United States George Floyd Protests, Reactions and Riots

Maybe if fewer ethno-nationalists and white supremacists (of both the open and closed variety) stained our nation with thier presense, black people wouldn't feel they need to go to these lengths to be heard and media wouldn't be doing this.

All these problems right now come down to one issue; white supremacists are still a cancer on our nation, even if we thought we were in remission. White supremacists make life difficult for non-racist/non-ethno-nationalist white people and minorities; never forget the KKK hated Catholics as much as blacks. People wonder why folks want Condeferate and slavery reminders in the south moved to museums, instead of left in the open; it's not that hard to figure out why things like that appeal as ways to show change.
Bacle, there aren’t enough white supremacists to fill a football stadium.

You’ve bought the lie that this nation is overrun with Neo Nazis.

It’s not true. And never has been true.

There was no movement to get rid of confederate monuments until after Dylan Roof, the black population in the south didn’t care. Neither did just about everyone else.

I’m sorry to say but you’ve bought SPLC propaganda hook, line, and sinker.
I'm not saying that you absolutely must disengage with this person. I'm asking you whether you think this person definitely represents the average American.

This is what I think. In the Western world (we'll leave third world countries aside, because rampant racism on all sides is an everyday phenomenon in most of these places, due to various cultural factors) most people are not racist and just want to get along. The average person (again, in the west) just wants to live his live and will honestly not mind contact with a person from a different race, whether a conversation, friendship, "even" romantic entanglement. Now, we ARE influenced by all sorts of prejudice. Personally, I don't believe on an instinctual level, that there's one person on this Earth that is 100% free of prejudice of some sort, toward some kind of broad group. One single negative experience, even a secondhand one, is enough to form some sort of prejudice against a broad group that includes the person relevant to that experience. That's just how the human mind works (yes, even the vaunted progressive intersectional mind). If somebody was bullied by a black person, then he develops at least a modicum of resentment (racism) against black people. If someone got screwed over by a Jewish banker on a loan, he would develop at least a modicum of prejudice against Jews. If someone was beaten unjustly by a cop, he would develop prejudice against cops. It's human nature that I don't think any person is exempt from. Certainly not myself, I've said my share of racist shit that I've regretted after the fact in my life. The question is whether a person is aware of these prejudices, and understands that he must work to reject them and that they're not actual reality, or does he embrace them and builds an entire racist ideology around them (Nazism, BLM).

I don't know anything about the person you're talking about and your relationship with him, so please don't take my questions the wrong way. I'm NOT trying to dismiss or minimize his errors and atrocities. I still want to ask: how racist is he? Would he, for example, support revoking voting rights for black people? Does he believe black people are inherently inferior? I understand that he told inappropriate racist jokes at the very least, but does it mean he's through and through racist, or was he being an asshole and is not proud of what he said in hindsight? Again, I'm not trying to minimize what he said, ideally nobody would demean anyone because of race, gender or sexual orientation. My question is essentially this: do you honestly think his sort of racism, if we assume that most Americans are like him, is an issue that justifies the existence of Black Lives Matter, justifies calling ALL white people scumbag racists, justifies the rampant rioting going on today, justifies affirmative action, justifies demanding reparations for the sins of great-grandparents? It's an honest question, even though yes, I'm aware it probably comes off as leading. I believe that the answer should be "no", but I genuinely open for changing my mind on this issue.

In my ideal society, skin color should be treated like hair or eye color. Just a random thing that's there, nothing more. If a person has a racist outburst or emotion some time, if they apologize and never actually act on it, they should be forgiven. Any ideology that demonizes people based on race should be crushed mercilessly in this world, because it threatens peace and coexistence (this includes black supremacism too).

These are my thoughts and beliefs, for better or worst. Maybe I'm also a racist, I don't know. I'm just trying my best here.
I do not think the average person in the US is racist, that we agree on.

I the person I'm deal with is...I don't know anymore. He did more than just tell a racist joke, according ng to his son. When you would have a problem with your child marrying someone because of skin color, that seems rather racist to me.

He was an attorney for the city, plus being part of the local GOP state level party, so he's not in an inconsequential position and has connections with the old Bush-era neo-cons.

So the people who say hidden racists are in positions of power and hidden among otherwise upstanding members of the GOP aren't wrong.
Bacle, there aren’t enough white supremacists to fill a football stadium.

You’ve bought the lie that this nation is overrun with Neo Nazis.

It’s not true. And never has been true.

There was no movement to get rid of confederate monuments until after Dylan Roof, the black population in the south didn’t care. Neither did just about everyone else.

I’m sorry to say but you’ve bought SPLC propaganda hook, line, and sinker.
Or maybe the local blacks are fed up with the presense of these monuments/items, and now have the power to do something about it?

Have you considered you don't need to be Leftist to dislike Confederate monuments in public places? If they are placed in a dedicated museum, that's fine, but we don't need to give the symbols of traitors the light of day.
I do not think the average person in the US is racist, that we agree on.

I the person I'm deal with is...I don't know anymore. He did more than just tell a racist joke, according ng to his son. When you would have a problem with your child marrying someone because of skin color, that seems rather racist to me.

He was an attorney for the city, plus being part of the local GOP state level party, so he's not in an inconsequential position and has connections with the old Bush-era neo-cons.

So the people who say hidden racists are in positions of power and hidden among otherwise upstanding members of the GOP aren't wrong.
Or maybe the local blacks are fed up with the presense of these monuments/items, and now have the power to do something about it?

Have you considered you don't need to be Leftist to dislike Confederate monuments in public places? If they are placed in a dedicated museum, that's fine, but we don't need to give the symbols of traitors the light of day.
As a southerner I have very different feelings about that, and I’m just gonna leave this line of discussion there.
I do not think the average person in the US is racist, that we agree on.

I the person I'm deal with is...I don't know anymore. He did more than just tell a racist joke, according ng to his son. When you would have a problem with your child marrying someone because of skin color, that seems rather racist to me.

He was an attorney for the city, plus being part of the local GOP state level party, so he's not in an inconsequential position and has connections with the old Bush-era neo-cons.

So the people who say hidden racists are in positions of power and hidden among otherwise upstanding members of the GOP aren't wrong.
Or maybe the link call blacks are fed up with the presense of these monuments/items, and now have the power to do something about it?

Have you considered you don't need to be Leftist to dislike Confederate monuments in public places? If they are placed in a dedicated museum, that's fine, but we don't need to give the symbols of traitors the light of day.
Maybe. It's possible. Or maybe your anecdotal example is an anomaly. I don't know. I feel as if the general culture and collective belief of the American People (and Western Civilization in general, if there is such a thing) is overwhelmingly anti-racist, but that does not preclude some racist individuals existing here and there, some even in a position of power. I'm still not convinced that's on the level of a "national racism epidemic" so to speak.

For comparison with a non-Western nation, if you know any Russians, ask them what a common Russian thinks about black people. Ask them what "chernojopie" (черножопые) means, and how common this expression is in Russia.
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I have lived next to one for over twenty years, without knowing it, and only know now because he thought me becoming more conservative meant I shared his ideals.

His son told me that his sister dating a black man would have never flown, and 'Why is white rice the best rice? Because it's white.' has come directly out of his mouth. He has an obsession with Nordic/Estonian/Lithuanian pride, graduated in the same Yale class as Dubya, and is part of the CO GOP elections organization.
That's supposed to be the great evil racism? If so, it's laughable. This is just dumb and boring attempt at edgy humor,10 year old grade, which translates to a big pile of fail. No one likes those. And if it was serious, then it's just simply an even greater level of idiocy. News at eleven, educated people aren't necessarily smart, not these days.
So I'm done being civil with anyone I have good reason to believe is another racist or ethno-nationalist, and do think it is a bigger problem than many here want to believe.
Don't be part of the problem. Not being civil just means being active part of the free-for-all of all sorts of political radicals yelling empty slogans at each other. Won't fix any problem, but damn it will get you to feel good about yourself and the others pissed off at you.

I stand corrected; I apologize for making assumptions. Still, I firmly contend that the "self imposed guilt" you describe? Is rooted in racism; specifically, benevolent racism. Basically it's the idea that white people have a duty to other races, because we're better than them, as we have "white privilege".
That brings up an interesting issue, the modern use of the term "racism" tends to conflate 3 rather different attitudes with different goals often different motivations.
1.Benevolent racism, white man's burden, inter-group altruism, extended humanitarianism - "you have a duty to uplift groups that do worse/groups that do better have a duty to uplift you, failure in that duty is a righteous cause for anger and even violence".
2. Isolationism, uncaring racism, self-detarminationism - "we live here, you live there, we don't give a damn what happens over there as long as it stays over there, and we insist that over here is run according to our rules and our rules alone".
3. Supremacism - "our race/religion/culture is so great that everyone else shall submit to its rule and whim whether they like it or not".

Group 3 is everyone's favorite strawman for "racism", and is seen as the source of all ills of the world by group 1, even though it's very rare in western societies. The most obvious real world example of group 3 are islamist movements.
Group 1 is popular among the left, especially if camouflaged in the right terminology.
Most people who get called racists are actually some variation of group 2, but usually get aggressively accused of belonging to group 3.
Often unfairly, but it gets complicated when you throw in multicultural/multiracial countries, with the inherent conflict about who's rule exactly should apply "over here".

Which brings up yet another problem - the internet dialogue over this stuff getting unnecessarily mixed up between very different historical and political situations.
The example here being Pakistani minority in UK vs Afro-Americans in USA.
The latter have a few hundred years of shared history, depending on subgroup share the same or at least similar and created during these few hundred years of shared history culture. Many of them do identify as Americans, black nationalists are more of an extreme and like them or not, should be given exactly as much approval as white nationalists.
This exception aside, they don't have any particularly intolerable and unavoidable political ambitions, international connections to interfere with them or the other way around over their compatriots (as in no other country or people to particularly care about or be loyal to), and in general it should be American's business how to get along with their somewhat ethno-culturally different compatriots.

Pakistanis, on the other hand, are Pakistanis. A lot of them want to live more according to the ways of Pakistan than England, and demand that England doesn't get in the way. A lot of the problems with them are tied to religious incompatibility - a lot of Pakistanis care far more about members of the Ummah (community of Muslims) in distant places of the world than about the English infidel supposed compatriots, and in fact would wish special considerations over those. After all, in their homeland, they get all that.
They also have a specific foreign and not exactly nice country that they often maintain various kinds of ties with.

There is no reason to consider these two troubled relationship in the same way without taking these major differences into account. Trying to do so just leads to talking past each other while both sides continue to think the other is out of their mind.

Also an interesting video on what seems to be a not so popular position, coming from someone who can represent it really well:

TL;DW if you want a lot less incidents by cops, give them officer leadership\supervision in the field.
Or in other words, it's a competence and funding problem, and that's one of ways to address it.

Of course that's absolutely incompatible with left wing ideology, and also practicalities of democrat cities that have plenty of crime and don't want to spend much on policing.
They would need a lot of officers, and officers cost a lot of money...
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I do not think the average person in the US is racist, that we agree on.

I the person I'm deal with is...I don't know anymore. He did more than just tell a racist joke, according ng to his son. When you would have a problem with your child marrying someone because of skin color, that seems rather racist to me.

He was an attorney for the city, plus being part of the local GOP state level party, so he's not in an inconsequential position and has connections with the old Bush-era neo-cons.

So the people who say hidden racists are in positions of power and hidden among otherwise upstanding members of the GOP aren't wrong.
Or maybe the local blacks are fed up with the presense of these monuments/items, and now have the power to do something about it?
This sadly is true. Take for instance my name. My name is a very English sounding name. So much so it confused British people overseas when I told them my name. So when I go to some state offices and the receptionist tells them I am there for an appointment. And the person comes out. He does not immediately look at me. Because what Black Guy nowadays has a Proper English name. So they be looking around until the receptionist points at me. The quick look of shock is well quite sad. But it is what it is.
Maybe. It's possible. Or maybe your anecdotal example is an anomaly. I don't know. I feel as if the general culture and collective belief of the American People (and Western Civilization in general, if there is such a thing) is overwhelmingly anti-racist, but that does not preclude some racist individuals existing here and there, some even in a position of power. I'm still not convinced that's on the level of a "national racism epidemic" so to speak.

For comparison with a non-Western nation, if you know any Russians, ask them what a common Russian thinks about black people. Ask them what "chernojopie" (черножопые) means, and how common this expression is in Russia.
I think the issue is, America is rather exception in it's rejection of ethno-nationalism in it's founding concepts.

Places in the old world, where cultures have continued roots going back thousands of years, are very different social beasts when it comes to race and ethnicity. If a Pole wants to brag about being Polish, I'm not going to raise a fuss, but when you have an issue with people marrying outside your race...it's rather hard to justify that.
Maybe. It's possible. Or maybe your anecdotal example is an anomaly. I don't know. I feel as if the general culture and collective belief of the American People (and Western Civilization in general, if there is such a thing) is overwhelmingly anti-racist, but that does not preclude some racist individuals existing here and there, some even in a position of power. I'm still not convinced that's on the level of a "national racism epidemic" so to speak.

For comparison with a non-Western nation, if you know any Russians, ask them what a common Russian thinks about black people. Ask them what "chernojopie" (черножопые) means, and how common this expression is in Russia.
That’s nothing take a look at china, this is what racism looks like.

TL;DW if you want a lot less incidents by cops, give them officer leadership\supervision in the field.
Or in other words, it's a competence and funding problem, and that's one of ways to address it.
There is something of a massive and unjustified gap in logic herein on both sides of the aisle where the libertarian/radical-right 'starve the beast' idea is applied from the leftward perspective to police departments as a 'solution' whereas it invites horror, pushback, and mass resistance when applied to politicans, teachers, or almost any other government profession where a very popular line is that higher salaries and better benefits attract better candidates who better fill the positions (and act as intrinsic barriers to corruption and malfeasance--because bribery or power-seeking behavior is less common if one is being well-rewarded for their labor). While Republicans like Guiliani seem to adopt it...but only for police and then they tend towards 'starve the beast' mentality in other arenas.

Can't even say with certainty who I side with more, though probably at this point the 'starve the beast' principle on a scale that LEO complaints don't typically get extended to--IE national forces like the FBI, DEA, and other agencies ICE of whom only really sees any similar 'popular' call--even if I think it comes with a host of negative effects. But the point being that there seems to be a mutual blindness on this matter in both parties--leftward-leaning Democrats blame PDs and go for 'abolish the police!', right-Republicans blame local governments but are much quieter on police unions as compared to teachers unions.
*shrug* I dunnow. Seemed something worthy of note.

Places in the old world, where cultures have continued roots going back thousands of years, are very different social beasts when it comes to race and ethnicity. If a Pole wants to brag about being Polish, I'm not going to raise a fuss, but when you have an issue with people marrying outside your race...it's rather hard to justify that.
I think it's worth noting that discomfort with marriage outside of one's own race is probably more common than polling would suggest, more universal (IE, blacks and other minority races hold such attitudes at comparable levels to whites), and comfort with the prospect probably trends alongside demographics where common interaction between races can occur (so I'd actually expect Southern whites to be more comfortable with it than a Yankee who grew up somewhere with two black people in the town of 50,000 or what-have-you).
I have no way of proving this, of course. To match anecdote with anecdote, though, marrying a non-Native was some Serious no-no that was passed along to myself growing up in 'Indian Country'...Alongside casual anti-white and anti-black racism. So...It's a very general problem.
I think it's worth noting that discomfort with marriage outside of one's own race is probably more common than polling would suggest, more universal (IE, blacks and other minority races hold such attitudes at comparable levels to whites), and comfort with the prospect probably trends alongside demographics where common interaction between races can occur (so I'd actually expect Southern whites to be more comfortable with it than a Yankee who grew up somewhere with two black people in the town of 50,000 or what-have-you).
I have no way of proving this, of course. To match anecdote with anecdote, though, marrying a non-Native was some Serious no-no that was passed along to myself growing up in 'Indian Country'...Alongside casual anti-white and anti-black racism. So...It's a very general problem.
I can understand it a bit from Native Americans.

Between blood quantum qualifications for tribal checks, and the simple fact so few are left of any level of blood, means this shit actually is of serious import on reservations and in areas around them.

But the Native Americans are about the only groups in the US who can skate on ethno-nationalism.
Maybe if fewer ethno-nationalists and white supremacists (of both the open and closed variety) stained our nation with thier presense, black people wouldn't feel they need to go to these lengths to be heard and media wouldn't be doing this.

All these problems right now come down to one issue; white supremacists are still a cancer on our nation, even if we thought we were in remission. White supremacists make life difficult for non-racist/non-ethno-nationalist white people and minorities; never forget the KKK hated Catholics as much as blacks. People wonder why folks want Condeferate and slavery reminders in the south moved to museums, instead of left in the open; it's not that hard to figure out why things like that appeal as ways to show change.
Lol no. You are being too naive. These people who are making these statements would hate on white people regardless of the presence of white supremacists. They hate white people and want them gone. You have two veins of thought here. You have the ones who are doing the more successful plan of getting white people to either kill themselves, have no children or said children go trans and hopefully have no children themselves.

Then you have the 2nd vein that can't wait for the 1st vein to win cause it will take too long. They want to kill white people now. They want the white people to abase themselves before them now.

Whats funny is that if the 2nd vein would shut the hell up. The 1st vein would likely have continued on without anyone being the wiser and win utterly.
There is something of a massive and unjustified gap in logic herein on both sides of the aisle where the libertarian/radical-right 'starve the beast' idea is applied from the leftward perspective to police departments as a 'solution' whereas it invites horror, pushback, and mass resistance when applied to politicans, teachers, or almost any other government profession where a very popular line is that higher salaries and better benefits attract better candidates who better fill the positions (and act as intrinsic barriers to corruption and malfeasance--because bribery or power-seeking behavior is less common if one is being well-rewarded for their labor). While Republicans like Guiliani seem to adopt it...but only for police and then they tend towards 'starve the beast' mentality in other arenas.

Can't even say with certainty who I side with more, though probably at this point the 'starve the beast' principle on a scale that LEO complaints don't typically get extended to--IE national forces like the FBI, DEA, and other agencies ICE of whom only really sees any similar 'popular' call--even if I think it comes with a host of negative effects. But the point being that there seems to be a mutual blindness on this matter in both parties--leftward-leaning Democrats blame PDs and go for 'abolish the police!', right-Republicans blame local governments but are much quieter on police unions as compared to teachers unions.
*shrug* I dunnow. Seemed something worthy of note.
Is it really? In case of police and other enforcement agencies similar factors apply - they have a lot of power over everyone, and being under this power is not optional. You don't get to choose whether a cheap or expensive police squad will be arresting you.
With some of the other government professions, Republicans at least leave themselves some more or less decent exits. They do support private schooling and even homeschooling for those who don't like the quality of public school teachers, and are openly willing to vote for independently rich politicians aswell - someone like Trump or Bloomberg won't care a bit whether you pay him 1 million or 5 million a year. At that level the perks and publicity of the job often exceed any reasonable pay anyway.

Police unions probably do have similar problems to other public sector unions, but then again, a lot more contention about them from various directions for them to hide among.

ICE is a bit of a different case, as even though it is an enforcement agency, in theory its main target group to interact with are not voting, taxpaying citizens, so that inherently means somewhat less of a reason to care about "interaction comforts" with that agency for the voters.
So I live right outside DC in MD. I can look out my window from the sixteenth floor and see the boarder. Anyways, I got in line for the elevator to get up to my apartment, due to the virus everyone only goes one at a time (or in their group) and wears facemasks. Anyways there was a middle aged white woman in front of me. A young (20ish) black man showed up and she let him go in front. It was just me and that woman waiting.

Now normally I am a live and let live kind of guy, but line cutting like that pisses me off. They clearly didn't know each other otherwise the woman would have gone up with the man. I get he has black skin color, but how does that equate to cutting the line for the elevator??? Was I somehow oppressing his elevator privileges? I doubt it was all the black people in the leasing office and front desk. Were his slave ancestors stopped from taking the elevator and now he is able to cut in line? The fact he didn't decline the line cutting is also another mark against him.

If we want to look at ancestry, on my mom's side, thirteen generations back my relative fought for the North in the Civil War. Her dad's uncle did some huge research into their families ancestry and made an actual book. On my Dad's side I have middle eastern descent from Iran, so technically my skin could be called lightly colored. Shouldn't both of those combine and give me elevator line cutting privileges???

I am sure the black person was a nice guy who just didn't want to wait. I am sure the white lady was just trying to be nice. But I got screwed over in the process. To be fair it isn't the extra 2 minutes of waiting I had to do, but rather the principle of the thing. Perhaps I should have confronted her about the issue, but 2 minutes of waiting versus the drama that would unleash, just was not worth it in my mind.

Also the stupid elevator rules despite protests being allowed is also pissing me off big time. Like protesting racial injustice magically gives you virus immunity. /rolls eyes.

Then I got to thinking about how people can choose their gender. If people can choose their gender, why can't they choose their race to get line cutting privileges? I mean both are based on genetically inherited traits. So why can't people choose their race? That way we can all be black and all our lives matter then and we can all cut in line for the elevator.
So I live right outside DC in MD. I can look out my window from the sixteenth floor and see the boarder. Anyways, I got in line for the elevator to get up to my apartment, due to the virus everyone only goes one at a time (or in their group) and wears facemasks. Anyways there was a middle aged white woman in front of me. A young (20ish) black man showed up and she let him go in front. It was just me and that woman waiting.

Now normally I am a live and let live kind of guy, but line cutting like that pisses me off. They clearly didn't know each other otherwise the woman would have gone up with the man. I get he has black skin color, but how does that equate to cutting the line for the elevator??? Was I somehow oppressing his elevator privileges? I doubt it was all the black people in the leasing office and front desk. Were his slave ancestors stopped from taking the elevator and now he is able to cut in line? The fact he didn't decline the line cutting is also another mark against him.

If we want to look at ancestry, on my mom's side, thirteen generations back my relative fought for the North in the Civil War. Her dad's uncle did some huge research into their families ancestry and made an actual book. On my Dad's side I have middle eastern descent from Iran, so technically my skin could be called lightly colored. Shouldn't both of those combine and give me elevator line cutting privileges???

I am sure the black person was a nice guy who just didn't want to wait. I am sure the white lady was just trying to be nice. But I got screwed over in the process. To be fair it isn't the extra 2 minutes of waiting I had to do, but rather the principle of the thing. Perhaps I should have confronted her about the issue, but 2 minutes of waiting versus the drama that would unleash, just was not worth it in my mind.

Also the stupid elevator rules despite protests being allowed is also pissing me off big time. Like protesting racial injustice magically gives you virus immunity. /rolls eyes.

Then I got to thinking about how people can choose their gender. If people can choose their gender, why can't they choose their race to get line cutting privileges? I mean both are based on genetically inherited traits. So why can't people choose their race? That way we can all be black and all our lives matter then and we can all cut in line for the elevator.
I Think brains of the SJW's would short circuit if you suggested that to them lol
So I live right outside DC in MD. I can look out my window from the sixteenth floor and see the boarder. Anyways, I got in line for the elevator to get up to my apartment, due to the virus everyone only goes one at a time (or in their group) and wears facemasks. Anyways there was a middle aged white woman in front of me. A young (20ish) black man showed up and she let him go in front. It was just me and that woman waiting.

Now normally I am a live and let live kind of guy, but line cutting like that pisses me off. They clearly didn't know each other otherwise the woman would have gone up with the man. I get he has black skin color, but how does that equate to cutting the line for the elevator??? Was I somehow oppressing his elevator privileges? I doubt it was all the black people in the leasing office and front desk. Were his slave ancestors stopped from taking the elevator and now he is able to cut in line? The fact he didn't decline the line cutting is also another mark against him.

If we want to look at ancestry, on my mom's side, thirteen generations back my relative fought for the North in the Civil War. Her dad's uncle did some huge research into their families ancestry and made an actual book. On my Dad's side I have middle eastern descent from Iran, so technically my skin could be called lightly colored. Shouldn't both of those combine and give me elevator line cutting privileges???

I am sure the black person was a nice guy who just didn't want to wait. I am sure the white lady was just trying to be nice. But I got screwed over in the process. To be fair it isn't the extra 2 minutes of waiting I had to do, but rather the principle of the thing. Perhaps I should have confronted her about the issue, but 2 minutes of waiting versus the drama that would unleash, just was not worth it in my mind.

Also the stupid elevator rules despite protests being allowed is also pissing me off big time. Like protesting racial injustice magically gives you virus immunity. /rolls eyes.

Then I got to thinking about how people can choose their gender. If people can choose their gender, why can't they choose their race to get line cutting privileges? I mean both are based on genetically inherited traits. So why can't people choose their race? That way we can all be black and all our lives matter then and we can all cut in line for the elevator.
Why didnt you simply cut in front of her afterwards I would have, she let someone cut in front of you, I would do it anyway and if she protests tell her to piss off.

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