United States George Floyd Protests, Reactions and Riots

I have noticed over the past few days people in the Alt Right that are unhinged saying that they need to purge the Jews and the Blacks because this is a plot between the Jews and the Blacks to kill all whites. Normally I would write off these nuts. But when you have the same person show up in many different chat forums saying he is gonna kill some jews and blacks. I think at least a few of them are planning on doing some shootings. I hope one of the Alphabet agencies stop these nuts before something very bad happens.
On the right wing places i visit such idiots would be decried as glow-in-the-dark feds.

Can EVERYONE in this mess just leave the Jews alone for two goddamn minutes?
Nope, you people are the perfect scapegoats for everyone. It's why Theodore Herzl came up with idea of Zionism, because he understood that unless you completely lose your identity, you will always be the outsiders on whom the blame can be laid, no matter how integrated into society you are.

probably safe to say the latest anti-2nd Amendment push is dead in the water, at least for now. Or have I spoken too soon?
You spoke too soon, people have short attention span, 2A camp will get a few converts, but most people will forget their need for self defense within weeks and usual suspects will soon be harping about the need to get the guns out of the hands of evil white supremacists.

Will POL finally get their wish of a race war?
No, there will be occasional racial skirmishes, perhaps with greater frequency than before.


Fixed wrong quoting
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CNN's military experts are reporting it. Looks like Trump is going to start dropping the Nukes on major American cities in response to the protests. Is there anything he won't do when it comes to his self-aggrandizing policies? :cry:
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CNN's military experts are reporting it. Looks like Trump is going to start dropping the Nukes on major American cities in response to the protests.

Kind of unsurprising, these people were declaring imminent nuking since the day he was elected and there is more than enough fools to eat up this bullshit. Canned sunshine time, any day now. I wonder if those guys doing the Doomsday clock ritual will be setting the time at two minutes past midnight?
We should not be rooting for the Mexican Gangs they are just as bad if not worst than the Looters in other ways. Gangs kill a ton of people every year.
The enemy of my enemy is my ally of the moment. At the very least it will help fuel the disintegration of the Holy-Roman-Empire like confederation of disparate factions the democrats have built.
The enemy of my enemy is my ally of the moment. At the very least it will help fuel the disintegration of the Holy-Roman-Empire like confederation of disparate factions the democrats have built.

The democrats either win this election or self destruct and if they win it buys them at most just a couple more years before they self destruct, political realinments suck balls.
The enemy of my enemy is my ally of the moment. At the very least it will help fuel the disintegration of the Holy-Roman-Empire like confederation of disparate factions the democrats have built.

If pursuing such a strategy, one also has to ensure they don’t burn down their own Republic in the process...
The enemy of my enemy is my ally of the moment. At the very least it will help fuel the disintegration of the Holy-Roman-Empire like confederation of disparate factions the democrats have built.
I would prefer the Enemy of my Enemy is my Enemies Enemy. No more no less. Those gangs are vile and if you read the crime reports on them. You will want Trump to send the Army against them as well.
CNN's Van Jones says that the black community is tired of hearing empty promises of change and that they should be more worried about "the White Liberal Hillary Clinton supporter" than a white racist.

To the surprise of no one the racist blacks now claim the white liberals that love them so much are just as bad as Orange Man for not being even more subservient. Can I get a "Bruh" in the chat for everyone who saw this coming?
Huh, broken clock twice a day.
CNN's Van Jones says that the black community is tired of hearing empty promises of change and that they should be more worried about "the White Liberal Hillary Clinton supporter" than a white racist.

To the surprise of no one the racist blacks now claim the white liberals that love them so much are just as bad as Orange Man for not being even more subservient. Can I get a "Bruh" in the chat for everyone who saw this coming?
Everyone watch out the leftists are gonna be on suicide watch soon .
CNN's Van Jones says that the black community is tired of hearing empty promises of change and that they should be more worried about "the White Liberal Hillary Clinton supporter" than a white racist.

To the surprise of no one the racist blacks now claim the white liberals that love them so much are just as bad as Orange Man for not being even more subservient. Can I get a "Bruh" in the chat for everyone who saw this coming?
Ironically, they're kinda right. If I understand right, the poorest black neighbourhoods are usually found in blue states. Why wasn't their lot improved after decades of democratic governors and mayors? Maybe some of them will try the alternative party to the democrats.
CNN's Van Jones says that the black community is tired of hearing empty promises of change and that they should be more worried about "the White Liberal Hillary Clinton supporter" than a white racist.

To the surprise of no one the racist blacks now claim the white liberals that love them so much are just as bad as Orange Man for not being even more subservient. Can I get a "Bruh" in the chat for everyone who saw this coming?

Mel this is the first step to making things better, admitting that the democrats are not going to solve your problems is the first step to realizing that you have to solve your problems. If the dice shake loose in the right way we could see the rebirth of the black community.
Mel this is the first step to making things better, admitting that the democrats are not going to solve your problems is the first step to realizing that you have to solve your problems. If the dice shake loose in the right way we could see the rebirth of the black community.
That would make me a very happy (white) man.
If you really want to help not only the Urban Black Community (There is a huge difference between Urban and Rural) But all Urban dwellers. You will need to do what President Trump has been doing. Bringing back jobs from overseas. When people have good paying jobs and not the Retail type work Democrats have been pushing in urban areas. You will see the living standards begin to increase. This also mean reposessing all the property that Party members of the CCP own in the US. No foreign power should own that much land in any country. It is immoral and it need to be taken back. Doing so will deflate the Property market which is a massive bubble propped up by the CCP buying spree. America First is what is needed to fix all the problems.
The scapegoating has begun.

He should move to replace de Blasio anyway. I fail to comprehend how he even became Mayor to begin with.

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