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Not wrong, though in fairness, Western Europe is where many of their ”underpinnings” first germinated.

France as a gigantic, googly-eyed guillotine wearing a powdered wig and extending its clawed tentacles to grasp some fleeing aristocrats, anyone? :p

Well,more then 90% of their victims was common folks.
P.S did they turn very small countries into villains,too?
I would love to see Monaco then.
That happens in all wars, duh.
The bastards (from both sides) that started/did not end said wars are safe behind and reaping the benefits.

Unless their state ceased to exist.Russian elites which do not run after 1917 ended in mass graves.And were replaced by new,worst elites.
That problem with revolution - all you could get are massgraves and much worst overlords.

I think I'll just have the tap water



It really was a beautiful day today

LOL, ROFL, and so on.
Just look at the corporations/oligarchs (oh, excuse me, mega capitalists/billionaires) that are the real rulers of the US of A.

True.But american citizen are still there,not in mass graves.Most of them still have property and weapons,too.
So,USA could survive or die,when Russia is long dead.

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