Images Funny Pictures and Memes - You know you want them, here we have them!


When it comes to this kind of 40k memes, let's not forget Imperial Herald, which continues to make new ones, usually related to current news in a style inspired by "orcposting".

Aw, you missed the best one:


I'm pretty sure this one actually happened in-universe, isn't that how Von Strabb got into power, lots of "accidents" and "suicides" of all his other relatives?
Because this has been amusing me for a couple days now, and the opportunity for a bad, 'Angry Birds' pun was too much for me to pass up.

The Aussies and Kiwis that pitched along to help the American cluster in Vietnam never get enough appreciation or recognition. The reference, if anyone is curious.
Admittedly, there SHOULD be a good pun or wordplay to go along with this playing off of witchcraft or something...But I can't think of it. Funny enough by itself, though.

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