Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

He's trying to cover his ass and save his career.

He's a career politician.

Of course he is.

Never, ever expect a politician to risk anything for you. Most of these people get the thrill of easy, lazy power. They're not going to throw it away. If he had his way, the world would go back to what it was doing 6 years ago. It would make his job a lot easier.

Don't be too harsh though. Right now there is a lot of rumors and stuff flying around. He probably doesn't know what happened, how this count got so fucked up, and how he's going to get out of it with is skin still attached.




Is anyone even surprised at this point?

Tucker works at Fox. Fox is a neocon haven. The only reason they play along with Trump is because they're entertainers. Real news? It's a fucking joke. Fox News doesn't do real news. Fox News presents you what it thinks you want for their bottom line. They never gave two shits about you guys. To them, you are ass-scratching hicks who are best herded into the closest voting booths to vote red. Tucker Carlson isn't a news show, it is a TV show.

Why do you think all these asshats argue in court that they can't be held liable for brazen lying because they're "entertainment"? Every major news outlet does it. And that's been the case for years. The reason "low information voters" exist is because the current power structure likes to keep it that way. Your average "low information voter" is poorly informed is because they are intentionally misinformed to follow a certain narrative.

Trying to get any sort of reliable information out of Tucker Carlson or whoever your cup of tea from MSM happens to be, is about as reliable as trying to get political news from an episode of Dragon Ball Z. Tucker Carlson is an actor who backs Trump because you poor trusting fools will pay Fox for the pleasure. And whenever Tucker is needed to go out and play ball for his pimp daddy at Fox News, he spends 2-4 minutes talking about "Hey, I'm such an awesome fellow kid" to his audience before telling you about his favorite part about a woman fucking him in the ass with a strap-on.

News outlets have a bias. And it comes from the top. Whether or not Tucker Carlson actually wants to believe Trump is besides the point. He is a paid actor. Under contract. He'll do what he's told because the majority of his trusting audience will eventually forgive him if he comes out later and smooths it over, then continues to suck on Trump's teet.

And if you think I'm wrong, you can look at the long, long line of "loyal" Fox News personalities that ran from Trump's warm embrace after he won in 2016.
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The interesting thing is, I've been thinking about this...

..why lie?

People claim she doesn't have anything. That rhey're lying and putting on a show. This is big and crazy enough that I've been giving that thought. And I keep coming back to "why lie?" What does she have to gain? I can't think of anything.

She's a professional, with a successful career. What would she have to gain by lying? Her entire career would be OVER, and her credibility would be eternally shot and she'd be on hit lists and hated by the entire public. She has absolutely nothing to gain by lying.

Which makes me think she's telling the truth.

And that brings me to another question. Why isn't a single democrat saying we should audit the votes or look at the machine source code? Not one. You'd think if this election was above board, they'd want to prove it and legitimize Joe Biden.

Which again, leads me to: this is all actually true.
It is worth noting that we don't know what kind of raid this was. Did local German authorities sign off on this? Did local German authorities participate? Did the US army lead? Did they back-up? Or simply observe? For the US to launch its own military raid on a business in Germany is exceptional to say the least and unless Germany is covering it up (which...I mean, they covered up their own women being raped, so...) then there should be a great deal of outrage coming from Germany.

Of course, there are reasons why Germany might want to cover it up. From simple geopolitical realities of not wanting to anger the USA to not wanting its own people to think the US can just waltz around and do whatever it pleases.

The MSM hard press for absolutely no military raid having taken place gives me the impression that they're trying to be clever. Or they're just plain out lying or their sources have lied or were lied to. At this point, I see no reason for why Trump's legal team would claim that a raid took place if one hadn't. It won't help them in court, won't help them in the battle of public opinions, and they weren't even the ones who brought it up in the RNC press meeting.

Well, it's not just the wealthy warlmart elite who benefit. The coastal regions in the USA actually benefit from the lower labor costs while not suffering the same amount of loss in industrial jobs. Instead, what you're seeing is a large expansion in warehouse and distribution networks. Part of what makes Amazon so impossibly huge is its distribution network. IT IS EVERYWHERE.

That's not to say that the coasts aren't harmed by globalism; because they are, but the effects are not has sharply felt because those economies are more adaptive and mobile. They're also not as reliant upon those industrial jobs; lots of universities, lots of investments, and lots of tech companies.

Meanwhile, within the US interior, you have a far heavier reliance on blue collar jobs. In some extreme cases, entire towns only EXIST because of a handful of factories. Or were bolstered from a small sleep town of a few thousand to tens of thousands and now they have no way of supporting their "bloat" if the companies downsize of close. This is the danger that a lot of coastal people don't seem to understand. Or care.
Most likely with full approval of German authorities




If this is true, then it will end the Democratic Party. If it isn't, Trump is toast and it'll take a chunk of the GOP's support with it.

This is high stakes.

That said, I don't think Cindy Powel is the sort to pull this level of bullcrap. And as much as I am not happy looking at human signals for truth, she was very upset at the RNC press conference. That would either mean she's stressed from having to pull such a high degree of bullshit--or, she's infuriated at what has happened.

I personally think she is more likely to be telling the truth. I say it that way because I want to retain some level of objectivity. My loyalty is to the truth that I understand, not to Trump or his supporters. But I am going to say that everything points to massive election fraud on a scale that has never been imagined or possibly conceived of within the US before.

Let me lay the groundwork.

I need to explain my thinking so you have the best chance of understanding what I do, but it's a long read.

Going into this election, there was the expectation that both candidates were not popular by most "objective" sources. The media has always had a full on press against Trump, so even if you don't believe what is said about Trump, you would tacitly need to admit that Trump could be seen as unpopular. In regards to Biden...it's no secret that Biden was not a popular candidate. Everything from the lack of support at his rallies, the underperformance in the primaries, the dragging out of declaring Biden the winner of the primaries, and the lack of his selection of a VP.

These are all signals that the DNC was not confident in putting Joe Biden forward as a candidate. The DNC did everything in its power to keep the light off Biden and focused on Trump. And there are multiple reasons for what that would be. Primarily it comes down to the fact that during a primary season, you don't see say, Biden vs Trump. You see Democrats vs Trump. And instead of accepting the pros and cons of any single individual, you see the general position of the party. And this is especially a delicate issue with how the Democrats as a party function. Very big tent, but a lot of voting blocs working at cross purposes.

Look at the historical facts. Whenever the Democrats have actually united, it's not because of policy or principles. It's because they had a candidate that they all implicitly trusted or liked. And that allows them to paper over the internal problems within the party. Now, knowing that, look at what Biden's internal party support was; rock bottom. He had lower in-party support than Hillary Clinton. And Clinton FAILED to gather the party together to throw down Trump. No political strategist would look at the match-up and put their money on Biden. It's a losing bet.

More interestingly though, is the narrative that I think the DNC tried to spin. The Wuhan, the riots, and the economic problems are all something they tried to lay at Trump's feet. Now, that may just be politics as usual. Politicians are by nature, opportunists. But it might have been a greater strategy. No one could possibly have believed that a Biden with no internal support could have defeated a Trump with high in-party support and a good economy. That's just not believable.

Let's look at the narrative that was crafted; Trump didn't shut down enough to handle the pandemic, Trump ruined the economy by shutting down, Trump caused the riots in blue cities, and Trump is a tyrant for shutting down riots in blue cities. The narrative was that Trump's popularity was on the downturn. The DNC and the media might have even of hoped that it was true. And that I think brings us to the actual strategy that the DNC had laid out.


1) Trump HAD to be less popular in 2020 than he was in 2016. There is some logic that follows that. You had a full on press for 4 years of Russian collusion, of Russian backdoor dealings, a freaking impeachment, a global pandemic, an economic downturn, and uncontrolled riots. On top of bad press to ensure that Trump looked as bad as possible, while giving him no credit for the things that he has done. Trump MUST have taken some damage to his popularity. He must have. I personally thought that Trump had not grown much of his voter base and in light of recent problems, he might have even of taken some damage in his popularity.

2) Biden could not win. Not with his low-in-party support.

3) If the DNC did not win this, Trump would have 4 more years of breaking down globalist connections, after having 4 years of learning the job and securing loyalists. The Republicans would harden as the party of Trump.

4) The DNC is fighting off its own grassroots movement of far left progressives, who were driving out everyone else. Either into the wild or the arms of Donald Trump.

5) Election fraud would be risky, but it would be difficult to prove and so outrageous that the RNC would be hesitant to support Trump. By the time it reached court, it might even be too late. Especially if the DNC could stall or...

6) If the media covered Biden as the winner with past the poll thinking, then Trump voters would simply accept it more likely than not.

So let me lay out what the plan was.

Any strategist would assume that as a baseline, Trump would probably have kept his support from 2016. Not just because of promises kept, but because that's just a good starting point. They might have also had models for lower or higher support, but that would have been tempered by 2020, the Year of Shit Got Fucked.

If such was the case, Dominion was the golden ticket. Dominion would either switch some votes or it would grant proportional ballot points BASED on a certain algorithm. This might work by say, granting Trump .8 points for every ballot caste for him and adding it onto Biden. If Trump therefore got 200,000 ballots in one state, the Dominion voting machine would actually give him 160,00 points to be presented as 160,000 ballots. In turn, the missing 40,000 would be added onto Biden. So in a battleground state where Biden might be expected to actually only win 180,000, then Biden would end up with 220,000 points, presented as ballots.

Now that math works so long as the fight is relatively close. In 2016, those battleground states were neck in neck. So it was best to assume that this was the case THIS time around too. But suspect what happened was that the sheer amount of Trump votes exceeded the mathematical formula. Imagine if instead of the expected 200,000 ballots that Trump was expected to win, he got 400,000 ballots. Well, in that case, Dominion would award Trump 320,000 points or ballots, while handing over 80,000 to Biden, who at 160,000, would only come to 240,000. Tump would still win by a 80,000 point lead.

So what happened on Nov. 3rd? Well, I have heard some allegations of Trump votes suddenly going down to become Biden votes instead. Now that could be explained by someone going into a Dominion terminal and resetting the variables. So instead of Trump receiving .8 points, he would instead receive .5 points. Going by our example, Trump would drop down to 200,000 ballots and Biden would jump up to 360,000 ballots. A clear Biden victory. Of course, the problem with that is it would mean that Trump votes would suddenly have vanished. After being broadcast on multiple media platforms to millions of potential viewers.

So, what do you do? Well, you can't get away with taking 50% of Trump's votes after they were announced. But you might be able to take Biden's votes and ADD to them. So in addition of Trump transferring .2 of his points per ballot caste, Biden would gain an additional .6 points per ballot of his own. That would give Biden an additional 96,000 points in addition to 80,000 of Trump's points. That would give Biden 336,000 points to Trump's 320,000 points.

Well, one might ask why someone didn't do that sooner. Let me answer that for you; voter turnout. If the DNC wanted to make this look legit, you can't have 80% turnout rates. Let alone 300% turnout rates. No one would believe that. Dominion solved that problem by transferring portions of a candidate's points to the opponent. In the initial run, Trump and Biden together might have expected to pull 360,00 ballots altogether for let's say, a somewhat underperformed turnout. Even in a high turnout election where Trump had 400,000 to give us 560,000, that might still be within what is expected of a high turnout. But if you add in 96,000+ imaginary votes, you're going to have people look at the totals and go "wait, what?!"

That is my working theory. That they had expected Trump to win within say, a comfortable margin of 1-3%. Instead, I suspect he was winning closer to 4-6%. And by then, 91% of the counts had been brought in. Well fuck, what do you do? Even at that hour, millions have seen Trump pull down all those votes. They can't just vanish without people asking what's going on and asking for a recount. Even the most timid Republican supporter would be calling for a recount. Especially in a battleground state.

So instead what you do is you wait till viewership drops. You then do one of two things; either you adjust the voting system to count more Biden points per ballot that he already has, you bring in more Biden ballots from a printing shop, or you sit down and adjust the machine to accept that for every new Biden ballot, he gets something crazy, like 50 points per ballot. The problem is, Dominion's systems probably couldn't handle that well.

The whole point of the system is to make elections look real. By taking points away from one candidate and giving them to the other, you won't affect the total counts. So 60% turnout is still a 60% turnout. But if you have to fix this shit on the fly, because YOU NEED TO WIN, then suddenly you're going to end up with something crazy like 120% turnout. It takes time and energy too coordinate that correctly.

I'm not sure where the mail-ins came in. I have to overall theories.

1) The DNC intended to cheat with mail-in ballots initially. Their hope was that Ginsburg would prevent a win for Trump in SCOTUS, if he managed to challenge it. This approach also had the flaw of possibly creating a skewed overvoting results. When Ginsburg died, the DNC went with Dominion as their back-up.

2) Dominion was the plan from the start. The mail-in ballot scheme was either there as cover fire or as insurance. After Dominion's algorithm failed to bring in the Biden landslide that they had predicted, then the Democrats used the mail-ins as their insurance policy, but they didn't have enough so they had to fuck around with the system to try and get it in.

I'm leaning toward number two, to be honest.

Anyway, I think the hope was that the DNC would steal 20% of Trump's vote and send them over to Biden. That would "prove" that Trump was a terrible President who had seen a complete collapse in support. Meanwhile, Biden's surge was from people who "saw the light" and voted for Biden against Trump.

This would accomplish a few major strategic concerns for the DNC. 1) It would cement their in-party support by saying "see, we can make this work if you follow our lead". 2) It would demoralize Trump voters by saying "See? No one likes him or you, so stop being racists and take your ass-fucking like a man". 3) It would allow the neo-cons to retake their party, allowing them to live another day. 4) Meanwhile, without their own in-party mandate, the GOP would not be able to threaten the DNC's position. 5) It would grant the DNC the presidency and allow them to abuse the executive branch for 4 years.

This narrative was destroyed during election night. Trump not only exceeded expectation, he smashed right through it. Now even if Biden holds onto the the presidency, 4 of the 5 strategic concerns were not met. A higher Trump turnout, even if he lost, shows to the world that Trump GREW his support. The neo-cons would never retake the GOP. It also tells the Progressives that no, they are not assured victory and either Biden won by luck or by crook.

That's why Pelosi is getting it from both sides. She promised both sides that they would have an "overwhelming" victory in 2020. She probably expected that little to no cheating was required to hold the House and possibly take or make out even in the Senate. With the Executive in their grasp, she probably expected an overwhelming win for her position. Instead she's got a Biden who somehow managed to luck into office, may not even cut it even in the Senate, and having lost a fair amount of seats. The "victory" does not secure the strategic requirements to ensure party survival.

Unfortunately, all the last minute cheating was done in a panic. Which means people got sloppy. People messed up. And not in the "hey, there might be a recount and we lose a state", but in the "we cheated and now there is a clear, indicating record of it". Their one last hope was probably that Trump and his team didn't get their hands on the Dominion server. Because they'd stashed it in Germany. Except they did and now someone has taken it.

That's where I am. But like I said, while this all fits in pretty well, we need secure evidence to know what is actually happening.
If this turns out to be true - and I still have my doubts - there's going to be one hell of a shit storm over here.
Think about it this way.
Hoe many operations do the US military do that no one knows about?
The US has full authority to ask for permission, and even if they did not who would question them should it find they did cheat using said system? The US would not let thst stand.. at leady Trump won't
If this turns out to be true - and I still have my doubts - there's going to be one hell of a shit storm over here.

No, there won't.


1) If the Germans are not in on it (and it's hard to imagine they would let Trump take the servers if they were), then that means that they would allow the Americans to come in and do what they want to do. Especially if they had legal authority to do so. And if they even had an idea of what was going on, they don't want to be the ones backing the wrong side. So they take no sides. And they can always say afterwards "Well, whoever did this got what they deserved".

2) This all comes down to German interests. Germany's interests are better served by having Biden in the White House. That's true. So you might have people in Germany willing to help Biden cheat, assuming anyone would bother to tell them. But if Biden gets caught, the Germans are not going to be eager to risk backing any side. Because if the side they back loses, then the Germans are going to be blamed for it. You think Russia-Gate was bad PR for Russia? Imagine finding a server in Germany after having associated that with election fraud and Germany trying to stop Trump from getting it. Those US bases would be empty by February if Trump had to fly there himself and scream in a megaphone to every US soldier to pack their shit up and go home.

3) It would only heighten paranoia about Germany's vulnerability to the USA. Merkel has to at least be able to say "Well, we let them do it". Her coming out and saying "The USA basically does whatever the fuck it wants, get used to it", the German people will be furious and demand the US leave because they would feel mistreated.

4) As Zachowon mentioned, this was probably done with full German approval. The US, even under Trump, does not want to run roughshod over a sovereign nation unless it feels it has to. And if the Germans weren't in on it, they aren't going to be happy that a bunch of US politicians PLANTED A DIRTY VOTING SEVER IN THEIR COUNTRY. Even if they were in on it, the Germans are NOT going to want to take responsibility for it. Even if it's a hushed understanding between Trump and Merkel of "Hey, I knew what they were doing, but I let you catch them"

There are so many reasons why Germany is not going to want to raise a fuss, it's hard to pick one.
If this is true, then it will end the Democratic Party. If it isn't, Trump is toast and it'll take a chunk of the GOP's support with it.

This is high stakes.

That said, I don't think Cindy Powel is the sort to pull this level of bullcrap. And as much as I am not happy looking at human signals for truth, she was very upset at the RNC press conference. That would either mean she's stressed from having to pull such a high degree of bullshit--or, she's infuriated at what has happened.

I personally think she is more likely to be telling the truth. I say it that way because I want to retain some level of objectivity. My loyalty is to the truth that I understand, not to Trump or his supporters. But I am going to say that everything points to massive election fraud on a scale that has never been imagined or possibly conceived of within the US before.

Let me lay the groundwork.

I need to explain my thinking so you have the best chance of understanding what I do, but it's a long read.

Going into this election, there was the expectation that both candidates were not popular by most "objective" sources. The media has always had a full on press against Trump, so even if you don't believe what is said about Trump, you would tacitly need to admit that Trump could be seen as unpopular. In regards to Biden...it's no secret that Biden was not a popular candidate. Everything from the lack of support at his rallies, the underperformance in the primaries, the dragging out of declaring Biden the winner of the primaries, and the lack of his selection of a VP.

These are all signals that the DNC was not confident in putting Joe Biden forward as a candidate. The DNC did everything in its power to keep the light off Biden and focused on Trump. And there are multiple reasons for what that would be. Primarily it comes down to the fact that during a primary season, you don't see say, Biden vs Trump. You see Democrats vs Trump. And instead of accepting the pros and cons of any single individual, you see the general position of the party. And this is especially a delicate issue with how the Democrats as a party function. Very big tent, but a lot of voting blocs working at cross purposes.

Look at the historical facts. Whenever the Democrats have actually united, it's not because of policy or principles. It's because they had a candidate that they all implicitly trusted or liked. And that allows them to paper over the internal problems within the party. Now, knowing that, look at what Biden's internal party support was; rock bottom. He had lower in-party support than Hillary Clinton. And Clinton FAILED to gather the party together to throw down Trump. No political strategist would look at the match-up and put their money on Biden. It's a losing bet.

More interestingly though, is the narrative that I think the DNC tried to spin. The Wuhan, the riots, and the economic problems are all something they tried to lay at Trump's feet. Now, that may just be politics as usual. Politicians are by nature, opportunists. But it might have been a greater strategy. No one could possibly have believed that a Biden with no internal support could have defeated a Trump with high in-party support and a good economy. That's just not believable.

Let's look at the narrative that was crafted; Trump didn't shut down enough to handle the pandemic, Trump ruined the economy by shutting down, Trump caused the riots in blue cities, and Trump is a tyrant for shutting down riots in blue cities. The narrative was that Trump's popularity was on the downturn. The DNC and the media might have even of hoped that it was true. And that I think brings us to the actual strategy that the DNC had laid out.


1) Trump HAD to be less popular in 2020 than he was in 2016. There is some logic that follows that. You had a full on press for 4 years of Russian collusion, of Russian backdoor dealings, a freaking impeachment, a global pandemic, an economic downturn, and uncontrolled riots. On top of bad press to ensure that Trump looked as bad as possible, while giving him no credit for the things that he has done. Trump MUST have taken some damage to his popularity. He must have. I personally thought that Trump had not grown much of his voter base and in light of recent problems, he might have even of taken some damage in his popularity.

2) Biden could not win. Not with his low-in-party support.

3) If the DNC did not win this, Trump would have 4 more years of breaking down globalist connections, after having 4 years of learning the job and securing loyalists. The Republicans would harden as the party of Trump.

4) The DNC is fighting off its own grassroots movement of far left progressives, who were driving out everyone else. Either into the wild or the arms of Donald Trump.

5) Election fraud would be risky, but it would be difficult to prove and so outrageous that the RNC would be hesitant to support Trump. By the time it reached court, it might even be too late. Especially if the DNC could stall or...

6) If the media covered Biden as the winner with past the poll thinking, then Trump voters would simply accept it more likely than not.

So let me lay out what the plan was.

Any strategist would assume that as a baseline, Trump would probably have kept his support from 2016. Not just because of promises kept, but because that's just a good starting point. They might have also had models for lower or higher support, but that would have been tempered by 2020, the Year of Shit Got Fucked.

If such was the case, Dominion was the golden ticket. Dominion would either switch some votes or it would grant proportional ballot points BASED on a certain algorithm. This might work by say, granting Trump .8 points for every ballot caste for him and adding it onto Biden. If Trump therefore got 200,000 ballots in one state, the Dominion voting machine would actually give him 160,00 points to be presented as 160,000 ballots. In turn, the missing 40,000 would be added onto Biden. So in a battleground state where Biden might be expected to actually only win 180,000, then Biden would end up with 220,000 points, presented as ballots.

Now that math works so long as the fight is relatively close. In 2016, those battleground states were neck in neck. So it was best to assume that this was the case THIS time around too. But suspect what happened was that the sheer amount of Trump votes exceeded the mathematical formula. Imagine if instead of the expected 200,000 ballots that Trump was expected to win, he got 400,000 ballots. Well, in that case, Dominion would award Trump 320,000 points or ballots, while handing over 80,000 to Biden, who at 160,000, would only come to 240,000. Tump would still win by a 80,000 point lead.

So what happened on Nov. 3rd? Well, I have heard some allegations of Trump votes suddenly going down to become Biden votes instead. Now that could be explained by someone going into a Dominion terminal and resetting the variables. So instead of Trump receiving .8 points, he would instead receive .5 points. Going by our example, Trump would drop down to 200,000 ballots and Biden would jump up to 360,000 ballots. A clear Biden victory. Of course, the problem with that is it would mean that Trump votes would suddenly have vanished. After being broadcast on multiple media platforms to millions of potential viewers.

So, what do you do? Well, you can't get away with taking 50% of Trump's votes after they were announced. But you might be able to take Biden's votes and ADD to them. So in addition of Trump transferring .2 of his points per ballot caste, Biden would gain an additional .6 points per ballot of his own. That would give Biden an additional 96,000 points in addition to 80,000 of Trump's points. That would give Biden 336,000 points to Trump's 320,000 points.

Well, one might ask why someone didn't do that sooner. Let me answer that for you; voter turnout. If the DNC wanted to make this look legit, you can't have 80% turnout rates. Let alone 300% turnout rates. No one would believe that. Dominion solved that problem by transferring portions of a candidate's points to the opponent. In the initial run, Trump and Biden together might have expected to pull 360,00 ballots altogether for let's say, a somewhat underperformed turnout. Even in a high turnout election where Trump had 400,000 to give us 560,000, that might still be within what is expected of a high turnout. But if you add in 96,000+ imaginary votes, you're going to have people look at the totals and go "wait, what?!"

That is my working theory. That they had expected Trump to win within say, a comfortable margin of 1-3%. Instead, I suspect he was winning closer to 4-6%. And by then, 91% of the counts had been brought in. Well fuck, what do you do? Even at that hour, millions have seen Trump pull down all those votes. They can't just vanish without people asking what's going on and asking for a recount. Even the most timid Republican supporter would be calling for a recount. Especially in a battleground state.

So instead what you do is you wait till viewership drops. You then do one of two things; either you adjust the voting system to count more Biden points per ballot that he already has, you bring in more Biden ballots from a printing shop, or you sit down and adjust the machine to accept that for every new Biden ballot, he gets something crazy, like 50 points per ballot. The problem is, Dominion's systems probably couldn't handle that well.

The whole point of the system is to make elections look real. By taking points away from one candidate and giving them to the other, you won't affect the total counts. So 60% turnout is still a 60% turnout. But if you have to fix this shit on the fly, because YOU NEED TO WIN, then suddenly you're going to end up with something crazy like 120% turnout. It takes time and energy too coordinate that correctly.

I'm not sure where the mail-ins came in. I have to overall theories.

1) The DNC intended to cheat with mail-in ballots initially. Their hope was that Ginsburg would prevent a win for Trump in SCOTUS, if he managed to challenge it. This approach also had the flaw of possibly creating a skewed overvoting results. When Ginsburg died, the DNC went with Dominion as their back-up.

2) Dominion was the plan from the start. The mail-in ballot scheme was either there as cover fire or as insurance. After Dominion's algorithm failed to bring in the Biden landslide that they had predicted, then the Democrats used the mail-ins as their insurance policy, but they didn't have enough so they had to fuck around with the system to try and get it in.

I'm leaning toward number two, to be honest.

Anyway, I think the hope was that the DNC would steal 20% of Trump's vote and send them over to Biden. That would "prove" that Trump was a terrible President who had seen a complete collapse in support. Meanwhile, Biden's surge was from people who "saw the light" and voted for Biden against Trump.

This would accomplish a few major strategic concerns for the DNC. 1) It would cement their in-party support by saying "see, we can make this work if you follow our lead". 2) It would demoralize Trump voters by saying "See? No one likes him or you, so stop being racists and take your ass-fucking like a man". 3) It would allow the neo-cons to retake their party, allowing them to live another day. 4) Meanwhile, without their own in-party mandate, the GOP would not be able to threaten the DNC's position. 5) It would grant the DNC the presidency and allow them to abuse the executive branch for 4 years.

This narrative was destroyed during election night. Trump not only exceeded expectation, he smashed right through it. Now even if Biden holds onto the the presidency, 4 of the 5 strategic concerns were not met. A higher Trump turnout, even if he lost, shows to the world that Trump GREW his support. The neo-cons would never retake the GOP. It also tells the Progressives that no, they are not assured victory and either Biden won by luck or by crook.

That's why Pelosi is getting it from both sides. She promised both sides that they would have an "overwhelming" victory in 2020. She probably expected that little to no cheating was required to hold the House and possibly take or make out even in the Senate. With the Executive in their grasp, she probably expected an overwhelming win for her position. Instead she's got a Biden who somehow managed to luck into office, may not even cut it even in the Senate, and having lost a fair amount of seats. The "victory" does not secure the strategic requirements to ensure party survival.

Unfortunately, all the last minute cheating was done in a panic. Which means people got sloppy. People messed up. And not in the "hey, there might be a recount and we lose a state", but in the "we cheated and now there is a clear, indicating record of it". Their one last hope was probably that Trump and his team didn't get their hands on the Dominion server. Because they'd stashed it in Germany. Except they did and now someone has taken it.

That's where I am. But like I said, while this all fits in pretty well, we need secure evidence to know what is actually happening.

so how fucked at the dems if this is all true and they got caught red handed?
Depends on how far they can go. These people have Epstein level connections and lawyers. They will use every trick in the book to try and sneak out of the way of trouble and let Biden and some of his staff be the fall guys while the real power slides out. However depending on how decisive this is we could see a northern Ireland type situation in terms of civil war: Not a actual proper war by high friction between powers that be and some violence.

Regardless the Dems can expect to lose all centrist support for the next 8 years at least. The party would likely shatter into 2 or 3 each blaming the other for going too far or not going far enough or trying to cheat and getting caught or not fighting the accusations and being set up.
Sometimes it produces the equivalent to a Julius Caesar who topples the whole system which can result in a lot of innocent people dying
Caesar was the product of a system that had already reached breaking point long before he did anything. Lest we forget one generation prior there had been outright civil war which had also involved the proscriptions of political opponents and during Caesar's own time there was street fighting and political violence that had led to deaths in Rome itself. Chances are that even if Caesar had not emerged the republic and it's system would have collapsed to someone else or something else. Stable systems typically don't suffer from multiple civil wars in a row.
Also worth remembering the western liberal democracy as a system is barely 100 years old in most of the world. The USA can be said to be the oldest such system with it's less than 250 years of age. Compare that to feudalism and absolutism and it becomes clear it is not a time tested system.
Depends on how far they can go. These people have Epstein level connections and lawyers. They will use every trick in the book to try and sneak out of the way of trouble and let Biden and some of his staff be the fall guys while the real power slides out. However depending on how decisive this is we could see a northern Ireland type situation in terms of civil war: Not a actual proper war by high friction between powers that be and some violence.

Regardless the Dems can expect to lose all centrist support for the next 8 years at least. The party would likely shatter into 2 or 3 each blaming the other for going too far or not going far enough or trying to cheat and getting caught or not fighting the accusations and being set up.

You've got some points, but you're missing some key facts.

1) Those backers you're talking about have the sort of power that they do, because they've got the political infrastructure. Institutions such as the DNC, former RNC, the CIA, the FBI, ect.

2) Think back to Obama's drone campaign. Despite the rather sketchy way it was conducted, it had a strategic truth to it; if you remove the head hancho, the entire network will fragment. If you kill all the lieutenants and the junior lieutenants, you will still fragment the network.

In this case, you're talking about hard AND soft power, instead of just hard power. Biden going to jail or Harris going to jail is not really the main thrust of danger. It's the danger of losing everyone beneath them to scandals. That is the real threat. Biden may not go to jail...but what about some of his lawyers? Will the firms he hired out go under? Will the key officials who leaked information and set up investigations within the FBI, CIA, and NSA go to jail? Or be fired?

They don't have the same protections. And if that infrastructure is taken out, Biden and Harris are worth less than the paper their profiles are printed on. Instead, those same powers will have to reinvest in a new infrastructure or find a new way of doing business (ie, taking losses). And right now, their best option for investment are the progressives. And while some of them are certainly for sale, they won't all be. Worse, those same progressives helped to bring down the Democratic party's popularity in the past 4 years.

There is really no recovery from that. They're going to be more or less locked out (as much as you can lock out someone with that much power and wealth) from the political system for the next decade or so.
Caesar was the product of a system that had already reached breaking point long before he did anything. Lest we forget one generation prior there had been outright civil war which had also involved the proscriptions of political opponents and during Caesar's own time there was street fighting and political violence that had led to deaths in Rome itself.

Caesar himself almost got proscribed, he had relatives and connections who convinced Sulla to(grudgingly) get his name off the lists. It is said that Sulla, when he took Caesar off the proscription list, said something like 'I'll spare him if that's your wish, but be warned; I see in him a thousand Marii'.

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