Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

For what it's worth, I want to be wrong about all this; and who knows, maybe I am. I'm open to the possibility. Right now though, I just keep focusing on how I dismissed the "black pill doomers" during the election, under the assumption that the Democrats could never get away with cheating on this scale. Now they have, and there is nothing I can see stopping them from doing so again.

I am angry, depressed, and apathetic all at once; it is not a pleasant thing to experience. I don't begrudge you for holding onto hope; I just believe it's a false hope that will hurt more in the long run. Again though; maybe I'm wrong. I hope I am. We'll just have to wait and see.

frankly if you really think it's over I'd suggest you stop discussing it. Not trying to be a troll or a sperg, but I think part of the problem was us all sitting around complaining about the establishment culture and not doing anything to fight them, Social media has become our 8 min of hate....except it goes on 24/7. it feeds into a toxic loop and it never gets anything done. there needs to be less talk and more action otherwise let's just drop the discussion and try to find contentment in the situation we are in. It'd save us the headache and the heartache.
The American right is not crippled. What is happening is a massive reorganization. Whether it'll be under the banner of the GOP or this new 'Patriot Party'. Time will tell. But from all indications Trump may be adopting the strategy Nigel Farrage did when he created the Brexit party. He took a ton of votes and supports away from the Conservatives which forced them to essentially bend the knee and toe the line for Brexit. Once they did Farrage reconnected with the Conservatives and managed to push through Brexit.
I agree on the plan going forward with Big Tech and the Neocons, but if nothing is done to address the flagrant electoral fraud there is going to be a lot of people who don't bother to show up. We can't let this slide because sticking with it is uncomfortable, the left will call the right conspiracy theorist for suggesting they're at all biased, so why bend on this issue, which is about the most important component of a functioning democracy: the efficacy of the vote.

This cannot be allowed to go without comment simply because we missed the batter's box on timing. The people that undermined our nation's election must be brought to task no matter how long it takes because otherwise, why fucking bother? They'll just keep getting early morning ballot dumps and sing about mail in voting until you and I are worm food. This is a fight that must happen and we must continue to badger the state officials until proper audits with chain of custody investigations are actually instituted.

Until then we can all just loudly portend that Biden and his fellow cronies never won. Its certainly worked wonders for Stacy Abrams.

sorry to double post, but I'd like to drop this because I think frankly everyone needs a reminder.

If there was one criticism that the Left had of Trump that I agreed with was that too many people treated him as an idol. He was far and above the best president of my lifetime, but that's damning with very faint praise. He performed very well as a 1990's business Democrat and I appreciate the good he managed, but he fumbled the ball a lot. As Terthna said, a decent president, especially given what he was up against, but not one of the greats.
I agree on the plan going forward with Big Tech and the Neocons, but if nothing is done to address the flagrant electoral fraud there is going to be a lot of people who don't bother to show up. We can't let this slide because sticking with it is uncomfortable, the left will call the right conspiracy theorist for suggesting they're at all biased, so why bend on this issue, which is about the most important component of a functioning democracy: the efficacy of the vote.

This cannot be allowed to go without comment simply because we missed the batter's box on timing. The people that undermined our nation's election must be brought to task no matter how long it takes because otherwise, why fucking bother? They'll just keep getting early morning ballot dumps and sing about mail in voting until you and I are worm food. This is a fight that must happen and we must continue to badger the state officials until proper audits with chain of custody investigations are actually instituted.

Until then we can all just loudly portend that Biden and his fellow cronies never won. Its certainly worked wonders for Stacy Abrams.

If there was one criticism that the Left had of Trump that I agreed with was that too many people treated him as an idol. He was far and above the best president of my lifetime, but that's damning with very faint praise. He performed very well as a 1990's business Democrat and I appreciate the good he managed, but he fumbled the ball a lot. As Terthna said, a decent president, especially given what he was up against, but not one of the greats.

he's a good president that was robbed of the chance to be great. that's my opinion anyway
he's a good president that was robbed of the chance to be great. that's my opinion anyway
He was a morally reprehensible, egomaniacal moron, who ultimately achieved nothing that will outlive his time in office, except damaging the American public's faith in democracy and the world's opinion of America. That's my opinion, anyway.
I think they're either under several lawsuits or there is something with Sidney Powell. One thing local governments need to do is draft legislation to ensure they never get used again. But thats just off the top of my head. Anyone know whats going on with this?

As far as I can tell they aren't being sued anywhere. They are, however, suing or setting up lawsuits against several people for defamation, including Sidney Powell.

The establishment is crippled, it knows it, and it is lashing out in its last throes before it becomes more irrelevant, and this is a case where it's grasping for power just makes it flow out faster.

All of the institutional power is being democratized. Hollywood's celebrity is being replaced by instagram models, and it's cultural pull being attacked from all sides, by streaming services as well as from youtubers.
Some hollywood stars are using youtube and instagram as well.
Brie Larson for one, except it's a pretty big fail in her case.

The news is being democratized, as the former MSM is now less and less important as people get their news from a youtuber or a dedicated website that believes in what they do.
Yeah but the big media can just silence whoever they want by pulling the plug on their site. They control the ISPs, you know.

Patreon and SubscribeStar have also democratized art, finally allowing Capitalism to fulfill the promise that every college commie says that socialism will give: Turns out it's capitalism that provides the Utopia where people can quit their job and become an artist.
Patreon is also controlled by big media.
SubscribeStar is much better.

Big Tech platforms are going to fall next. They won't be made bankrupt or go out of business (same with all the other examples I gave), just become less relevant, like Facebook has become. And the harder they try to grip, the quicker the flight from the platforms becomes. Twitch is already hitting Youtube's numbers a fair amount, as are streaming services. Alt-tech is covering the edgier stuff, like politics not left of center, etc.
Who else is waiting for the return of Parler?

Politics itself will be, as always, the last bastion of the establishment, as politics is well downstream of culture, but it too will change. Will the establishment necessarily be gone? Not necessarily, because they will have the time to see how to change their opinions to fit in (look at all the old democrats and gay marriage to see how quickly people fell in line after it was legal, for example), but change they will.
Pizzagate showed exactly how they changed their opinions.
By expanding the varieties of "hot dogs" and "cheese pizzas" they order.
I saw that big long ass post on Pizzagate and boy did it confirm several things I had suspected for years.
Some hollywood stars are using youtube and instagram as well.
Brie Larson for one, except it's a pretty big fail in her case.
So? The power of celebrity comes from exclusivity. The rise of eCelebs basically inflated away much of the value of celebrity, as there are so many more celebrities now, each catering to a niche. Celebrities are desperately trying to make appeals to relevancy, and failing. That's why they are all pretending to be SJWs now.

Yeah but the big media can just silence whoever they want by pulling the plug on their site. They control the ISPs, you know.
They aren't now, and that is unlikely that they do. Look at the Pirate Bay, for example. The media desperately wanted to kill it, as it directly cost them money. But it just kept changing URLs. Eventually, if it starts getting bad, Tor sites will start getting used, or some other technology. Also, doing stuff like this is what would make ISPs start facing far higher competition than they do now.

Patreon is also controlled by big media.
SubscribeStar is much better.
It doesn't matter who controls it, what matters is that its existence, even imperfect existence, is a direct assualt against the bottlenecks of publishing industry. The other attack, of course being Amazon's kindle, cutting out the middleman.

Pizzagate showed exactly how they changed their opinions.
By expanding the varieties of "hot dogs" and "cheese pizzas" they order.
I saw that big long ass post on Pizzagate and boy did it confirm several things I had suspected for years.
Pizzagate is crap.
That's the problem when they become so widespread, unfortunately. It becomes difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff, although a bigger issue I'd argue is that it's a sign that trust in the system has fallen off a cliff.

and to be frank I don't trust anyone in this day and age to be able to fix it. I truly think the next revolution we will be in for is of the french kind. I guess in the end Blood(lines) is thicker than honor.
Thank you for clarifying that.

Yeah, Dominion has basically silenced all its formal opposition as far as I can tell with lawsuits. Reason reported on one of the groups silenced through threat of lawsuit.

American Thinker and contributors Andrea Widburg, R.D. Wedge, Brian Tomlinson, and Peggy Ryan have published pieces on www.AmericanThinker.com that falsely accuse US Dominion Inc., Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., and Dominion Voting Systems Corporation (collectively “Dominion”) of conspiring to steal the November 2020 election from Donald Trump. These pieces rely on discredited sources who have peddled debunked theories about Dominion’s supposed ties to Venezuela, fraud on Dominion’s machines that resulted in massive vote switching or weighted votes, and other claims falsely stating that there is credible evidence that Dominion acted fraudulently.

These statements are completely false and have no basis in fact. Industry experts and public officials alike have confirmed that Dominion conducted itself appropriately and that there is simply no evidence to support these claims.

It was wrong for us to publish these false statements. We apologize to Dominion for all of the harm this caused them and their employees. We also apologize to our readers for abandoning 9 journalistic principles and misrepresenting Dominion’s track record and its limited role in tabulating votes for the November 2020 election. We regret this grave error.

I'm afraid 2020 has represented, unfortunately, a near complete rout of the right. Were moving further into the right being second class citizens, with all that entails. Hell, its not just the right, but everyone not democrat. To remind people how multi fronted their war on a legitimate election was, remember that the democrats successfully kept the Greens off the ballot in at least two states this year, so there was no left wing party to siphen off votes.

"Democrats have long fought to keep Green Party candidates off the ballot to prevent them from siphoning off left-leaning voters. This year, the effort went into overdrive and succeeded in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, two key states where the Green Party helped sink Hillary Clinton in 2016."

So, for example, even taking the PA vote totals at face value, Biden won by about 80,000 votes. The green party accounted for about 50,000 votes in 2016. So, assuming everyone who voted green last time ended up voting Democrat this time (as a greatly simplifying assumption), about 60% of the Democrats victory in PA came from sucessfully keeping the Greens off ballot. Now, its probably less than that, but if kicking the greens off ballot only accounted for 10,000 votes, that's still a good 12% of their margin though blatantly anti democratic means.

If you want a good listing of the far lefts grievances against the awfulness of the democratic party, the World Socialist Web Site is a good source of that:

"In Montana, the Democratic Party engaged in a massive pressure campaign against people who had already given valid signatures on a petition for Green Party ballot access, according to Green Party representatives. The Montana Supreme Court threw out the Green Party’s petition for lack of signatures after the Democrats succeeded in getting roughly 500 signatories to recant their signatures. The Democrats repeatedly called signatories, and in some cases showed up to people’s homes with a third-party notary, demanding they recant because the Green Party petition was financed to the tune of $100,000 by the Montana Republican Party.

Montana State Senate Green Party candidate Gary Marbut, speaking to Fox News, said that the party will seek an emergency injunction with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals while the Montana Secretary of State, a Republican, is separately appealing to the US Supreme Court in favor of the Greens’ ballot access.

Debbie Rowe, a volunteer on Marbut’s campaign, recalled to Fox News the pressure Democratic party operatives put on voters to recant their signatures: “The Democratic party had called most of them about 15 to 25 times to badger them to do a withdrawal.”

Rowe continued, “One elderly couple told me that they just didn’t feel comfortable saying ‘no’ after the 20th call they received. The Democratic Party even had a third-party notary come to their house to take their withdrawal; I think that scared some people, too—they think, ‘now they know where we live.’”
Yeah, Dominion has basically silenced all its formal opposition as far as I can tell with lawsuits. Reason reported on one of the groups silenced through threat of lawsuit.

American Thinker and contributors Andrea Widburg, R.D. Wedge, Brian Tomlinson, and Peggy Ryan have published pieces on www.AmericanThinker.com that falsely accuse US Dominion Inc., Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., and Dominion Voting Systems Corporation (collectively “Dominion”) of conspiring to steal the November 2020 election from Donald Trump. These pieces rely on discredited sources who have peddled debunked theories about Dominion’s supposed ties to Venezuela, fraud on Dominion’s machines that resulted in massive vote switching or weighted votes, and other claims falsely stating that there is credible evidence that Dominion acted fraudulently.

These statements are completely false and have no basis in fact. Industry experts and public officials alike have confirmed that Dominion conducted itself appropriately and that there is simply no evidence to support these claims.

It was wrong for us to publish these false statements. We apologize to Dominion for all of the harm this caused them and their employees. We also apologize to our readers for abandoning 9 journalistic principles and misrepresenting Dominion’s track record and its limited role in tabulating votes for the November 2020 election. We regret this grave error.

I'm afraid 2020 has represented, unfortunately, a near complete rout of the right. Were moving further into the right being second class citizens, with all that entails. Hell, its not just the right, but everyone not democrat. To remind people how multi fronted their war on a legitimate election was, remember that the democrats successfully kept the Greens off the ballot in at least two states this year, so there was no left wing party to siphen off votes.

"Democrats have long fought to keep Green Party candidates off the ballot to prevent them from siphoning off left-leaning voters. This year, the effort went into overdrive and succeeded in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, two key states where the Green Party helped sink Hillary Clinton in 2016."

So, for example, even taking the PA vote totals at face value, Biden won by about 80,000 votes. The green party accounted for about 50,000 votes in 2016. So, assuming everyone who voted green last time ended up voting Democrat this time (as a greatly simplifying assumption), about 60% of the Democrats victory in PA came from sucessfully keeping the Greens off ballot. Now, its probably less than that, but if kicking the greens off ballot only accounted for 10,000 votes, that's still a good 12% of their margin though blatantly anti democratic means.

If you want a good listing of the far lefts grievances against the awfulness of the democratic party, the World Socialist Web Site is a good source of that:

"In Montana, the Democratic Party engaged in a massive pressure campaign against people who had already given valid signatures on a petition for Green Party ballot access, according to Green Party representatives. The Montana Supreme Court threw out the Green Party’s petition for lack of signatures after the Democrats succeeded in getting roughly 500 signatories to recant their signatures. The Democrats repeatedly called signatories, and in some cases showed up to people’s homes with a third-party notary, demanding they recant because the Green Party petition was financed to the tune of $100,000 by the Montana Republican Party.

Montana State Senate Green Party candidate Gary Marbut, speaking to Fox News, said that the party will seek an emergency injunction with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals while the Montana Secretary of State, a Republican, is separately appealing to the US Supreme Court in favor of the Greens’ ballot access.

Debbie Rowe, a volunteer on Marbut’s campaign, recalled to Fox News the pressure Democratic party operatives put on voters to recant their signatures: “The Democratic party had called most of them about 15 to 25 times to badger them to do a withdrawal.”

Rowe continued, “One elderly couple told me that they just didn’t feel comfortable saying ‘no’ after the 20th call they received. The Democratic Party even had a third-party notary come to their house to take their withdrawal; I think that scared some people, too—they think, ‘now they know where we live.’”
We've basically lost the vote, and I don't think they're ever going to give it back to us.
Here's the thing: Dominion is likely not in the wrong here. As far as I can tell, the problems that did occur weren't in the code, but in an input file. And there's no way in hell a Voting counter machine could get away with cheating, as the number of internal people who can see the code is so damn high, and then you hit the general problem of all conspiracy theories: why would so many keep the secret? All you'd need is one employee to blow the whistle (and they aren't all rabid Biden Democrats, I can tell you that), and everything goes to shit.

Even if there was widespread cheating, the chance it happened at the ballot counting machines is slim to none.
@Abhorsen , eh, I see no reason for your high hope in the incorruptibility of the system. Its well known JFK generated 10,000 of thousands of outright false votes out of the Chicago area in the 1960 election. That eventually resulted in 3 convictions 2 years later.

Earl Mazo, a Washington reporter for the New York Herald Tribune, began his investigation after he said Chicago reporters were "chastising" him and other national reporters for missing the real story.

He traveled to Chicago, obtained a list of voters in the suspicious precincts, and began matching names with addresses. Mazo told The Washington Post:

There was a cemetery where the names on the tombstones were registered and voted. I remember a house. It was completely gutted. There was nobody there. But there were 56 votes for [John F.] Kennedy in that house.
Mazo also found that Chicago Mayor Richard Daley's charge that other counties were doing the same thing in favor of Republicans proved to be true—but nothing on the scale of what happened in Chicago.

In Texas, Mazo found similar circumstances.

The New York Herald Tribune planned a 12-part series on the election fraud. Four of the stories had been published and were republished in newspapers across the country in mid-December.

At Richard Nixon's request, Mazo met him at the vice president's Senate office, where Nixon told him to back off, saying, "Our country cannot afford the agony of a constitutional crisis" in the midst of the Cold War.

Mazo didn't back off, and Nixon called his editors. The newspaper did not run the rest of the series. "I know I was terribly disappointed. I envisioned the Pulitzer Prize," Mazo said.

The entire matter wasn't void of accountability.

Illinois state special prosecutor Morris Wexler, named to investigate charges of election fraud in Chicago, indicted 677 election officials, but couldn't nail down convictions with state Judge John Karns.

It wasn't until 1962, when an election worker confessed to witness tampering in Chicago's 28th Ward, that three precinct workers pleaded guilty and served jail sentences.

Pulitzer-winning journalist Seymour Hersh reported hearing tapes of FBI wiretaps about potential election fraud. Hersh—whose books indicate he is a fan of neither Kennedy nor Nixon—believed Nixon was the rightful winner."

So, JFK stole a presidency, and the number of people who paid for it, at least explicitly, was 3 low level people. Do you have any faith that Chicago got less corrupt as time went on?

If you had to bet that every single Chicago election, lets say over the last 20 years, was rigged and done in a dishonest manner, or every election was clean, which do you think is more likely? To walk it back a bit, would you feel more comfortable betting that the majority of Chicago elections were run fairly, or unfairly?

Likewise, if I pointed you at any random election in Detroit, would you feel more comfortable betting it was a very honest election, or a very fraudulent one?

Likewise, if I pointed you at any random election in Philadelphia, would you feel more comfortable betting it was a very honest election, or very fraudulent one?

Edit: the belief that the truth is eventually revealed "just because", or especially revealed in a way that, well, matters, does not seem to be backed up by history. Like, just look at the life of John J. McClure on running a protection racket involving 100s of people, getting convicted for that and only suffering a trivial fine compared to the money he made, which he didn't even pay by the sound of it, and remained so respectable that Richard Nixon felt it necessary in the 1960s to pay respect to him.

Or look at this general list of corrupts people in Philadelphia. People being found out generally did not seem to be a problem of people not keeping their mouth shut, but the seemingly perminant FBI sting operation in effect in the city. Which hands out slaps on the wrist which keeps people out of politics for a couple of months at a time.

As to election, aparently in normal periods (2014-16) cheating the election is absurdly easy.

“DeMuro fraudulently stuffed the ballot box by literally standing in a voting booth and voting over and over, as fast as he could, while he thought the coast was clear,” said U.S. Attorney McSwain in a statement.

“This is utterly reprehensible conduct. The charges announced today do not erase what he did, but they do ensure that he is held to account for those actions.”

DeMuro pocketed between $300 and $5,000 in bribes per election as he oversaw the electoral process in his district, prosecutors said.

He rang up votes for three Democratic candidates for Common Pleas Court judge in 2015; as well as for other Democratic candidates local, state and federal offices in 2014 and 2016, the Philadephia Inquirer reported.

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