Honestly at this point I'm more worried about Saudi Arabia and India than I am Israel. The Wahhabis and Hindutva do this shit x1000 what Zionist Israel does. (Doesn't mean I approve of the Zionist infiltration of U.S. politics however, I just consider it more of a secondary threat than an immediate one)
Well there are more of them, and they can play the demographic invasion game, which the Jews cannot.
But the Zionists, the Arabs and the Indians are all opportunists, acting in what they believe to be their own self-interest. And this means they can all to a measure be reasoned or negotiated with, though how argreement-capable they are is another story.
The real enemies of the West are those who are not motivated by self-interest, but seek the destruction of civilization as an end in itself. The sort of people who, to quote the saying: "want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny".