So the fact the U.S. Armed Forces was defeated by rookies is supposed to translate into increase confidence in our capabilities today somehow? That makes exactly zero sense, nevermind the "Navy Seal Copypasta" you're attempting here.
Funnily enough, I've never said the Chinese would take the island, that's you projecting your own insecurities and attempting to suggest decades old information is relevant in the modern context when even the U.S. Military is continually finding in its own analysis and war games your claims here have no basis in reality. The PLA/PLAN/PLAAF of today is very, very much different from that of the Korean War-era you seem to believe they have remained in.
There's also the cognitive dissonance you're engaging here of dismissing the Chinese as a military threat but then somehow working yourself into a terror of them worth of our focus; it cannot, logically, be both. You'll find I agree with you the Chinese are a long term threat to American power, that's not in doubt, your dismissing them as such is, however, the basis of our disagreement particularly because this sort of thinking is exactly what led us into the current situation in Afghanistan.
"They're just dumb savages in the caves, bro."
Well those dumb savages just kicked our ass and unlike the Chinese, they didn't have aircraft carriers or nuclear weapons to do so.