IQ's are dropping rapidly or some shit, I refuse to believe the average is even above 90 anymore.
So War Thunder is considering changing APHE (Armor piercing high explosive) projectile mechanics, to make them more realistic. A GOOD thing because the intention of the game is to simulate IRL weapons as closely as possible, within reason.
How do they work right now? They pierce the tank, and explode in a sphere like a hand grenade. Unrealistic if you understand how something like relativity and momentum works. IRL the spread pattern is sort of conical when APHE detonates, if you are 'behind' the shell you 'should' be mostly fine outside of a very loud bang.
So people start losing their shit, demanding it not to be changed because of arbitrary reasons, most people just want to keep the stupidly overpowered 1 hit KO APHE rounds which do not adhere to historical performances at all.
Now I should note that ingame, while APHE is very common on many tanks, a great many lack APHE entirely, using far less effective AP rounds, HEAT rounds or other stuff like APDS.
BUT the recurring and stupid argument is "WE DO NOT WANT RANDOMNESS IN OUR GAME! REEE! ONE HIT KILLS OR BUST!"
These people are so fucking obtuse that they cannot recognize that for the last ten fucking years at least a third of the tanks ingame have had 'randomness' (Read: Needing to actually aim for internal modules and ammo instead of 1 hit KOs). They're either being lying manipulative tards who should've got beaten more as a child to teach them humility, or they're THAT fucking dumb. I don't care much for either choice.
What should be a simple open and shut case of "Yep make it more realistic, balance stuff around the new mechanics" is now some convoluted bullshit which relies on argumentation of "The content creators don't like the idea of the new change, therefore I don't like it either!"