killing the president... because apparently those three+ packs unfiltered of cigarettes Eisenhower had been smoking every day were nothing problematic. Yes, doctors back then truly believed that inhaling smoke is actually healthy.
  • In 1960s Keys did a seven-country study, in which he studied dietary habits of 21 country. Only six countries confirmed to his beliefs, so he decided to go back to Greece and falsify the results. To be exact, he came back specifically during the lent, when people wouldn't eat meat. Fact that people would gorge on meat during the rest of the year was ignored - Keys claimed that they were essentially vegetarian, because they didn't eat meat... during the lent.
  • During Lincoln's administration, average American ate less than 1 pound of sugar per person per year. Today, Americans eat anywhere between 175 and 300+ pounds of sugar per person per year.
  • Grains became basis of food pyramid because government was subsidizing farms during the Great Depression and created an overabundance of grains. In 1969, Democrats decided to give people cheap food so the people would vote for them. The McGovern Committee met for ten years and figured out the food stamps, but Ancel Keys was also part of it - and they decided to come up with a standardize way for people to eat. This led to US adopting the food pyramid with carbohydrats as a basis - with fat being on the top. You know, the upside down one.
  • "before" and "after" pictures of products are basically faked - distended stomach vs flexed stomach, with a bit of makeup
  • Obesity was already happening back in 1986. Kids were walking into Vinnie's gym drinking Gatorades and Cokes, and when he asked them why they were doing that, they would say that "We need energy, coach". And in between the sets they would eat junk food. And while these kids were still kinda athletic, they already looked nothing like they did in 1981 when Vinnie had graduated.
  • Vinnie then went to the media and tried to have meetings. But when he proposed getting kids off of cereals, Snickers bars and Coca-Cola, he was told that they cannot do that because these companies were the ones advertising in the media.
  • Salt gets bad reputation because of pseudoscience, but we need it to live.
  • Fruit can be good (berries, cherries, apples etc.) but needs to be eaten in moderation. Tropical fruit (bananas, pineapples etc.) however is too high in carbohydrates. Best fruits are olives and avocados; and if you want something sweet, go for berries and cherries.
  • Supplements are unnecessary, and often contain titanium dioxide and other dangerous stuff. Titanium dioxide specifically causes colon cancer, and is used to whitewash the vitamins so they can be painted later. They also put in the magnesium stearate, which is an industrial magnesium that helps magnesium flow and fill up tablets at the factory. But the magnesium stearate also block the absorption of literally everything liver is trying to absorb into the body. As a result, you literally piss out all the vitamins contained in the capsules.
  • Coffee is one of the healthiest drinks you can drink.
So breadcrumb as filler in ground meat is pretty common all told from a culinary perspective not out of any malicious intent, but rather because ground meat often has difficulty staying together in a shape when cooked and the added bread crumbs help it stick together making for a more appetizing meal and easier time cooking. You'll find breadcrumb being added to ground meat recipes going back to the oldest cookbooks we have due to this.
I know that. But while it may not be malicious, it is still a problem.
If they were intelligent they'd research historical vegan cuisine, and find out how the Jainists and the others have managed. But they aren't and they won't and they'll continue craving meat rather than finding an actual alternative. And given Jainism is very strict on even the plants that can be consumed, I find it hilarious that people with more food choice and the internet fail where the Jainists and others like them succeed.
I would just like to know why soy in in almost everything. I am deathly allergic to it so its kind of a problem for me. What throws me off is that soy is in basically everything that has been processed including weird shit like certain brands of bacon and meats.
I would just like to know why soy in in almost everything. I am deathly allergic to it so its kind of a problem for me. What throws me off is that soy is in basically everything that has been processed including weird shit like certain brands of bacon and meats.

The federal government pays out over a billion dollars in soy bean subidies.

The corn subidies are over 2 billion last time I checked.

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