United States George Floyd Protests, Reactions and Riots

Eventually, we're going to get to the point where fear and self-restraint are no longer going to be enough to suppress the backlash that I feel became inevitable years ago. What I'm afraid of is that, the longer it takes to get to that point, the worse the backlash is going to get, and the longer it will last. Worst case scenario; well, I don't think I need to describe what happens when righteous indignation and a desire for revenge grows unchecked.

In short; just like the German Communists of the Weimar Republic, I fear the regressive left may end up setting the stage for an even worse monster to seize power.

I don’t think you’ll get a rise of NeoNazi’s

If anything ANTIFA & BLM have pissed off a number of people who aren’t even their hated target demographics

Black Republicans for example, will probably find themselves disowned or self-disown themselves from those “communities” on the basis of having lost so much and yet no one will admit where the blame lies because “snitches get stitches”

And East Asians like South Koreans and people who’ve fled from actual Communist States like the Cubans have before, been targeted and given a bunch of new “requirements” in order to show “solidarity” with them

Hell, New York’s Jewish population has probably come to realize that the Dems don’t care about them as much as they love Muslims

LGBT have also been attacked by those “protestors” and yet the latter aren’t being condemned for homophobia and transphobia

The Armed Forces and Police who’ve been sent to those cities have been forced to allow themselves to be blinded, crippled and attacked and demeaned

If anything, “the Right” will be ironically VERY fucking diverse in demographics but all have in common a sheer hatred for Far Left Identity Politics being used as a shield to bash people
They're already being extorted by the BLM mafia.

Yeah, I was referring to that, who gave them the idea to target the Cubans? Were there any previous altercations?

Probably; but I'm not worried about them. I'm worried about something entirely new showing up, something we won't know is dangerous to let close to power until it is too late.

At worst I'm sort of expecting a knee-jerk reaction to anything SJW-related alongside a constant feeling of resentment towards many celebrities, businessmen, politicians and even people from other states
Aren’t Insurance Companies something even Hollywood movies noted to be rather suspect in terms of trustability?

Maybe Health Insurance companies.

Everytime I had to deal with car or company or house or whatever insurance it's been super "easy" so to speak. It's like they handle everyday claims and crap like this all the time. The usual problem is dealing with all of the bureaucracy and bullshit surrounding whatever it going on your making a claim against.

The main drawback of insurance is that it's not a salve that'll allow you to recover immediately. Policies usually have maximum claims. And even if they don't have maximum claims, they're just cutting checks for you for the most part. They can pay for what's lost and what's spent, but it still costs more money and time to rebuild and re-establish yourself and no insurance is going to pay for ephermal intangibles like that.
Maybe Health Insurance companies.

Everytime I had to deal with car or company or house or whatever insurance it's been super "easy" so to speak. It's like they handle everyday claims and crap like this all the time. The usual problem is dealing with all of the bureaucracy and bullshit surrounding whatever it going on your making a claim against.

The main drawback of insurance is that it's not a salve that'll allow you to recover immediately. Policies usually have maximum claims. And even if they don't have maximum claims, they're just cutting checks for you for the most part. They can pay for what's lost and what's spent, but it still costs more money and time to rebuild and re-establish yourself and no insurance is going to pay for ephermal intangibles like that.

I think even all those insurance companies don’t have the money to deal with all those sudden damages which before were rather unlikely or even likely to occur at such a short amount of time

And even if the insurance companies pay for it, they can’t stop things like the value of surrounding land getting worse when it becomes known to be a dangerous area to even be in, much less work in/near

Nor will the money needed to repair or replace something be as before, it may go up due to other people needing more cash and being not-so-able to provide their services at the usual expense or being far away to provide it

Those cities will run out of the upper class, the middle class and the ACTUAL working class as it’s just not safe to be there let alone economically viable
Probably; but I'm not worried about them. I'm worried about something entirely new showing up, something we won't know is dangerous to let close to power until it is too late.
Neo-nazi's won't be the ones doing it.

Mormons, however...

Oh thank goodness. For a second I thought my city was having budgetary issues. Turns out they don't. Lets dump that hundred K on a nice statue for a man whose most notable accomplishment was being 3rd degree murdered by a cop. :sneaky:
The guy who was beaten is in the hospital. His sister set up a CoFundMe that got almost 50k already in donations to help him.

Remember: These people want you dead, your children raped and brainwashed and they think it's funny.

Oh thank goodness. For a second I thought my city was having budgetary issues. Turns out they don't. Lets dump that hundred K on a nice statue for a man whose most notable accomplishment was being 3rd degree murdered by a cop. :sneaky:
Wasn't that retired black.cop captain from there? Or was that the neighboring city? Or am I in the wrong state?
Anyway, you should start a lawsuit if he is, and tell them of they are putting up a statue of a man who put a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach while his friends robbed her, and was high as fjck when he died on Fentynal... then why can't a retired cop that worked his ass off to try and make the community better, and died because the coty let the riots run rampant.

Social divide is happening. You never loved me I hate you dad!

Pretty plz give up your pea shooters. Pay no mind to the looters outside your door and criminals who don't care about our polite requests. The police will handle it despite how calls to get rid of them are happening.
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