United States George Floyd Protests, Reactions and Riots

Plus it wasn't Trump who opened. State governments did that.
We know that, the media knows that but spins the truth

Lawsuit from an officer objecting to the surprise firing without a proper disciplinary hearing.
That officer has a lot going for him, as the DA who is going against him is being looked down by the GBI

They only "care" if the black "victim" is actually not a victim, but some kind of criminal that actually had it coming.

If the victim was innocent, then the entire nation would be united around the event. They can't have that. It's why no one gives a single fuck about the dozens of inocent black children shot dead every year.

When the "victim" is some kind of criminal, preferably killed while performing a crime, then the country will be divided between two camps: those who care about truth and justice (and why in the fuck is the press running defense for someone who should be in jail), and the brainless idiots who are slaves to their feelings (and how he dindu nuffin you racist nazi scum how dare you).

The hands up don't shoot campaign that started the BLM movement, the Zimmerman trial, rape culture on campus, anything and everything high profile in the last decade, it was all always based on a lie, every single thing, without fail.

The goal is always maximum controversy and division. Always to prop up the lie, so the people fight amongst themselves trying to uncover the truth

Its a shame a large portion of the country doesn't realize this.
Poking eyes 2020


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*Looks at all the single mothers and women choosing career over families and all the divorces and the ethots and invasion of male spaces to then destroy it*

Never mind that according to some articles, more women are cheating and having sex then men while men are having less sex. This all was seen as good thing cause female empowerment.

Modern women are the product of feminism. Full stop.

There is no such thing as radical feminism. Feminism is and has always been about female supremacy. There are just some ideas it has that are considered good and implemented but said ideas make it easier then for the more crazy ideas to come to fruition and be implemented.

Just look at the slippery slope for that.
Well, the normalisation of social liberalism and hedonism affected both men and women and their children. It's not only men.