Election 2020 Hillary Clinton promotes theory Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian Agent.

The important part is that Hillary did say Tulsi was a Russian asset outright. At best it would seem that technically she could be groomed by republicans, because they russians don't need to since they already own her.

It's nice how ow everyone focused on that fairly irrelevant detail, when the 'rusian asset' bit is what's actually important.
The important part is that Hillary did say Tulsi was a Russian asset outright. At best it would seem that technically she could be groomed by republicans, because they russians don't need to since they already own her.

It's nice how ow everyone focused on that fairly irrelevant detail, when the 'rusian asset' bit is what's actually important.

It is quite ironic that she calls other people assets and the such, when she has sold herself to more foreign interests than a Vietnamese hooker.
Let's not forget one of her organizations sold radioactive material to Russia.

I would call it a case of the pot calling the kettle black, however I cannot see any metaphorical soot on the metaphorical kettle for that to be the case... Maybe there is another idiom that would better describe this, since both the kettle and pot are blackened to different degrees by the fire.

Or maybe this is a case. The heavily blackened pot of Hillary, calling the far less soot-laden Kettle as Black. That is to say, that it would probably be impossible for there to be no foreign influence on a politician given that we are not all spherical cows in a vacuum.
Oh boy, the moment I realised that his introduction as sultan means that Peter Capaldi will be reading the Letter of the Zaporozian Cossacks. I would love to hear the BRIAN BLESSED version as well.
Let's not forget one of her organizations sold radioactive material to Russia.
Not only this, but in the 1990’s the Clinton administration shared high level missile technology with Communist China while simultaneously receiving contributions from China. The Clintons are traitors of the highest magnitude. In a way, their treason was even more disturbing than the Rosenburgs’ because not only was Bill Clinton leader of our nation but the Clintons got away with that treason despite it being known by knowledgeable people. The Clintons also gave China most favored nation trading status.

Combine those policies in large part allows China to become a rival super power and maybe eventually eclipse us.

Even if every accusation against Trump is accurate, his crimes would be nothing compared to that of the Clintons. The idea of Hillary Clinton accusing Tulsi Gabbard of anything is beyond hilarious, or would be if it wasn’t so sad that the Clintons have gotten away with so much.
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It is crazy "He is not a part of our Cult behavior" If you go against the lefties on Whitehall. You are either, Hitler, A Russian pawn, A Russian Agent, a Homophobe (Even if Gay) a Nazi and a Race Traitor. Sometimes all of the above.
I just stumbled upon a Muslims for Trump video. What political traitor term is reserved for them?

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