Images Funny Pictures and Memes - You know you want them, here we have them!

It's just an easy exercise in mathematics, which the person is failing. Though when I was treated for dehydration , I got about 1 liter of solution in less than eight hours. Since the proper procedure for dehydration is to load the solution with electrolytes and I got the drip at the full flow, it felt like my veins are on fire. Apparently potassium has such effect.
It's just an easy exercise in mathematics, which the person is failing. Though when I was treated for dehydration , I got about 1 liter of solution in less than eight hours. Since the proper procedure for dehydration is to load the solution with electrolytes and I got the drip at the full flow, it felt like my veins are on fire. Apparently potassium has such effect.
The big bags (Saline and Lactated Ringer's) are 1L and shouldn't hurt. If they do there's a problem. Of the individual electrolytes, you are very correct about potassium. I know the feeling quite well. That 100mL drip is 4hrs of "please just shoot me". Some of the other drips that size can take 30min.

Yeah, it just It's an easy math problem.
It's just an easy exercise in mathematics, which the person is failing. Though when I was treated for dehydration , I got about 1 liter of solution in less than eight hours. Since the proper procedure for dehydration is to load the solution with electrolytes and I got the drip at the full flow, it felt like my veins are on fire. Apparently potassium has such effect.

Yeah, ok 800ml of saline and such for extreme dehydration makes sense.
It's an old meme from 4chan, borne out of even older Finngolia memes from c. 2010.


Not sure what Finngolia's supposed to be, exactly, though my hunch is that it was originally a shitpost to troll the online AH community. But, then again, I've never been on 4chan, so maybe I'm off-base here. :unsure:

It's a meme, mashing together two pseudo-historical bullshit theories in the most balls-out/crank-it-to-11 way

The other pictures are from centurii-chan, she draws historical figures and military units as girls, with praetorians being even more backstab happy than IRL.

Haven't heard of those theories of that artist before, either, but thanks. Just further confirmation the internet's a weird-as-heck place sometimes, at least if you ask me. 🧐

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