Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

Essentially, a globe-spanning open-air prison for the whole species,
If it makes you feel better, it won’t come to pass for the simple reason that the WEF will be devoured by the Revolution.

The system they operate is an IQ shredder which will inevitably burn through whatever available human capital it has until it can no longer innovate or operate its current system.

I personally think the end result will be far lamer and more pathetic.

A giant slum where human society can best be described as crabs crawling in a bucket.

AKA True Commmunism.
If it makes you feel better, it won’t come to pass for the simple reason that the WEF will be devoured by the Revolution.

The system they operate is an IQ shredder which will inevitably burn through whatever available human capital it has until it can no longer innovate or operate its current system.

I personally think the end result will be far lamer and more pathetic.

A giant slum where human society can best be described as crabs crawling in a bucket.

AKA True Commmunism.
Well, they're not even discreet about that. Those with institutional power really do want to shove us all into a giant, globe-spanning slum. They say so right to our faces.

I agree, for the most part, especially in regards to the woke invasion of pop culture. I always deeply despised that.

Fictional media should be a place for Robert Crumb-esque crassness and transgression. And yet, these wokester SJW kids wanted to ruin all of that and make media into a vehicle for the most insipid and politically correct propaganda centered on identitarianism and flattering representations of minority groups.

In short, the Tumblrites were no better than little old conservative ladies with blue rinses whining about media corrupting the youth, only instead of complaining that media is turning kids to devil worship, they're complaining that media is turning kids into fascists.
They are much more dangerous though, as they have a much bigger network of various forms of support than those.
So, we can't do this because we'll end up giving useless drains on society a handout, right?

Let me rephrase what I said, then. You cannot have a healthy society where the majority of people are functionally useless to the economy. That's what post-industrial, information-economy transitions have wrought across the West. Much of our consumer good manufacturing is done in BRICS countries, but the R&D is done in the West, and the people who do that R&D require a finite quantity of services (a.k.a. dog washers and overnight pizza deliverymen) to satisfy them. Not everyone can be a part of the R&D complex of a post-industrial society, quite simply because they aren't qualified or aren't smart enough, or because there simply aren't any openings.

Many people who work in services are actually overeducated and underemployed; they have college degrees but are still stuck flipping burgers and making coffees for people because they put in their resume at a hundred different tech companies and got no response, but McDonald's and Starbucks were still hiring. Companies are very picky about who they employ, often demanding years and years of prior experience that you literally can't get anywhere else because those companies that you might use to build up years of experience are also asking for years of prior experience as a condition of employment. Everyone wants employees who are immediately productive out of the box. No one wants to spend time and money training and developing new hires into productive employees.

In summary, we have this situation where large swaths of society are increasingly being told, "You aren't needed, you're surplus to requirements, just sit and rot in your corrugated metal shanty while we turn your parks into our corporate campuses". That's not a society. That's bullshit.

Right now, what we have is basically welfare for rich people. We let them exploit giant tax loopholes and sock away money in offshore bank accounts while letting our infrastructure turn into dilapidated piles of rust. How is that fair to the majority who have to live and work amongst squalor and decay?

I think you misunderstand my intent. I don't want bread lines and depressing concrete commieblocks. I want the America that was promised. I don't want to live in a decaying, declining empire that sees fit to rest on its laurels and rot. I actually, literally want us to build the Jetsons shit that people imagined back in the sixties.

If we are so wealthy, then our architecture should reflect that. Instead, we have urban decay, with boarded-up buildings and roads full of potholes from one end of the country to the other.

Mass immiseration has consequences for the social fabric. It makes people feel demoralized, like their participation in society counts for nothing, when their taxes are wasted by deliberate mismanagement, embezzlement, and grift.

That is an exaggerated vision of western economics (it's nowhere near half of population and won't be anytime soon) whose days are numbered anyways even as far as it exists - after all, between DEI driven incompetence and Chinese disregard for IP, the model of "West does R&D for goods to be produced in BRICS) is doomed to fall apart.
If this is not addressed, increasingly R&D will shift towards Japan, SK, Israel and Taiwan, who have the tools, western contacts, and can do it without increasing political and ideological burdens.

The random blame shifting ideological throw in by a Russia simping influencer is unnecessary.
Our cities should be shining temples of Americanism, not crumbling ruins filled with sign-waving, molotov-throwing Bolsheviks. If that means giving stupid and useless people jobs so they can contribute tax revenue, then so be it, but we simply cannot have a meaningful society if large swaths of people are physically and mentally unable to contribute to it.

Reshoring jobs has significant benefits. America should produce huge quantities of high-quality exports. American goods should be purchased and enjoyed in every goddamn country on this planet, even if we have to go full metrication with millimeter fasteners and kilometer road signs to make that happen.

Instead, we run massive trade deficits so that we're reduced to thankless consumer debt slaves for banker cartels. Americans are held at a razor's edge between prosperity and poverty so that we keep taking out unsustainable loans to enjoy the tiniest taste of luxury, and that luxury often consists of buying injection-molded trash from China, which sends our capital over there and builds their cities instead.

You bet I'm resentful of this arrangement. So are many others. It's such an obvious scam, but people act like you're crazy for calling it out as such.
Here's the problem.
You say that.
But you would not find that many people who would also share your vision.
*especially* in the cities in question, and those are the people who get to vote on this.
Many of the voters in these cities want socialism, vote for politicians making socialist promises, and in turn they get socialism. Of course socialism sucks, including giving make-work for the "correct" people, and that inefficiency among many other socialist ideas are why socialism sucks, but the people who vote for socialism still support it, even if the result never looks nearly as nicely as in the ads. You can't cure stupid.

Also, how many of the socialism supporting people in the cities want to work in manufacturing and then buy the products at the price and quality they themselves are willing to provide and accept in salaries, as opposed to having bullshit office jobs which the people who they vote for always promise them? The reality is that talk aside, they still want to work in a clean office and spend their salary from it on lots of cheap stuff made at third world labor cost, whether that's viable or not.
These companies don't care about health, wealth, or education. They don't care about the quality of life in China. They don't care that their heavy industry is turning China into an utter wasteland with lead and cadmium leaching into the groundwater turning everyone into drooling 'tards with brain tumors. All they care about is cheap labor. Emphasis on cheap. Their goal is to provide maximum reward to the shareholders at minimum expense, which means that unfettered access to global labor pools is paramount. The Trade War is, in the end, a Class War as well.

Why did people push for Brexit so hard? They were warned that it would destroy the UK's GDP to disconnect from global markets. During one presentation, someone in the audience shouted, in response, "That's your bloody GDP, not ours".

There is a rentier class above us, hoovering up all the prosperity that we are creating with our own two hands, and our hard work isn't tangibly improving our lives. It's keeping us at a break-even level. That's the key problem that we have to address. It doesn't do conservatives any good to plug their ears, ignore the problem and pretend like it will just go away. It won't. The managed decline will continue. The hoarding will continue. The dilapidation of our societies will get worse. We're a long, long way from rock bottom.

It isn't because people are lazy. People work very hard. It's because every time we turn around, all of our work is ripped out of our hands and given to a tiny minority of uber-wealthy people who are rebuilding our societies around a model that caters to them exclusively while reducing the rest of us to a condition of serfdom.

Only some people work very hard, probably not all that many. If all did, DEI stuff would not be nearly the problem it is.
You can blame it on rentier classes, elites, whatever, but there isn't all that much wealth actually available as to let everyone live in luxury if not for those dastardly elites, however you square it, a lot of people will still have to be left with a lot less than they would like to be left with.
Look at the aftermath of Brexit, the GDP was not destroyed, but UK economy is also not doing great, and the people who supported Brexit are pretty clear about it.
What if everyone's job is obsoleted? What if Klaus has his way and everything that could be automated or digitized according to his Fourth Industrial Revolution concept undergoes such a process? What jobs will people work, then? Where will the State obtain tax revenue?
Then we will live in a very different world, and it can't arrive suddenly, only very gradually with the slow advancement of robotics. Just as different as if in year 1200, people would ask, if in 2024 there won't be nobility, who will be the king's court, defend the realm, and administrate the land? How will they get food if there are few farmers, and even fewer draft animals?
State needs tax revenue to pay for goods and services the government needs. So, it will get tax revenue from whoever is producing goods and services on those lands - if that is robotic factories and robots, then it will be the robot's owners.
Someone will still need to manage and service the robots even if the robots can do everything not involving much thinking. Of course robots going that far in a cost-effective manner is probably a matter of unpredictably far future with unpredictable factors in play - perhaps by that time all people born will be genetically modified genius superhumans so they won't be that easy to push out of job market, much like now in developed countries less people are born with certain crippling disabilities and ailments than in nature.

I would hope that working-class and middle-class people could unite into a common bloc against Davos and their depredations, and that would be possible were it not for the many wedge issues that are shoved in front of our faces on a constant basis to keep that from happening. The Left are depicted by our media as creeping drag queens and pedophiles, and the Right are depicted as actual goose-stepping fascists who want to deport or exterminate non-whites. Who benefits from this chaos?
They cannot unite, because the citizenry of some first world countries have dramatically opposed interests to citizens/residents of some others, particularly some third world and islamic ones, and the Davos folk love to play politics as much as some of us here love strategy games.
That's the thing, drop the manichean frame of the world, it is for children and useful idiots. The world is far more than 2 factions. More like dozens, and extremely complex political deals, schemes and tricks are played between them all the time.
There won't be the good guy faction and the bad guy faction, no black and white, only many shades of gray, with occasional crazy of green, blue, red and orange.
While we squabble with each other, the rentiers run their money-vacuums full-blast, flying around on jetpacks and hoovering the actual dollars out of our pockets.
The end-state of this arrangement is two shirtless and bedraggled men, one Left and one Right, beating each other senseless in an empty field, while the rentier-elite are flying around on space cruises like the humans in WALL-E. People are fucking delusional if they think we can sustain this level of political polarization and wealth stratification forever. Eventually, it eats away at the bedrock of society.

Yuval Harari's Homo Deus describes a future not unlike the one in Blomkamp's Elysium. One where the ultra-wealthy augment themselves into transhuman demigods living in palatial conditions while the rest of humanity lives in squalor alongside robots and algorithms of despotic control and struggles with their near-obsoletion. If we aren't careful, we will sleepwalk into that exact future.
If we are all rendered economically obsolete by robots, how can they hoover dollars out of our pockets? It's one or another.
Fiction is a major source of bad mental dogma that has little to do with reality. Movies love simple good guys and bad guys setups as they are easy to understand for the average viewer, and within the limit of 2-3 hour movie at most.
But how often do rich and powerful of the whole friggin world get along so well? They will always fight over power, if nothing else. Kinetically and otherwise.

Also if augmenting people into demigods feasible, then the problem of robot driven economic obsolescence is pushed away to a degree. Soon enough someone figures that the one thing more powerful than a demigod is a whole legion of demigods, and even more so, a whole civilization of demigods.
I'm not exaggerating, either. Have you read the guy's book? Here are a couple choice excerpts:



We're entering a "post-liberal society", where, to paraphrase, "algorithms know you better than you know yourself", and "human agency is irrelevant and we don't need voting anymore because a computer can scan your brain and knows how you would vote anyway".

This is what these WEF people actually, literally believe. This is the kind of world that the rentier-elite are trying very, very hard to build. Essentially, a globe-spanning open-air prison for the whole species, where liberty is a distant memory.
If they believe that, they are idiots drunk on gobbling up their own propaganda. They can try, but the way they act, they will build "we have X at home" version of this that will be doomed to failure, probably sooner than it is even built.
Everyone has a small and isolated piece of the puzzle. It's just a matter of assembling the big picture.

We in the West are living under the thumb of an occupying enemy. Our leaders mock and degrade us to our faces, calling us deplorables and bumpkins while they siphon off our nations' treasure to feed globalist ambitions. They practice divide-and-conquer tactics against their own populations, freely and openly. They abuse law-abiding citizens while letting career criminals off with a slap on the wrist.

Why do they deserve our fealty, when they have been so openly hateful and disloyal toward us?
Leftists being our leaders is a temporary, Starmer included, he's a pretty nasty one at that, and even fairly quickly changeable circumstance.
Of course they don't deserve our fealty. But not all of current "elites" are like this, i've pointed to several politicians who more or less agree with us at least on some things, like the question of manufacturing in western countries, immigration, DEI, China...
Which is why I said it was unrealistic.

You missed my point, anyhow. What I meant was that you can't say that classes don't exist in one breath and then insist that they do in another. If something exists as a dividing line between people, then it will invariably be used to distinguish groups of people, and to form alliances around. Your insistence that people are not divided by class but by culture rings hollow in light of how many people from very different cultures are willing to unite on matters of economic class, even if only in brief alliances of convenience. Once the material conditions are improved, people's attention will turn toward other things, of course.
Some dividing lines are arbitrary, and some are based on shared opinion on some political, lifestyle, ideological matter.
For example, a nation is a good line, because it is based on people sharing similar culture, language, heritage, region of residence. That causes a whole lot of correlation in many political opinions.
On the other hand no one builds political alliance on the characteristic of, say, being left handed, or having a hairy back. As that says effectively nothing about someone's politics.
Classes defined by wealth fall into the latter category. A libertine entertainer, an Asian industrialist and a middle eastern oil sheikh may be all rich, but they also likely play cutthroat political games against each other despite sharing their wealth level.
I have far more in common with a person from my culture who is of a different wealth class, than with a person of, say, Chinese, Pakistani or Arab culture who shares my wealth class. That's why culture/nationality is far more meaningful.
Sometimes some manage to form some sort of alliances between nationalities, even more rarely cultures, but those are usually rare, mediated by official representatives, and very conditional on certain circumstances and similarities.

"I'm a Muslim woman, and they're still importing people and giving them gibs! That takes away from my gibs! Why do I work and pay taxes?"

Sound familiar?

In the end, people care more about the basic resources they have access to above most other petty concerns.

At some point, we have to acknowledge that the unrest is purposely engineered. The anarchy is intentional. Our media is controlled by wealthy rentiers who want to continue hoarding wealth without steady and coordinated opposition from people who are more alike than they are different. There is no other reason.

The irony of socialism, idiots arguing that it is them who are needy should be getting redistributed resources from others, not the able to have their resources redistributed to others who are more needy. As ironic as that story of a store robber returning from the robbery just to find his getaway car stolen by another thief. Can't have shit in the land of thieves and socialists. But that's a poor example of a shared interest, just a case of layers of absurdity covering more layers of it.
I have to hammer this point home; the rentier-aristocracy is our prime enemy. If we remove this obstacle, many other problems will solved soon after. The controlled media, eroding the fabric of society with constant demoralization? That goes away the moment the rentier-aristocracy is dealt with.
That's the problem, there is no "rentier-aristocracy" to target here, there is a whole subculture spanning across the whole wealth ladder, through low class antifa thugs and illegal immigrants, through middle class soyboys and bleeding hearts, up to Starmers and WEF folk at the top.
They all work together, even if they have some disagreements, as the antifa thugs down there would love to replace Starmer just to *really* demonstrate proper socialist and antifactist governance, which they think the current leftist elites are nowhere nearly zealous about, and so we have to make alliances here and there too. For one, the given example of antifa thugs cannot be our allies, and we would be suicidally dumb to give them a chance to betray.
"Even with your seemingly meager living standards, you're actually living like a king by medieval standards where the GDP per capita was like $1000".

No shit we are. That's not the point. The point is that we have every right to demand even more.

Someone working a full-time job in the US, even without a degree, should be able to afford to make a down payment on a home in only a few years of work, even if that means greatly increasing the housing supply by reducing unnecessary regulations, getting rid of NIMBYism and outlawing HOAs, and loosening zoning restrictions. You know what American houses shouldn't be? Investment vehicles for foreign buyers to scoop up and use exclusively for arbitrage.
Lift all architectual, environmental, and land use regulations that didn't exist 100 years ago and it will get close to that, of course not in the middle of high demand cities, but still, in less ridiculous places it will.
The problem is like with the above example of city socialists, people want effectively artisanal houses with lots of hi tech features and 50 certificates, but also want them to be cheap. And many want to make that choice even for all the other people in some types of regulations. Can't have that and have it be cheap. It's a matter of choice. Look up low end prefab housing prices. Look up land prices in the boonies. If you really want to, it can be cheap to own a home technically, but the average city voter who complains about home prices wants absolutely neither of the above, that's not the kind of home they want.
We are being set up to fail. On purpose.
Some people are indeed trying. Some just fuck around on the sidelines. Some try to stop it, some for reasons you agree with, some for reasons you would hate. Politics...
You say they don't even need it, but they explicitly say that they need replacement migration to get around the issue of stalling birth rates in the West and keep the GDP growing:

Our leaders heavily promote the use of birth control technologies. They push women into the workforce, whether or not they actually want it, by keeping the dual-earner level of income right at the level needed for subsistence in an advanced economy. They also price people out of home ownership, at least the size of home that you'd need to comfortably start a family. And then, they have the nerve to tell us, "You're not breeding fast enough so we need to replace you with immigrants."

What do you think that means?
Well for one it means that the conspiracies about elites scheming depopulation are highly dubious. After all, they could have population degrowth in the West without doing much at all, without the political problems coming with migration. Instead they would focus on the population growth of Africa.
Also as you put it, the problem you are painting here is mostly a picture of rising urbanization. Homes in cities by nature of such have to be more expensive and so they get smaller than homes in semi-rural and rural areas. In fact i did a bit of research in that topic, and there is an interesting conclusion allowing filtering out some theories.
How normal is it for cities to be demographicaly growing, or even self-sustaining, historically, without relying on nearby or not so nearby rural populations for growth?
The answer is very rarely, and not for long.
Seems like the problem can be simplified to driving economic opportunities into crowding more in large cities, and all the other problems are just logical consequences of that. People follow, they crowd as much as business due to spatially limited city real estate, and crowded people who spend lots of money on overly scarce real estate have small families if any. It's not some grand planned setup of many separate factor, it's just one, several maybe, and the rest is just consequence of the previous ones.

The armed individuals in any conflict are a small minority of deviants, and the vast majority suffer immensely for their actions.

That's because they have no choice. Once conflict starts, any loss by defending forces means being overwhelmed and pillaged by armed thugs.
Depends on many factors. If, say, South Korea invaded North Korea, do you think the SK soldiers would want to pillage the NK civilian's houses even if they were allowed to?
Have you seriously never wondered about the other side of the story?

The White Helmets fabricated gas attacks by the Syrian government. Did you ever see the footage that was recovered? They did multiple takes of the same scene, with all of the false flag crisis actors switching places.

I've seen photos of people identified as White Helmets posing with decapitated corpses when they're in their militia uniforms, and then being photographed again in their aid worker costumes.

The guy who led the White Helmets was suicided just to keep him quiet.

All of this is suppressed on Western search engines. YouTube has deleted and memoryholed years of content. You basically have to go on Yandex or the Internet Archive these days just to find any of it.

What we did to Syria was despicable. You have absolutely no concept of the sheer quantity of lies we were fed about what was happening over there.

And here you lost me by framing alone. If you claim there is THE other side of a story, you are trying to tell me a fairy tale. Or piece of propaganda. Or something in between. That's because aware of more than one other side of the story, so by claiming there is a "THE other side of the story", you are trying to bullshit me, as if you told me that there are only two factions in Starcraft. So, which other side of the story?
The Syrian conflict in particular has meme value as one of the biggest clusterfucks out there.

Which side is "the other side"? She only represents Assad's side of the story. How about Kurd's story, Islamist's story , or Gulf States' story?
I have my international sympathies in general, not just for this one war, but i'm negative to ambivalent on Assad, and i don't fit his propaganda for western useful idiot audiences particularly enticing.
He's not the worst out there, but that's a very low bar in Syria.

White Helmets (proxy of some gulf factions, which may make them even proxies of proxies of particular western countries), Assad whining about them, them whining about Assad, whatever, don't care, just typical middle eastern war things, after all something like 3/4 of factions involved don't even pretend to care about Geneva and shit, and half of the rest only pretend, don't care about "you did war crimes! no you! no you faked our war crimes!" game between Assad and opposition, the result doesn't really matter and they are both probably right on some occasions.

Also, Eva Bartlett? Open employee of Russian state media and a pro-Palestinian activist, of course she shits on western proxies what do you expect, doesn't matter if true or false. Wouldn't trust her further than i can throw her though.
"Kind of" nothing. It is treason, plain and simple.
Laws of western countries are very weak in that regard, and it's not unrelated. Hence legalistic kinda.
We have leaders who are contemplating using our own brains as sites of warfare, going beyond mere psyops and actually influencing people's neurological functions directly.

Indeed, they are trying to make war instantaneous and omnipresent, such that there is no actual condition of peace.
Now that is just new buzzword filled reframing of good ol' propaganda/hearts and minds stuff. Plenty of people get their paycheck trying to make slightly more manipulative propaganda techniques. Fundamentally nothing revolutionary.
That is psyops v1.1 now up to 4.1% more effective than old psyops, not "influencing neurological functions directly".

Again, if they can do it over there, they can do it over here. The CIA aren't supposed to engage in domestic operations on US soil, but they break the law all the time.
Well that is more dodgy, but they are *supposed* to do it in "over theres" and be good at it, so bringing up an example of them doing it where they are supposed to against people who very much deserved it is very off the mark.
Again, i advise you to get better sources than leftist propaganda outlets - as far as they are concerned, communists in Vietnam and elsewhere are innocent victims of western imperialism who did nothing wrong and would create an utopia if given a total victory.
What if the weakening and enervation of their victims is the point? These people are dedicated Neo-Malthusians. They're pushing Net Zero left and right. These policies they advance are explicitly pro-degrowth. They want the countries they hold influence over to be poor, to try and fix climate change, and so on.

They don't want to build things, except to build an open-air prison to track and control millions of newly immiserated people grumbling about the decline in their living standards.
If they want de-growth, why do they want migration to keep up GDP? If they want de-growth, why not de-growth for China?
They are useful idiots (and some plain agents) for China and company.
So they don't want de-growth, they want to help China win in the global rivalry by hook or by crook, and pushing de-growth on us is a method (not only method, just one of them) to achieve that end. As i pointed out, even mainstream conservative politicians notice that. They are just a proxy, idiot helpers of a more material and less ridiculous threat.
Helped across our borders by pro-immigration NGOs with millions of dollars in funding from wealthy donors, you mean.

They wouldn't even know these programs existed if they weren't baited here by the rich and their "charities".
It's the world of internet. Even third worlders have phones and internet. Look at world statistics sometimes. Third world criminals, those most certainly do. They also do most of the baiting, and as the dupes don't know any better, they let the fantasy roam, at some point even promised that in Sweden they will all get a free car and house. And from there it's just a matter of selling the service.
"Humanitarian" NGOs are nothing less than a support middleman in a long chain of interests, payments and favors.
On this, we are in agreement. It is treason.

The destruction of Western industries not only makes us strategically weak, it denies people opportunities to earn a living.
More or less, it does. Though a lot of the people complaining don't want opportunities of this type anyway, even if we call them stupid for it.
The sabotage is intentional. The Elites want degrowth, deindustrialization, and Net Zero, and they want a pause on civil aviation in general. Where's that chart again? Oh, right:


Airports closed by 2030 to 2049. No civil aviation at all by 2050.

Why do they need competent people at Boeing, if this is what they have in mind for us? It's actually quite the opposite. The Elites love it when people are too spooked to fly because they're afraid that doors and fuselage panels might come undone mid-flight. It gets us closer to their objective of phasing out civil aviation entirely, at least until they can fulfill their post-2050s vision of super-high-density battery technology and electric aircraft.

Yeah, they push incompetent people into these companies on purpose to meet degrowth targets.
If they push incompetent people into Boeing, who is going to design those all electric aircraft? People even more incompetent than the current ones?
Who is going to design those super-high-density battery technology?
Who is going to put the two together?
The antimeritocratic DEI plague will affect "green technologies" as much as any other ones.
This is a dumb aspirational distraction goal to make sure western countries waste lots of money and attention on nothing worthwhile, as China continues to catch up on technology. Easier to catch up when what you are catching up to is going very slowly after all.

The Elites don't want AGI to compete with them. They've all read Nick Bostrom's Superintelligence and treat it like a bible. They want to use BCIs to merge with the AGI so that its intellect is the same as theirs, and so on.

Yuval Noah Harari says this explicitly in his book. Look at the excerpt above.

"Some people will remain both indispensable and undecipherable, but they will constitute a small and privileged elite of upgraded humans."

He's talking about himself.
He's a guy with a little authority and overblown ego. Not the first one, not the last, nothing uncommon. He's a fucking historian, not some high level engineer or scientist so much for his grand theories about future technologies, he's a propagandist for a certain clique of political schemers.
They don't need to be sapient to perform tasks requiring "intelligence". Figure uses multi-modal AI and can identify tons of objects just by how they appear optically. Transformer algorithm powered applications are not just "chatbots". I can tell GPT to build me a website based on a block diagram layout I drew on a whiteboard, and it will spit out the HTML instantly.
"Intelligence", not intelligence. Even a phone thesarus can sometimes be helpful and even appear clever, but that doesn't mean it's intelligent.
Everyone. Centralized platforms like X, Facebook, and YouTube don't work for us. They are nothing more than tools of mass surveillance.
That doesn't answer the question.
It's one thing to despise it, and it's another thing entirely to understand why this is happening in detail.

A lot of people throw the word totalitarianism around without realizing what it actually means. They think it means "any brutal, oppressive, and authoritarian state". It doesn't. A totalitarian state is a state that embraces totalism, which is the notion that the scope of government ought to include basically everything. In a truly totalitarian state, you cannot eat, sleep, or take a leak without it being political in some way, shape, or form. Even basic bodily functions are subordinated to the will of the state.

The trouble I have with this mindset is that the tools of totalitarian control are becoming more and more precise, and they are infiltrating people's minds and bodies.

So, if the ruling class despises conservatism, or they see it as an obstacle, naturally, they will seek out various means of eliminating it, even if they have to reach inside the human brain and kill it at the root using neuroscience.

We are at the point, right now, where a neuroscientist can tell if you're a conservative or liberal thinker by conducting an fMRI study of your brain, to within a high degree of accuracy. The next step, for the ruling class, is to attack neuroanatomical structures that give rise to oppositional ideologies. This isn't Black Mirror stuff. This is reality. This is what's right on the horizon.

They want to shove people into Smart Cities so that they're on the Smart Grid, and eliminate rural life as we know it.
Then they will have to deal with the downsides of that. Some will find that this is not as easy as they hoped.
And the same goes to attempts at bioengineering, especially between the self-sabotage by DEI and related antimeritocracy, and mass application of careful, highly experimental neuroscience. What if in the quest to create the perfect soyboy population they neutralize own armies and police forces as collateral damage, and then someone like Xi or Putin finds out?
That depends on the number of them.
Organization, equipment and training too. A mob of blackmailed pawns though is not an army.
They know that what they're doing is so outrageous, most people would balk at a frank description of it. They don't have to worry about angering the public by hiding their intentions in plain sight. Most would recoil from the truth on reflex, like accidentally touching a hot stove.
Most people cannot think through the real practical and economic implications of those propositions, usually dressed up in marketing language. Those who cans are either fanatics who support it regardless, or are against them.
Crowdfunding political campaigns. Now there's an idea.

But that requires that they develop ICBMs, in most instances, and building reliable ICBMs is difficult. Most "El Presidentes" don't have that capability, or are just bluffing when they claim that they do.

Kim Jong Un broke down in tears a few years back, because he knew his troops had bellies full of worms and that his entire country was a complete joke that was being propped up as a boogeyman. Am I supposed to feel threatened by these people? Why the fuck would I care about some strutting Fidel Castro in a visored cap with a chest studded in fake medals on the other side of the globe, when those sorts of people occupy the highest offices in our own countries?
Yet that same Kim does have ICBMs. Iran is getting there too. So did Pakistan. Technology moves forward. What 60 years ago was the crown achievement of 2 superpowers, is now something third rate powers are reaching, even if with a lot of struggle. 60 years from now ICBMs or worse will be the same as having an airforce at all.
I know who Foucault is, and I do despise him for the most part. However, his concept of biopolitics and biopower is sound, and it is reflected in the world we see today.

Here's the definition of these terms:

I asked the AI, Claude, what it thought the definitions of these terms were, and this was the response I got:

In other words, biopolitics is the optimization of state power using the human body itself as a conduit for such. It is the expansion of the scope of government to include not just people as autonomous agents exercising free choices, but their actual bodies as well.

The COVID-19 vaccine mandates were a perfect example of tyrannical biopolitics in action. All of a sudden, the State practiced the shunning and outlawry of "unvaccinated bodies" as a danger to the public and to the efficient functioning of the state.

If we deny the self-sovereignty of man and his ownership of his body, if we allow States to intervene in our bodily functions in such a manner, it opens the door to all sorts of horrendous abuses.
Sorry, i'm not into the anarchist pet peeves. It doesn't work. Doesn't matter what web of terms you dress it into, by the history of selection of various polities in competition between them, it's just not viable.
Oh, so you do accept deontological ethics.

Because, if you accepted teleological ethics, if you truly believed that the ends justified the means and the route to get there was irrelevant, then you should see absolutely no difference between making war to achieve a political objective and chemically lobotomizing people to achieve a political objective. They would be, in essence, the same thing.

If we assume that deontological ethics are correct, then people have natural rights. If people have natural rights, then they also have a right for their body not to be used by the State for any purpose the State deems fit.
Why would i agree to your scope and interpretation of natural rights to sneak in anarchist or pacifist obsessions into them? I refuse.
It is case scenario where not making exception usually results in being under a State who doesn't give a rat's ass about if you believe in natural rights, nevermind what do you think they are.
Some forms of states or equivalents have to exist as macro scale group organization, and they have to have means to pursue their interest in war in a sufficiently effective manner, and what that is exactly will vary between states and times. That's a minimum viability condition of a state, if it's not met, there's a good chance that further consideration of that state is pointless as it will be subject to the demands of another state and be unable to resist them.
Our own governments already despise us openly. What's the point?
We have some influence for changing our governments, with some others, we have exactly none.
Exactly. You've got it. You see the problem.

Now picture that instead of El Presidentes and other fake boogeymen doing it to people, it's our own governments.

I'm not joking. I'm dead serious.
a) How feasibly can they target this on genetic level, and what will be the imbalances, downsides, and failure modes?
b) If they fuck up excluding the people who do need to do violence at any point, they are screwed by own scheme.
Groups don't have to be united at all in order to make collective decisions. When I mean the whole of humanity, I mean the whole thing, as in, all of the little squabbling factions treated as if they were a single entity "Man". It would be fallacious to assume that factional divisions among humans mean an intrinsic division of all choice-making. People make choices based on observations of things that other groups of people do, even those outside their own group. Humans integrate data holistically from various different sources.

There doesn't have to be a "We" for us to be measured as such. Whether we like it or not, we are all part of the same system, if we think of the Earth itself, its biosphere, and everything that happens on its surface and its atmosphere as one, holistic system. When you measure things on those scales, every choice made by one group of humans can be lumped together with the choices made by any other.

War can be rightly defined as a result of the collective failure of the species to imagine anything else, just like anthills can be rightly defined as a result of the collective failure of ants to imagine anything else. The ants may be separated by species, or by geographical location. An ant in Nicaragua may have no idea that an ant in Sicily exists, but they both behave the same way and they both make anthills, therefore, it is possible for us to make generalizations about all ants as a group. See how this works?

If you think this sounds ridiculous, you should know that this is exactly how the Elites see us.
That sounds like downright hippy parody. No, vast majority of people do not agree with those statements, so all conclusion you want to make on their basis is doomed.

Also ants vary greatly in behavior depending on what kind of ants we are talking about, that's what i meant.

The rituals aren't holding up, and it has nothing to do with cultural differences and everything to do with the rapid advancement of technology. Military planners are utterly shitting themselves at the sight of exploding drones taking out troops and tanks in Ukraine. They knew a quadrotor-dominated battlefield would be bad, but they had no idea how bad, and they are quite rightly scared shitless of the notion of civil wars in the West where people would be 3D-printing these suckers in their basements.
Some are, some are yelling told ya. Nothing too special about quad rotors. They are just a cheap, mass producable loitering munition, with all the pros and cons of that, as opposed to the usual, more capable and much more costly super smart missiles.
As for civil wars... Yeah, good luck 3d printing the engines and high explosives. Well i guess if you throw the rest at someone it may make a bruise.
I read quite a bit about that stuff, 3d printing is most applicable to frames and minor accessories.
I would prefer to have a reliable Elite than to have Elites who need to be replaced via Klingon Promotion every century or two when their heads get too big.
There is no such thing historically. All elites are temporary, one way or another, to one degree or another.
The military planners arnt scared of drones. It is something we saw coming into use due to the use in the ME against out troops.
EW is the easiest for ant major nation, with radar guided AA as a good one for smaller ones.
And no, the drone swarms people think of don't exist yet and can still be countered by enough metal in the skies.
They are much more dangerous though, as they have a much bigger network of various forms of support than those.
Yes. From rich people.

All of these wokesters have support from philanthropaths with very deep pockets, and their charitable foundations.

The super-wealthy have a clear incentive to divide nations into as many competing special interest groups as they possibly can, because it keeps the people comprising the labor pool from realizing that they are a labor pool and that they have a common, general interest. It also creates make-work for bureaucrats, which not only justifies their jobs but also justifies the expansion of the scope of government, which erodes civil liberties and human autonomy.

If you want to stop eating the authoritarianism shit sandwich, then you need to do the exact opposite; forcibly break up the identitarian special interest groups and return everyone to class struggle monke. No more of these silly narratives about gender and sexuality, or race and culture. We don't care. We just want our fucking money.

That should be the message to the rich, no matter what. Shut up about DEI/ESG. Shut up about "stakeholders". Shut up about LGBT representation in children's books. No more divisive rhetoric. Employ us. Pay us. Simple as.

This platform has universal appeal. Everyone, regardless of creed, needs to eat and needs to have a roof over their heads. Best of all, it keeps the oligarchs from getting a little too big for their britches. It's ironic, but wealth redistribution from our Elites would get rid of the marxist problem handily; if the Elites are too poor to donate to marxist causes, then those causes will wither on the vine.

Money is political influence. Our oligarchs have too much money and too much influence, and they are using that influence to empower progressive causes and employ marxists as an army of useful idiots. Their wealth should be confiscated on those grounds alone. And yet, conservatives will still simp for them and insist on protecting the property rights of the Elites, simply because they operate on a mental arithmetic no more complex than "Socialism bad, Capitalism good", as if our ruling class were untouchable holy avatars of the concept of capitalism, and not greedy, venal, and fallible men cowering behind great big piles of money and hiring mercenaries to gut our civilization for them.

If arch-capitalists are paying socialists to wreck your society and make everyone poor and destitute, if they are promoting mass immigration and using it as a foundation of tyrannical rule, then the answer is clear; you need to take the reins of power away from them, regardless of whether or not it could be considered anti-capitalist to do so. To do any less is basically civilizational suicide.

You are not in a fair economic competition with the Davosites. At all. They aren't playing the free market game. They are cozying up to government and trying to seize everything for themselves. They are trying to enclose the human commons. That's what you're dealing with.

You can't respect the property rights of oligarch land pirates who don't respect other people's property rights. If Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street buy up all the houses, take them off the market, and either leave them vacant as investment vehicles or turn them into rental slums, that deprives later generations the right to purchase those properties.

This pattern of consolidation of ownership, of the elimination of mom and pop stores and restaurants and their replacement with big-box giants and fast food joints, and of the mass purchasing of real estate by companies that have direct access to the Fed money printer, is essentially eminent domain by another name. That's what private-public partnerships mean, in essence. You can't rely on the government to be a check on corporate power, or the reverse; they are in collusion and combination.

The government is allowing legalized counterfeiting that devalues all of our savings, just so a tiny handful of oligarchs can purchase tons of hard assets to protect themselves against the effects of dedollarization, and it's ruining the purchasing power of our currency and driving up the cost of living. There is no need to defend these people, at all. They are ghouls.

In order to have a distributed model of ownership and a healthy middle class, it is vitally necessary to bust up these giant monopolies. I don't give a rat's ass if people think that's communist and thus verboten. It's still necessary. The existence of a Davos-centered corporatist world order is not in our best interests, at all.

That is an exaggerated vision of western economics (it's nowhere near half of population and won't be anytime soon) whose days are numbered anyways even as far as it exists - after all, between DEI driven incompetence and Chinese disregard for IP, the model of "West does R&D for goods to be produced in BRICS) is doomed to fall apart.
If this is not addressed, increasingly R&D will shift towards Japan, SK, Israel and Taiwan, who have the tools, western contacts, and can do it without increasing political and ideological burdens.
It isn't right now, but if AI keeps advancing, it will be.

It's also worth noting that unemployment figures only include job-seekers who have not yet found a job. They do not capture the number of people who aren't even looking for jobs at all. The true rate of unemployment is much higher than people think.

The random blame shifting ideological throw in by a Russia simping influencer is unnecessary.
Snowden was right. Our intelligence agencies spy on us without warrants. Assange was right, too. Recent wars in the Middle East were indeed basically giant money-laundering exercises by Western oligarchs. Hiding by Putin's bosom to avoid being gruesomely murdered by the CIA does not make someone objectively wrong.

Why does ideological purity matter so much to people nowadays? I don't give a flying fuck what someone's ideology is, so long as they bring the receipts. Assange brought receipts. Snowden brought receipts. That's all that matters.

Besides, we don't need their coverage to see that the recent conflicts in the Middle East have been disastrous. They have, invariably, destroyed secular Middle Eastern countries and replaced them with fanatical sectarian chaos. How does that improve our security, to get rid of secular "El Presidentes" and replace them with a swarm of fresh Bin Ladens?

Here's the problem.
You say that.
But you would not find that many people who would also share your vision.
*especially* in the cities in question, and those are the people who get to vote on this.
Many of the voters in these cities want socialism, vote for politicians making socialist promises, and in turn they get socialism. Of course socialism sucks, including giving make-work for the "correct" people, and that inefficiency among many other socialist ideas are why socialism sucks, but the people who vote for socialism still support it, even if the result never looks nearly as nicely as in the ads. You can't cure stupid.

Also, how many of the socialism supporting people in the cities want to work in manufacturing and then buy the products at the price and quality they themselves are willing to provide and accept in salaries, as opposed to having bullshit office jobs which the people who they vote for always promise them? The reality is that talk aside, they still want to work in a clean office and spend their salary from it on lots of cheap stuff made at third world labor cost, whether that's viable or not.
Do they really want that, or have they just been propagandized into wanting that?

People are constantly bombarded on all sides with consumerist bullshit. They're taught by advertisements and pop culture that you're less-than if you don't consoom the latest Chinese-made junk. The whole point of the system that we have, today, is to rack up consumer debt and enrich the FIRE industry, and by extension, Western Oligarchs. It serves no other purpose. Most of the stuff people buy nowadays is so crappy due to planned obsolescence, it crumbles in their hands and leaves absolutely nothing for their children to inherit. The same companies whose executives crow about "sustainability" and the need to be "environmentally conscious" are two-faced sacks of shit who are hostile to right-of-repair laws that would see their customers keeping their electronic devices beyond their designed lifespan. They want recurring revenue, no matter what, even if they have to get rid of the ownership model and replace it with a leasing one instead.

This also made the breakthrough of the circular economy easier. When products are turned into services, no one has an interest in things with a short life span. Everything is designed for durability, repairability and recyclability. The materials are flowing more quickly in our economy and can be transformed to new products pretty easily. Environmental problems seem far away, since we only use clean energy and clean production methods. The air is clean, the water is clean and nobody would dare to touch the protected areas of nature because they constitute such value to our well being. In the cities we have plenty of green space and plants and trees all over. I still do not understand why in the past we filled all free spots in the city with concrete.

Shopping? I can't really remember what that is. For most of us, it has been turned into choosing things to use. Sometimes I find this fun, and sometimes I just want the algorithm to do it for me. It knows my taste better than I do by now.

When AI and robots took over so much of our work, we suddenly had time to eat well, sleep well and spend time with other people. The concept of rush hour makes no sense anymore, since the work that we do can be done at any time. I don't really know if I would call it work anymore. It is more like thinking-time, creation-time and development-time.

There was a time when I once advocated for this exact red-green worldview; the notion of a circular economy where waste streams are turned into new products and everything is designed to last as long as possible to minimize waste. Why did I become hostile to it? Simple. You can't trust our oligarchs not to flagrantly abuse us. If you're deprived of property, if everything is a service, then everything you use can be plucked away from you for disobedience. The State, in essence, becomes a paternalistic edifice; a scolding parent with the capacity to take your toys away and send you to your room.

Would you trust Justin Trudeau with that power? How about Jacinda Ardern? What about Angela Merkel, or Keir Starmer? Would you trust any of these people to rule you in a condition where everything you owned was leased from oligarchs and could be taken away from you by the simple act of freezing your bank account? I, for one, would not.

The orgy of constant consumption in the West is, in itself, a self-defeating form of monomania that transfers capital to countries that hate our guts while turning us all into debt slaves for the banker cartels. This has been normalized to such a degree that most people don't even realize that there is an alternative. We must bring the capital back and put it back in our hands where it belongs. It's just that simple. We have to put an end to central banking, put an end to these monopolistic practices, the Credit Bubble to Quantitative Easing treadmill, and all these other assholes who have gotten comfortable printing themselves great big fat wads of our money.

People don't even realize how shitty their living conditions are because they've been conditioned to accept dog shit in a paper bag. Most of these kids complaining about living conditions in the US weren't even alive when America was at its zenith. I know for a fact that I wasn't.

Our schools lie to kids with Whig History bullshit constantly. They tell people the past was terrible, barbaric, and benighted, over and over again. Wrong. We briefly had a utopia and we let it slip through our fingers.

Only some people work very hard, probably not all that many. If all did, DEI stuff would not be nearly the problem it is.
You can blame it on rentier classes, elites, whatever, but there isn't all that much wealth actually available as to let everyone live in luxury if not for those dastardly elites, however you square it, a lot of people will still have to be left with a lot less than they would like to be left with.
Look at the aftermath of Brexit, the GDP was not destroyed, but UK economy is also not doing great, and the people who supported Brexit are pretty clear about it.
Being a Millennial in America is pure bullshit. Your Boomer parents tell you all about how affordable housing was, how they went on all these vacations, and now, we're stuck either living with our parents or living in tiny, ratty apartments with no vacations, no boat in the driveway, no grill on the patio, nothing. We were fucked out of the American Dream on purpose.

It's like playing a video game and hearing from old-school players that recent balance patches have made the game way harder for no good reason, nerfed a bunch of economic exploits, and basically flattened money gain across the factions you can pick.

Now picture that the game is your life, and you have no choice but to play. That's what it's like. Why wouldn't people from my generation be mad? Why wouldn't they be marching in the streets with hammer and sickle flags? Do you expect people to knuckle under? Do you expect them to take this shit lying down?

Modern conservatism is self-defeating, because it expects immiserated people to join up out of the goodness of their own hearts, out of some misplaced sense of moral duty, when their living conditions quite literally leave them with nothing to conserve. When people see rich playboys on TikTok driving around in Bugattis while they're stuck living in some beat-up, uninsulated townhome with a popcorn ceiling built in the 70s and driving a Craigslist Special Honda Accord, you sitting around telling them, "In relative terms, compared to a king from the Middle Ages, you're actually quite rich" will not convince them, at all. They know for a fact that they've been left behind and left to rot.

If conservatism were to fail, it would be because it allowed people to become poor, dependent, and desperate enough that they started accepting the sweet little lies of the Pseudo-Fabian WEF corporatists. Most people don't even want a new Bugatti. They just want transportation that works. And the WEF and their oligarch cult members will offer it to them.

Here's a driverless robo-taxi! It costs the same as an Uber, and we trained its AI brain on the GPS data taken from Uber drivers without their knowledge or consent, and you only have to pay $11 to go five miles! It's way cheaper than owning a car and paying insurance, gas, and maintenance fees, especially if you only use it once in a blue moon! What's that? You want to know who owns all the self-driving robo-cars and extracts revenue from them? Sorry, we're not allowed to tell you! We're a holding company representing several jet-setting oligarchs and holding their assets in trust for them, but we're not even sure who they are, because we are, in turn, owned by several layers of shell companies leading to a small, unmarked office in Panama!

Is that really the future you want to live in? Let's fight a few more oligarch-sponsored wars, and find out. Let's see how Demolition Man-esque and retarded and stinky things get. I promise you, you're not going to like it.

Then we will live in a very different world, and it can't arrive suddenly, only very gradually with the slow advancement of robotics. Just as different as if in year 1200, people would ask, if in 2024 there won't be nobility, who will be the king's court, defend the realm, and administrate the land? How will they get food if there are few farmers, and even fewer draft animals?
State needs tax revenue to pay for goods and services the government needs. So, it will get tax revenue from whoever is producing goods and services on those lands - if that is robotic factories and robots, then it will be the robot's owners.
Someone will still need to manage and service the robots even if the robots can do everything not involving much thinking. Of course robots going that far in a cost-effective manner is probably a matter of unpredictably far future with unpredictable factors in play - perhaps by that time all people born will be genetically modified genius superhumans so they won't be that easy to push out of job market, much like now in developed countries less people are born with certain crippling disabilities and ailments than in nature.

Let's narrow down on that line in the middle for a moment.

State needs tax revenue to pay for goods and services the government needs. So, it will get tax revenue from whoever is producing goods and services on those lands - if that is robotic factories and robots, then it will be the robot's owners.

You just described feudalism. Those robotic factories and robots are basically a serf class that can neither demand better living conditions nor rebel against their masters.

At that point, what do they need the rest of us for?

They cannot unite, because the citizenry of some first world countries have dramatically opposed interests to citizens/residents of some others, particularly some third world and islamic ones, and the Davos folk love to play politics as much as some of us here love strategy games.
That's the thing, drop the manichean frame of the world, it is for children and useful idiots. The world is far more than 2 factions. More like dozens, and extremely complex political deals, schemes and tricks are played between them all the time.
There won't be the good guy faction and the bad guy faction, no black and white, only many shades of gray, with occasional crazy of green, blue, red and orange.
I don't buy into the concept of an Islamic boogeyman. It's pure nonsense and media theater. Our military adventurism has, if anything, destabilized what were otherwise relatively stable and prosperous MENA countries, driven people into sectarian madness, and turned their populations into hordes of immiserated and resentful refugees.

Had we done absolutely nothing at all to Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria, none of us would be worse off for it, and there would be measurably fewer immigrants flooding our shores. All it did was protect the sanctity of the petrodollar for the sake of central bankers and their cronies who enrich themselves with currency arbitrage. We don't need them. We could have booted out the parasites and issued new currency on our own, and been all the better off, without having to spill any blood overseas at all.

If we are all rendered economically obsolete by robots, how can they hoover dollars out of our pockets? It's one or another.
Fiction is a major source of bad mental dogma that has little to do with reality. Movies love simple good guys and bad guys setups as they are easy to understand for the average viewer, and within the limit of 2-3 hour movie at most.
It's a continuous process. The act of hoovering dollars out of our pockets is used to purchase the robots that will replace us, at which point they will no longer need to hoover dollars out of our pockets.

In essence, the human population and its industrial capacity is being used as a stepping stone to a primarily non-human and data-driven economy.

But how often do rich and powerful of the whole friggin world get along so well? They will always fight over power, if nothing else. Kinetically and otherwise.
That's why the WEF exists. To make sure as few rich people in the West are squabbling over competing goals as possible. If they get booted out of the club, they suffer censure from other oligarchs and forfeit their membership fees.

You can't rely on them to be fractured and in competition with one another. Not anymore.

Also if augmenting people into demigods feasible, then the problem of robot driven economic obsolescence is pushed away to a degree. Soon enough someone figures that the one thing more powerful than a demigod is a whole legion of demigods, and even more so, a whole civilization of demigods.
The oligarchs can foresee this. They have people doing studies and white papers all the time on transhumanism and biohackers and everything, and you know what? It pisses them off. They want all that and more for themselves, but they don't want to share that power with an entire civilization of physical and mental equals. They want an extremely stratified, Brave New World-like society with a caste system that permanently solidifies their dynastic wealth. That's the main problem that we have, here. That's why the WEF exists. It's why the Club of Rome exists. It is the oligarchs' ultimate goal, here; to reduce much of the world to permanent serfdom, not just in terms of social status, but in terms of actual physically distinct castes.

Yes, this is much less efficient than what an entire society of what several billion 300 IQ demigods could accomplish. The oligarchs don't care. They don't want to deal with the risk of potentially being usurped by any one of those 300 IQ demigods who isn't a part of their clique. They want to concentrate power, not distribute it. They want to be Khan Noonien Singh, not fight him.

If they believe that, they are idiots drunk on gobbling up their own propaganda. They can try, but the way they act, they will build "we have X at home" version of this that will be doomed to failure, probably sooner than it is even built.
The tech already exists, in a primitive form.

Leftists being our leaders is a temporary, Starmer included, he's a pretty nasty one at that, and even fairly quickly changeable circumstance.
Of course they don't deserve our fealty. But not all of current "elites" are like this, i've pointed to several politicians who more or less agree with us at least on some things, like the question of manufacturing in western countries, immigration, DEI, China...
How can you prove that the ones who "more or less agree with us at least on some things" aren't engaging in kayfabe? They pay lip service to conservative or even right-wing values, but they don't actually act on any of it.

The first and most important thing you need to understand is that no one is on our side. Absolutely no one. If you want to get anything done, you have to build a coalition yourself. You cannot rely on these premade saviors, because they're all phonies.

Some dividing lines are arbitrary, and some are based on shared opinion on some political, lifestyle, ideological matter.
For example, a nation is a good line, because it is based on people sharing similar culture, language, heritage, region of residence. That causes a whole lot of correlation in many political opinions.
The nation is not a good line. Most nations on this planet are little more than glorified cattle pens for the people trapped in them, which exist largely to brainwash and exploit people and shape them into sources of labor for oligarchs.

On the other hand no one builds political alliance on the characteristic of, say, being left handed, or having a hairy back. As that says effectively nothing about someone's politics.
Classes defined by wealth fall into the latter category. A libertine entertainer, an Asian industrialist and a middle eastern oil sheikh may be all rich, but they also likely play cutthroat political games against each other despite sharing their wealth level.
I have far more in common with a person from my culture who is of a different wealth class, than with a person of, say, Chinese, Pakistani or Arab culture who shares my wealth class. That's why culture/nationality is far more meaningful.
Sometimes some manage to form some sort of alliances between nationalities, even more rarely cultures, but those are usually rare, mediated by official representatives, and very conditional on certain circumstances and similarities.
The irony of socialism, idiots arguing that it is them who are needy should be getting redistributed resources from others, not the able to have their resources redistributed to others who are more needy. As ironic as that story of a store robber returning from the robbery just to find his getaway car stolen by another thief. Can't have shit in the land of thieves and socialists. But that's a poor example of a shared interest, just a case of layers of absurdity covering more layers of it.
The WEF bring the entertainer, the industrialist, and the sheikh together, so they can all decide how many ways to slice the pie.

We are the pie.

That's the problem, there is no "rentier-aristocracy" to target here, there is a whole subculture spanning across the whole wealth ladder, through low class antifa thugs and illegal immigrants, through middle class soyboys and bleeding hearts, up to Starmers and WEF folk at the top.
They all work together, even if they have some disagreements, as the antifa thugs down there would love to replace Starmer just to *really* demonstrate proper socialist and antifactist governance, which they think the current leftist elites are nowhere nearly zealous about, and so we have to make alliances here and there too. For one, the given example of antifa thugs cannot be our allies, and we would be suicidally dumb to give them a chance to betray.
"There is no rentier-aristocracy" he says.

Bill Gates said the same exact thing, word-for-word. Then, ol' Billy bought 275,000+ acres of US farmland.

Lift all architectual, environmental, and land use regulations that didn't exist 100 years ago and it will get close to that, of course not in the middle of high demand cities, but still, in less ridiculous places it will.
The problem is like with the above example of city socialists, people want effectively artisanal houses with lots of hi tech features and 50 certificates, but also want them to be cheap. And many want to make that choice even for all the other people in some types of regulations. Can't have that and have it be cheap. It's a matter of choice. Look up low end prefab housing prices. Look up land prices in the boonies. If you really want to, it can be cheap to own a home technically, but the average city voter who complains about home prices wants absolutely neither of the above, that's not the kind of home they want.
That's my plan. Me and my dad have talked about going in halves on a plot of land and building giant quonsets on 'em, to our specs.

How long do you figure it will be before the WEF cunts drive up property taxes to shoo me off my land and set up some oligarch and his "developers" on it instead? Ten years? Twenty? Could I make it to 2050 before becoming effectively homeless, or do I have to become a richie-rich motherfucker myself, first, just to keep my home?

Some people are indeed trying. Some just fuck around on the sidelines. Some try to stop it, some for reasons you agree with, some for reasons you would hate. Politics...

Well for one it means that the conspiracies about elites scheming depopulation are highly dubious. After all, they could have population degrowth in the West without doing much at all, without the political problems coming with migration. Instead they would focus on the population growth of Africa.
They don't care about population growth in Africa because Africans are dirt-poor. They very explicitly want degrowth, dematerialization, deindustrialization, et cetera, in countries that are wealthy, where each individual has a larger carbon footprint.

CO2 footprint is closely correlated with GDP per capita. For example, from the perspective of the elites, the GDP per capita in Cameroon being $1,500 and the GDP per capita in the US being $76,000 means it would take 50 Cameroonians to equal the environmental impact of one American. Cameroon would need a population of 16.6 billion people before they started to get concerned about their environmental impact on the same level as they are with Americans.

I'm not even kidding. This isn't far off from the actual metrics that they use.

"Your prosperity is HARMING THE PLANET! It's EVIL AND WHITE COLONIALIST! We need you to be POOR!"

And the counterpoint:

Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like.

No, this is not hyperbole. I am dead serious about all of this.

If anyone has any reason to doubt that things have indeed gotten this bad, then by all means, read this:

And then, while you're at it, read this:

It really is that bad.

Also as you put it, the problem you are painting here is mostly a picture of rising urbanization. Homes in cities by nature of such have to be more expensive and so they get smaller than homes in semi-rural and rural areas. In fact i did a bit of research in that topic, and there is an interesting conclusion allowing filtering out some theories.
How normal is it for cities to be demographicaly growing, or even self-sustaining, historically, without relying on nearby or not so nearby rural populations for growth?
The answer is very rarely, and not for long.
Seems like the problem can be simplified to driving economic opportunities into crowding more in large cities, and all the other problems are just logical consequences of that. People follow, they crowd as much as business due to spatially limited city real estate, and crowded people who spend lots of money on overly scarce real estate have small families if any. It's not some grand planned setup of many separate factor, it's just one, several maybe, and the rest is just consequence of the previous ones.
You are operating on the assumption that our leaders desire growth. They want degrowth, depopulation, dematerialization, and so on. From their perspective, if cities act as giant birth control devices, this is a win for them.

The oligarch vision of the future is an empty planet that's just them and their fancy robots fondling their balls all day.

Depends on many factors. If, say, South Korea invaded North Korea, do you think the SK soldiers would want to pillage the NK civilian's houses even if they were allowed to?
Unlikely. Nothing of value to loot.

And here you lost me by framing alone. If you claim there is THE other side of a story, you are trying to tell me a fairy tale. Or piece of propaganda. Or something in between. That's because aware of more than one other side of the story, so by claiming there is a "THE other side of the story", you are trying to bullshit me, as if you told me that there are only two factions in Starcraft. So, which other side of the story?
The Syrian conflict in particular has meme value as one of the biggest clusterfucks out there.

Which side is "the other side"? She only represents Assad's side of the story. How about Kurd's story, Islamist's story , or Gulf States' story?
I have my international sympathies in general, not just for this one war, but i'm negative to ambivalent on Assad, and i don't fit his propaganda for western useful idiot audiences particularly enticing.
He's not the worst out there, but that's a very low bar in Syria.
White Helmets (proxy of some gulf factions, which may make them even proxies of proxies of particular western countries), Assad whining about them, them whining about Assad, whatever, don't care, just typical middle eastern war things, after all something like 3/4 of factions involved don't even pretend to care about Geneva and shit, and half of the rest only pretend, don't care about "you did war crimes! no you! no you faked our war crimes!" game between Assad and opposition, the result doesn't really matter and they are both probably right on some occasions.

Also, Eva Bartlett? Open employee of Russian state media and a pro-Palestinian activist, of course she shits on western proxies what do you expect, doesn't matter if true or false. Wouldn't trust her further than i can throw her though.
Don't get me wrong. I don't like Assad. I don't care how cool his theme song is. He's a dick. But he's better than many of the alternatives, which range somewhere between "crazy warlord" and "crazy warlord who organizes mass rape parties of captive Yezidi women".

If our standard for someone being an "evil dictator who needs to be deposed" is that they shot or imprisoned a few rioters, well, that could very easily describe the Kent State shootings. Nobody invoked the R2P back then, since it didn't exist. Such ideas only came about when they needed some kind of weird double-standard that lets them go after Arabs and blow their countries to kingdom come.

Laws of western countries are very weak in that regard, and it's not unrelated. Hence legalistic kinda.
The things that our oligarchs have done in the name of "free enterprise" would be considered treason anywhere else.

Now that is just new buzzword filled reframing of good ol' propaganda/hearts and minds stuff. Plenty of people get their paycheck trying to make slightly more manipulative propaganda techniques. Fundamentally nothing revolutionary.
That is psyops v1.1 now up to 4.1% more effective than old psyops, not "influencing neurological functions directly".
They'll be at the point, very soon, where they can influence neurological functions directly. If you doubt that, then look up the papers and seminars by Sakhrat Khizroev, Ian Akyildiz, Josep Jornet, Ozgur Akan, Charles Lieber, and so on.

Well that is more dodgy, but they are *supposed* to do it in "over theres" and be good at it, so bringing up an example of them doing it where they are supposed to against people who very much deserved it is very off the mark.
Again, i advise you to get better sources than leftist propaganda outlets - as far as they are concerned, communists in Vietnam and elsewhere are innocent victims of western imperialism who did nothing wrong and would create an utopia if given a total victory.
The CIA and their predecessors, the OSS, have done the following things on behalf of oligarchs:
  • Murdered General George S. Patton and President John F. Kennedy, and many others besides.
  • Confiscated Nazi gold.
  • Arranged the transfer of Nazi scientists working on rocketry and brainwashing techniques into US institutions where they continued their unethical experiments.
  • Conducted the MKULTRA and MKNAOMI projects to figure out how to produce brainwashed assassins and how to poison farmland to cause mass famines.
  • Colluded with the Italian Mob in Operation Gladio.
  • Conducted false flag terror operations and orchestrated color revolutions.
  • Employed a number of the 9/11 hijackers as assets.
  • Tortured and raped POWs.
  • Smuggled narcotics to fund black budgets. Does the name Gary Webb ring a bell? They killed him for exposing them, too.
  • Coordinated with the human trafficker Jeffrey Epstein in blackmailing US politicians and dignitaries by filming them on a private island having sex with teen girls.
  • Through In-Q-Tel's financial support to EcoHealth Alliance, funded the research that very likely created SARS-CoV-2.
This is not a comprehensive list of the litany of crimes that they're responsible for. You whining about me making "jabs at the intelligence services" is completely off-base. If anything, I have been too lenient.

The CIA is a traitorous kakistocracy that serves the interests of a kleptocracy. The CIA should rightly be dissolved and their records confiscated, and many former CIA directors, including John Brennan and Gina Haspel, should go to prison for a very, very long time. It is a crooked, mafia-like organization masquerading as a government agency.

If they want de-growth, why do they want migration to keep up GDP? If they want de-growth, why not de-growth for China?
They are useful idiots (and some plain agents) for China and company.
So they don't want de-growth, they want to help China win in the global rivalry by hook or by crook, and pushing de-growth on us is a method (not only method, just one of them) to achieve that end. As i pointed out, even mainstream conservative politicians notice that. They are just a proxy, idiot helpers of a more material and less ridiculous threat.
Our oligarchs want to prop up China because they are conducting a controlled demolition of the US and plan on jumping to a new parasite host. Xi Jinping will let them parasitize his country because he is just another Illuminati pawn just like the rest of them. You still haven't figured out how these people operate. You will in time, when you see it with your own eyes.

It's the world of internet. Even third worlders have phones and internet. Look at world statistics sometimes. Third world criminals, those most certainly do. They also do most of the baiting, and as the dupes don't know any better, they let the fantasy roam, at some point even promised that in Sweden they will all get a free car and house. And from there it's just a matter of selling the service.
"Humanitarian" NGOs are nothing less than a support middleman in a long chain of interests, payments and favors.
Those criminals and NGOs are part of networks. At the head of those networks are oligarchs, their private interests, and their captured government agencies.

They want nothing more than for you to focus on the immigrants themselves as the problem, because it keeps the heat off of them.

More or less, it does. Though a lot of the people complaining don't want opportunities of this type anyway, even if we call them stupid for it.
Right. They don't want to work in the trades, because only dirty, smelly chuds like me work in the trades. They're a bunch of prima donnas and want nice office jobs to go with their fancy degrees, right?

That's what you get when you push an entire generation into college and tell them they're worthless without at least a Master's.

That’s what you get when you peg the value of human life to a piece of paper.

If they push incompetent people into Boeing, who is going to design those all electric aircraft? People even more incompetent than the current ones?
Who is going to design those super-high-density battery technology?
Who is going to put the two together?
The antimeritocratic DEI plague will affect "green technologies" as much as any other ones.
This is a dumb aspirational distraction goal to make sure western countries waste lots of money and attention on nothing worthwhile, as China continues to catch up on technology. Easier to catch up when what you are catching up to is going very slowly after all.
They don't care that it's contradictory. Confusion and gaslighting are the oligarchs' weapons. They say we need to stop producing new steel to save the planet, but also that we need tons of new wind turbines that require literal mountains of steel. They don't care that they're at cross purposes. From their perspective, the more confusion, the more helplessness, the more chaos, the better.

Net Zero isn't meant to save anyone. It's meant to take a wrecking ball to society so that humanity stops consuming resources that the oligarchs want conserved for them, their kids, and their army of ball-fondling pleasure robots.

He's a guy with a little authority and overblown ego. Not the first one, not the last, nothing uncommon. He's a fucking historian, not some high level engineer or scientist so much for his grand theories about future technologies, he's a propagandist for a certain clique of political schemers.
What if Klaus Schwab made him head of the WEF before he shuffled off this mortal coil? What would you say about him, then? Yuval is Schwab's protege, his most trusted lieutenant. He's not just "some historian".

"Intelligence", not intelligence. Even a phone thesarus can sometimes be helpful and even appear clever, but that doesn't mean it's intelligent.
LLMs are way, way smarter than people give them credit for. Sure, they make mistakes. Sometimes, rather egregious mistakes. However, they are not simple little chatbots running silly little Markov chains like back in the day. They actually have problem-solving and logic-like abilities.

I once asked ChatGPT to write a POV-Ray scene of an apple on a table, and it put out code that rendered into a red sphere on a beige box. That wasn't multi-modal GPT, either. It was the old, text-only version. An AI that was effectively blind, that had no idea of what an apple or a table looked like, just working from a corpus of text for training data, was able to figure out exactly how to code a 3D scene to resemble things that it had never "seen" before.

This is just the beginning. LLMs are still in a primitive state, and so is the hardware. Once LLM-specific ASICs are everywhere, we're going to see some crazy shit.

That doesn't answer the question.
I suppose, everyone who is willing and who has the resources to enact such a vision of parallel system construction. Admittedly, even if everyone should participate, the ones who actually will are far fewer in number, mostly far off on the libertarian fringes. Many would be outright hostile to such a notion.

"You don't want daddy government sticking a spy camera up your asshole 24/7? What are you, a terrorist?"

Then they will have to deal with the downsides of that. Some will find that this is not as easy as they hoped.
And the same goes to attempts at bioengineering, especially between the self-sabotage by DEI and related antimeritocracy, and mass application of careful, highly experimental neuroscience. What if in the quest to create the perfect soyboy population they neutralize own armies and police forces as collateral damage, and then someone like Xi or Putin finds out?
What if they neutralize their own armies and police forces on purpose, and then, when we're all reduced to their drooling lobotomite slaves, we watch them all sit down and have dinner with Xi and Putin as they collectively decide who gets to control which portions of radio-controlled slave meat?

Have you ever seriously considered the possibility that Putin and Zelensky may be on the same side, and that their ultimate goal is to displace slavs from Ukraine? Have you ever wondered at the depths of deception that we are subjected to on a daily basis, as I have?

Organization, equipment and training too. A mob of blackmailed pawns though is not an army.
Fair enough.

Most people cannot think through the real practical and economic implications of those propositions, usually dressed up in marketing language. Those who cans are either fanatics who support it regardless, or are against them.

Yet that same Kim does have ICBMs. Iran is getting there too. So did Pakistan. Technology moves forward. What 60 years ago was the crown achievement of 2 superpowers, is now something third rate powers are reaching, even if with a lot of struggle. 60 years from now ICBMs or worse will be the same as having an airforce at all.
Yes, Kim has very primitive ICBMs, but we have no proof that he actually has nukes, aside from seismic events that may well have been subterranean shafts or vaults filled with huge quantities of conventional explosives as a bluff.

Sorry, i'm not into the anarchist pet peeves. It doesn't work. Doesn't matter what web of terms you dress it into, by the history of selection of various polities in competition between them, it's just not viable.
There's a book you should read. The Great Reset: Biopolitics for Stakeholder Capitalism, by Simon Elmer. It lays out, in rather explicit detail, how the WEF's project to reshape the globe is biopolitical at its core.

Why would i agree to your scope and interpretation of natural rights to sneak in anarchist or pacifist obsessions into them? I refuse.
It is case scenario where not making exception usually results in being under a State who doesn't give a rat's ass about if you believe in natural rights, nevermind what do you think they are.
Some forms of states or equivalents have to exist as macro scale group organization, and they have to have means to pursue their interest in war in a sufficiently effective manner, and what that is exactly will vary between states and times. That's a minimum viability condition of a state, if it's not met, there's a good chance that further consideration of that state is pointless as it will be subject to the demands of another state and be unable to resist them.
"Oh no, the big scary authoritarian BRICS nations are going to take us over if we don't puff up our chests in front of them and show them we can wreck random people's lives in MENA!"

You are stuck in a narrow-minded view of power that regards a nation and its people as the same one thing, and all valid struggles as occurring between nation-states, and nothing else. This is not the case, at all. The actual power struggle is between oligarchs and everyone else, regardless of nationality or culture. China is not "the sum total of the will of the Chinese people". Chinese people are trapped inside a State that misuses their energies and abuses them. America is not "the sum total of the will of all American people". Americans are trapped inside a State that misuses our energies and abuses us. This condition is basically universal.

Everywhere on this planet, there are States that are abusing, brainwashing, and misdirecting their own people, driving us off a cliff to our own destruction, making us fight phony wars against each other when we should be fighting the oligarchs instead.

Once you see things from my perspective, you realize that nation-states are little more than sophisticated cattle pens for the people who live in them. Patriotism and nationalism are little more than bait set in a trap; they're ideas that are meant to attract the exact sort of person that oligarchs despise, so that various processes engineered by oligarchs can destroy or cripple those people and remove them from the line of succession. It is automated cattle culling. It's like the GYBE lyrics. We're trapped in the belly of the machine, and the machine is bleeding to death.

For literally decades, our leaders opened up free trade and our biggest businesses glutted themselves on cheap Chinese labor while cozying up to Xi Jinping. They completely ignored Russia, or even enabled them. They have explicitly supported the creation of a "multipolar world" where China would become the new center of power, and the US's imperial turkey would be carved a dozen ways. They want to implement the totalitarian and technocratic Chinese social model everywhere. They regard the liberty-focused American mindset as a threat to the order they intend to bring about. Why are you looking over the next hill for the enemy, when the enemy is right on our doorstep?

Instability and conflict are surging because the global order is undergoing a wrenching transition. Put simply, international affairs are shifting from a unipolar world dominated by the US to a multipolar system where power is more distributed across states, companies, and non-state actors. While the US is still the dominant military power, political, economic, and technological influence is shifting eastward to countries like China and India.

If you think China is such a big threat, then what point is there in fighting a war on behalf of the very people who want to do this? We should be boycotting our own elites at every level.

The armed forces take the most able-bodied men of a nation, men whose health should be spent on nobler deeds, and they turn them into mental and physical cripples before discarding them and leaving them to rot.

Over time, this process of conscription of the ablest men and their subsequent consumption in warfare exerts dysgenic pressure on a nation, sending the country's best stock to die or become disabled. Repeat this often enough, and you will inevitably become a nation of rejects with degenerate morals who will be easy prey for the globalists and their schemes. The conservative project of military adventurism is, in the end, self-defeating; it depletes the nation of conservative men and creates a country of resentful and impoverished leftist mutants.

War, though presented by our leaders and their oligarch masters as a noble act of conquest, is, in actuality, the most pernicious form of spiritual poison, one that inexorably rots away a nation's foundation and does nothing but secure land and treasure for the exclusive benefit of the extremely wealthy.

We have some influence for changing our governments, with some others, we have exactly none.
We don't have any influence for changing our governments. All of our political candidates are the products of oligarch lobbies, and all they do is shuffle around a few inconsequential wedge issues every few years while leaving the main economic and military agendas practically untouched.

People confuse this with change, because people, by and large, are immensely stupid. They watch politicians, year in and year out, take healthcare from their right pocket and put it in their left, like a fucking shell game, and then they act like the guy they voted for actually did something of substance, when he basically did fuck-all.

I have never voted in my life. It's a complete waste of time.

a) How feasibly can they target this on genetic level, and what will be the imbalances, downsides, and failure modes?
b) If they fuck up excluding the people who do need to do violence at any point, they are screwed by own scheme.
Not genetic. At least, not yet. Injectable nano-devices that are powered by wireless energy harvesting. The failure mode is when power and wireless networking go out, or when it causes negative health effects that convince people to seek medical treatment. This is also one of the reasons why they want to shove people into cities; it makes the infrastructure for this more reliable and redundant. If everyone is in rural areas, the coverage is too spotty for it to work.

If you doubt the tech exists, I encourage you to do searches with the following keywords:
  • Internet of Bodies (IoB)
  • Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT)
  • Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN)
  • IEEE 802.15.6
  • In-body nanosensors
  • Intra-body nano-networks
  • Molecular Communication
  • Nanotransducers
  • Optogenetics
  • Magnetogenetics
  • Chemogenetics
  • Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs (DREADDs)
  • DNA Origami
  • Boolean logic in lipid nanotablets
  • Amyloid peptide semiconductors
  • Subwavelength Antennas
  • Bowtie Nanoantennas
  • Plasmonic Nanoantennas
You will pull up paper after paper from authoritative, peer-reviewed journals. A lot of this stuff is in IEEE. You know, the guys who come up with all our wireless standards, like 802.11.

Some of the tech is biomimetic in nature, or makes use of protein-doped nanoparticles that behave almost like organic elements because they take advantage of receptor-ligand interactions. These are also referred to as protein-functionalized nanoparticles. Other experiments involve taking nanoparticles and coating them in lipids or cell-penetrating peptides so they cross cell membranes and enter cells. We're talking about teeny tiny virus-sized pieces of technology, here.

Basically, instead of trying to build nanomachines that were scaled-down levers, gears, turbines, and other mechanical objects we're familiar with, they have turned to nature itself for the blueprints, making use of hydrophilic/hydrophobic interactions, Van Der Waals forces, ionic and covalent bonds, and so on. Most serious proposals I've seen for "nanobots" look less like anything synthetic and more like living cells engineered from the ground up with bespoke genomes.

Their plan is to use AI for de novo protein engineering, and to be able to get proteins to do all sorts of things that they never do in nature, like stack metal ions into antennas and conductors and scaffolds in the body. The "holy grail" of cyborg tech would look like a gene-editing injection that CRISPRs the sequences for these artificial constructs into people's genomes and germlines.

That sounds like downright hippy parody. No, vast majority of people do not agree with those statements, so all conclusion you want to make on their basis is doomed.

Also ants vary greatly in behavior depending on what kind of ants we are talking about, that's what i meant.
Just because unconnected groups of humans do things separately from the other groups, that doesn't mean that it doesn't have a collective effect. It is very common to account for things in terms of whole-of-humanity effects.

At least 108 million people were killed in wars in the twentieth century. Estimates for the total number killed in wars throughout all of human history range from 150 million to 1 billion. War has several other effects on population, including decreasing the birthrate by taking men away from their wives. The reduced birthrate during World War II is estimated to have caused a population deficit of more than 20 million people.

Imagine that the oligarchs are basically human cattle ranchers, and that they see it as their exclusive right to manipulate the fertility and wellbeing of others. With this knowledge, would you trust these men to start wars?

Some are, some are yelling told ya. Nothing too special about quad rotors. They are just a cheap, mass producable loitering munition, with all the pros and cons of that, as opposed to the usual, more capable and much more costly super smart missiles.
As for civil wars... Yeah, good luck 3d printing the engines and high explosives. Well i guess if you throw the rest at someone it may make a bruise.
I read quite a bit about that stuff, 3d printing is most applicable to frames and minor accessories.
Motors can be easily sourced, or made by winding copper by hand. If you can't get military-grade high explosives, you can get ammonium nitrate prills and diesel and make ANFO, which, while less brisant than C4 or Semtex, still does the job if used in sufficient quantity. It's not that hard.

There is no such thing historically. All elites are temporary, one way or another, to one degree or another.
Must they always make such terrible messes of society when deposed, though? They seem to have this childish attitude that if they can't have something, then no one can.

Our “elites” are a bunch of human-trafficking, drug-trafficking, kiddie-fucking sex pests. If other people want to lick their asses, fine, but I don’t have to put up with people who do that sort of thing.

When it comes to the WEF and the internationalist cabal they are the face of, we are dealing with actual monsters. I would hope people would realize that.
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You are describing a world where the workers rise against the elite. And peace in the world.
Sounds like communism.
You are describing a world where the workers rise against the elite. And peace in the world.
Sounds like communism.
Communism is a scam. The Bolsheviks were backed and funded by Wall Street. So were the NSDAP. The purpose of communist movements, from the perspective of the elite, is to murder middle-class kulaks and drive them off their land so it can be acquired later once the socialist hell-pit collapses back into capitalism.

Basically all socialist countries in the past have had overseas elite backers wiring their leaders huge sums of money to keep the scam going, and they all underwent "capitalist reforms" which often saw those same elites investing in the land left over by all the people that socialist countries murdered for them.

The Davos elites are not comfortable with you or I having any amount of property, no matter how insignificant. They believe that every last scrap of it should belong to them. This is because they plan to sit and accrue rents without actually having to produce anything new.
Communism is a scam. The Bolsheviks were backed and funded by Wall Street. So were the NSDAP. The purpose of communist movements, from the perspective of the elite, is to murder middle-class kulaks and drive them off their land so it can be acquired later once the socialist hell-pit collapses back into capitalism.

Basically all socialist countries in the past have had overseas elite backers wiring their leaders huge sums of money to keep the scam going, and they all underwent "capitalist reforms" which often saw those same elites investing in the land left over by all the people that socialist countries murdered for them.

The Davos elites are not comfortable with you or I having any amount of property, no matter how insignificant. They believe that every last scrap of it should belong to them. This is because they plan to sit and accrue rents without actually having to produce anything new.
Amd yet what you prupose...is still a communist socialist ideal of workers uniting against the elite
"All this talk about the little guy banding together and taking on the elites is leftie commie hippie stuff", says the conservative, as his favorite elite-led gigantic corporations plow literally millions of dollars into actual leftie commie hippie causes.
You want a world with no war and everyone living kumbya. As well as the iverthrowing if elites. For as long as Islam and communism exists you will never get that world.
Hell, you may end up getting the commies to agree and go along with it and then betray you and take over.

Because your whole idea is stupid and impossible. It relies upon the elites being some unified force that won't betray each other, as well as every human agreeing on something.

Additionally I don't care for a single company.
I may have stock in some (none on there that I saw) but I dint care if they do good or nor it isn't even my money
You want a world with no war and everyone living kumbya. As well as the iverthrowing if elites. For as long as Islam and communism exists you will never get that world.
Hell, you may end up getting the commies to agree and go along with it and then betray you and take over.

Because your whole idea is stupid and impossible. It relies upon the elites being some unified force that won't betray each other, as well as every human agreeing on something.

Additionally I don't care for a single company.
I may have stock in some (none on there that I saw) but I dint care if they do good or nor it isn't even my money
My point is quite simple. The elites are antagonistic to the values held by conservatives. The reason is because conservatives are, by and large, protectionist and nationalist, and therefore opposed to immigration, wage suppression, outsourcing, and so on.

The elites include the heads of all of our major businesses, who want cheap labor and don't care about anything else. They don't even care if their desire for cheap labor completely wrecks our countries by impoverishing people, demolishing the middle class, denying people opportunities for actual upward mobility, and so on.

In fact, they have characterized upward mobility as a source of environmental devastation. A wealthier population consumes more luxury goods and has a higher carbon footprint. They explicitly say this.

Based on these findings, it is possible to project anticipated transport-related carbon emissions for individual countries given forecasts of income growth. Overall, the carbon footprint of the transport sector is anticipated to increase on average by 52% by 2035. The percentage increase ranges considerably across countries, ranging from around 25% in Mali to 175 percent in Sierra Leone.

These increases are attributable primarily to increases in first time car ownership, which almost doubles over this period. Motorcycle ownership is also projected to rise by more than 50%, however the impact on emissions is considerably smaller. While existing vehicle owners also expand their use by more than 50%, the impact is much smaller than that coming from the expansion of vehicle ownership.

Transport-related carbon emissions are already highly concentrated among the richest, with the top budget quintile already responsible for more than twice as many emissions as all the remaining quintiles put together (see figure below). While the percentage growth of emissions for the top quintile is relatively low compared to the others, in absolute terms the additional emissions generated by those at the top of the distribution continue to exceed the growth in emissions from all other quintile combined. Overall, the inequality of transport-related carbon emissions is projected to increase in some countries, while decreasing slightly in others.

When you get richer, you buy a car, and then, you start commuting to work with that car, contributing to the CO2 emission problem. Ergo, the ruling class, who are pushing Net Zero, degrowth, dematerialization, depopulation, et cetera, want to make sure you stay poor, so you don't use any of these resources, and so on and so forth.

If you let these elites continue to conduct this Net Zero program of theirs, you're going to end up hilariously poor and screwed over six ways from Sunday. By design, I might add.
Yes. From rich people.

All of these wokesters have support from philanthropaths with very deep pockets, and their charitable foundations.

The super-wealthy have a clear incentive to divide nations into as many competing special interest groups as they possibly can, because it keeps the people comprising the labor pool from realizing that they are a labor pool and that they have a common, general interest. It also creates make-work for bureaucrats, which not only justifies their jobs but also justifies the expansion of the scope of government, which erodes civil liberties and human autonomy.

If you want to stop eating the authoritarianism shit sandwich, then you need to do the exact opposite; forcibly break up the identitarian special interest groups and return everyone to class struggle monke. No more of these silly narratives about gender and sexuality, or race and culture. We don't care. We just want our fucking money.

That should be the message to the rich, no matter what. Shut up about DEI/ESG. Shut up about "stakeholders". Shut up about LGBT representation in children's books. No more divisive rhetoric. Employ us. Pay us. Simple as.
On the one hand, well put.
Although I am not reading the full 10 page essay.

On the other, you seem to be ignoring that the cancer the rich introduced to divide us is in of itself harmful.

Child grooming and replacement genocide are very serious issues.
Yes the rich CAUSED this problem.
But... its like saying "I need to accept my bleeding wound and not treat it. it is the only way to defeat the person who stabbed me"

Yes we need to stop the guy with the knife (the aristocrats). Because so long as they are unstopped they will keep adding stab wounds to our bodies. But we also need to treat the stab wounds they already inflicted.
Amd yet what you prupose...is still a communist socialist ideal of workers uniting against the elite
Not necessarily.

communism is the notion we should murder the "decadants" (middle class and rich) and redistribute their wealth (we promise to give it to the poor, honest!). because they have wealth. And it just so happens to always be financed by the richest and mainly kill the middle class.

corruption removal is holding the ultra rich to task for their very real crimes of replacement genocide and child grooming.

just because there is an ideology that specifically targets the rich for bad reasons, does not mean the rich should be above the law and exempt from punishment for any real wrongdoing.

this is the exact same logical fallacy as when you claim that any accusation of wrongdoing by mossad is "antisemitism".
Just because antisemites exist who target innocent jews for no reason other than their birth. Does not mean that every jew is a saint who never committed a crime.

The key is to:
1. be very very clear about your idealogy.
2. only target the actual criminals
Yes. From rich people.

All of these wokesters have support from philanthropaths with very deep pockets, and their charitable foundations.

The super-wealthy have a clear incentive to divide nations into as many competing special interest groups as they possibly can, because it keeps the people comprising the labor pool from realizing that they are a labor pool and that they have a common, general interest. It also creates make-work for bureaucrats, which not only justifies their jobs but also justifies the expansion of the scope of government, which erodes civil liberties and human autonomy.

If you want to stop eating the authoritarianism shit sandwich, then you need to do the exact opposite; forcibly break up the identitarian special interest groups and return everyone to class struggle monke. No more of these silly narratives about gender and sexuality, or race and culture. We don't care. We just want our fucking money.

That should be the message to the rich, no matter what. Shut up about DEI/ESG. Shut up about "stakeholders". Shut up about LGBT representation in children's books. No more divisive rhetoric. Employ us. Pay us. Simple as.

This platform has universal appeal. Everyone, regardless of creed, needs to eat and needs to have a roof over their heads. Best of all, it keeps the oligarchs from getting a little too big for their britches. It's ironic, but wealth redistribution from our Elites would get rid of the marxist problem handily; if the Elites are too poor to donate to marxist causes, then those causes will wither on the vine.

Money is political influence. Our oligarchs have too much money and too much influence, and they are using that influence to empower progressive causes and employ marxists as an army of useful idiots. Their wealth should be confiscated on those grounds alone. And yet, conservatives will still simp for them and insist on protecting the property rights of the Elites, simply because they operate on a mental arithmetic no more complex than "Socialism bad, Capitalism good", as if our ruling class were untouchable holy avatars of the concept of capitalism, and not greedy, venal, and fallible men cowering behind great big piles of money and hiring mercenaries to gut our civilization for them.

If arch-capitalists are paying socialists to wreck your society and make everyone poor and destitute, if they are promoting mass immigration and using it as a foundation of tyrannical rule, then the answer is clear; you need to take the reins of power away from them, regardless of whether or not it could be considered anti-capitalist to do so. To do any less is basically civilizational suicide.

You are not in a fair economic competition with the Davosites. At all. They aren't playing the free market game. They are cozying up to government and trying to seize everything for themselves. They are trying to enclose the human commons. That's what you're dealing with.

You can't respect the property rights of oligarch land pirates who don't respect other people's property rights. If Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street buy up all the houses, take them off the market, and either leave them vacant as investment vehicles or turn them into rental slums, that deprives later generations the right to purchase those properties.

This pattern of consolidation of ownership, of the elimination of mom and pop stores and restaurants and their replacement with big-box giants and fast food joints, and of the mass purchasing of real estate by companies that have direct access to the Fed money printer, is essentially eminent domain by another name. That's what private-public partnerships mean, in essence. You can't rely on the government to be a check on corporate power, or the reverse; they are in collusion and combination.

The government is allowing legalized counterfeiting that devalues all of our savings, just so a tiny handful of oligarchs can purchase tons of hard assets to protect themselves against the effects of dedollarization, and it's ruining the purchasing power of our currency and driving up the cost of living. There is no need to defend these people, at all. They are ghouls.

In order to have a distributed model of ownership and a healthy middle class, it is vitally necessary to bust up these giant monopolies. I don't give a rat's ass if people think that's communist and thus verboten. It's still necessary. The existence of a Davos-centered corporatist world order is not in our best interests, at all.
Both the wokesters and the businessmen they cuck think they are the ones in charge of that relationship, but we all know the future of such relationships. "Fun" times ahead.
They aren't even arch-capitalists at that, delete that leftist dictionary, many are in fact aspiring state capitalists/politicians, unhappy that the current system is forcing them to at least somewhat care about market realities as opposed to having state decree their hold of a certain share of the market and are working hard to make it true, this is particularly visible and desperate in those industries that are failing the market test the hardest.
Also how naive of you to think that the leftists are wrecking societies because the rich pay them.
This is ass backwards. The leftists are wrecking societies because that's what leftists always do. Some rich are also wielding them in directed ways, some are being extorted by leftists themselves, not unlike in a mafia racket "pay us and we will go harass someone else's business instead of yours, if you don't pay us we will give that deal to competition", some are just idiots, all sorts of scenarios are real depending on who we ask about.
It isn't right now, but if AI keeps advancing, it will be.
Snowden was right. Our intelligence agencies spy on us without warrants. Assange was right, too. Recent wars in the Middle East were indeed basically giant money-laundering exercises by Western oligarchs. Hiding by Putin's bosom to avoid being gruesomely murdered by the CIA does not make someone objectively wrong.

Why does ideological purity matter so much to people nowadays? I don't give a flying fuck what someone's ideology is, so long as they bring the receipts. Assange brought receipts. Snowden brought receipts. That's all that matters.

Besides, we don't need their coverage to see that the recent conflicts in the Middle East have been disastrous. They have, invariably, destroyed secular Middle Eastern countries and replaced them with fanatical sectarian chaos. How does that improve our security, to get rid of secular "El Presidentes" and replace them with a swarm of fresh Bin Ladens?
Take this anti western shilling to someone who cares. Ask not what receipts Assange brought, ask what recepits they are hiding.
Why do you think Assange refused to publish Russian government leaks?
I don't give a fuck about the activism of third world el presidente shills.
"destroyed the secular Middle Eastern countries", oh please, you want me to cry for socialist el presidentes? Hell no, maybe if i could cry napalm i would, but i can't. Read up what Ba'athism is and what does it stand for politically instead.
Stop being a useful idiot for the remnants of commie alliance network by hiding their shithead dictators behind "secularism".
Do they really want that, or have they just been propagandized into wanting that?

People are constantly bombarded on all sides with consumerist bullshit. They're taught by advertisements and pop culture that you're less-than if you don't consoom the latest Chinese-made junk. The whole point of the system that we have, today, is to rack up consumer debt and enrich the FIRE industry, and by extension, Western Oligarchs. It serves no other purpose. Most of the stuff people buy nowadays is so crappy due to planned obsolescence, it crumbles in their hands and leaves absolutely nothing for their children to inherit. The same companies whose executives crow about "sustainability" and the need to be "environmentally conscious" are two-faced sacks of shit who are hostile to right-of-repair laws that would see their customers keeping their electronic devices beyond their designed lifespan. They want recurring revenue, no matter what, even if they have to get rid of the ownership model and replace it with a leasing one instead.

Well people do not need to be propangandized into laziness and wanting convenience. Lots of people prefer that naturally.
What a surprise that some want and can exploit that.
There was a time when I once advocated for this exact red-green worldview; the notion of a circular economy where waste streams are turned into new products and everything is designed to last as long as possible to minimize waste. Why did I become hostile to it? Simple. You can't trust our oligarchs not to flagrantly abuse us. If you're deprived of property, if everything is a service, then everything you use can be plucked away from you for disobedience. The State, in essence, becomes a paternalistic edifice; a scolding parent with the capacity to take your toys away and send you to your room.
I don't oppose it because i don't trust the people on top. In fact if i did, it would imply i have no issue with that plan at all, i just have a trust issue with the elites.
I think it's a shit plan doomed to failure, and so anyone who pushes it is stupid, evil, crazy, or some combination of the above.
Would you trust Justin Trudeau with that power? How about Jacinda Ardern? What about Angela Merkel, or Keir Starmer? Would you trust any of these people to rule you in a condition where everything you owned was leased from oligarchs and could be taken away from you by the simple act of freezing your bank account? I, for one, would not.

The orgy of constant consumption in the West is, in itself, a self-defeating form of monomania that transfers capital to countries that hate our guts while turning us all into debt slaves for the banker cartels. This has been normalized to such a degree that most people don't even realize that there is an alternative. We must bring the capital back and put it back in our hands where it belongs. It's just that simple. We have to put an end to central banking, put an end to these monopolistic practices, the Credit Bubble to Quantitative Easing treadmill, and all these other assholes who have gotten comfortable printing themselves great big fat wads of our money.

People don't even realize how shitty their living conditions are because they've been conditioned to accept dog shit in a paper bag. Most of these kids complaining about living conditions in the US weren't even alive when America was at its zenith. I know for a fact that I wasn't.

Our schools lie to kids with Whig History bullshit constantly. They tell people the past was terrible, barbaric, and benighted, over and over again. Wrong. We briefly had a utopia and we let it slip through our fingers.

The consumerism whining is also something you are taking from the popculture of leftists who push this stuff, though the more green circular economy side. Like it or not, consumerism sells. Everywhere, not just in the West.
Being a Millennial in America is pure bullshit. Your Boomer parents tell you all about how affordable housing was, how they went on all these vacations, and now, we're stuck either living with our parents or living in tiny, ratty apartments with no vacations, no boat in the driveway, no grill on the patio, nothing. We were fucked out of the American Dream on purpose.

It's like playing a video game and hearing from old-school players that recent balance patches have made the game way harder for no good reason, nerfed a bunch of economic exploits, and basically flattened money gain across the factions you can pick.

Now picture that the game is your life, and you have no choice but to play. That's what it's like. Why wouldn't people from my generation be mad? Why wouldn't they be marching in the streets with hammer and sickle flags? Do you expect people to knuckle under? Do you expect them to take this shit lying down?

Modern conservatism is self-defeating, because it expects immiserated people to join up out of the goodness of their own hearts, out of some misplaced sense of moral duty, when their living conditions quite literally leave them with nothing to conserve. When people see rich playboys on TikTok driving around in Bugattis while they're stuck living in some beat-up, uninsulated townhome with a popcorn ceiling built in the 70s and driving a Craigslist Special Honda Accord, you sitting around telling them, "In relative terms, compared to a king from the Middle Ages, you're actually quite rich" will not convince them, at all. They know for a fact that they've been left behind and left to rot.

If conservatism were to fail, it would be because it allowed people to become poor, dependent, and desperate enough that they started accepting the sweet little lies of the Pseudo-Fabian WEF corporatists. Most people don't even want a new Bugatti. They just want transportation that works. And the WEF and their oligarch cult members will offer it to them.

Here's a driverless robo-taxi! It costs the same as an Uber, and we trained its AI brain on the GPS data taken from Uber drivers without their knowledge or consent, and you only have to pay $11 to go five miles! It's way cheaper than owning a car and paying insurance, gas, and maintenance fees, especially if you only use it once in a blue moon! What's that? You want to know who owns all the self-driving robo-cars and extracts revenue from them? Sorry, we're not allowed to tell you! We're a holding company representing several jet-setting oligarchs and holding their assets in trust for them, but we're not even sure who they are, because we are, in turn, owned by several layers of shell companies leading to a small, unmarked office in Panama!

Is that really the future you want to live in? Let's fight a few more oligarch-sponsored wars, and find out. Let's see how Demolition Man-esque and retarded and stinky things get. I promise you, you're not going to like it.
Non-leftists do not get driven into jealous rage because some rich guy's son is showing off his car on tik tok. IDGAF. It's worse compared to what? Some sort of completely theoretical utopia where billions of people can afford a Bugatti? Yeah, sure, go sell that story to commies, they will believe you.
My point was, is that Honda Accord not "transportation that works"?
Commies were never fans of private car ownership. The taxi would be driven by a worker instead of a computer, but no differences besides that. Look up how that worked in more ideologically dedicated commie countries. New technologies allow them to spin their idea in different, new ways, but it's nothing new. But conversely, it shows that just because some commie plan can be attempted, it will not inevitably be reality, work, and stay.
Let's narrow down on that line in the middle for a moment.

You just described feudalism. Those robotic factories and robots are basically a serf class that can neither demand better living conditions nor rebel against their masters.

At that point, what do they need the rest of us for?
The point is, that's not unlike the great economic transformation that already happened. The switch from a society where 80-90% people were subsistence farmers (and still are in some worst third world shitholes), to industrial and post-industrial societies.
People would ask, if we no longer need so many farmers, what will the remaining 95% of peasants do for a living?
And those peasants in fact were an actual serf class already!
Yet somehow "they" found stuff to need them for, and in fact have a massive population growth period afterwards on top of that.
I don't buy into the concept of an Islamic boogeyman. It's pure nonsense and media theater. Our military adventurism has, if anything, destabilized what were otherwise relatively stable and prosperous MENA countries, driven people into sectarian madness, and turned their populations into hordes of immiserated and resentful refugees.
Then you know jack shit of history, and you are making your own grand attempts at analysing world politics so much less credible.
Look up Islamic world's attitude to the West 100, 200, 300 years ago. It has little to do with "our military adventureism", it's a story for retarded leftist kids who don't care about what world events happened before Vietnam, as their kind of leftism didn't really get born before. So they can tunnel vision into that in regard to looking at the Islamic world.
Naturally it's a story that started before USA even existed, yet didn't change much with its existence.
Fuck, you can even look at other civilization's relations with the Islamic world. Ever heard the shit that happened between Muslims and Hindus over last few hundred years? Founding of Pakistan, Bangladesh, why, how, what happened after?
Or perhaps relations between Buddhists and Islam?
Jews and Islam, i think i don't need to ask.
"But our military adventurism!" You should be ashamed of giving a shred of credit to this retarded leftist cliche.
"Driven into sectarian madness"? LMAO, you think Imam Ali was a CIA agent?
Had we done absolutely nothing at all to Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria, none of us would be worse off for it, and there would be measurably fewer immigrants flooding our shores. All it did was protect the sanctity of the petrodollar for the sake of central bankers and their cronies who enrich themselves with currency arbitrage. We don't need them. We could have booted out the parasites and issued new currency on our own, and been all the better off, without having to spill any blood overseas at all.
Muslims would still fight about how islamic their region is, about how much respect non-Muslims get to have there (Jews in particular), and which of their sects is in charge, with all the implications of that. Frankly they of all things to fight for there petrodollar is just a background.
It's a continuous process. The act of hoovering dollars out of our pockets is used to purchase the robots that will replace us, at which point they will no longer need to hoover dollars out of our pockets.

In essence, the human population and its industrial capacity is being used as a stepping stone to a primarily non-human and data-driven economy.
It only needs so much data because it is human driven, to make clumsy, burdensome robotic grafts into human economy. If an economy stops being human driven, 99% of that data will become obsolete. If we had robotics capable of working independently, gathering this human data would be pointless, and for purpose of that, it's horribly unoptimal data.
That's why the WEF exists. To make sure as few rich people in the West are squabbling over competing goals as possible. If they get booted out of the club, they suffer censure from other oligarchs and forfeit their membership fees.

You can't rely on them to be fractured and in competition with one another. Not anymore.
"as few".
Yet they do, and always will. If they make the blocks bigger, then it only makes the squabbling more titanic in scale.
But in the end, there can be only one Stalin. Ask Xi and Kim. They are "the only one" in their system, and go to extreme lengths to make it remain so, while also glaring suspiciously at all external actors. There's no way they are going to play nice with the big egos of western "kingmakers" like Schwab and don't give a fuck about their fancy country clubs. They do things in different ways, bullets, windows, poisons...
The oligarchs can foresee this. They have people doing studies and white papers all the time on transhumanism and biohackers and everything, and you know what? It pisses them off. They want all that and more for themselves, but they don't want to share that power with an entire civilization of physical and mental equals. They want an extremely stratified, Brave New World-like society with a caste system that permanently solidifies their dynastic wealth. That's the main problem that we have, here. That's why the WEF exists. It's why the Club of Rome exists. It is the oligarchs' ultimate goal, here; to reduce much of the world to permanent serfdom, not just in terms of social status, but in terms of actual physically distinct castes.

Yes, this is much less efficient than what an entire society of what several billion 300 IQ demigods could accomplish. The oligarchs don't care. They don't want to deal with the risk of potentially being usurped by any one of those 300 IQ demigods who isn't a part of their clique. They want to concentrate power, not distribute it. They want to be Khan Noonien Singh, not fight him.
Signal to noise. There's so much studies being written about this all that you can argue for literally any semi-plausible scenario if you pick the right ones.
But without large scale testing, you are dealing with bleeding edge med tech, and you know the story how that goes.
How many oligarchs want to risk getting turbocancer or brain damage by testing it on themselves?
The tech already exists, in a primitive form.

Theoretical. Read up on some woes biohackers have with trying to make much simpler and more primitive applications of this actually work.
How can you prove that the ones who "more or less agree with us at least on some things" aren't engaging in kayfabe? They pay lip service to conservative or even right-wing values, but they don't actually act on any of it.
How can you prove anything in the world of politics? Well if you want to just doom, that's just fine for you to doubt any inconvenient points. Some do act on it when given an opportunity... What then?
The first and most important thing you need to understand is that no one is on our side. Absolutely no one. If you want to get anything done, you have to build a coalition yourself. You cannot rely on these premade saviors, because they're all phonies.
If they are all phonies, from my perspective you're a phony too. But that's not how politics work.
The nation is not a good line. Most nations on this planet are little more than glorified cattle pens for the people trapped in them, which exist largely to brainwash and exploit people and shape them into sources of labor for oligarchs.
The nation is the largest line that works, whether you like it or not.
Saying "workers of the world unite" was tried, and we know how well it worked. Not interested.
The WEF bring the entertainer, the industrialist, and the sheikh together, so they can all decide how many ways to slice the pie.

We are the pie.
You are ascribing magical interest defying, leader uniting powers to WEF. Much like the UN which was actually idealized into something that will do it fails spectacularly, the WEF is nothing more than a glorified country club. Incredible amounts of scheming, petty, grand and in the middle, happens between people there.
Fuck, even Putin was there, and only got "cancelled" out of it when open war with Ukraine started, but not over any of the crazy shit he did earlier, like Salisbury and Crimea.
"There is no rentier-aristocracy" he says.

Bill Gates said the same exact thing, word-for-word. Then, ol' Billy bought 275,000+ acres of US farmland.
For his green idealist research in agriculture.
However in the scale of the country, this is nothing like the latifundists of old in terms of proportion of farmland available overall.
That's my plan. Me and my dad have talked about going in halves on a plot of land and building giant quonsets on 'em, to our specs.
My point exactly. You, nor i, are representative of popular opinions in these matter. If you polled a bunch of Karens in accounting and marketing in the average office in New York, how many you think would want to live like this?
How long do you figure it will be before the WEF cunts drive up property taxes to shoo me off my land and set up some oligarch and his "developers" on it instead? Ten years? Twenty? Could I make it to 2050 before becoming effectively homeless, or do I have to become a richie-rich motherfucker myself, first, just to keep my home?
They don't care about population growth in Africa because Africans are dirt-poor. They very explicitly want degrowth, dematerialization, deindustrialization, et cetera, in countries that are wealthy, where each individual has a larger carbon footprint.
So why do they let China get richer?
Why do they block degrowth in Europe explicitly, with replacement migration?
This is just a portion of the shadow wars and struggles in western elites.
CO2 footprint is closely correlated with GDP per capita. For example, from the perspective of the elites, the GDP per capita in Cameroon being $1,500 and the GDP per capita in the US being $76,000 means it would take 50 Cameroonians to equal the environmental impact of one American. Cameroon would need a population of 16.6 billion people before they started to get concerned about their environmental impact on the same level as they are with Americans.

I'm not even kidding. This isn't far off from the actual metrics that they use.

"Your prosperity is HARMING THE PLANET! It's EVIL AND WHITE COLONIALIST! We need you to be POOR!"

And the counterpoint:

Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like.

No, this is not hyperbole. I am dead serious about all of this.

If anyone has any reason to doubt that things have indeed gotten this bad, then by all means, read this:

Yes, the green CO2 cult is a scam against the interest of western countries.
Meanwhile those fuckers are oddly quiet about China's and India's CO2 footprint. After all they are on the same planet we are on.
But that's a mainstream right position.

And then, while you're at it, read this:

It really is that bad.
And this is one of the reasons why i oppose the left. Those are all banner initiatives of the green left, agreed upon by some cucked centrists while at it.
You are operating on the assumption that our leaders desire growth. They want degrowth, depopulation, dematerialization, and so on. From their perspective, if cities act as giant birth control devices, this is a win for them.
No growth equals no growth on stock market. They do care about that one. It's even how they try to sell migration to the right and center.
The oligarch vision of the future is an empty planet that's just them and their fancy robots fondling their balls all day.
But that's science fiction. The robots aren't there, we don't know if they will be there this century, or even in this millenium, and if they break, well, do you imagine Bill Gates debugging code in sweat because their mining robots are about tunnel through Schwab's mansion? Or perhaps they will ask some of the diverse youths rioting on the street because of Arabs getting bombed or because some third world criminal got killed by police? One way or another elites like them need a highly developed civilization, and tht means non-negligible amount of people. Otherwise they are chiefs with no indians.
Unlikely. Nothing of value to loot.
You can hardly imagine...
Now compare what would happen if Russia or Islamic State somehow occupied North Korea. Compare.
Don't get me wrong. I don't like Assad. I don't care how cool his theme song is. He's a dick. But he's better than many of the alternatives, which range somewhere between "crazy warlord" and "crazy warlord who organizes mass rape parties of captive Yezidi women".

If our standard for someone being an "evil dictator who needs to be deposed" is that they shot or imprisoned a few rioters, well, that could very easily describe the Kent State shootings. Nobody invoked the R2P back then, since it didn't exist. Such ideas only came about when they needed some kind of weird double-standard that lets them go after Arabs and blow their countries to kingdom come.
I for one can take the answer that not enough shitty dictators are getting shot in the world.
Also Assad's oppression apparatus operates on far bigger scale than "few rioters".
I think the more apt comparison is Arab version of "we have Soviet Union at home".
The things that our oligarchs have done in the name of "free enterprise" would be considered treason anywhere else.

They'll be at the point, very soon, where they can influence neurological functions directly. If you doubt that, then look up the papers and seminars by Sakhrat Khizroev, Ian Akyildiz, Josep Jornet, Ozgur Akan, Charles Lieber, and so on.

The CIA and their predecessors, the OSS, have done the following things on behalf of oligarchs:
  • Murdered General George S. Patton and President John F. Kennedy, and many others besides.
That one, if it was not an accident, was probably the other side of Iron Curtain.
  • Confiscated Nazi gold.
  • Arranged the transfer of Nazi scientists working on rocketry and brainwashing techniques into US institutions where they continued their unethical experiments.
  • Conducted the MKULTRA and MKNAOMI projects to figure out how to produce brainwashed assassins and how to poison farmland to cause mass famines.
  • Colluded with the Italian Mob in Operation Gladio.
  • Conducted false flag terror operations and orchestrated color revolutions.
  • Employed a number of the 9/11 hijackers as assets.
  • Tortured and raped POWs.
  • Smuggled narcotics to fund black budgets. Does the name Gary Webb ring a bell? They killed him for exposing them, too.
So, things that more or less fit the definition of "their job", however distasteful the cloak and dagger stuff can be sometimes. I'm not an anarchist, pacifist or a friend of the people who they did that job against, so great, they should stick to doing stuff like raising unrest against enemy states and stealing their important assets.
  • Coordinated with the human trafficker Jeffrey Epstein in blackmailing US politicians and dignitaries by filming them on a private island having sex with teen girls.
  • Through In-Q-Tel's financial support to EcoHealth Alliance, funded the research that very likely created SARS-CoV-2.
That belongs in court, it's not their job.
This is not a comprehensive list of the litany of crimes that they're responsible for. You whining about me making "jabs at the intelligence services" is completely off-base. If anything, I have been too lenient.
You aren't being too lenient, you are trying to act neutral in the arena of great power competition where there is no neutrality. Illegal by whose law? By the law of Soviet Union, certainly.
But there's nothing illegal about overthrowing some commie government, or recruiting local criminals to support resistance in case of commie invasion, by our laws.
The CIA is a traitorous kakistocracy that serves the interests of a kleptocracy. The CIA should rightly be dissolved and their records confiscated, and many former CIA directors, including John Brennan and Gina Haspel, should go to prison for a very, very long time. It is a crooked, mafia-like organization masquerading as a government agency.
We may agree, but for completely different reasons. They aren't overthrowing nearly enough commie and islamist governments these days. They should have a quota for that, instead of the DEI ones. But i don't think you would like my perfect CIA.
So here you have another example of "there is more than just one other side".
Our oligarchs want to prop up China because they are conducting a controlled demolition of the US and plan on jumping to a new parasite host. Xi Jinping will let them parasitize his country because he is just another Illuminati pawn just like the rest of them. You still haven't figured out how these people operate. You will in time, when you see it with your own eyes.
If that's their plan that's a big oof. Xi has no need for competition in his fiefdom, and no amount of illuminati stories or other country club for very rich can protect them from his executioners when on his turf.
Those criminals and NGOs are part of networks. At the head of those networks are oligarchs, their private interests, and their captured government agencies.

They want nothing more than for you to focus on the immigrants themselves as the problem, because it keeps the heat off of them.
Both are the problem. To argue about this is silly. It's like if in 1942 US military leaders were arguing if the Japanese army occupying islands is the problem, or Japanese navy bringing that army to the islands is the problem.
Both are the enemy, duh.
Right. They don't want to work in the trades, because only dirty, smelly chuds like me work in the trades. They're a bunch of prima donnas and want nice office jobs to go with their fancy degrees, right?

That's what you get when you push an entire generation into college and tell them they're worthless without at least a Master's.

That’s what you get when you peg the value of human life to a piece of paper.
Yes, there's no shortage of primadonnas over there. No shortage of people who want to feel important, order people around, and not do physical labor. No matter what you teach, it will always be the case. People did far worse things to get such administrative positions in communist countries, even though they pushed a different culture, and the piece of paper giving the most was not the one involving years in education.
They don't care that it's contradictory. Confusion and gaslighting are the oligarchs' weapons. They say we need to stop producing new steel to save the planet, but also that we need tons of new wind turbines that require literal mountains of steel. They don't care that they're at cross purposes. From their perspective, the more confusion, the more helplessness, the more chaos, the better.

Net Zero isn't meant to save anyone. It's meant to take a wrecking ball to society so that humanity stops consuming resources that the oligarchs want conserved for them, their kids, and their army of ball-fondling pleasure robots.
They have to care that it's contradictory because half the contradiction stands in the way of their other plans.
Not humanity, the West. China doesn't give a rat's ass about Net Zero, and why would they? Will some Greenpeace retards go there, whine in front of CCP committee and demand Xi to be deposed over it?
Will they launch a political campaign to make it happen? Ok, enjoy your gulag, they will even get a vegan diet - rice and water.
This is a weapon against democracies, exploiting the naivety and bleeding heart impulses among a voting population.
What if Klaus Schwab made him head of the WEF before he shuffled off this mortal coil? What would you say about him, then? Yuval is Schwab's protege, his most trusted lieutenant. He's not just "some historian".
WEF is not the Excalibur. It's a glorified country club. Would the powerful people in question consider him his partner and trust him just because Schwab did?
And if so, Yuval is a 48 year old homosexual. Thus the WEF dynasty ends.
LLMs are way, way smarter than people give them credit for. Sure, they make mistakes. Sometimes, rather egregious mistakes. However, they are not simple little chatbots running silly little Markov chains like back in the day. They actually have problem-solving and logic-like abilities.

I once asked ChatGPT to write a POV-Ray scene of an apple on a table, and it put out code that rendered into a red sphere on a beige box. That wasn't multi-modal GPT, either. It was the old, text-only version. An AI that was effectively blind, that had no idea of what an apple or a table looked like, just working from a corpus of text for training data, was able to figure out exactly how to code a 3D scene to resemble things that it had never "seen" before.

This is just the beginning. LLMs are still in a primitive state, and so is the hardware. Once LLM-specific ASICs are everywhere, we're going to see some crazy shit.
They have databases, not "logic-like abilities". They can piece together elements of various databases that are relevant to the query and show something that according to algorithms looks like would be an expected answer. In a way it's similar to a more advanced search engine, which is also why some use them in this manner.
Of course computers are great at things like transforming one kind of digital data into another. Every gamer's GPU is doing incredible amounts of that all the time. Much simpler programs than that can generate plausible maps of fictional alien planets based on some parameters. But that's not intelligence.
I suppose, everyone who is willing and who has the resources to enact such a vision of parallel system construction. Admittedly, even if everyone should participate, the ones who actually will are far fewer in number, mostly far off on the libertarian fringes. Many would be outright hostile to such a notion.

"You don't want daddy government sticking a spy camera up your asshole 24/7? What are you, a terrorist?"
So yeah, my point exactly. Not "everyone", very few fringe people actually want that and are willing to make some form of sacrifices for the sake of it. Unfortunately centralized platforms are very convenient from user's PoV and no one can deny that, if for example i had to search 10 different platforms just for the stuff i get from youtube i would hate that, and probably never bother with most. If the owners of the centralized platforms abuse their position much, the calculation may change, but as long as they don't go completely crazy most people won't bother.
What if they neutralize their own armies and police forces on purpose, and then, when we're all reduced to their drooling lobotomite slaves, we watch them all sit down and have dinner with Xi and Putin as they collectively decide who gets to control which portions of radio-controlled slave meat?
For the same reason as this:

For the same reason why they couldn't just agree to run their own parts of Soviet bureaucracy and leave each other alone.
Though part of why you think this can be ignored may well be your idealism regarding humanity as a whole. After all, if you are such an utopian that you think everyone can get along, why can't a handful of powerful elitists get along in peace?
For us more realistic people, such elitists tend to be extremely ambitious and want to be in charge. Why share power, when they are close to the top and they can make a run for the top spot?
There can be only one Stalin, and everyone of those, especially the leftist elitist managers, thinks he can be a better Stalin than Stalin. And we all know how Stalin got to become, and then remain Stalin.
Have you ever seriously considered the possibility that Putin and Zelensky may be on the same side, and that their ultimate goal is to displace slavs from Ukraine? Have you ever wondered at the depths of deception that we are subjected to on a daily basis, as I have?
Displace with who? The migrants from third world, if they want to migrate somewhere, it's rich welfare states of western countries, not war torn Ukraine. They would get hardly more pay there than at home there.
And at current rate Putin will do a better job displacing Slavs from Russia than Ukraine.
Does everything have to be a crazy conspiracy in the world for you?
Fair enough.

Yes, Kim has very primitive ICBMs, but we have no proof that he actually has nukes, aside from seismic events that may well have been subterranean shafts or vaults filled with huge quantities of conventional explosives as a bluff.
We have proof Pakistan does have nukes, and we know it's 40's technology... It's inconvenient to some ideologies that nukes are becoming technologically easy, but i don't share your interest in shielding them with applying any sufficient amount of convenient doubt.
There's a book you should read. The Great Reset: Biopolitics for Stakeholder Capitalism, by Simon Elmer. It lays out, in rather explicit detail, how the WEF's project to reshape the globe is biopolitical at its core.
I'm not interested in taking sides between the grassroots and elitist factions of the left, and the theories they wield against each other. I oppose both.
"Oh no, the big scary authoritarian BRICS nations are going to take us over if we don't puff up our chests in front of them and show them we can wreck random people's lives in MENA!"
Absolutely. From your position on the green agenda i think you understand how much influence on the power of any state the oil market, its function and access to it has. So it's no joke.
The original, and more effective "just stop oil" was done by the Arab oil producing states, and nothing good came out of that.
You are stuck in a narrow-minded view of power that regards a nation and its people as the same one thing, and all valid struggles as occurring between nation-states, and nothing else.
Validity is a big buzzoword on the left, and i love how they hate that their favored factionalisms are not given that.
This is not the case, at all. The actual power struggle is between oligarchs and everyone else, regardless of nationality or culture.
If i was one of those oligarchs i would propagandize exactly that at the population of my worst enemies whether it was true or not. So are you sure you're not just being someone's useful idiot?
China is not "the sum total of the will of the Chinese people". Chinese people are trapped inside a State that misuses their energies and abuses them. America is not "the sum total of the will of all American people". Americans are trapped inside a State that misuses our energies and abuses us. This condition is basically universal.
Americans are allowed to, more or less, form their own political camps and factions. Even ones as ridiculous as yours, which says something.
People in China are not. If a Chinese Iconoclast was typing half the stuff you type here on a forum in Chinese while residing in China... he would not be doing that for long.
That's not very universal, don't you think?
Everywhere on this planet, there are States that are abusing, brainwashing, and misdirecting their own people, driving us off a cliff to our own destruction, making us fight phony wars against each other when we should be fighting the oligarchs instead.

Once you see things from my perspective, you realize that nation-states are little more than sophisticated cattle pens for the people who live in them. Patriotism and nationalism are little more than bait set in a trap; they're ideas that are meant to attract the exact sort of person that oligarchs despise, so that various processes engineered by oligarchs can destroy or cripple those people and remove them from the line of succession. It is automated cattle culling. It's like the GYBE lyrics. We're trapped in the belly of the machine, and the machine is bleeding to death.

For literally decades, our leaders opened up free trade and our biggest businesses glutted themselves on cheap Chinese labor while cozying up to Xi Jinping. They completely ignored Russia, or even enabled them. They have explicitly supported the creation of a "multipolar world" where China would become the new center of power, and the US's imperial turkey would be carved a dozen ways. They want to implement the totalitarian and technocratic Chinese social model everywhere. They regard the liberty-focused American mindset as a threat to the order they intend to bring about. Why are you looking over the next hill for the enemy, when the enemy is right on our doorstep?

Some did, some did not. But hey, if you throw all politics into one bag you don't see anything except gray sludge and doomdoomdoom.jpg.
If you think China is such a big threat, then what point is there in fighting a war on behalf of the very people who want to do this? We should be boycotting our own elites at every level.
But you want to boycott those elites that think China is such a big threat too. So what's the bloody point?
The armed forces take the most able-bodied men of a nation, men whose health should be spent on nobler deeds, and they turn them into mental and physical cripples before discarding them and leaving them to rot.

Over time, this process of conscription of the ablest men and their subsequent consumption in warfare exerts dysgenic pressure on a nation, sending the country's best stock to die or become disabled. Repeat this often enough, and you will inevitably become a nation of rejects with degenerate morals who will be easy prey for the globalists and their schemes. The conservative project of military adventurism is, in the end, self-defeating; it depletes the nation of conservative men and creates a country of resentful and impoverished leftist mutants.

War, though presented by our leaders and their oligarch masters as a noble act of conquest, is, in actuality, the most pernicious form of spiritual poison, one that inexorably rots away a nation's foundation and does nothing but secure land and treasure for the exclusive benefit of the extremely wealthy.
Pacifistic emotional appeal bullshit, combined with culturally driven conscription scaremongering more fit to WW1 than anything current, and even then very dubious.
Modern war is not won by losing millions, unless we would fight it the Soviet way for some reason.
All the "military adventurism" the anti war movement spent on decrying for recent decades have killed less conservative men than few years worth of car accidents, please stop trying to bullshit people who can do basic math.
The "impoverished leftist mutants" exist completely independently of that. In fact they are the ones protesting the loudest about that every time a western country is having a war since after WW2.
Why the fuck do you parrot them?
We don't have any influence for changing our governments. All of our political candidates are the products of oligarch lobbies, and all they do is shuffle around a few inconsequential wedge issues every few years while leaving the main economic and military agendas practically untouched.

People confuse this with change, because people, by and large, are immensely stupid. They watch politicians, year in and year out, take healthcare from their right pocket and put it in their left, like a fucking shell game, and then they act like the guy they voted for actually did something of substance, when he basically did fuck-all.

I have never voted in my life. It's a complete waste of time.
If i was one of the elitists, that's what i would want you to think.
Even el presidentes like Putin and Maduro see a need to bother to give some plausibility as they fake election results, and the more cheating they have to do, the harder to maintain plausibility. Why make it easy for ours?
Not genetic. At least, not yet. Injectable nano-devices that are powered by wireless energy harvesting. The failure mode is when power and wireless networking go out, or when it causes negative health effects that convince people to seek medical treatment. This is also one of the reasons why they want to shove people into cities; it makes the infrastructure for this more reliable and redundant. If everyone is in rural areas, the coverage is too spotty for it to work.
So every time there's a power outage or you go into a basement any other place that doesn't get wireless signal? That would get very interesting very quickly.
If you doubt the tech exists, I encourage you to do searches with the following keywords:
  • Internet of Bodies (IoB)
  • Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT)
  • Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN)
  • IEEE 802.15.6
  • In-body nanosensors
  • Intra-body nano-networks
  • Molecular Communication
  • Nanotransducers
  • Optogenetics
  • Magnetogenetics
  • Chemogenetics
  • Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs (DREADDs)
  • DNA Origami
  • Boolean logic in lipid nanotablets
  • Amyloid peptide semiconductors
  • Subwavelength Antennas
  • Bowtie Nanoantennas
  • Plasmonic Nanoantennas
You will pull up paper after paper from authoritative, peer-reviewed journals. A lot of this stuff is in IEEE. You know, the guys who come up with all our wireless standards, like 802.11.

Some of the tech is biomimetic in nature, or makes use of protein-doped nanoparticles that behave almost like organic elements because they take advantage of receptor-ligand interactions. These are also referred to as protein-functionalized nanoparticles. Other experiments involve taking nanoparticles and coating them in lipids or cell-penetrating peptides so they cross cell membranes and enter cells. We're talking about teeny tiny virus-sized pieces of technology, here.

Basically, instead of trying to build nanomachines that were scaled-down levers, gears, turbines, and other mechanical objects we're familiar with, they have turned to nature itself for the blueprints, making use of hydrophilic/hydrophobic interactions, Van Der Waals forces, ionic and covalent bonds, and so on. Most serious proposals I've seen for "nanobots" look less like anything synthetic and more like living cells engineered from the ground up with bespoke genomes.

Their plan is to use AI for de novo protein engineering, and to be able to get proteins to do all sorts of things that they never do in nature, like stack metal ions into antennas and conductors and scaffolds in the body. The "holy grail" of cyborg tech would look like a gene-editing injection that CRISPRs the sequences for these artificial constructs into people's genomes and germlines.
This is "nanomachines, son" level of science fiction. "hard" science fiction, but still.
Just because unconnected groups of humans do things separately from the other groups, that doesn't mean that it doesn't have a collective effect. It is very common to account for things in terms of whole-of-humanity effects.

Imagine that the oligarchs are basically human cattle ranchers, and that they see it as their exclusive right to manipulate the fertility and wellbeing of others. With this knowledge, would you trust these men to start wars?
Plenty of reasons to have wars before these men existed. There will be plenty after too.
I categorically refuse to give anything but scorn to the kind of emotional, irrational impulse you are trying to inspire in me.
You do like such conspirational thinking so... if you think this sort of attitude is the worst kind of idea for the interests of "the oligarchs", why are they allowing it to be spread by huge media like NYT? It's actually owned by a bunch of them so they can do whatever the fuck they want with it.
Try shilling such anti war stuff in Russia or China. You will be in a prison within a year.
Likewise, try shilling nationalism in NYT and see if you get published.
Motors can be easily sourced, or made by winding copper by hand. If you can't get military-grade high explosives, you can get ammonium nitrate prills and diesel and make ANFO, which, while less brisant than C4 or Semtex, still does the job if used in sufficient quantity. It's not that hard.
We are trying to build high performance drones here with modern electric micromotors, not a backyard table saw.
This is an example of such an engine. Can you make it by hand, with the same power to weight ratio, for 15 bucks? Of course not, only a large factory with economy of scale can. Even if few very talented engineers could do it, it would take weeks or months of their time to build one of such drones by hand from scratch.

Getting a little of these things smuggled is doable, but getting amounts needed for warfare is easily blocked by a state due to the sheer quantity needed.
Drones also have limited payload capacities, so ANFO (nevermind its issues with fuzing) is not a good option.
Drone warfare got so big in Ukraine because both sides have the technical and financial support of a major, functioning state and access to Chinese factories.
Must they always make such terrible messes of society when deposed, though? They seem to have this childish attitude that if they can't have something, then no one can.

Our “elites” are a bunch of human-trafficking, drug-trafficking, kiddie-fucking sex pests. If other people want to lick their asses, fine, but I don’t have to put up with people who do that sort of thing.

When it comes to the WEF and the internationalist cabal they are the face of, we are dealing with actual monsters. I would hope people would realize that.
Yes. After all there usually is a number of different factions, camps and aspiring elites who want to be the new power, and some will fight.
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I think @mrttao is right. I need to recondense my argument. These replies are getting to be essay-length, for both me and @Marduk. So, let me start from the beginning.

First, and foremost, we must define what the World Economic Forum is.

Think about something you don't like about modern politics. Anything at all. Now, think about how it could be used for population control. If it can't be used for population control, then think of another. Eventually, you will find one. Maybe several.

In 1968, Paul R. Ehrlich authored a book called The Population Bomb, which is basically the central tome of Neo-Malthusianism. In it, he argued that agricultural systems would fail to feed the Earth's exponentially growing population, and that we would experience a catastrophic population collapse sometime within the next decade.

The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now. At this late date nothing can prevent a substantial increase in the world death rate...

Paul and Anne Ehrlich described a number of "ideas on how these goals might be reached."[9] They believed that the United States should take a leading role in population control, both because it was already consuming much more than the rest of the world, and therefore had a moral duty to reduce its impact, and because the US would have to lead international efforts due to its prominence in the world, in order to avoid charges of hypocrisy or racism it would have to take the lead in population reduction efforts.[10] The Ehrlichs float the idea of adding "temporary sterilants" to the water supply or staple foods. However, they reject the idea as unpractical due to "criminal inadequacy of biomedical research in this area."[11] They suggest a tax scheme in which additional children would add to a family's tax burden at increasing rates for more children, as well as luxury taxes on childcare goods. They suggest incentives for men who agree to permanent sterilization before they have two children, as well as a variety of other monetary incentives. They propose a powerful Department of Population and Environment which "should be set up with the power to take whatever steps are necessary to establish a reasonable population size in the United States and to put an end to the steady deterioration of our environment."[12] The department should support research into population control, such as better contraceptives, mass sterilizing agents, and prenatal sex discernment (because families often continue to have children until a male is born. The Ehrlichs suggested that if they could choose a male child this would reduce the birthrate). Legislation should be enacted guaranteeing the right to an abortion, and sex education should be expanded.

Suffice it to say, the apocalyptic predictions of the book never actually came to pass. However, the book was extremely influential with oligarchs back in the late 60s and early 70s.

The same year the book came out, David Rockefeller, Alexander King, and Aurelio Peccei started the Club of Rome, who, in turn, commissioned the Limits to Growth report and the MIT World3 study, which used a computer model to predict economic and population collapse due to resource depletion. In short, their argument was that mankind was exceeding the carrying capacity of the planet and would soon face disaster as a result.

The model looked at the five factors considered most likely to impact upon growth on Earth: population increase, agricultural production, non-renewable resource depletion, industrial output, and pollution generation.

Using a refined computer model called World3 – based upon Forrester's original World1 system – the researchers calculated that upon a 'business as usual' trajectory, our society would effectively collapse sometime this century.

The Club of Rome were, of course, yet another group of very wealthy Neo-Malthusian doomsayers claiming that poor plebeians were reproductively incontinent and breeding like locusts, but they knew how unpopular it would be if they just went around telling people, to their faces, "You're too poor and stupid to be allowed conceive children; keep your legs together and cease your wanton fucking immediately you stupid, baby-making, pestilential poors and stop spoiling our planet, or we'll have you spayed and neutered like dogs".

Obviously, they couldn't say that, even if it was how they truly felt about the matter, and even if they are a bunch of malevolent psychopaths who happen have a rancorous hatred for the rest of us. So, they did the next best thing. They pushed women into the workforce, separating them from their husbands and homes and making it difficult for them to care for children. This had three advantages for the uber-rich.

One, it meant that women were now working and paying taxes, which meant that the labor pool was immediately doubled and thus diluted. Its effect on the job market was like instantly importing a hundred million immigrants. Households in America would go from having a single breadwinner to being dual-income and still making roughly the same amount of money with two adults working full-time jobs.

Two, it reduced fertility by a significant amount. It's hard to work a full-time job and juggle being pregnant and caring for a baby, and it's also hard to afford a babysitter if you're living paycheck-to-paycheck.

Three, it turned what few children were being born into effective wards of the state, which meant they could be brainwashed at a younger and younger age with progressive bullshit.

They also promoted the use of birth control, among various other measures to try and combat human fertility in developed Western nations. Ever read the Jaffe Memo? You can't find this website in a Google search. You have to use Yandex, because Google censors wrongthink search results.

How to reduce the population of the United States? Here are some of the ideas that were on the table:
  • Fertility control agents in water supply.
  • [Induce?] Chronic Depression
  • Compulsory abortion
  • Compulsory sterilization
  • Discouragement of private home ownership

Charming, isn't it?

For years and years, nobody really cared about Davos, or the so-called "Davos Man". They just thought it was some kind of silly Bilderberg Group or Bohemian Grove-style retreat for the rich and powerful, and they didn't give it much thought.

The WEF are practically an offshoot of the Club of Rome, led by Klaus Schwab, a Henry Kissinger acolyte. Kissinger was also involved in depopulation fuckery. Remember the Kissinger Report?

The subject of NSSM-200 is "Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests." This document, published shortly after the first major international population conference in Bucharest, was the result of collaboration among the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Departments of State, Defense and Agriculture.

NSSM-200 was made public when it was declassified and was transferred to the U.S. National Archives in 1990.

Although the United States government has issued hundreds of policy papers dealing with various aspects of American national security since 1974, NSSM-200 continues to be the foundational document on U.S. government population control. It therefore continues to represent official United States policy on government population control and, in fact, is still posted on the USAID website.

You might call the WEF the public face of the Club of Rome and its depop/degrowth agenda. They regularly host the Club of Rome at their events. This is where a lot of the UN SDG 2030 stuff comes from, as well. Fifty years later, it's the same exact people pushing the same exact message.

It is, without doubt, our patterns of economic growth, development, production and consumption which are pushing the Earth's life-support systems beyond their natural boundaries. We so depend fundamentally on these ecosystems. And yet it is we who are the very drivers of their demise. It is we who are pushing the systems which support life on Earth beyond their natural, 'planetary' boundaries. It is we who are causing severe changes in weather patterns and wreaking untold destruction in the shape of wildfires from the Amazon to Australia, and violent storms from Mozambique to Barbados, to name but a few. And while a majority of governments and corporations continue to twiddle their thumbs in what amounts to outright denial of the facts, the risks of collapse intensify.

It is time for another reality check: our unhealthy consumption and growth habits have not only "tipped" ecosystems but have also created severe "socio-economic" hotspots and greater inequality in both mature and emerging economies. The emergency is not just about ecological breakdown. It is also about societal breakdown and acknolwedging that as we urgently address the climate and biodiversity risks, we must simultaenously build new economic, social and financial systems which foster wellbeing and regeneration rather than unbridled economic growth and consumption at all costs.

Who attends the WEF? We have lists. We know who these people are. They're some of the wealthiest and most powerful people on the planet.

They attend the WEF specifically to listen and nod along to guys saying self-absorbed TEDTalk bullshit like this:

“Oh no, we used up all of the world’s natural resources on consumerism mania! How do we get the plebs to keep paying us as usual if we restrict them to consumer good quotas for the sake of the planet?”

“I know! We’ll just get rid of any opportunities for them to obtain real wealth and have them suck our servitization teat forever!”

I told people this would happen. Ten to twelve years ago, hardly a day went by on SB that I wasn’t sparring with Gamesguy about finance and the economy, and the coming degrowth-mania.

I am sick to death of trying to explain the problem to people and having them react with thick-skulled rhetoric.

The problem is the money. The money itself. People don’t understand how fractional reserve lending and quantitative easing work. They’re basically a form of legalized counterfeiting. Our governments essentially let banks issue as much currency as they want. It’s an unfair tax. It pulls money right out of the value of our savings, right out of the value of every dollar bill under the mattress.

When you tell people, hey, maybe we should have calculation-in-kind and abolish money, they say that’s crazy commie stuff. When you tell people, hey, maybe we should have sound money based on something like a gold standard, they say that’s lolbertarian delusion, and there’s no way a gold standard could keep up with the money supply requirements of modern markets.

Well, what the fuck are our markets doing with that huge supply of fiat money? They’re making money with money. They’re multiplying it out of nothing using phony paper-shuffling financial instruments and convincing new investors to buy in, like a giant Ponzi scheme.

This process of accumulation of unearned increase eventually allows the oligarch con artists who run our banking industry to lay claim to vast tracts of real wealth, converting their counterfeit bills into actual land and resources. How is that fair to people who toil endlessly for a wage, and then get squeezed out of property ownership by rising costs as their currency is inflated into worthlessness?

I distinctly remember, back in the mid-2010s, before anyone was talking about Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street, I mentioned on SB how these companies own huge stakes in everything, and people brushed it off by saying, “That’s expected and normal, those are people’s retirements, stop getting worked up over nothing”.

As if that makes it any better! That’s actually substantially worse! Our government lets putrid cunts like Larry Fink play around in our deferred compensation funds like a McDonald’s ball pit!

When these people want a war in the Middle East, they call up George Soros and have him send his buddy and WEF Young Global Leader Srdja Popovic millions of dollars to start a riot with people waving commie fist signs in some third-world shithole until the El Presidentes tell their troops to start shooting, at which point our leaders will come up with any excuse they need to start dropping JDAMs.

Meanwhile, as these oligarch cunts run off with all our money and property and slowly build a digital prison around us, the Left and Right are stuck in a culture war over irrelevant bullshit like the necklines of characters on comic book covers.

Excuse me if I’m deeply skeptical of John Bolton-esque calls to defend this gut-wrenchingly disgusting system with my life.
And the oligarchs will turn on each other at any opportunity to take advantage over the ither.
Welcome to the world of the rich and powerful.
They are only there as long as China let's them be basically.
I think @mrttao is right. I need to recondense my argument. These replies are getting to be essay-length, for both me and @Marduk. So, let me start from the beginning.

First, and foremost, we must define what the World Economic Forum is.

Think about something you don't like about modern politics. Anything at all. Now, think about how it could be used for population control. If it can't be used for population control, then think of another. Eventually, you will find one. Maybe several.

In 1968, Paul R. Ehrlich authored a book called The Population Bomb, which is basically the central tome of Neo-Malthusianism. In it, he argued that agricultural systems would fail to feed the Earth's exponentially growing population, and that we would experience a catastrophic population collapse sometime within the next decade.

Suffice it to say, the apocalyptic predictions of the book never actually came to pass. However, the book was extremely influential with oligarchs back in the late 60s and early 70s.
Then the oligarchs are retarded for falling to a bunch of loons making loon claims about areas they should know as oligarchs, like logistics, demographics, agro-economics, industry, which puts a big question sign over whether they could pull off half the conspiracies they are accused off without hilarious failure.
Considering the other retarded things they do, not implausible. Bunch of old farts who think they know more outside their areas of expertise than they do.
The same year the book came out, David Rockefeller, Alexander King, and Aurelio Peccei started the Club of Rome, who, in turn, commissioned the Limits to Growth report and the MIT World3 study, which used a computer model to predict economic and population collapse due to resource depletion. In short, their argument was that mankind was exceeding the carrying capacity of the planet and would soon face disaster as a result.
Ah yes, computer models the XXI century replacement for fortune tellers. Give me a result you want, and i will write you a computer model that agrees with it.
If it's not a highly testable area like physics experiments, there's no way to tell for sure if the model is accurate or not until many, many similar experiments are done.

The Club of Rome were, of course, yet another group of very wealthy Neo-Malthusian doomsayers claiming that poor plebeians were reproductively incontinent and breeding like locusts, but they knew how unpopular it would be if they just went around telling people, to their faces, "You're too poor and stupid to be allowed conceive children; keep your legs together and cease your wanton fucking immediately you stupid, baby-making, pestilential poors and stop spoiling our planet, or we'll have you spayed and neutered like dogs".

Obviously, they couldn't say that, even if it was how they truly felt about the matter, and even if they are a bunch of malevolent psychopaths who happen have a rancorous hatred for the rest of us. So, they did the next best thing. They pushed women into the workforce, separating them from their husbands and homes and making it difficult for them to care for children. This had three advantages for the uber-rich.

One, it meant that women were now working and paying taxes, which meant that the labor pool was immediately doubled and thus diluted. Its effect on the job market was like instantly importing a hundred million immigrants. Households in America would go from having a single breadwinner to being dual-income and still making roughly the same amount of money with two adults working full-time jobs.

Two, it reduced fertility by a significant amount. It's hard to work a full-time job and juggle being pregnant and caring for a baby, and it's also hard to afford a babysitter if you're living paycheck-to-paycheck.

Three, it turned what few children were being born into effective wards of the state, which meant they could be brainwashed at a younger and younger age with progressive bullshit.

They also promoted the use of birth control, among various other measures to try and combat human fertility in developed Western nations. Ever read the Jaffe Memo? You can't find this website in a Google search. You have to use Yandex, because Google censors wrongthink search results.

Charming, isn't it?

For years and years, nobody really cared about Davos, or the so-called "Davos Man". They just thought it was some kind of silly Bilderberg Group or Bohemian Grove-style retreat for the rich and powerful, and they didn't give it much thought.

The WEF are practically an offshoot of the Club of Rome, led by Klaus Schwab, a Henry Kissinger acolyte. Kissinger was also involved in depopulation fuckery. Remember the Kissinger Report?

You might call the WEF the public face of the Club of Rome and its depop/degrowth agenda. They regularly host the Club of Rome at their events. This is where a lot of the UN SDG 2030 stuff comes from, as well. Fifty years later, it's the same exact people pushing the same exact message.

Who attends the WEF? We have lists. We know who these people are. They're some of the wealthiest and most powerful people on the planet.

They attend the WEF specifically to listen and nod along to guys saying self-absorbed TEDTalk bullshit like this:

“Oh no, we used up all of the world’s natural resources on consumerism mania! How do we get the plebs to keep paying us as usual if we restrict them to consumer good quotas for the sake of the planet?”

“I know! We’ll just get rid of any opportunities for them to obtain real wealth and have them suck our servitization teat forever!”

I told people this would happen. Ten to twelve years ago, hardly a day went by on SB that I wasn’t sparring with Gamesguy about finance and the economy, and the coming degrowth-mania.

I am sick to death of trying to explain the problem to people and having them react with thick-skulled rhetoric.

Let's make it clear. Malthusianism and their modern variations are bullshit. Anyone who believes them is dumb, crazy, lying, or some combination of the above.
One thing we know for sure is that an incredible amount of scams big and small can be hidden under the cover of pursuing the green agenda, for people and businesses that would never get such in basic economics, and also by nature of the stupidity of it, it benefits all countries not pursuing it...
So there you go, you know who and why does it.
The problem is the money. The money itself. People don’t understand how fractional reserve lending and quantitative easing work. They’re basically a form of legalized counterfeiting. Our governments essentially let banks issue as much currency as they want. It’s an unfair tax. It pulls money right out of the value of our savings, right out of the value of every dollar bill under the mattress.

When you tell people, hey, maybe we should have calculation-in-kind and abolish money, they say that’s crazy commie stuff.
That is in fact crazy commie stuff.
When you tell people, hey, maybe we should have sound money based on something like a gold standard, they say that’s lolbertarian delusion, and there’s no way a gold standard could keep up with the money supply requirements of modern markets.
Yes it is would be hobbling a modern market to do that. Some may want to make that sacrifice, but good luck getting overwhelming support for that. It was a thing and is doable if one really wants to, but you don't have my vote.
Well, what the fuck are our markets doing with that huge supply of fiat money? They’re making money with money. They’re multiplying it out of nothing using phony paper-shuffling financial instruments and convincing new investors to buy in, like a giant Ponzi scheme.

This process of accumulation of unearned increase eventually allows the oligarch con artists who run our banking industry to lay claim to vast tracts of real wealth, converting their counterfeit bills into actual land and resources. How is that fair to people who toil endlessly for a wage, and then get squeezed out of property ownership by rising costs as their currency is inflated into worthlessness?

I distinctly remember, back in the mid-2010s, before anyone was talking about Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street, I mentioned on SB how these companies own huge stakes in everything, and people brushed it off by saying, “That’s expected and normal, those are people’s retirements, stop getting worked up over nothing”.

As if that makes it any better! That’s actually substantially worse! Our government lets putrid cunts like Larry Fink play around in our deferred compensation funds like a McDonald’s ball pit!

The real problem is that such large organizations that are providing the service of profitably investing other people's money for them (as you call it, making money with money) are being little fucks and are using the money for playing political and ideological games that many of their investors would not approve of if they knew and had much choice in the market, against their fiduciary responsibility to handle that money in the most financially optimal manner, no it doesn't matter if it's a green investment, only one kind of green should matter to them and it's not that one, if you want to care go work in a NGO not Blackrock. But no, they are allowed to work in Blackrock, and then play insider politics with their fellow travelers in NGOs. People should be getting sued for this. Maybe it will how that whole scam falls in the end. It's a giant pile of hard to prosecute gray area financial crime.
When these people want a war in the Middle East, they call up George Soros and have him send his buddy and WEF Young Global Leader Srdja Popovic millions of dollars to start a riot with people waving commie fist signs in some third-world shithole until the El Presidentes tell their troops to start shooting, at which point our leaders will come up with any excuse they need to start dropping JDAMs.

Meanwhile, as these oligarch cunts run off with all our money and property and slowly build a digital prison around us, the Left and Right are stuck in a culture war over irrelevant bullshit like the necklines of characters on comic book covers.

Excuse me if I’m deeply skeptical of John Bolton-esque calls to defend this gut-wrenchingly disgusting system with my life.
Ask John Bolton what he thinks of degrowth, net zero and neomalthusians...
He sure doesn't want to be in the same camp with the people who want to ban cars and degrow western economies, to say it lightly.
That's what i refer to when i say that there are in fact different factions among the elites. If you want to just doom and hate on all of them, sure, you can insist they all agree on such policies, but it simply isn't the case, and it's impossible to play the global political games without having at least this minimal resolution in noticing what camps are there, nevermind competing in the political arena with them.

Culture war is stuck with us as long as there are cultural marxists waging it in the name of making a cultural revolution. It's a very visible tip of the iceberg, but it's absolutely not irrelevant to what's beneath, like the green agenda, socialist policies and their economic fallout, unraveling of western social norms, mass migration and so on.

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