The Americas Justin Trudeau apologises for 'racist' brownface photo

So I saw something quite funny related to this:

It would be far too complicated. Plus it just opens up the USA to precedent, and ruins the closest diplomatic relation they have. And would annoy many of their own allies, even make Mexico worried.

And I should amend my previous statement to, the USA is not stupid. Plus, there are internal factors, I doubt that the democrats would want another red state.

State of Alberta is cute in theory but opens so many cans of worms it’s absurd to bring up at all. However an independent Alberta could at least in principle do so while remaining loyal to the Queen, and thus it cannot be called secession.
State of Alberta is cute in theory but opens so many cans of worms it’s absurd to bring up at all. However an independent Alberta could at least in principle do so while remaining loyal to the Queen, and thus it cannot be called secession.
We used to rib him pretty bad about conquest of Canada. It's just nationalist mouthing though. No way we should be taking Canada.
I can buy delicious maple syrup by the gallon in New Hampshire which has an American flag on the jug, we don’t need your French speaking drug cartel.
Merica :giggle: (not ironically either.)
That would just ensure left dominance of all of us. And would subject you to Quebec, and since you don't need the maple syrup, it won't be worth it.
True I was just kidding anyway. The US has our little brothers back. Hopefully that never changes.
I can buy delicious maple syrup by the gallon in New Hampshire which has an American flag on the jug, we don’t need your French speaking drug cartel.

That is exactly what I am thinking of. You got your supplier, we got ours.

No there was a very clear agreement between us and Canada.

We agreed to keep Justin beaver for you and you guys agreed to keep quebec, you are not breaking the deal man.

Too bad you couldn't have taken Trudeau, I am sure he'd fit right in when introduced to Hollywood. USA would have another bland and useless star, and Canada would be saved an idiot in power. Win-win.
Oh boy the Golden Boy of liberalism and tolerance doesn't turn out to be such a Golden Boy after all.

This will be swept under the rug and not be a threat, it doesn’t matter if he’s even got sex allegations against him or that he follows their rules, he’s got the right politics and this stuff was how long ago?
This will be swept under the rug and not be a threat, it doesn’t matter if he’s even got sex allegations against him or that he follows their rules, he’s got the right politics and this stuff was how long ago?

I am not so sure, the NDP and Conservatives are not (nor do I think the Greens) going to let him live this down. Far too many people are pissed at him for one reason or another.
Stuff like yelling at an old woman and flatout telling her that he's working to replace the canadian people with muslims. No wonder more and more people hate him and his ideology.

And really his gaffes in general also tend to anger everyone. Manages to find a way to piss off the right for being an SJW idiot, and then manages to piss off the left for either that, or for being bad at being an SJW.

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