Libertatis Imperium (Gate)

Chapter 35
Pina had mastered several languages already.

She could speak fluent Elbish, several Elven languages, and the Warrior Bunnies tongue, in addition to the common trade language. She could write in half of those with a skill that had earned her acknowledgement from King Duran.

Yet this 'English' was driving her mad.

It contradicted itself in several places, used symbols that could change their sounds, and had many different spellings for words. Some words were pronounced the same but were spelt differently and had completely different meanings.

That it bore a resemblance to ancient Saderan meant she was not completely floundering, as Bozes and several other knights were, but she was still frustrated. Worse, Lelei's services had been required by the otherworlders, and they had outbid her.

Or at least Pina assumed they had outbid her, she was rather limited in funds at the moment, after all. The idea that they could have simply asked the young mage to stop assisting Pina was preposterous, and she had seen no indication that the young woman was under any sort of compulsion or threat. Her master was still working for 'NATO' after all.

Ultimately, it meant Pina had been briefly cut off from using the internet.

Earlier today, however, an officer had delivered a gift on behalf of the General. A 'laptop' like what Lelei had. The officer had even helped teach her a little about how to set it up and get it running.

She suspected a trap, but she was unfamiliar enough with the device, and desperate enough for the information, that she couldn't refuse it.

"What did you do Hamilton?" She stared in disbelief at her aide, who had a much better grasp of written English, and was thus the one to work the device.

"I moved the 'mouse' over this symbol here and pressed this button twice." The brown-haired young woman explained. "This is a 'search engine'. I then typed in the question to the 'search bar'."

Pina blinked in disbelief.

"And the machine just displayed the answer?"

"Yes… um. Princess? It says that NATO has three point three million soldiers." Hamilton frowned and typed in another question. "And that NATO is composed of thirty members… and many nations are looking to join."

Pina cursed under her breath.

The pieces fell into place. Either the information was false, and all set up to fool her, or, if Lelei was telling the truth, then they had done no trickery because they had not needed to. The truth alone was enough, in their minds, to underscore how beaten the Empire was, without needing to fight.

Pina thought it over.

"Princess?" Hamilton began. She stopped when Pina held up her hand.

"I believe… that we must make every effort to both convince my father and the senate that a war with NATO will not be winnable in our lifetimes." Pina stated. "In addition, we must be careful to ensure that NATO maintains its disinterest in conquest."

"I hate how the general is playing fast and loose with opsec, but at least it's worked out this time." The intelligence officer shook his head. He had protested giving the Imperials a laptop with internet access, even if it had been bugged with spyware, and had a dozen backdoors set up.

He sighed as he read over the transcript of the Rose Knight's leadership's meeting that had happened later.

The Imperials had put together a plan that they thought might convince NATO not to continue aggressive action. It was barebones, and overly optimistic in the officer's opinion, not to mention made far too many assumptions, but for a bunch of young girls whose idea of a spy probably involved the medieval equivalent of James Bond, it was noteworthy.

He attached it to his report to the general.

Lelei had been left alone, aside from getting the scientists to put together some tests, and getting her to help with translating for the merchants arriving from Italica with the purchased foodstuffs, to keep her too busy to help the Imperials anymore.

The officer sighed as he pulled up the next report.

It was an analyst's interpretation of a sermon, given by one of the local religious figures.

"I miss when my job involved guessing what the Russkis or Chinese were up to." He rubbed his eyes. "Now, I need to guess what 'gods' are doing, make sense of the fact that the whole sermon looks to be aimed at the fact that the damn priest knew we were spying on them, despite it being through an electronic bug several blocks away, and deal with requests from eggheads looking to study the local religions."
So,priests knew that NATO could spy on them,but Pina do not knew?
gods do not tell only her,or do not tell Saderans at all?
Is that becouse gods want Sadera fall?
So,priests knew that NATO could spy on them,but Pina do not knew?
gods do not tell only her,or do not tell Saderans at all?
Is that becouse gods want Sadera fall?

No, it's because Rory is an epic level troll
That, and because there is nothing saying any of the gods wouldn't whisper just the right things to their priests to mess with NATO/remind NATO they have the power to do that.
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Chapter 36
The streets of London were busy.

To Tara, it was nearly overwhelming. Even the cities in the Saderan Empire did not contain so many people, and there were apparently even bigger cities on Earth. Yet, despite the population, London smelled better. The exhaust from the vehicles was unpleasant, but far more appealing than the smell of urine, excrement, and who-knows-what-else.

It was also clearly an old city, with many different styles and obvious signs of reconstruction. She could believe it was older than Sadera, being once a Roman camp.

She and Richard had toured the city for most of their time here, visiting several sights. HMS Belfast had been befuddling to her, as a somehow metal ship was floating. She had enjoyed the shop that sold books on the history of the British Empire and peoples, alongside other paraphernalia, purchasing several books, ranging from some of Shakespeare's works, to Kipling's poetry, to 'Asterix' comics that Richard had recommended. The image of a short, moustached man punching a Roman soldier had certainly sparked her interest.

But Richard, on the last day they would have to look around the city, had suddenly looked like he wanted to hit himself. He changed their plans for the day, ending with them looking at a statue by the Thames river.

It was the image of a woman, with two younger women, riding a chariot pulled by two horses. The statue was set upon a stone plinth and cast in black bronze. The woman bore a crown and spear, raising both arms.

"Regions Caesar Never Knew/ Thy Posterity Shall Sway." Richard read off the plinth. "From a poem. 'Boadicea, an ode.' About a rebel queen who rebelled against the romans, after her daughters were raped, and her husbands property taken despite the will he left."

"The full poem reads," Richard pulled a book from his backpack, and thumbed to a bookmarked page. "When the British warrior queen/Bleeding from the Roman rods/Sought, with an indignant mien/Counsel of her country's gods…"

Tara raised an eyebrow as he read the poem. It partly reminded her of when poetry would be read to Tyuule, before the war, and before that, their mother. But she also wondered why Richard was reciting poetry to her. It was hardly of the romantic sort, and from what she knew, his people didn't use poetry for romance.

"Its… an interested poem, but…" She shook her head. "I see the similarities between my people's situation and this Queen Boadicea, but I'm not seeing your point, Richard, sorry."

Richard sighed, and motioned to a nearby bench beneath the statue, as cars moved past.

"The point was two-fold." He explained as he sat down. "So, first, I remember that you were stressed about the whole situation. I hoped that this might give you some sort of inspiration. The other part was how the poem was used. It was created as part of the British tying the history of the Isles to its own legitimacy."

Tara blinked. This was a side to Richard she hadn't seen. She knew he had a sharp mind, but… this was the political arena he was talking about, an area he had seemed scared to compete in back in Italica.

"I'm hoping you can use the myth of the British Empire, which tied itself to these myths, and surpassed the Romans at either of their heights, seriously, it was thirty-six million square kilometres large, so large and widespread that the sun never, and still does not, set on it, compared to the Romans rough five-point-nine million." He sighed and shook his head. "Your people are… dependant on NATO for now, but at the same time, they have no morale, no real drive to fix their own problem, right?"

"That… sums up the problem nicely." Tara sighed as she sat down. A few people gave her ears a glance, but their escort, an office on loan from the British that had also acted as a tour guide for some places, dissuaded anyone from getting too close. "But… how will a poem, and a long dead queen, help with that?"

Richard sighed once more and rubbed his eyes.

"The 'ancestors' of the British lost against the Romans, but they are still here, and the Roman Empire is gone, and on top of that, they surpassed them." He looked at Tara. "Your people lost, but…"

Tara's eyed widened.

"…but what if think we can do the same!?" She wanted to slap herself. A warrior that thought themselves beaten would lose, against one that thought they had already won. "That would boost our morale. Our drive to do things. Who cares if we don't have a solution now, if we are willing to look for one!"

She kissed Richard, who stiffened in surprise. Several passers-by whistled.

Tara ignored them, grabbing Richard's hand.

"Come on, I want to see what else we can use." She grinned. "That's why you encouraged me to buy a bunch of books. Hah! They want someone to be queen, and solve their problems for them, well, who needs that, when I can make them solve their own problems!"

Richard stumbled as she pulled him along.

"Won't be that easy." He said, catching up. "And they are still used to a monarchy, after all."

"As long as it doesn't need to be me, its fine." She grinned at him, as the officer with them signalled for a taxi. "Besides, what's the worst that could happen?"

Richard cringed.
Chapter 37
It was late.

Normally, Pina would be burning oil in a lamp, or several candles, for light. Instead, the wonders of the other world permitted her to write late into the night, as if it were as bright as day.

But that was part of the problem she faced.

'NATO' had many advantages. It had crushed several legions with those advantages, and worse, Pina had learned, through the internet, that it was not even on a war footing. The idea of maintaining an army in peacetime was not foreign to her, as someone needed to patrol and maintain the roads, but the idea of having an army simply to have a trained core on the off chance there was a war, not even located at the borders, boggled the mind. Were the Saderan Empire to leverage the same percentage of its population, it would still be crushed, even if one ignored the expense, social and political issues, and the fact that NATO dwarfed the Saderan Empire in size.

Thus, as the appointed Praetor Peregrinus, it fell to her to inform her father, the Emperor, and the senate of what threat they faced.

But she found herself without the words to convey it in a way that would be believed.

She had written letters to her father already, carrying some basic information, enough that she believed he would at least understand the sheer scale of their foe. She had also requested his input on any specific prisoners he wanted to be released, based on the list she had been given. Its length was alarming, as the ransom for so many nobles and patricians would easily bankrupt most of the empire.

She paused and reread what she had already scrawled. Hamilton would rewrite the formal letters later, but Pina wanted to put them in her own words. She scowled and tossed the paper to the side.

Leaning back, she exhaled and stared at the ceiling.

"I don't have any friends in the Senate." She muttered. "Diabo does, but that doesn't help. He was as invested as Zorzal was, so it would cost him greatly to be seen backing out and supporting peace."

She chewed her lip in thought.

"Zorzal is an idiot. He would probably call me a coward and pursue a suicidal war." She leaned forwards, placing her forehead on the desk. "And he has enough friends that he might be able to swing the senate's vote."

She groaned, seeing no options.

A knock sounded at the door.

"Enter." Pina called, sitting straight, and facing the door.

"Your highness." Hamilton greeted her as she entered, yawning. "It's getting late."

"I know Hamilton, but…" Pina surprised herself by yawning. "But I need to find a way to convince the senate, or at least have a basic plan to present my father, to avoid a war with NATO."

Hamilton frowned.

"You highness, have you considered that part of the problem might be lack of sleep?"

Pina blinked. Then she snorted.

"Perhaps you are correct, Hamilton." She yawned again. "Thank you. Goodnight, Hamilton."

"Goodnight, your highness."

Pina waited for the door to close before standing.

It was only after she had finished preparing for sleep, as she began to lay down in her bed, that an idea occurred to her.

She leapt up, and wanted to hit herself, as the solution, or at least part of a solution, was rather obvious in hindsight.

"Would you be willing to write to your families, and convey, no, stress, why a war with NATO should be avoided?" Pina asked her assembled senior knights the next morning. "You are the daughters of nobles and patricians. You have seen what I have. My brother Zorzal is an idiot that will destroy the Empire, and Diabo was too invested in the initial invasion to easily withdraw his support. We must do what we can to save the Empire."

"Your highness…" Vifita E Caty said. "We swore to follow you. We can't guarantee our families will, but… we will try."

Panache Fure Kalgi nodded. A brief look of doubt flickered over her face, that vanished as quickly as it came.

Bozes Co Palesti placed her fist over her heart in a salute.

"I can guarantee the support of my family." She said. "My mother lost her younger brother on the other side. The news that he still lives alone would be enough for her to convince my father."

Similar vows of support soon followed.

"Do you intend to become your father's heir?" Panache asked. It was a question Pina had expected to arise.

"No. That is in the hands of the Senate, but I have no ambitions to rule, so long as Zorzal does not lead us into a ruinous war." Pina stated.

"And what of Diabo?" Panache asked. She flinched as Pina frowned at her.

Panache's former… acquaintance with Diabo was not well known, but nor was it hidden. People liked to gossip, especially when a prince was seeing a young lady.

Pina shook her head.

"Diabo has the sense, once he sees the situation, to recognise that we cannot afford a war." She explained. "Once he has the opportunity, I believe he will support us in ending the war."

Panache nodded.

"To peace, and the Empire!" Someone shouted in the back, and the cry was taken up.

Pina hoped the optimism was well placed.
Chapter 38
"Okay, just stopping here briefly to pick up a package," Richard said, as he led Tara into the entrance of the building. "A package I ordered that was supposed to be sent to Alnus, through the military, but it got delivered here instead."

Tara blinked as he turned away from the elevator and stairs, and instead faced a wall of boxes with keyholes.

"So, you live in this building?"

Richard used a key to open the mailbox with his apartment number on it, pulling out a pair of small flat boxes.

"Yeah." He tucked them under his arm. "So, these are a pair of books. I already have 'The Art of War', but I got a pair to be given as gifts, and I ordered 'The 48 Laws of Power' and 'The Art of Seduction'."

Tara gave him an enticing look at the title of the second book.

"It's about manipulating people in general. I figured you would find those two useful, given your… troubles." Richard blushed as Tara grinned. "But yes, I live here. Small apartment, not much to see."

"Then it shouldn't take too long." Tara grinned.

Richard rolled his eyes.

"Alright, come on."

The apartment on the second floor, as Richard had described, was small, Tara noted, as he showed her in. An empty armour stand in the single-bedroom apartment betrayed where his armour normally stayed. Strange plastic figures and bricks shaped like a castle dominated a small table, and a large computer on a desk sat in the living room.

But it was the bookshelves and the sword that hung above them, that caught Tara's attention.

"That… is a lot of books." She noted.

"Mostly related to my… former work at the local museum, and stuff that I needed for my papers in school. Plus, some stories." Richard admitted, blushing lightly still. "That sword above them is my favourite work, though I remade it a couple of times, getting it better each time. It's for show only. No good in a fight."

"What about your first sword?" Tara asked. "Was that your… flamberge?"

Richard laughed, sitting on the small couch.

"No, no. That was the… uh, I don't remember how many I made by that point." He shrugged, then rolled up his sleeve. "See this scar?"

It ran from just above his wrist and ended three-quarters the length of his forearm.

"First blade I screwed up, badly. The thing exploded when I tried to cool it." He rolled his sleeve back down. "Fortunately, I followed my teacher's instructions and was well protected, so that was the only injury I received. Could have been way worse."

Tara winced. She knew enough of maintaining weapons to know the sort of damage a shattering blade could do, especially one that was still hot.

"Here." He stood and took the blade down from its place on the wall. He pulled the dark leather sheath off. "Go ahead and take it. Just be careful about the balance, I'm not kidding about it being for show only."

Tara gently lifted it with both hands.

It was made of steel, but well-polished. Its hilt was bound in the same dark leather as the sheath, with a glass ruby decorating its circular pommel. It was long enough that Tara could see it being used with one hand or both. But what intrigued her was the letters written down the blade's length.

"I am that is?"

"It's from a poem and riddle." Richard shook his head. "So is the design of the sword. Ratdeath, also known as the Sword of Martin the Warrior, from the Redwall series. Loved it since I was a kid."

"Do you have the book here?" Tara asked, gently handing it back. He wasn't kidding about the poor balance; the blade was far too heavy, and any strike with it would be thrown off, probably taking the wielder's balance with them.

"Yeah, here." Richard resheathed the blade and returned it to its place on the wall. "Let me see… a here. Redwall. The first book written in the series."

He paused and removed a second book from the shelf.

"And here is Machiavelli's 'The Prince'. I forgot I had my father's copy." Richard stared at it for a moment. "Sorry, here. 'The Prince' is also something you might find useful."

Tara frowned as she took the books.

"Do you… mind if I ask what happened to your father?" She said, tentatively and gently.

Richard sighed.

"My father… he was a lawyer but had an interest in history. It's where I got my interest in history. Well, one day, he set out for work, I was… twelve, going on thirteen. I had just been introduced to some of his friends, also interested in history." Richard gave a sad sigh as he sat down on the couch again. "He dropped me off at an event with Major Johnston, who was a Lt. back then. While I was off being taught the basics of how to wield a sword, what armour was like, and what the medieval festivals were like… he was hit by a drunk driver, in the middle of the afternoon. T-boned his small car with a big heavy pickup."

Richard swallowed, his throat dry.

"Killed him. After that… my sister and I... we drifted apart. She was close to him, wanting to be a lawyer for a while until she got into fashion, and his death was so sudden. I don't remember when, but… we started fighting, a lot. My mother's health declined, and… well. I ended up having to look after her, while my younger sister went off to work for some famous fashion company. Put myself through school." Richard shook his head. "Sorry, not… easy to talk about this without starting to rant about my sister."

Tara sat next to him, rubbing his shoulder.

They stayed there for several moments before Richard shook his head.

"Anyway, I was going to take you to see my mom, and our driver is still waiting in the parking lot." He said, standing. "Probably a bit rude to keep either of them waiting."

"Do you hate her?" Tara asked as he locked the door as they left. "Your sister, I mean."

Richard paused.

"I… I don't know. It feels like she left, ran away, after dad died, at the first chance she could." He admitted. "Plus, she… well, she makes a lot of money and seemed intent on rubbing it in my face that she did. I… started blocking her emails after a while. Haven't talked to her in years."

He froze, standing rigid.

"What's wrong?" Tara tensed.

"We forgot the books in the apartment."

Tara blinked, realising that, yes, she had put the book he had handed to her down, and that he didn't have the packages in his hands anymore.

She snickered as he turned and dashed back down the hallway.
I remember fragment of old movie,when one dude ask another "so,how do you plan to fuck it"
We could ask the same saderans.I almost pity them.Almost.

Tara and Richard - when they get marry?
Chapter 39
Leaving the books in the car, the two entered the building where Richard's mother was.

It took Tara a moment to recognise what type of building it was, as it seemed friendlier than the sterile hospital, but this was a place of healing none-the-less. Tara watched people, generally older people, sat and walked around. Many were assisted by staff, as they met with friends, or watched television.

A few stared at them as they passed by, stopping briefly at the front desk.

Richard led her down a hallway, stopping before a room. Inside, a woman lay on a bed. A heart monitor beeping softly beside it.

Tara blinked.

Richard's mother looked thing, and fragile, her features gaunt, but Tara could see the similarities. The same blond hair, the same shaped chin. Softly pronounced cheekbones. The same dark blonde hair.

The woman's eyes flicked open as they entered the room. She paused the audio book and pulled the earplugs from her ear with slow motions.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd visit!" She grinned. "Ah, my dashing knight. Your father would be proud."

She waved them over, laughing.

"Come, don't just stand there. Give your mother a hug!"

Tara stayed near the door as Richard gently embraced his mother.

"So, you got to become a real knight, eh?" Richard's mother said. She looked at Tara. "And you must be Tara. I hear you've been keeping him out of trouble. Come over here, I won't bite. Couldn't even if I wanted to, arthritis hurts too much."

"Yes, I've Tara-I'm Tara, a pleasure to meet you." Tara said, as she approached the bed.

Richard's mother peered at her. It took Tara a moment to realise she was partially blind.

"Well, aren't you pretty. How'd my son earn your attention?" She asked, making Tara blink is surprise and blush. "Ah, my apologies. I'm Catherine, a pleasure to meet you as well. So, how did you meet me son?"

"Ah, he didn't tell you?" Tara glanced at Richard.

"Remember, when I phoned from the hospital? About being captured and escaping?" He said to his mother.

"Right, right." Catherine nodded, offering Tara her hand. "So, you're the one that helped him escape? Then it seems I owe you my thanks for saving my son."

Tara blinked as she took the offered hand.

Despite her frail appearance, and the faint strain Tara could hear in her breathing, Catherine has a strong grip. Tara could feel the strength still in the woman's frail body.

She met Catherine's gaze, and Richard's mother grinned.

"So, what have you been up to?" Catherine asked the two of them.

"Well, I've been doing administration at Alnus, looking after the militia, making sure there were minimal problems between NATO and the locals there. Oh, and helping translate stuff." Richard explained. "Tara has been having troubles with her people, since she is apparently the sister of a queen."

Tara shot Richard a glare. He grinned back at her.

"Oh? So, not only did you get knighted, you rescued a princess?"

"Two, technically." Tara said. "We helped each other, but he also helped the princess of the Saderan Empire protect a town."

"Oh, really?" Catherine grinned at her son. "Well, aren't you popular with the ladies."

Richard gave Tara a look. She just smirked back at him.

"Now, I might be bed ridden, but maybe I can provide some help?" Catherine offered. "What sort of trouble are you having with your people?"

"They… can't agree with each other on what to do." Tara explained. "We were thinking of using Britain as an example and inspiration, to try and coerce them to work together."

Richard's mother winced.

"I'm not very good with politics, and that sounds like politics, sorry."

"That's fine, mom. We weren't expecting you to be able to help anyway…" Richard trailed off. "You'r on your meds, aren't you?"

"Yup! Not the good stuff, but its enough to keep the pain down." Catherine settled into the bed. "So, what's it like? The other side of the Gate? The news is always showing so little of it."

"Media black out inside the base." Richard shrugged. "Someone made a snide joke about the SCP foundation, and suddenly the NATO High Command was all paranoid about images letting things travel between the two worlds. Paranoia, of course, but that was the decision made. Magic is real, though."

"Really? Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or something else?"

"Closer to Lord of the Rings, kinda. Saw a mage create a crater with magic, roughly on par with an artillery shell, but he was apparently one of the best there is, and it was about his limit. But most of the magic seems to be more subtle. Low level D&D, I'd say." Philip shrugged.

Tara gave him a confused look.

"How about you Tara?" Catherine asked. "What about what you think of Earth?"

"Its… strange." Tara said, crossing her arms as she thought about it. "There is so much that is new, like cars, television, the history of this world. So many cultures that fight each other, while others work together. Your history is so well studied, and easy to access."

Tara shook her head.

"Its… a lot. But there are many things similar, like the stories. Movies are similar to plays, so I can see how they came about even if I don't understand the technology." Tara grinned. "It's a little overwhelming, to be honest, but Richard has been very helpful."

"Well, I'm glad to hear he is doing you well." Catherine smiled at both of them. "So, when can I expect grandkids?"

Richard groaned.

"Of course, you go for the stereotypical parent joke." He moaned.

Tara laughed as he blushed.

"Hey, my fart jokes aren't as funny anymore, not with this thing pulling crap from my gut. Now, the jokes are just foul." Catherine gestured to a machine hooked to her beneath the blankets. She explained to Tara, "This wasting disease left me with no bladder control."

"Alright, alright, I'll stop teasing." Catherine relented when Richard gave her a look. "So, its been too long since we actually had a chat, and I don't get to see you often enough. So, really, how have you been?"

"Your mother is strong." Tara said as they got in the car an hour later. "It was… obvious she was in pain, but she hid it with a smile."

"Yeah, she was always tough. My dad met her through a mutual acquaintance. Idiot was a friend of my father at the time, in college. He tried to hit on her at a party, things escalated, and she physically tossed him out the front door." Richard snorted. "My father came by to see what sort of Art student had thrown one of his friends, who was a big guy and a sports player, physically out the door. They ended up chatting, and things picked up from there in a much more friendly fashion."

Tara laughed as the car began to pull out of the parking lot.

"He wasn't intimidated?"

"No, apparently not." Richard grinned. "What's funny is he was actually an adrenaline junky but was satisfied doing things safely. My mother, however, was not. Street racing, ballerina dancing, art. She wasn't an adrenaline junky, but man she lived a crazy life. But stick her behind a wheel outside a race, and she drove so slowly and carefully. Part of the reason she ended up like that, is because of how tough she was on herself."

"Well, I wish you had mentioned it earlier." Tara stretched and leaned against him. "I enjoyed talking with your mother, and I can't wait to talk to her again."

"Note to self; hide the photo albums." Richard said bluntly.

Tara laughed.
Future meetings:

Catherine: where are my grandchildren?
Richard: mom,we...
Tara: we are on good road.

Happy end.
Chapter 40
Pina found the new 'car' to be much more relaxing than the 'hummer' she had ridden before. The ride was smoother, the seats more luxurious, and best of all, she had a much better idea of what to expect.

According to the internet, Canadians were more easily pushed around when compared to their American counterparts. Since she was meeting with the Canadian Government first, it was something she was looking forwards too.

"Princess, I understand why you have agreed to meet with them on their turns, but…" Hamilton trailed off.

"Yes, Hamilton?" Pina looked at her aide. "Is there an issue?"

"How are we to negotiate a peace, considering their government could just be voted out before we finalise any treaty?" Hamilton, sitting next to Pina in the back of the car asked. "With the Senate, we could rely on their families, words of honour, and blood ties to keep the senators sticking to the agreements, even without your father. But the Canadians do not obey their monarch the same way, and the Americans don't have a king at all."

"That is true." Pina nodded. She had thought about it a great deal. Some of it she kept to herself, as she was starting to suspect that NATO was spying on her, but she wasn't sure how they were doing so yet. Certainly, she would be doing the same in their shoes, but she had been provided with no servants, relying on the ones she had brought. "However, consider this: The King may be amenable to a deal that bolsters his position, and he still wields some power. In addition, there are other nations that are not closely aligned with Canada and NATO. Were a treaty broken easily, it would undermine the trust that other nations have in Canada and the US."


"The US is a slightly different problem, yes," Pina admitted. "Fortunately, I realised something. They are much like the merchant republics that exist in Falmart. We merely need to identify during the talks who are the real players. If we support them, so that they have an easier time staying in power, then they are more likely to be friendly with us. Best of all, the US only has two major parties. We merely need to determine who in those parties are significant."

Hamilton sighed.

"You make it sound easy."

Pina winced.

"I know. It's far easier than it sounds, and we haven't looked closely at the other NATO nations that are involved. That Germany was less than a century ago the enemy of the world still leaves me confused as to how they gained so much power in the current era." The Saderan princess sighed. "Not to mention, we still aren't sure what they will want. I may have to swallow my pride, and reach out to Sir Richard, as he seems close to the King, having been elevated recently."

"Unless he is in the favour of one of Canada's or the United Kingdom's parties." Hamilton pointed out. "He might still be useful, but if we are seeking to support the King against them…"

Pina nodded at the point. She frowned as she heard a rumble. A moment later, she gasped as a massive machine raced down the steel rails laid down the inside of the Gate, not too far from where the car was driving.

She stared as it went by, pulling many box-shaped carts, and tanks for carrying liquid.

"Hamilton," Pina said to her equally dumbfounded aide. "How many of those boxes were being carried?"

"I'm not sure your highness…" Hamilton said, slipping into formality in her shock. "But I think I saw twenty. And they could be used to carry troops, or supplies, or weapons…"

"Exactly," Pina blanched. "They could move stockpiled of supplies with ease if they established those steel roads… and if they can make so many things out of metal… then the only thing stopping them from building a steel road to Sadera is how fast their soldiers or engineers could build it."

"And that was only one of them… during a ceasefire. We haven't seen any of them while we were at Alnus, have we, your highness?"

"Not that I can recall, and I doubt I would forget such a sight…" Pina frowned, catching on to Hamilton's point. "They aren't building up stashes for an attack because they don't need to. They simply won't be able to outrun their supply lines."

Pina flinched at the sudden light, as the car exited the Gate. She blinked as another car passed them, entering the Gate, and she caught sight of Richard and Tara in the back of the vehicle through the glass.

"I think we passed the princess when we entered the Gate," Tara said, as the car pulled into Alnus.

"Really?" Richard blinked. "Huh."

As the car came to a stop, he helped the driver pull luggage from the trunk of the car. Richard blinked as a US soldier stepped in to help carry some of the luggage.

"Heard what you did, back in the initial attack. Brave. Stupid, but brave." The soldier said. "Corporal Philip Fields."

Richard shook the offered hand.

"Richard, but you probably knew that."

"Ah, ah, ah!" Another US soldier came running up. "It's Sir Richard now, isn't it? That's how it works, right, when you Brits knight someone?"

"I'm Canadian, and I think that's only in formal settings," Richard replied. "And you are?"

"Ah, sorry. Corporal Harry Thomas." Harry said, wearing a shit-eating grin. "Here, I might as well help your lady friend, her majesty, the presumptive Queen of her people."

"I can carry it." Tara glared at Corporal Thomas.

"Oh, but it's poor form to make a queen carry her own luggage!" Harry joked. "Isn't that right Fifi?"

"Fifi?" Richard gave Philip a confused and mildly amused look.

"If either of you hit him, I saw nothing," Philip said, setting the luggage down on the front steps of Richard's loaned house.

"Aw, I know you love me, Fifi." Corporal Thomas grinned. "Anyway, I'll leave you two alone. I bet that you two would get together! Also, we have patrol in an hour."

"Hey, Philip!" Tara yelled to the more reserved corporal. "You can let whoever bet against us getting together that the bet was interfered with. We were only given one room by whoever set up the trip."

Harry's face twisted into a look of horror.

"No! No! Say it isn't so!"

"It was only twenty dollars. C'mon Archie Karas, we got patrol." Philip said, grabbing the overly dramatic corporal by the scruff of his neck and dragging him off.

Richard and Tara shared a laugh before they hauled the luggage into his house.

Bouro slid the knife underneath the wax seal.

He wasn't worried about the tampering being detected, when it was eventually delivered, as he had paid off the right people, and had blackmail on the ones he hadn't. Emperors did not open their own mail, even from their favoured daughters.

There wasn't a thing that happened in the capital that Bouro didn't know of. His people didn't officially exist according to Imperial Law. It meant they only had the protections they could win themselves, but that also meant they were ignored by most of the political factions. You'd be surprised what you can overhear when people discount you as a threat.

True, there were a few that had realised the threat the Haryo could pose, but they were few, and easily disposed of, or were in the Haryo's pocket.

As Bouro unfolded the letter, he found himself content in the current situation. The loss of several legions to the invaders from the Gate was troublesome, but barbarians had to chance against the whole empire. And if the infighting started to get to be a problem, well, Bouro knew which horses to back. Molt was canny enough to lead the Empire, but he needed their spies. Zorzal was an idiot easily led by the nose, a perfect puppet until one of theirs could be placed on the throne.

It was a simple plan, one used by many nobles for longer than the Empire had lasted. Get a member of your house into the family, ideally an illegitimate child legitimised by the father, and remove any other potential claimants.

Bouro grinned.

Tyuule thought that the Haryo planned to use her and Zorzal's child, once she conceived. The idiot bitch didn't realise it had not only been his funds and spies that had hired the shapeshifters for Zorzal but that he had wanted the Prince's ego stroked to make him more malleable once they found one of their own that was to his tastes while being smart enough to manipulate him.

Oh, Tyuule was smart enough, but Warrior Bunnies were problematic for chimaera like Bouro. Whatever they mated with was always a Warrior Bunny, no matter the father. It meant that they could produce no chimaera. It would mean none of their kind would be on the throne through her.

Thus, Tyuule was just a pawn to Bouro.

He frowned, reading Pina's recently arrived letter from Italica. He scoffed at her reports of the otherworlder's capabilities. The idea that they had flying creatures capable of wiping out armies was absurd. Not even the gods could claim they could do that, not in an instant.

It made no difference to Bouro. So, he refolded the letter to be delivered to Molt.

In his mind, his plan was flawless. Once he controlled Sadera, he could bring the other chimaera groups to heel under his rule.

Bouro was a man that desired power. He would not lie about that, not to himself. He would sacrifice anything to achieve that, though he was certain he would be satisfied with being the puppet master, rather than ruling directly.

His mixed features of elf, orc, dwarf, and who knew what else, twisted into a smile.

Yes, he was confident that once he controlled Sadera and the Imperial family, it would be only a matter of time until the other noble families were replaced with his people, and the entire world would be his.

That his people might be as homogenous as their blood never occurred to him.
Pina still thinking that Richard and King of England have power - cute.
But,her idea of contacting people with real power have merit.If she try deal with deep state,it should work - sadly for deep state,not her.

Bouro have wery good plan,and it could work even against USA - unless they manage to discover chimeras.
Chapter 41
"You wanted to talk to me, general?" Richard asked, entering General Samuel Jameson's office, the day after he had returned to Alnus. "Your message said it was urgent?"

"Yes. It seems we made two major errors with Alnus." The general said. "I'm sure you noticed the tent city that has sprung up."

"I have, yes." Richard nodded as he sat in an offered chair. "I take it more refugees have been coming in?"

"Worse. As it turns out, Emperor Molt Sol Augustus is a canny bastard. He realised that he wasn't going to be able to fight us, and deal with a slave revolt at the same time, so, betting on his daughter negotiating a ceasefire, he told the revolting slaves they would not be stopped if they headed to Alnus." Samuel explained. "Of course, they ended up stripping the land as they moved, meaning he didn't need to waste manpower or support in scorched earth tactics. This also meant he had more troops to train up additional forces. We assumed the number of refugees would be steady, coming from nearby towns and villages, not massive slave armies."

The American general sighed.

"That was our first mistake. We are now worse off supply-wise than we were before. Quartermasters are confident that we will last the winter, barely, if we supplement supplies from Earth. NATO isn't happy about this, and nor am I. Fortunately, it's also a bit of a PR boon for us; people will be moved by the sight and stories of slaves being helped, so we should be able to get some more donations from various groups." Samuel pulled a decanter from a desk drawer. "Do you drink?"

"No, not really," Richard replied.

"Well, you might want to. Local customs use alcohol."

"That is more of a fermented grain soup than an alcoholic beverage," Richard replied. "Unless your troops have been buying local beers, fortifying them, and reporting they are just the grain soup."

The general sighed before pouring himself a glass of alcohol from the decanter. About a finger's thickness of a clear liquid in the glass.

"I've seen about forty reports of my people teaching the locals how to make stills. And more than a few of the 'confiscated and dismantled' stills have ended up in local hands." He shook his head. "So, it's certainly a possibility, but I suspect that the reality is that they are just using stills."

"You said there were two mistakes?" Richard asked as the American downed the liquid in his glass.

"Yeah." Samuel stored the decanter in his desk. "So, we've been pushing your reputation, milking it for local relations. Well, that chicken has come back home to roost. Those slaves? They passed through and near Italica on their way here, where they passed peacefully, thank god, but they got plenty f rumours and stories. Stories about a Black Knight, who held back a whole Imperial Legion assaulting one gate by themselves. Stories about an otherworld lord that tamed the new queen of the savage Warrior Bunnies, and took the Saderan princess as a consort."

He grinned at Richard's face, seeing it fall and pale.

"Stories of a knight freeing slaves, to found a new kingdom at Alnus after taking from the Imperials. Stories of a human becoming king of the Warrior Bunnies and leading them to conquer Alnus." The general laughed as Richard groaned and held his face with his hands. "They are expecting you to lead them against the Empire, not support a peace treaty. Our mistake was not controlling the narrative better."

"So, we have a bunch of former slaves, hoping for a chance to take revenge against their former oppressors, with no way to control them?"

"Exactly. They aren't much of a threat to NATO's forces directly, my men and women could break them faster than we did the Saderan Legions. The issue is the number of casualties among civilians, and the loss of goodwill. So, here is what I want from you," General Jameson leaned forwards to look Richard in the eye. "You know that informal group you called the Long Patrol? Been using it to help us keep order in Alnus? They think you are lord of Alnus, or at least the governor. So, I'm pulling some strings, and burning some favours. I'll lend you some trainers and get some modern small arms for your Long Patrol. Start pulling those ex-slaves into it, I'll make sure you have enough sergeants and drill officers to instil discipline in them. Then, keep hold of Alnus, ride them, and get them focused on protecting what they have, rather than vengeance. You can tell them that if peace breaks down, though I doubt it will at this point, then we will have them assist NATO. If not… well. Officially, they are a local force."

Richard blinked.

"A private army?" He gaped. "A private fucking army!? I'm a bloody scholar, I have a Bachelor's of History, and the most I've led was a couple of dozen people in some re-enactment events, and in some other stuff, but that was all fake. Play. Not… not commanding troops in a real battle, let alone with modern weapons."

"We need some way to keep the aggression in check." The NATO general stated firmly. "You have the local support, and you are a known factor. With your connection to Tara, you should be able to exercise some influence on the Warrior Bunnies as well but we won't hope for a miracle with their current state. We aren't tossing you straight into the water. You will be taught what you need to know, but we can't have a slaughter if there is a riot. This is the best short-term solution we have."

Richard bit back his next protest.

"I… can I spend some time to think about this?"

General Jameson shook his head.

"We are walking a tightrope here. We don't exactly have many options, you we trust the most, so, there isn't really any time. I can give you a few days to settle back in, and catch up on any paperwork that came up while you were gone, but…" He shrugged. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry your being forced into this."

"So, I heard you have a plan?" Hannah sat in front of Tara. "Also, where is Richard? I heard you two finally got around to…"

"Stop." Tara silenced the brow-haired Warrior Bunny. "Richard is off seeing General Jameson."

She frowned and looked around. The tavern was more filled than usual, with no open space at the bar, and only a handful of tables with empty seats.

"There a place we can hear ourselves think?" She asked.

"Sure. A new place opened, its pricier, more upper class, but they don't turn away demi-humans."

Tara stood and followed Hanna towards the door.

A hand grabbed her elbow. Its owner slurred something to her, grinning with broken and stained teeth. The drunken man pawed at her breasts.

Before Tara could decide whether to punch him in the face or kick him in the balls, a hand grabbed the drunkard, and hauled him out the door, tossing him into the street.

"I warned him." The man grunted.

Tara blinked as she recognised the newcomer.


The Imperial deserter that had fought with them at Alnus, having stolen one of the few wyverns still alive in the area, grinned at her, his sunburnt face cracking as he smiled.

"Tara." He nodded. "The scholars from NATO finally let Thoos and I return to Alnus. So, what's going on?"

"Lots of refugees," Hannah said, motioning for the young man to follow. "Couple slave rebellions got past the Empire, coming here. Lots of our people with them, so our numbers are swelling."

"Heh, guess we started something." The ex-legionary grinned as he followed the two into the street. "So, where is Sir Richard? One of the scholars said he was given an award?"

"Yes, 'Order of the British Empire'." Tara grinned. "He was knighted as part of it, by his King."

Vel blinked at her incredulously.

"Wasn't he already a knight?"

"I think the difference was between a mounted soldier who can afford plate armour and a minor noble," Tara explained. "But not exactly, just the same sort of difference."

"Ah, so he was recognised for his service, and given a minor title, but still important enough to be recognised and awarded by the King himself." Vel nodded. "Like those Rose Knights, I saw. I heard an Imperial Princess is here?"

"Pina Co Lada," Hanna confirmed, ignoring the snickering from a pair of patrolling NATO soldiers.

"She left yesterday for Earth," Tara said. "Now, where are we going?"

The streets were slowly becoming more congested as they moved through the town.

"Turn right, here. There it is." Hannah pointed it out, avoiding a family carrying their meagre belongings. "With the side being worked on still."

"Oh, are they expanding it?" Tara asked.

"Yeah, I think so," Hannah confirmed.

The exterior of the building had been painted white, with several windows showing a display of baked sweets. A sign hung above the door, bearing a steaming teapot.

Inside, the trio found it was in stark contrast to the street. The lower level was some form of tavern, though of a high class. But it was the upper levels that showed the style of customer they expected to deal with. A gold chandelier was suspended in the air, and they could see luxuriously upholstered furniture around tables.

A bouncer of some sort stood at the entrance, just inside. The wolfman gave them all a look before his features shifted in recognition.

"Ah, Lady Hannah. Welcome back."

Tara snickered.


"Shut it. I can afford to eat at these places now."

The wolfman coughed into his fist.

"Ah, right. Sorry, may I know the names of your acquaintances?"

"This is Vel, the wyvern rider I'm sure you've heard about." Hannah gave Tara a dark look. "And this… is Tara. Richard's lover, and the ex-Queen Tyuule's sister."

Tara glared at Hannah.

The bouncer flinched.

"Ah, royalty?" He sputtered.

"No." Tara glared at him, then alternated to glaring at Hannah and Vel, who snickered. "I don't have any claim to the throne."

"Er, you are an august personage regardless." The wolfman gave an awkward bow. "Please, be welcome, take any table you like, and a servant will deliver a menu for you."

Tara sighed as he scampered off towards what she assumed was the owner, or at least operator, of the establishment. They shared a quiet but increasingly frantic discussion.

"C'mon, let's get a table." Hannah dragged them both to the second floor.

Tara blinked as they passed a small group of Pina's Rose Knights at one table.

"This table has a great view of the garden they set up in the back." Hannah pushed Tara into a seat. "So, this place is somewhat like the tavern, borrowing from Earth, but they are using higher class stuff."

A servant, well dressed to the point Vel felt somewhat underdressed, even in his second-best garment, appeared, and offered them menus. Tara was familiar with the concept, having been to a handful with Richard during their trip.

"I just needed a place to talk about my plans, not a high-class meal." Tara groaned.

"I saw the opportunity to drag you to this place, and took it." Hannah grinned. "Now, what plans?"

Tara glanced at Vel, who was busy pouring over the menu.

"So, the basic problem, is no one can agree on what we should do, right?"

"No, we need someone to unify around." Hannah held up her hands. "I don't mean a new Queen, just… someone with a plan."

Tara sighed.

"Okay. So, my idea is this: spur the people, not just the various groups, into taking action. We could inspire them using… old stories, Earth media like a poem Richard found, or movies. We need them to want to find a solution, rather than be listless like they are now."

Hannah nodded.

"In addition, regardless of what we choose, we need to set up a new government. If we settle somewhere else, stay, or retake our homelands, we will need organisation." Tara swallowed. "So, what are the new people like? Which clans are they from?"

"Pretty mixed… but, uh…" Hannah suddenly became evasive.

Tara narrowed her eyes.

"They are escaped slaves like us but… they want to keep fighting, and some of them were… under the impression you had already taken charge?" Hannah yielded after a moment. She held up her hands defensively. "I had nothing to do with it, they came to that conclusion themselves. Plus, they kind of think… Richard is the lord of Alnus?"

Tara groaned.

"It's not all bad, most of them are supportive of you, but… they have expectations."

Vel cleared his throat.

"If I can ask something?" Tara motioned for him to continue. "Why don't you lead them? I don't mean to suggest you should, it's just… I'm missing something."

"You were gone a little while," Hannah noted.

"The issue is… threefold. One: I am not pureblooded, which is more important to traditionalists when it comes to the eligibility of a queen. Two: My popularity is… low. My half-sister lost us our homelands, and most think she betrayed us."

"Not true, about your popularity, I mean," Hannah interjected. "Yeah, a lot of people hate Tyuule, but you aren't her, despite your looks and relations. Also… who cares what those old hags think about what makes a good queen."

"I care. I'm not suited to be queen. I'm terrible at… what did Richard call it… social engineering, unlike Tyuule. She was unifying the clans even as we lost ground and bands to Zorzal. Most of my ideas are based on Richard's."

"So, rule with him, have him support you," Hannah said.

"And what about what he wants? I don't want to rule, and if the Gate closes… he'd probably want to stay on Earth." Tara shook her head. "Besides, even if I did want to be queen, I would need to remove the faction's leaders with a coup, and then I'd have no legitimacy."

"So, what's the third reason?" Vel asked.

Tara sighed.

"That is the third thing. I'm unsuited to be queen. I'm good in a fight, but I can't lead."

"I disagree, it wasn't Richard that commanded us at Alnus, it was you. He just led the charge." Hannah said. Then she shrugged. "Though, I suppose you are right. If you did remove the factions, you'd need a very good reason. Plus, what troops would you use?"

Vel laughed.

"It's not like Richard has an army." He paused. "Uh… wait, would the Long Patrol count?"

"No, they are just a militia, for governing Alnus." Tara shook her head. "And I can't see a reason why NATO would arm them with any weapons."
It seems,that Saderans so strong belived in sir Richard bullshit,that they created accidentally King Richard.
Poor Tara,now she must be Queen.
Chapter 42
Madira sat on the bench next to Tara, as people filtered in for another meeting.

"So, you have a plan I hear?" The priest-in-training asked quietly.

"Basic plan is to galvanise people," Tara whispered back. "It doesn't matter what we choose, as long as we do something, else we will be stuck as a dying people."

Madira frowned. She nodded, agreeing with Tara's basic point.

"What we choose does matter. We can't abandon our ways, but I agree, as we are, our culture will die."

"We are still stuck trying to figure out what though," Tara noted. "That, I am struggling with."

Madira paused for a moment.

"The new arrivals… they are willing, wanting, to fight. And they are loyal to Richard." Madira grinned. "That gives us an army, and a large number of people with which we could grow our population afterwards. We could spend a year gathering strength, then march on Sadera, with their legions destroyed by NATO, we could take the capital, make their senate and Emperor give us back our territory, all of it, at spearpoint."

"Richard doesn't command them, and they are poorly equipped." Tara objected. "Besides, he doesn't have command over them. Why would he, or they, spend their lives fighting for us?"

"They need a home, we want our land back, we both want revenge, and Richard is your lover, yes? Can't be too hard to get him to help."

"Again, Richard does not command them. And I do not like you suggesting I use him like a pawn." Tara growled. "Not to mention we do not have any equipment. Or supplies. It isn't as simple as you seem to think. And even if it was, who would lead us?"

"You." Madira shrugged. "You have a claim, stronger than anyone else. I don't care for this talk of 'Representative Democracy', it's too far from our traditions, our way of life, and would be too difficult to set up. Not to mention give the tribes and clans too much power."

Madira interrupted Tara before she could retort.

"Ah, it seems the meeting is starting. Think on what I have said, I'm sure you will agree it's the best course of action."

Tara glared at the young Elder as she walked away to join her political group.

She sighed a moment later and settled in to hear the usual arguments for an hour before there was a break. After the break, she would jump in, and suggest they temporarily set aside the issue, and instead devote some energy to keeping their people together. A festival perhaps or organising a viewing of some Terran movies with similar values or circumstances might work. Whatever could be done to remind their people what and why they were fighting.

"I thank lady Tara for her suggestions and recommendations. I also thank this gathering for agreeing to them." Matron Radya said. The older Warrior Bunny had been one of the few that had escaped capture, helped by her clan and tribe members. She had appeared at Alnus with a small band of about thirty, two weeks after NATO took the hill, and had quickly established herself as one of the political figures of the Warrior Bunnies at Alnus. She also was part of the faction that was strongly opposed to Tara, just based on her relations. "I also support bolstering our culture. I disagree with the decision to use… Earth 'media', we must prevent our culture from being polluted…"

More than a few people snorted or laughed.

"Your father was an elf, and we learned metalworking from them as well. My grandfather was a dwarf. You can't get more polluted than that!"

Radya ignored the heckling.

"…but the Festival of Sowing is overdue. I believe that a simple one, to remind our people of our ways, is in order."

Sounds of agreement were made.

"But which tribe's festival? I think NATO would protest the southern borderer's usual celebrations, as would my own tribe." An Elder asked. "They seem to be against needless bloodshed, and I doubt they want us kidnapping their people, or raiding the Kingdom of Elbe."

"I did say a simple one," Radya said. "The rituals and commonly shared festivities would be acceptable to all, yes? Of course, couples may spend the night however they wish."

Tara frowned at the look Radya sent her.

A handful of immature clan representatives snickered at the innuendo. The Festival of Sowing referred to more than just sowing crops, after all.

"However," Radya continued. "We must not forget that we need to decide what path we are going to take. NATO is making peace with the Empire. We cannot rely on them to regain our home. Thus, we also must consider what alternatives we have. Do we strike out on our own and strike the Empire? Do we accept charity from NATO and risk losing our culture? Or will we make a new home, here! At Alnus!?"

Tara frowned as she heard more than just Radya's people applauding her. They were quickly drowned out by the arguments, but it underlined the support Radya had, or at least, her ideas.

The arguments continued well into the evening, as other people tried to present their ideas.

Tara flopped onto Richard's lap, resting her head against his shoulder.

"Stressful day as well?" Richard asked, shifting on the couch in his quarters.

Tara moaned before she replied verbally.

"Yes. I need to organise some of the events that have been planned, there is a festival that will be put on, and those idiots still won't agree to do anything." Tara muttered. "How about you?"

"… so, you know how Hannah keeps joking about a coup?" Richard said sheepishly.

Tara shifted in his lap and looked him in the eye.

"Please tell me the general doesn't want you to support a coup."

"No, but one of the main arguments you use against it… well…" Richard glanced away. "The Long Patrol is basically going to become my private army."

Tara blinked at him, before placing her head against his chest and letting out a groan of frustration.

"It's more to keep the newly arrived slaves under control, and busy, rather than risk a riot but… yeah, they are going to be armed with guns." Richard hugged her.

"An elder was suggesting we could use them as an army to retake our homeland." Tara snuggled against him. "Now I have less argument against her idea, and I'm afraid it would get far too many people killed. I… I don't want to face the sort of stress Tyuule did, and I… I'm afraid that if I do end up having to lead, I'll screw up as bad as she did."

Richard reflected. He would be lying if he said the power of command wasn't tempting, but he was a scholar at heart. He knew full well what sorts of stress people could face. He knew full well what sort of impact mistakes could have, when they involved hundreds, let alone thousands, of lives.

Yet, while he was being forced to take command of a glorified militia, more to keep it too busy to cause trouble, Tara was facing something far more serious. He set his concerns aside for the moment. He would take what would come as a result of his actions, but he would be damned if he didn't try to help Tara.

"I doubt you will screw up as badly as she did." Richard held her. "First of all, you know what mistakes she made. Second of all, you have people and resources she didn't, who are willing to help. Third, you are not in nearly as bad a position as she was."

"I still don't want to… end up responsible for my people." She muttered. "It… scares me, the damage I could cause."

Richard snorted.

"If not you, then who?" Richard quoted. "And the fact that you are well aware of the impact of your actions, and do not see power as an… easy solution, or a right, makes you much better equipped than most people for wielding it."

"Are you trying to convince me to take power?" Tara lifted her head to look him in the eyes again. "Don't let Hannah, or others, hear you."

"No, I'm not." Richard shook his head. "Sorry, it's just, I was… I was trying to help, without actually thinking about how."

Tara sighed.

"I… I agree that I wouldn't trust more than a few of the tribe leaders, or self-proclaimed leaders, here with power." Tara frowned. "But…"

A knock at the door interrupted any further conversation.

Tara mumbled complaints as she got off Richard, letting him get the door.

"Sir Richard?" Rasha said, standing tall. "There are some petitioners here to see you."

Richard blinked, noting that there was apparently now a pair of guards outside his housing unit. Dressed in Saderan legionary armour, and armed with swords, shields and spears, they bore the sigil of a black sword, wreathed in flames.

Outside, with the two guards standing between them and the entrance to his house, were around twenty people, some were elves and Warrior Bunnies, and others were humans and orcs. There was even a draconic-looking fellow, with a pair of dragon wings at the back.

The group kneeled upon seeing him.

One figure raised their head.

"Sir Richard, we have travelled far, to escape the clutches and bondage of the vile Saderan Empire." They said. "We have come to you to pledge our service!"

Richard sighed.

Tara snickered as she came up behind him at the doorway.

"See, I told you the rumours were true." One elf in the back whispered to their companion. "See? Queen of the Warrior Bunnies."

"Okay, some of the rumours were true." The human next to them admitted. "I doubt he took the princess as a concubine, or that he is the prince of his lands."

"I don't know, the house is small, but it looks way fancier than any palace I saw. Besides, maybe they are a frugal sort?"

"So, that is the situation here?" The priest rasped. "Well, I can wait a little while until I have an opportunity."

"So, I take it you found what you were looking for at Italica?" Rory asked, before sipping her drink.

The some of other patrons of the bar kept giving the pair confused looks, though the one individual that tried to kick out the 'dirty vagrant and child' was tossed on his ass by a pair of US marines. Most of the other patrons were smart enough to not risk the ire of a demigod.

"Yes, an old relief, from when Italica was ruled by elves. The scene was of a battle, a victory of the elves. Here, I have a charcoal rubbing."

The twisted man pulled a long piece of parchment from his robes, unrolling it onto the table.

"You see? They fought Warrior Bunnies, long ago. Ancient ones. The battle was lost to time, sadly, but, do you see this figure, here, with the spear, a mage with her?" He said.

Rory studied the rubbing.

"Yes, I…" She paused as she heard Emroy start to laugh. "… Emroy knows of this battle."

The man blinked, before coughing to the side. He cursed his body, as he had hundreds of times before.

"Well, that… hmm." He considered it. Then he blinked. "This battle is later than I thought, but it is still what I needed. Proof that Italica was the city from which the demigod and mage operated from."

Rory listened as Emroy whispered to her.

"Emroy says that is only partially correct. It was the third battle of a war, and while it was a great victory, it was only the beginning of their tale." The child-like demigod frowned. "He doesn't know it all, or how it ended, but…"

She pointed to a figure, amidst the thickest part of the fighting. A large elf bore an axe, as tall as he was.

The priest looked at it, confused, before he read what was written above the figure. Then he laughed.
I like the slow build up of power that Richard and Tara are getting. I look forward to seeing them be very grumpy when they are crowned King and Queen of the the Alnus Kingdom.
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I like the slow build up of power that Richard and Tara are getting. I look forward to seeing them be very grumpy when they are crowned King and Queen of the the Alnus Kingdom.
And general talking to Richard that he would be only President...but not adding,that President-for-life !

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