Five minutes of hate news

Yeah, this person's chances are worse, not better.

Republicans aren't going to vote for someone pushing that agenda, especially with all the sick shit that California's state government is pushing on kids in that vein. Running as a 'trans' person is going to drive off an enormous portion of the Republican vote; you might get 1/4th the votes you otherwise would have had.

Does anyone here really think enough people are going to jump ship from the D side to make up that loss, much less give enough gains to actually win in California?

Besides, it's not like the Dems can't just rustle up a trans-person to run against Jenner anyways.
It would take a lot to get evangelicals to stay home for an election these days, a lot of them might even be desperate enough to vote for a gay candidate.

But a trans candidate? No way. Let's just hope the GOP doesn't go all stupid party on us again and nominate Bruce Jenner in a dress.
Yeah, homophobia is badly named, as it doesn't necessarily mean fear. But it stuck.

The thing is, a RINO is a whole lot better than a democrat, and that's the probable alternative. Caitlyn was praised as such a 'hero' for changing gender (and to be fair, she is one of the real transwomen, not one of the trenders, as she wanted to transition for a while before), that the left's usual tactics will fall flat. Look, in very blue states, RINOs are all you get cause they beat the alternative. And a RINO winning is the best shot at California not fully invading Texas also.
RINOs are Democrats, in everything but name; it does not matter one iota which gets elected into office.
RINOs are Democrats, in everything but name; it does not matter one iota which gets elected into office.
You're missing at they are the most conservative of democrats, and aren't likely to be fully woke. They also aren't beholden to the woke base, and so don't pay as much attention. That's a win.
Believing they are all the same is the real fool's move. Because that's what democrats want you to believe, so they can get a socialist into power with you saying nothing.
What the Democrats/RINOs want you to believe, is that you're not wasting your time; they want you invested in a broken system, so that you'll never do more than try to vote your way to fixing it. Well I'm sorry, but we cannot vote our way out of this; the 2020 election should have been proof enough of that.
What the Democrats/RINOs want you to believe, is that you're not wasting your time; they want you invested in a broken system, so that you'll never do more than try to vote your way to fixing it. Well I'm sorry, but we cannot vote our way out of this; the 2020 election should have been proof enough of that.
Blackpills are what socialists want. You're helping them.
Maybe. I'd say that a political solution isn't entirely out of the question...YET. But it's getting there. And we need to prepare and be ready to face that contigency.
Here's the thing. America's been in a much worse political state before, in the 70s there were outright bombings and much more violence. The thing people don't realize is that unless violence wins outright, it loses. The way forward is to watch the socialists get frustrated at the Dems, they riot, we win. The Capitol riots? The right's biggest loss. The only way to win is politics.

As for cheating in the election, it took that, a pandemic, and the George Floyd murder (yes, it was a murder, @ me in the relevant thread for that if you want to discuss it), to give Biden a chance at winning. If Trump were competent, he still could have won. But he made so many unforced errors he lost.
Here's the thing. America's been in a much worse political state before, in the 70s there were outright bombings and much more violence. The thing people don't realize is that unless violence wins outright, it loses. The way forward is to watch the socialists get frustrated at the Dems, they riot, we win. The Capitol riots? The right's biggest loss. The only way to win is politics.

As for cheating in the election, it took that, a pandemic, and the George Floyd murder (yes, it was a murder, @ me in the relevant thread for that if you want to discuss it), to give Biden a chance at winning. If Trump were competent, he still could have won. But he made so many unforced errors he lost.
Black Liberals Murder had much of an entire year of riots, the only thing the left understands is ruthless violence. The election seems to have had so many errors and mistakes it was seemingly stolen. The best the right can do now is organize away from electronics and start forming cells.
Black Liberals Murder had much of an entire year of riots, the only thing the left understands is ruthless violence. The election seems to have had so many errors and mistakes it was seemingly stolen. The best the right can do now is organize away from electronics and start forming cells.
Every riot is a loss. I want socialists rioting every day in their own towns. It's a self made message about why they are bad. It's great optics.
Here's the thing. America's been in a much worse political state before, in the 70s there were outright bombings and much more violence. The thing people don't realize is that unless violence wins outright, it loses. The way forward is to watch the socialists get frustrated at the Dems, they riot, we win. The Capitol riots? The right's biggest loss. The only way to win is politics.

This is a bit off topic for this thread, but this seems incorrect wrt the 60s and 70s. Yes, those socialists who thought that there was an imminent revolution in the style of 1917 Russia didn't get exactly what they wanted. But I think I'd be pretty hard pressed to name any single issue in which their goals have not been advanced somewhat, and in many cases their goals have been advanced dramatically. And while some of them did personally lose, plenty didn't. Plenty of them got nice NGO or professor gigs.

You haven't gotten to it yet in your thread, but my understanding is that Stonewall is generally considered a watershed moment for the gay movement. Stonewall was violent - they threw bricks at cops, lit shit on fire, and their was looting. Stonewall was hardly an outright victory - sodomy remained criminalized in the US. Did that make it a loss?

IMO the lesson the right needs to learn isn't "politics are useless, there's no political solution, screw your optics I'm going in" or "violence is useless we just need to debate and vote harder." The correct lesson is that violence and politics are essentially the same thing, it's one spectrum of a diverse range of tactics. Right-moderates need to run cover for and protect the hard right (as the left-moderates do for their), and the hard right equally needs to both avoid outrunning what right-moderates are comfortable with, and deliver value for right-moderates. If all you have is a vanguard it'll run off and get itself killed/jailed without changing anything, if you have no vanguard you can't advance. The reality is that while people naturally gravitate toward stability, they also naturally gravitate toward what feels like the winning team.

Black Liberals Murder had much of an entire year of riots, the only thing the left understands is ruthless violence. The election seems to have had so many errors and mistakes it was seemingly stolen. The best the right can do now is organize away from electronics and start forming cells.

Great cells to join if you haven't already- if you're a student your local College Republicans, if you're older your local Republican chapter / Young Republicans.
You haven't gotten to it yet in your thread, but my understanding is that Stonewall is generally considered a watershed moment for the gay movement. Stonewall was violent - they threw bricks at cops, lit shit on fire, and their was looting. Stonewall was hardly an outright victory - sodomy remained criminalized in the US. Did that make it a loss?
Gays had a very specific problem where rioting helped, as they are seen as feminine, and rioting is seen as masculine, and on top of that, for gays at the time any publicity was good publicity, as it was more likely they were ignored. But that's the exception that proves the rule. Those people you cited being professors? That's because they figured out what won. Them being criminals didn't work, them being professors did.

Violence is completely futile unless it wins outright. The left have done no winning with the violence, the power all came from the protest movement which was portrayed as nonviolent by the leftist media. Every time it they were violent and it hit the news, they lost momentum. Initially, everyone was saying George Floyd's death was wrong and was down with police reform. Then the violence happened, and then everything changed. The violence stopped the police reform from happening.
You literally listed something associated with straight months of riots, hitting nearly every major American city... as something in the over the top circumstances that enabled the democrats to win. Nobody would have even heard of Floyd at all except for the riots. That was what happened and was reported nationwide first- looting in Minnesota. "Peaceful protests" etc. came after that.

There's two ways in which a nonviolent protest can work-

1) If it's for something the system wants anyway, as a show of popular support so that it can justify it to the actual populace (in essence, this is actually just a parade pretending to be a protest).

2) "If we don't get what we want, this is how many people will be in the riot."
You literally listed something associated with straight months of riots, hitting nearly every major American city... as something in the over the top circumstances that enabled the democrats to win. Nobody would have even heard of Floyd at all except for the riots. That was what happened and was reported nationwide first- looting in Minnesota. "Peaceful protests" etc. came after that.
Not true. The death itself was national news because of how bad it looked. The riots came with that, but it would have been national news regardless. The protests also came with it.

There's two ways in which a nonviolent protest can work-

1) If it's for something the system wants anyway, as a show of popular support so that it can justify it to the actual populace (in essence, this is actually just a parade pretending to be a protest).

2) "If we don't get what we want, this is how many people will be in the riot."
Also not true. It also wins because its a way to tell the people in power who they should pander too. For LGBT rallies, it's a show of "we exist", which is a major political message. In the civil rights movements, it wasn't about rioting at all, but about knowing that the segregationists would resort to violence, which would look horrible. Protests can have any of a number of win conditions, or even none at all for stupid ones. Violence in a largely nonviolent system is discrediting and bad politics.
Here's the thing. America's been in a much worse political state before, in the 70s there were outright bombings and much more violence. The thing people don't realize is that unless violence wins outright, it loses. The way forward is to watch the socialists get frustrated at the Dems, they riot, we win. The Capitol riots? The right's biggest loss. The only way to win is politics.
It really just illustrates how unequal things are, and it's kind of sad for you to cite the Capitol "riot" as if it actually proves your point rather than disproving it as it does. The leftists rioted all spring and summer and have not suffered one bit for it. There are many prominent examples of Democrats inciting violence which have yet to be anything more than tut-tutted by non-Democrats. Something like 30 people were killed in those riots, and the only people to get arrested and charged are people who defended themselves. Meanwhile, the Capitol police literally let people in to the building, and even escorted some of them, and the only people to die was one person that they shot themselves, yet the full power of law enforcement is being wielded against them, and there was a really pathetic attempt to impeach a President who was no longer in office over it even though what he actually said could not be construed in any way to have been incitement. The riots that took place during 2020 and which appear to have started up again thoroughly undermine your point and only serve to illustrate that people cannot count on the rule of law in this current crisis, which is being fed by the Democratic Party.

As for cheating in the election, it took that, a pandemic, and the George Floyd murder (yes, it was a murder, @ me in the relevant thread for that if you want to discuss it), to give Biden a chance at winning. If Trump were competent, he still could have won. But he made so many unforced errors he lost.
The election fraud is the sole reason for Biden's victory, and represents just how thoroughly fucked this country is as every attempt to start legal action on anything related to it has resulted in court making obvious misrulings, while the few victories to be had have been undone by refusal to comply with these rulings with no consequences to be had for doing so (for example, the refusal to hand over voting machines for analysis in Arizona in spite of court order to do so). Those who have tried to start an investigation on their own have been removed from office by the Biden Administration either directly or indirectly.
No it isn't; most of our leadership wants to go to war with Russia, not China.
I think it's more accurate to say that most of the parasitic class is invested in the global american empire, the so-called "international community," and global liberalism. This naturally leads to greater tension with the countries that are genuinely sovereign, rather than being de-facto client states due to either military or economic balance. Russia and it's clients are a better boogeyman for global liberalism, but the same underlying reality plays a role in our tensions with China as well.
The PRC learned and quite brilliantly exploited the ideological blind spot of 'postnational' neoliberalism/the american empire/status quo. They essentially enslaved their own population to become a manufacturing superpower and undercut the costs of everyone else's domestic manufacturing industries and consequentially became untouchable, they could break as many international norms as they liked, demand ideologically customized products, censorship in foreign countries, political influence, steal IP, nobody wanted to lose access to their manufacturing base or 18.47% of the global market. Only now are some politicians beginning to recognize just how spectacularly 'make them rich and they'll become less totalitarian' End Of History ideology backfired.
So...we shouldn't defend Taiwan?
Let's see, should we (american plebeians) be canon fodder in an incredibly bloody war against a technological and military peer power, when we know from the last few wars, veterans will be completely screwed over, for the same corporatist system which created the enemy at our own expense, specifically quite literally ours (those were our manufacturing jobs before they got offshored for cheaper slave labor) in the first place, and risk nuclear war and the annihilation of human civilization... ...or we could not do that?

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